Invasive Learning

January 12, 2024 · 1 minute read
Invasive Learning

If you have a little natural space in your backyard in Richmond, it most likely falls into one of two categories.  It is either being maintained to keep invasive plant species under control, or it has invasive plants taking over the space.  

If you have a lot of invasive plants, like the English ivy in these trees, it can seem overwhelming.  It can be difficult to even know where to start.

Understanding of invasive plants, and recognizing some of them in your yard is a good first step.  Knowing how you are going to manage them is a big “next step.”  If you have any interest in learning about invasive plants and managing them, but don’t know how to start, consider volunteering with the James River Parks System Invasive Plant Task Force.,river%20and%20its%20park%20system.

The mission of the James River Invasive Plant Task Force is to foster a thriving park ecosystem through invasive plant species management, restoration of native plant communities, public awareness, and citizen involvement.  The volunteer opportunities they provide are a great way to give some time to the park.  I think the volunteer sessions are great training opportunities.

A section of woods at Huguenot Flatwater has had winter creeper vines cut to benefit the native forest. 

Volunteering for the invasive species task force is a great way to learn about how to tackle invasive species.  As an Arborist with decades of experience and training, I think I know a lot about plants, but I learn something new whenever I spend a few hours volunteering with the team to remove invasive species in the James River Parks system.  

Volunteering in the parks, you can learn which plants to focus on removing.  You get to learn how to get rid of the invasive plants, with minimal impact on the plants that you want to keep.  As a bonus, you get to help out the parks.  Plus, as an extra bonus, it’s fun. 

The task force has several target areas along the James River in Richmond.  There are volunteer opportunities during the week and on the weekends.  You can check out the calendar and find a date to sign up here: