Virginia sees increase in forested buffers, but watershed struggling to meet goals

July 23, 2024 · 4 minute read
Virginia sees increase in forested buffers, but watershed struggling to meet goals

Chesapeake Bay Foundation points to loss of trees from development. Farmers need to install about 4,000 acres a year to reach a 2027 goal

State and regional partners in Virginia saw an increase in forested buffers planted within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed to reduce pollution and sediment erosion in 2023 compared to 2022, according to the Chesapeake Bay Program.

The gains in Virginia are an improvement, but come as the rest of the 64,000-mile region that extends into New York is falling short of its annual goal as part of the multi-state effort to improve water quality in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.

“Forest buffers are foundational for meeting many of the partnership’s goals for water quality, habitat, climate resilience and people,” said Katherine Brownson, U.S. Forest Service liaison to the Chesapeake Bay Program and coordinator of the Chesapeake Bay Program Forestry Workgroup, in a statement.

Riparian forest buffers are the trees, shrubs and bushes planted along waterways that catch nutrients running off from land before they enter and pollute waterways feeding into the Chesapeake Bay. The roots also hold onto dirt along stream banks, preventing erosion from clouding streams and rivers that fish swim in.

In 2022, the U.S. The Environmental Protection Agency, which oversees the Chesapeake Bay Program that tracks cleanup progress of the Bay, acknowledged that targets to clean up the Bay by a certain amount next year are not likely to be met.

This month, the Bay program reported that Virginia had planted 298 miles of buffers in 2023, up from 50 in 2022. The watershed as a whole added 640 miles of riparian barriers in 2023, up from 457 in 2022. The watershed’s goal is to add 900 miles a year, and conserve existing barriers until 70% of the riparian, or stream, areas are forested.

Satellite imagery from the Bay Program’s Land Use and Land Cover Data, collected every four years, shows that in 2013 and 2014, about 69.3% of the watershed’s 4.6 million riparian area was forested. That number fell to 68.8% in 2017 and 2018, a loss of 21,743 acres representing a .47% decrease.%

Virginia, which has about 40% of the watershed’s riparian area, had forested over 70% of its riparian area as of 2018, but experienced the largest loss of all the watershed states between 2014 and 2018, about .85%, or 15,829 acres.

The Bay Program also noted an increase in general tree canopy numbers within the watershed, but a net loss trend. This year, members of Virginia’s House of Delegates and Senate passed bills that expanded statewide the authority to replace and conserve trees that may be destroyed during the homebuilding process, but Gov. Glenn Youngkin vetoed them, while signing one that encourages a review of tree conservation efforts and calls for the creation of an urban forestry plan.

The Chesapeake Bay Foundation, an environmental nonprofit focused on cleaning up the bay, noted that this year’s forested buffers planted across the region were the most since 2016, but said, “our region is losing more forested buffers to development and other causes than it is gaining through planting.”

“Even though we’ve long known that protecting and restoring trees along waterways is one of the most efficient ways to prevent pollution to the Chesapeake Bay, these efforts are still falling short,” said Alison Prost, Bay Foundation vice president for environmental protection and restoration, in a statement.

The Virginia Department of Forestry has a program to help install tree buffers on people’s properties, which has included a partnership with the Bay Foundation and the James River Association to install over 1,000 acres of trees planted along waterways in the Upper and Middle James River Watershed over the past five years.

“These forested buffers are planted at no cost to the landowner,” said Matt Kowalski, Watershed Restoration Scientist for the Chesapeake Bay Foundation in Virginia.

 The total new riparian forested buffer areas as a result of a partnership between the Virginia Department of Forestry, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and the James River Association. (Courtesy of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation). 

The Department of Conservation and Recreation offers a cost-share program for farmers to install the buffers on their property, as well as several other pollution and sediment reduction agricultural best management practices.

Following record amounts of funding devoted to DCR’s cost-share program in recent years, at its June 26 meeting, the Virginia Soil and Water Conservation Board is expected to allocate about $206 million to the cost-share program to implement the best management practices throughout the state, with about $106 million devoted to the Bay watershed region of the state

According to information from DCR, cost-share funding led to the installation of about 6,000 acres of forested buffers as of 2023. About 4,000 acres need to be planted this year, and each of the next three years, in order to meet a Bay cleanup goal of 21,000 acres of forested buffers planted by the end of 2027.

The Farm Bill, a federal piece of legislation carried out primarily by the U.S. Department of Agriculture has funded a Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program that offsets costs for forest buffer installation, and recently made changes to dole out payments on a rolling basis rather than on an annual occurrence.

Last year, Virginia Farm Bureau President Wayne Pryor wrote in the organization’s September magazine that tree buffers, among other practices, “are conservation methods that farmers may already want to implement, but don’t have the resources to do so.”

Martha Moore, senior vice president of governmental relations at the Virginia Farm Bureau, added that the development that is taking up land with forrested buffers “is probably impacted by solar.”

“That’s why the tree conservation plan” the Department of Forestry is working on is important, Moore added.

VDH: ‘Tree equity’ is a health issue, especially during summer months

July 9, 2024 · 3 minute read
VDH: ‘Tree equity’ is a health issue, especially during summer months

RICHMOND, Va. (WRIC) — The Virginia Department of Health (VDH) is taking a look at equitable access to shade outdoors, or “tree equity,” and how this directly impacts health.

According to data collected by the department, many communities in Richmond and Henrico County — especially those in poorer communities of color — have particularly low tree equity scores, meaning those who live there are at a higher risk of the health issues extreme heat can cause.

Notably, lacking shade directly contributes to a phenomenon called “the urban heat island effect.” According to the VDH, the urban heat island effect means areas with lots of dark pavement and low tree cover are prone to seeing higher temperatures.

In addition to potentially causing heat exhaustion and heat stroke, higher temperatures are also known to impact chronic health conditions, according to a June 12 blog post from the department.

So how poor is tree equity locally?

The Tree Equity Explorer tool provided by the VDH provides a tree equity score based on census block groups. It also notes how significantly extreme heat is believed to impact particular groups in that area — such as children and seniors, people of color and the unemployed, among others — and visualizes this rate as a “priority index.”

“Communities in Richmond and Henrico that historically experienced housing discrimination such as redlining in the 1930s see far hotter temperatures than neighborhoods elsewhere in the city today,” the blog post reads.

Many people of color call Richmond and Henrico County home, with 57% and 49% of those populations being nonwhite, respectively. According to the VDH’s data, those in poverty make up a significant portion of these populations, as well — that being 39% and 22%, respectively.

Looking at Richmond’s tree equity on the whole, 71 of the 190 block groups in the city have a tree equity score under 79. On average, Richmond communities have about 23.51% tree canopy coverage — not even halfway to the tree coverage goal of 50%.

Tree equity map of Richmond. (Photo courtesy of the Virginia Department of Health.)

The lowest tree equity score in the city of Richmond is 40, in the area of Gilpin Court. Extreme heat is believed to highly impact people of color and those in poverty in this area, scoring a 95% priority index for both. Children and seniors scored 56% and unemployment scored 32%.

In Henrico County, only 8 of its 239 block groups have a tree equity score of under 79, with the county’s average tree canopy coverage coming in at 43.41%. However, people of color and those in poverty see less of this tree cover in their communities.

Tree equity map of Henrico County. (Photo courtesy of the Virginia Department of Health.)

The community just south of Forest Lawn Cemetary off of Laburnum Avenue has the lowest tree equity in Henrico County, scoring 45 with a 100% priority index for people of color. Those in poverty scored 93% and children and seniors scored 67%.

So what does this mean and what can we do?

“The inequitable distribution of tree cover across Richmond and Henrico deepens health inequities already in place in our communities,” the blog post reads.

These specific communities experiencing the brunt of extreme heat due to low tree equity create an urban heat island effect “positive feedback loop,” according to the VDH.

“While many people can cool off at home, folks struggling with housing insecurity or expensive energy bills may need to look for public places to cool off, like libraries or public pools,” the blog post reads. “For residents who do not own a car, walking or riding the bus might be their only option, but they may be exposed to extreme temperatures while waiting at an unsheltered bus stop.”

Actions are being taken on the city and county level to address tree equity in Richmond and Henrico, according to the VDH.

The City of Richmond is working on an Urban Forestry Master Plan. According to the VDH, residents should keep an eye out for upcoming opportunities to keep cool this summer.

In Henrico County, reforestation efforts are underway at county parks, according to the VDH. Organizations like Southside ReLeaf and Groundwork RVA are also working to improve tree coverage in the county.

Climbing High with Arborist Jeff Inman of Truetimber

July 9, 2024 · 3 minute read
Climbing High with Arborist Jeff Inman of Truetimber
Jeff Inman’s Tree Risk Assessment and Becoming an Arborist!

On TimberTalks, Jeff Inman, an experienced arborist and risk manager at Truetimber, discusses the educational pathways, on-the-job training, and diverse roles within the arboriculture industry. He highlights the challenges and rewards of working with trees, the importance of safety and training, and the increasing presence of women in the field.

TimberTalks discusses insights and trends in the forestry industry. It showcases interviews on sustainable practices, innovative technologies, and the vital role forests play in our world.

Here’s what we can get to know in this insightful interaction:
  • The Journey into Arboriculture
Jeff Inman’s path to becoming an arborist started with his childhood fascination with trees, inspired by his grandfather’s woodworking. Despite initially pursuing a career as a mechanic, Jeff’s love for the outdoors led him to study natural resource conservation at Virginia Tech. He discovered arboriculture in his last semester and realized it was his true calling, combining his passion for climbing and trees. This narrative highlights the importance of following one’s passion and being open to change in career paths.
  • The Educational Pathway
Jeff emphasizes the value of education in arboriculture, noting that a background in biology, earth sciences, and forestry is beneficial. While on-the-job training is crucial, having a theoretical understanding of tree biology and physiology can significantly enhance practical skills. Jeff also suggests taking business courses for those aspiring to run their own tree care businesses, highlighting the blend of technical and entrepreneurial skills needed in this field.
  • The Role of Arborists
Arboriculture involves more than just climbing and cutting trees. Arborists play a crucial role in diagnosing plant diseases, managing tree health, and conducting risk assessments. Jeff’s job at Truetimber includes overseeing training programs and ensuring safety compliance. He describes the job as both physically and mentally engaging, requiring a deep understanding of tree biology and growth patterns, as well as practical skills in climbing and using equipment.
  • Challenges and Rewards of the Job
The most rewarding part of Jeff’s job is being outside and working with trees, while the most challenging aspect is the administrative work that keeps him away from the field. He enjoys the physical and mental demands of tree climbing and the satisfaction of solving complex problems. This takeaway underscores the balance between fieldwork and office duties in the arboriculture profession and the need for passion and dedication.
  • Industry Trends and Training
Since Jeff started in 2011, there have been significant advancements in safety practices and training in the arboriculture industry. He notes a growing emphasis on using personal protective equipment and following best management practices. Jeff’s company, Truetimber, has established a training academy to equip arborists with the necessary skills and knowledge, reflecting the industry’s shift towards more formalized training and professional development.
  • The Increasing Role of Women in Arboriculture
Jeff observes that while the arboriculture industry is still male-dominated, there is a noticeable increase in the number of female arborists. Events like the Women’s Tree Climbing Workshop provide a supportive space for women to enter and thrive in the industry. Jeff values the different perspectives women bring to the field, noting that they often approach tree climbing and problem-solving in unique and effective ways.
  • Exploring Arboriculture as a Career
For those considering a career in arboriculture, Jeff advises gaining hands-on experience and exploring educational opportunities in forestry and related fields. He also encourages young people to consider trades as viable career paths, emphasizing the job security and fulfillment that comes with working in arboriculture. Jeff’s insights highlight the potential for personal and professional growth in this dynamic field.
Jeff Inman’s story is a testament to the rewarding and dynamic nature of the arboriculture industry. His journey from childhood fascination to professional arborist showcases the importance of following one’s passion and being open to new opportunities.

Stay safe, and minimize losses during potentially volatile hurricane season

June 25, 2024 · 2 minute read
Stay safe, and minimize losses during potentially volatile hurricane season

RICHMOND—The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is predicting a busy, above-average hurricane season, and residents are urged to stay vigilant and plan for emergencies.

The Atlantic hurricane season kicked off June 1 and runs through Nov. 30, and forecasters say this could be the busiest hurricane season in 25 years, with 17 to 25 named storms. Of those, eight are predicted to become hurricanes with winds of 74 mph or higher.

Forecasters also are predicting four to seven major hurricanes at Category 3 or greater, with winds reaching 111 mph or higher.

According to weather experts, the busier-than-normal season is attributed to a perfect storm of warmer-than-average ocean temperatures combined with La Niña. The warm ocean temperatures fuel storms. La Niña lessens wind shear in the tropics, allowing storms to develop and intensify in the Atlantic basin.

“Severe weather and emergencies can happen at any moment, which is why individuals and communities need to be prepared today,” said FEMA deputy administrator Erik Hooks. “Already, we are seeing storms move across the country that can bring additional hazards like tornadoes, flooding and hail.”

Homeowners should prepare their homes in advance by inspecting roofs, clearing gutters and sealing any cracks or gaps on your home’s exterior to avoid water damage. Trim or remove weak trees and branches near the house and structures to protect your property from high winds. Ensure sump pumps and drains are working properly, and test generators and power backups.

If a storm is imminent, residents should secure their property by boarding up windows with plywood and batten down or move inside any outdoor furniture and items that could become flying projectiles during storms.

“Take the time to do a household inventory,” to have on hand in case a claim needs to be filed, advised Laurie Gannon, vice president of claims for Virginia Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Co. “And review your insurance policies with your agent beforehand to ensure you’re properly covered.”

Keep your family safe by monitoring weather reports and establishing a family communications plan. Virginia Farm Bureau’s Hurricane Preparedness Central provides a free family communications plan for download and has other tips for hurricane preparation.

And as always, have an emergency kit ready, and ensure your car has a full tank of gas in case of an evacuation. Emergency kits should include essential items like a 3- to 5-day supply of food, change of clothes, a first-aid kit, battery powered radio, flashlight and batteries, medication, cash and credit cards. Secure important documents in a watertight container.

Saving the American Chestnut tree

June 14, 2024 · 5 minute read
Saving the American Chestnut tree

Since 1983, The American Chestnut Foundation (TACF) has been working to restore the iconic American chestnut to its native forests along the eastern United States. Through scientific research and a combination of traditional breeding and biotechnology, TACF has made significant progress over the past three decades. Progress you can see firsthand at Sky Meadows State Park.

The American Chestnut Foundation
American chestnut native range, map courtesy of The American Chestnut Foundation

What happened to the American chestnut?

The American chestnut used to be a dominant and crucial species in the eastern forests of North America. However, in the early 20th century, a devastating fungal disease known as chestnut blight was accidentally introduced to the United States. The blight, originating from Asia, rapidly spread and destroyed the American chestnut population.

The fungus causes cankers on the trees that grow, girdle and kill branches and trunks. Within a few decades, the blight effectively wiped out an estimated 4 billion American chestnut trees.

Chestnut blight, photo courtesy of The American Chestnut Foundation
Chestnut blight, photo courtesy of The American Chestnut Foundation

How is TACF restoring the American chestnut?

Efforts to save the American chestnut include genetic modification, reducing the severity of blight and traditional breeding to develop a blight-resistant American chestnut tree.

At TACF, many staff and volunteers are involved in the traditional breeding method, creating hybrid trees that combine the blight resistance of the Chinese chestnut with the timber-type form of the American chestnut.

TACF has tens of thousands of trees at various stages of the breeding process planted at its Meadowview Research Farms in Meadowview, Virginia. The foundation has taken some of the most blight-resistant hybrids from the Research Farms and planted them in more than 40 restoration trails in the eastern U.S. to test their blight resistance and competitive ability.

In addition to the hybrids planted along the restoration trails and Research Farms, TACF has several seed orchards, including three in the Northern Virginia area at Blandy Experimental Farm, Banshee Reeks Nature Preserve and Sky Meadows State Park.

Orchard of small hybrid trees at Meadowview Research Farms, photo courtesy of The American Chestnut Foundation
Meadowview Research Farms, photo courtesy of The American Chestnut Foundation

Partnering with Sky Meadows State Park

In 2018, members of TACF identified Sky Meadows as a possible site for an American chestnut seed orchard. The park already had two Chinese chestnut trees growing outside its gift shop and drained acidic loamy soil, making it an ideal location.

For Sky Meadows, this project aligned with the park’s mission to help preserve the rich natural diversity of the Crooked Run Valley and welcomed the opportunity to partner with TACF. So, work began to prepare the 4-acre site, including building an 8-foot deer fence, clearing brush and plowing and disking the land.

Once the site was ready, TACF started the planting process, which spans several years. Since this orchard is part of the foundation’s breeding program to produce more blight-resistant hybrid seeds, TACF breaks the orchard into plots and uses a different family of trees with a common grandmother tree in each plot.

The plots are planted when seeds for the desired families are available, and since trees vary in production from year to year, it takes a few years to get all the seeds. The end goal was to plant 5,700 seeds at Sky Meadows, so, if you visit the orchard, you’ll notice trees that range from 6 years old to trees that just sprouted.

American chestnut plot at Sky Meadows
The early stages of an American chestnut plot at Sky Meadows State Park

Once the trees are 5 to 6 years old, the selection process to find the best of the best begins. In spring, TACF will inject the trees with the fungus that causes blight, and then, in fall, they return to see how the trees handled the blight.

At that point, the trees are rated 1 to 3, with 1 being the most resistant and 3 being the least resistant. Any tree that has a rating of less than 2 will be kept. TACF will re-evaluate the trees every fall until they get the six best trees from each family.

TACF plants at a high density so that 26 trees per acre are likely to remain after the selection process. The foundation uses an initial spacing of 1 foot by 7 feet, which is as tight as the seedlings can be planted before thinning. This is a proven acceptable practice for seed orchards.

While TACF says the orchard is progressing well right now, it’s faced its fair share of challenges since 2018. The newest round of plantings was hit hard by drought last year, and the main ongoing issue is vines trying to strangle the trees. One of the most prominent vines is poison ivy, which also poses a health hazard to TACF’s volunteers and discourages weeding efforts.

American chestnut plot at Sky Meadows
An American chestnut plot at Sky Meadows

What happens next?

The selection process to find the six trees from each family with the most blight resistance will likely take another 6 to 10 years. The final selection of trees from Sky Meadows will be bred with each other and possibly other trees that made it to the final selection from the orchards at Blandy Experimental Farm and Banshee Reeks Nature Preserve. Between all three orchards, there will be 108 trees remaining after the selection process.

Eventually, the nuts from these 108 trees will be used for restoration efforts in forests and reclaimed mining lands. The exact timeline for these efforts is uncertain due to several factors, such as the selection process and studies of planting test sites, but TACF hopes to have some restoration projects going within 10 years.

So, while we won’t see the impacts of the three Northern Virginia orchards overnight, there’s no doubt that they’re playing a major role in helping The American Chestnut Foundation achieve its mission to save the iconic species, enhancing biodiversity, reinvigorating forest ecosystems and honoring a symbol of the American landscape.

Sun shining through a canopy of hybrid American chestnut trees, photo courtesy of The American Chestnut Foundation
Canopy of hybrid American chestnut trees, photo courtesy of The American Chestnut Foundation

If you want to see the progress of the American chestnut orchard at Sky Meadows, we invite you to start planning your visit today by going to

To learn more about The American Chestnut Foundation, go to

Lightning Safety Awareness Week: Keep yourself and your property safe

June 14, 2024 · 2 minute read
Lightning Safety Awareness Week: Keep yourself and your property safe

RICHMOND—With lightning five times hotter than the surface of the sun and reaching temperatures of 50,000°, the effects of a lightning strike can be devastating.

That’s why the National Lightning Safety Council is sharing information on how to stay safe during thunderstorms and lightning events during National Lightning Safety Awareness Week, June 23-29.

“Lightning is the weather threat that affects most people, most of the time, in most regions of the U.S.,” said Kimberly Loehr, a lightning protection specialist and NLSC member. “Although approximately 90% of lightning victims survive being struck, injuries can be severe and debilitating.”

The NLSC warns that no place outside is safe during a thunderstorm, and June, July and August are peak months for lightning activity across the U.S. This time of year also is peak time for outside summer fun, and almost two-thirds of lightning deaths from 2006-2023 occurred when people were enjoying outdoor activities.

To help keep yourself safe both outside and indoors, take the following precautions:

  • If you hear thunder, quickly get to a substantial building or hard-topped metal vehicle.
  • Avoid open areas, and don’t be the tallest object.
  • Stay away from isolated tall trees, towers, utility poles and metal conductors like wires or fences.
  • When with a group of people, spread out.
  • Avoid contact with water, plumbing and anything plugged into an electrical outlet.
  • Stay away from outside doors and windows.
  • Wait at least 30 minutes after the last thunder before returning outside.

Additionally, lightning is a leading cause of property loss in the U.S. The Insurance Information Institute reported there were over 62,000 lightning claims in 2022, totaling $950 million. Virginia ranked in the top 10 states for homeowners insurance lightning loss claims.

“In our experience handling lightning-related claims, the one thing we see is the damage is always catastrophic,” said James Walker, senior claims investigator for Virginia Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Co. “From causing fires in structures to destroying electrical systems and electronic equipment, the effects of lightning are costly.”

Lightning can strike directly or strike nearby structures and travel underground into phone, cable and electrical lines. To protect houses, property and the people inside, homeowners can have lightning protection systems professionally installed to ground and dissipate lightning’s electrical discharge.

“Lightning just wants to get to the ground, and a safety standard-compliant lightning protection system helps it get there without harmful impact to the structure, contents or building systems,” Loehr said.

For more information on lightning facts and safety, visit To learn about lighting protection systems, visit the Lighting Protection Institute at

Destination Tree: A Pilgrim’s Guide to Tree Travel

June 6, 2024 · 14 minute read
Destination Tree: A Pilgrim’s Guide to Tree Travel

Live oaks (Quercus virginiana), Hampton: Sculpted by wind and weather, this live oak at Fort Monroe National Monument has lived through centuries of countless storms on this historic peninsula, where it has also witnessed the comings and goings of American Indians, refugee slaves, soldiers (including Lee), poets (including Poe), and presidents (including Lincoln). On the campus of Hampton University is the Emancipation Oak (right), under which the Emancipation Proclamation was read to slaves and free black men and women in 1863. The sheltered space under the tree’s massive canopy invites quiet reflection. Through it all, the trees have soldiered on.

Wanna’ go see a tree?”

“Sure. Will people be involved?” (Translation: “Do I need to change clothes?”)


So we’re off, my husband and I, to see a tree in Northside Richmond recommended by a friend. This trip, which included a stop at the grocery store, lasted little more than two hours, and in that time, I revisited a section of Richmond I hadn’t seen in decades, explored a neighborhood I’d never been to before, and walked an alleyway as interesting and revealing as anything on Parts Unknown. And the tree, oh, the tree.

“That’s a big ’un,” said John, in his usual understated way.

I’d been told the tree was probably the new state champion hackberry (it’s not), that Lewis Ginter insisted it be saved when he laid out the Ginter Park neighborhood (probably not), and that the trolley line from Richmond to Ashland had swerved to avoid it (definitely not).

Still, this was a tree that clearly owned the neighborhood long before these houses were built in the early 1900s. I can’t describe trees (more on that later), so I resort to statistics: with a 96-foot crown spread, this hackberry is 80 feet tall with a trunk over 19- feet in circumference. The Super Can trash bin next to it looked pint-sized in comparison. What a surprise and thrill to see such a majestic living thing growing in such an unassuming spot. Both John and I zeroed in on its bark, which was not the typical warty bark of a merely mature hackberry; this was ancient hackberry bark, with smooth, peeling, vertical patches and corky burls the size of dinner plates. Equally amazing was the way the tree’s massive limbs surrounded electrical lines running down the alleyway. They threaded the tree like a needle, with absolutely no damage to the tree’s shape. Someone, very long ago, decided to let the wires yield to the tree instead of the other way around, and the result was impressive.

Traveling to see trees never disappoints. Some advantages of adding a tree visit to your travel plans (or, better, for making trees the focus of a trip) include these: trees don’t move, don’t close on Mondays, and are waiting for you no matter how late you are or how horrid the weather. They don’t care how old or rich or thin you are, and they certainly don’t care what you’re wearing.

To know a tree, you do, though, need to get out of the car and into its presence, close up. The worst thing you can do is look at a picture of a tree and think you’ve seen it. I call the camera “the great tree-diminishing machine,” because even the best photographers can’t capture the sense-around experience of a living, breathing tree. You’ve got to experience its size and strength in comparison to your own (no contest), witness the sun at 3:00 p.m. in its crown, hear the rattle or rustle or patter of wind in its leaves (each species has a different sound), feel the temperature drop in its shade, share the air with its resident birds.

Words, I confess, are even worse than photos at capturing trees. Poets get it right occasionally, but, in general, words are about as good at capturing trees as they are at capturing stars, which Primo Levi once compared to “trying to plow with a feather.” Still, I plow on.

(Kyle LaFerriere, Robert Llewellyn)

Water Tupelo (Nyssa aquatica), Courtland: Why go to Disney World when you can go to Cypress Bridge Swamp Natural Preserve, in Southampton County, where phantasmagorical trees like this water tupelo (Nyssa aquatica) grow? True, there are no regularly scheduled tours (and no official public access points), and you’ll probably get your boots wet, but if water levels on the Nottoway River are low, you can walk in. If high (above six feet at Sebrell), you’ll need a canoe. Either way, it’s a trek, but worth the effort. Here, in addition to picturesque old water tupelos, grow the state’s oldest trees—bald cypress trees estimated to be 700 to 1,000 years old.

When To Go

There is no bad time to visit a tree. In fact, I particularly enjoy visiting trees in bad weather, because 1) no one else is there, 2) my other favorite activity, gardening, is out, and 3) I get to experience, and therefore understand better, what trees (which can’t retreat with a good book) endure.

One of my all-time favorite tree visits happened during a February ice storm, when I went to visit a venerable old Osage orange (Maclura pomifera) in Louisa. After the publication of Remarkable Trees of Virginia, I got lots of letters of invitation to see trees, so many that I filed them by county knowing I’d not live long enough to see them all. But now and then, knowing I’d be in the area, I’d pull out one of these golden invitations and show up.

It took me 20 years to answer Mildred Millholland’s invitation to see her Osage orange, and by then Mrs. Millholland was in her 90s. In the midst of a storm—and a pandemic—I didn’t really expect Mrs. Millholland to come outside the day I visited, but not only did she come outside, she traipsed with me around the tree as snow and ice piled up around the tree’s massive trunk and buttressing roots. She described the tree’s long connection to her family, and I saw something I could have seen only in this terrible, awful, very bad weather: ice and snow settling into the tree’s deeply fissured bark, highlighting its ridges and depressions like mountains and valleys. And I’ve never seen the orange undertones of Osage bark quite as electric as they were on that deeply gray day. The weather turned my tree trip into a singular experience, but it was business as usual for the tree.

Rain is great for tree travel, too: the bark so dark, the moist air so sweet on your lungs. Like ice, rain also cuts down on the number of distracting fellow visitors, but, better, it highlights some of a tree’s engineering. You may have never heard the terms “branchflow” and “stemflow,” but spend some time with trees in a downpour and you’ll witness vertical rivers rushing down the trunk (stemflow) and drips of water falling from the undersides of branches (branchflow). Both feed not just the trees’ roots but microorganisms in the soil below.

Colors are richer on a rainy day, too, which reminds me to say: fall is not the only time to look for tree color. It drives me mad to hear of people waiting, waiting for the narrow two-week period when fall leaf color is supposedly at its peak and tree viewing is encouraged (from the window of a car). What about January, when tulip poplar cones flash like reflectors in the tops of the trees? What about December, when a blue-berried red cedar can stop traffic? What about July when the first tupelo leaf turns red, February when red maple flowers glow, March when parchment-colored beech leaves hang, translucent, in horizontal lines? Yes, Virginia trees have gorgeous fall color, but so do our spring, summer, and winter trees.

(Kyle LaFerriere, Robert Llewellyn)

Higan cherry (Prunus subhirtella), Yorktown: As with all travel, what you go looking for is not always what you find. Photographer Robert Llewellyn and I were on the trail of a large redbud in Yorktown when we heard this tree buzzing in the distance. We never did find the redbud we were looking for, but this Higan cherry at the Historic Moore House exceeded any expectations I might have had for the redbud. Not only was it perfectly formed and in full flower, it was being mobbed by bees and even the slightest breeze animated the air with its petals.

Where To Go

Anywhere a tree grows, a tree lover who’s a good observer can learn something and enjoy the process—and the backyard is as good a place to observe trees as any. But routines are sometimes blinding, and breaking the habit of not seeing something familiar, like a backyard tree, is hard. Hence, travel.

Some of the best places to see fine old trees are cemeteries, college campuses, arboreta, and botanical gardens. Virginia is full of them, and most of them are open to the public. Both Maymont in the City of Richmond and the State Arboretum in Boyce are free, open every day of the year, and full of fine trees.

Another way to find trees to visit is to explore the Virginia Big Tree Program website, where champion and near-champion trees of over 300 species are listed. Using the Advanced Search function, you can search that database by county, and the website will provide you a picture of the tree, a description of the tree, and its location (if it grows in a public place or its owner is willing to share its location). Loudoun County even has its own Big Tree Registry website, with the locations of its champion trees marked.

One caveat: not every champion tree is a beauty. The way champion trees are measured and compared, a tree with a wide girth can outscore a healthier, handsomer one, so champion does not necessarily mean “storybook beauty.” Luckily, if you’re on the trail of a big tree, it doesn’t really matter what you find at the end. You’ll be training your eyes to see trees in the landscape, so you’ll find something.

Just asking around is another way to locate trees worthy of a pilgrimage. I, a tree fanatic, never stop being shocked by the remarkable trees close to me that I’m still discovering. Sometimes I think, “It couldn’t be that good, because someone would have told me about it before” and then, lo and behold, it’s better.

(Kyle LaFerriere, Robert Llewellyn)

Cucumber magnolia (Magnolia acuminata), Colonial Heights: If there’s a more magnificent tree in a more accessible but unheralded public space in Virginia, I haven’t seen it. This tree is too easy to get to not to be visited more. Just get off I-95 at the Colonial Heights exit (between Richmond and Petersburg) and make your way past the waffle, burger, and car loan places to get yourself to the tiny Violet Bank Museum where you’ll encounter the plant equivalent of a whale. This tree, growing way outside of its western Virginia natural range, was probably not, as a sign near the tree suggests, a gift to the owner of Violet Bank from Thomas Jefferson in 1718, but it may have been planted from a slip brought back from White Sulphur Springs in 1833.

Why Go

A narrator on a recent radio program was espousing the virtues of awe. Evidently awe is good for your health (and probably for your relationships and your hair). I don’t disagree, but I question the idea that someone can go out, on cue, for a dose of awe. More reasonable might be the more modest goal of heading outside, into the presence of trees centuries older than you are, for perspective and a sense of humility.

A few things that can’t be repeated often enough: trees evolved 397 million years before human beings. They are smart and they are enduring. Some local ones live five to ten times as long as people do. Some more distant ones live 50 times as long. (The oldest bristlecone pine is over 5,000 years old.)

Fifty years ago, when he realized I was a tree fanatic and traveling the world to see trees, Dr. Jay Stipes, plant pathologist and tree guru at Virginia Tech, insisted my tree education would be incomplete until I visited the bristlecone pines (Pinus aristata) in the White Mountains of California. He said go in July, which I did, and, as he predicted, the snows parted, letting my husband and me in to see trees that germinated before the pyramids were built. That trip turned me from a tree lover into a tree worshiper.

Worship: “a feeling of adoration and reverence.” Not every tree inspires that feeling in me, but trees are my most reliable source of such.

And so, I travel to see trees.

(Kyle LaFerriere, Robert Llewellyn)

Flowering dogwood (Cornus florida), Boyce: Virginia blooms in April, and nowhere better than on Dogwood Lane at the State Arboretum of Virginia in Clarke County. One of the state’s best kept secrets, the Arboretum sits in the midst of UVA’s 712-acre Blandy Experimental Farm, where visitors will find, among other tree treasures, 30 state-champion trees. There is no bad day to visit the Arboretum (which is open, free, 365 days a year), but another popular time to visit is late fall when the Arboretum’s 300-tree Ginkgo Grove is changing from green to gold.

The Tree Amigos

These three search for champion trees the modern way.

Retired horticulture teacher Byron Carmean and retired park ranger Gary Williamson were already Virginia’s preeminent big tree hunters when they teamed up with nuclear pipefitter Dylan Kania, 25, who introduced them to new tools, like satellite imagery. Kania knew Carmean by reputation and knew they shared many of the same interests: archaeology, natural history, big trees. So when Kania, also an IT whiz, started spotting what he thought might be unusually large trees using Google Earth, he contacted Carmean, who was impressed.

“He can sit on his couch and find trees,” says Carmean.

Now dubbed “The Tree Amigos,” Carmean, Williamson, and Kania spend days in the field tracking down trees Kania spots first using Google Earth, Eagle View, or Google Street View. They also search for champion trees the old-fashioned way: by exploring historic properties and out-of-the-way places where unusually large trees tend to grow. Together, they have found so many new champion or near-champion trees that Virginia’s Big Tree Program coordinator, Dr. Eric Wiseman, has trouble keeping up with their nominations.

To be named champions, trees of the same species are compared using a score that combines measures of their height, crown spread, and girth. Dr. Wiseman at Virginia Tech keeps Virginia’s records and posts them on the Virginia Big Trees website: The University of Tennessee maintains records for national champs. Big tree hunters look not just for the largest living examples of large tree species, like sycamore and tulip poplar, but for the largest living examples of small trees, like dogwood and redbud.

How do The Tree Amigos gain access to the trees they want to measure? “We just knock on the door and hope for the best,” says Carmean. Seldom are they turned away.

“They appeared on my doorstep and said, ‘We’re big tree hunters; we want to measure your tree,’” says Edna Johnston, who lives on Moss Side Avenue in Richmond’s Northside, where an enormous hackberry grows in the alley. “We were thrilled, because we love our house, and I always say, ‘the tree is our favorite part of the house.’”

According to Kania, not only has technology for assisting in tree searches gotten better, but he’s gotten better at using it. “It’s a skill I’ve honed,” he says. “I can’t see the whole tree, but I can see features of it.” What he looks for are things like branching structure, size of the tree crown, foliage texture and color, and sometimes flowering, to help identify the species. “Even just a large shadow cast, I can associate with a very large tree.”

“One thing leads to another,” says Carmean, who, with Williamson and Kania, often enters a landscape looking for one thing and winds up finding another. Images on Google Earth led Carmean and Kania to enormous Osage orange (Maclura pomifera) trees on a Prince George estate, but while there a groundskeeper insisted, “I know where some bigger ones are.” Sure enough, she led them to a nearby property with an abandoned homesite where larger Osage oranges grew. Final determination pending, but Carmean thinks one of them will rank among the top five largest Osage oranges in Virginia.

(Kyle LaFerriere Kyle LaFerriere Photography)

The Tree Amigos for Virginia Living on November 2, 2023.

Celebrate and support Virginia pollinators during national observance

June 6, 2024 · 2 minute read
Celebrate and support Virginia pollinators during national observance

HENRICO—Much of the food we eat and the natural beauty that surrounds us depends on pollinators.

June 17-23 is National Pollinator Week, an annual event designated by the U.S. Senate to highlight how essential pollinators are to the production of food and fiber. According to the nonprofit Pollinator Partnership, about 75% of all flowering plants need help with pollination, and about one-third of all foods and beverages are generated by pollinators.

“When we think of pollinators and human benefits, we tend to think of honeybees, which are incredibly important for agriculture,” said Stephen Living, Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources habitat education coordinator.

He noted that while honeybees are primary pollinators for more than 130 types of fruits and vegetables, native bees also play an important role in pollinating crops like blueberries, squash and cherries. They also pollinate 80% of all flowering plants around the world.

There are 458 species of native bees in Virginia. Other essential pollinators include beetles, flies, butterflies, moths and birds.

But pollinator populations are declining worldwide due to factors like habitat loss, pesticide use and climate change. Virginia DWR’s Wildlife Action Plan identifies 60 pollinators that are deemed “Species of Greatest Conservation Need.”

Virginia Tech recently became Bee Campus USA-certified for ongoing efforts to conserve native pollinators. Students, faculty and administrators work together to carry out commitments to provide pollinators with a healthy habitat that is rich in native plants, provides nest sites and is protected from pesticides.

“These commitments align very nicely with the campus’ commitment toward climate action and sustainability,” explained Margaret Couvillon, assistant professor of pollinator biology and ecology, and chair of the VT Bee Campus committee.

Since spring 2022, volunteers have planted three pollinator gardens, improved the habitat of one garden and installed bee hotels around campus.

Couvillon’s research lab helps inform the committee on the best practices to improve pollinator health, including publishing a study of 25 common garden plants that attract abundant and diverse insect pollinators.

“Native plants do a much better job at supporting pollinators—offering nectar and pollen for adults and serving as host plants for young insects to grow on,” Living said.

“If you go to a garden center and walk around, you can see what plants are attractive to insects because they will usually find it and come forage at it,” Couvillon added.

Supporting native insects also is important for other wildlife species’ survival, like that of the Carolina chickadee. It takes more than 6,000 caterpillars to raise a single nest.

Living encourages avoiding or minimizing the use of pesticides, and leaving fall leaves and standing dead plant material for native pollinators to use as winter cover.

Couvillon recommends delaying or partially mowing in the spring, as early season wildflowers offer important forage sources for bees and other insects.

The Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation Natural Heritage Program offers a native plant finder for selecting and finding sources for native plants.

For more information on native plants and plant guides, visit the Plant Virginia Natives website at For more information on establishing a habitat at home, visit the Virginia DWR website at

The Year of the Tree

May 31, 2024 · 4 minute read
The Year of the Tree

CBF backed nine tree conservation bills in Virginia in 2024, and a historic number of them made it all the way to the governor’s desk

When she drives down the Richmond, Virginia parkway, Ann Jurczyk sees what isn’t there—yet. She points off to her right where a sprawling lawn serves as the gateway to a business campus. “I’m going to contact them,” she says. That open space, in her mind, should be a grove of native trees.

Jurczyk, Virginia Director of Advocacy and Outreach for the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF), is minutes away from checking on dozens of native trees CBF helped plant on another business site in an industrial section of town. Just before her destination, another grove catches her eye. A handful of large white oaks are encircled by yellow tape, indicating they’ll likely be cut down soon to make way for an office park.

“It will take over 50 years for new plantings to replace the value these mature trees are providing,” she says, noting the loss of habitat for songbirds and the ability to capture carbon. “This isn’t just a loss for the environment. People need trees and green space.”

But she knows this site with the yellow tape is one of many across the state. In recent decades, the bare lawns of neighborhoods and business campuses have replaced forested land across Virginia. Close to her home in Fredericksburg, Jurczyk watched shopping centers, energy infrastructure, and widening roads replace canopy, just as it did in other localities. “We can’t stop development, but we can be more intentional and thoughtful in how we build,” she said.

Trees disappeared at an alarming rate, a net loss of 9,548 acres of urban and forest canopy between 2014 and 2018 in the Commonwealth. New Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) imagery is anticipated to show exponential loss from 2018 to 2022.

The results are hitting home. Residents began noticing their local waters are increasingly polluted. Their streams and homes more frequently suffered from floods. City residents in formerly redlined areas suffered from a lack of shade in the hot sun during summer months, living in what are now known as urban heat islands. Utility bills went up.

All the while, Jurczyk’s state-level advocacy that stretched back to 2018 kept her testifying on the General Assembly floor and keeping partner organizations organized. That advocacy grew from her community-based tree work that stretched back even further, to 2012. To her family, co-workers, and the community, she became known as the Lorax, the Dr. Suess character who speaks for the trees.

“The Chesapeake Bay Foundation was one of the first organizations that helped us get grant funding,” says Sheri Shannon, co-founder of Southside ReLeaf, a community-based organization dedicated to environmental justice in South Richmond by increasing green spaces, reducing pollution, and improving infrastructure. “When we talk to Ann about the inequities we face as a Black woman organization, she takes what we say, and she adapts it and uses it. And that I find to be so genuine. It’s never a transactional relationship with her.”

This isn’t just a loss for the environment. People need trees and green space.

– Ann Jurczyk, Virginia Director of Advocacy and Outreach, CBF

Shannon eventually joined Jurczyk in legislator offices, reminding them that by soaking up rainfall and filtering nutrients, trees are natural and effective pollution mitigation tools, lowering energy use and utility bills, protecting homes and businesses from floods driven by climate change, and providing shade, particularly in underserved areas. When Shannon nervously tugged her hair, Jurczyk texted her from across the room, “you look great, don’t worry.”
And whenever Jurczyk needed her own break, she returned to what mattered. She’d walk in her favorite park in Fredericksburg, and hug the trees.

“I’m going to get my tree fix is what she’d always say,” Kim Jurczyk, the oldest of Ann’s two daughters, said. “It’s an infectious love. Her whole body relaxes; she gets a certain stillness.”
This year, in the General Assembly session, something shifted. CBF backed nine tree-conservation bills, and a historic number of them made it all the way to the governor’s desk. These bills mainly give localities the authority to save trees before they’re cut down or replace them after they’re lost to construction.

“We’ve lost so many battles, but we’ve come a long way,” Jurczyk said. “We have never had so many legislators contact us asking if we had a tree bill they could patron. I think their constituents were asking them to do something. They were disgruntled with the amount of tree loss in their neighborhoods.”

Four bills were signed into law, Shannon said.

“That doesn’t always happen. Policy doesn’t always translate to environmental justice work on the local level. But it really means something in my neighborhood, and Ann did that legwork,” Shannon said.

Driving back to CBF’s office from checking on the recent planting, Jurczyk names off ideas for contacting more businesses. Then her mind returns to what she loves.

“And, did you know, when they die, they disperse the last nutrients they have to the surrounding trees?” she says of trees. “We could learn so much from them.”

Check out other articles from the Spring 2024 edition of Save the Bay magazine.

What’s being done to manage tree of heaven?

May 31, 2024 · 9 minute read
What’s being done to manage tree of heaven?

Virginia law lists the invasive species as a noxious weed. And it’ll grow just about anywhere it has sun.

It’s a hot, sunny day at the Buttermilk Trail on the south bank of the James River in Richmond.

On a walk, Laura Greenleaf, invasive plant management coordinator for the James River Parks System, easily spots some ailanthus altissima.

“Oh, here we go,” Greenleaf says. “I mean, look what it’s growing out of: pavement and pine needles.”

Ailanthus — an invasive species commonly known as tree of heaven — will grow just about anywhere it has sun. It’s good at growing in disturbed soil where other plants struggle, taking root before native species have the chance. And its roots leach toxins into the soil that discourage native plants from growing.

The tree is listed as a noxious weed in Virginia law. That means it’s illegal to transport or sell ailanthus in the commonwealth without a compliance agreement with the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services or the federal U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Tree of heaven has long fronds, each with at least a dozen leaflets that are smooth except for one or two bumps at the base. Its trunk is skinny, and it often grows in stands of multiple trees. Female alianthus plants can sport tens of thousands of winged seeds.

Greenleaf kneels down as she works to remove invasive plants
Shaban Athuman
VPM News
Laura Greenleaf, an Invasive Plant Management Coordinator for James River Parks System, removes nonnative plants on Wednesday, May 8, 2024 in Richmond, Virginia.

Greenleaf also points out some very dead-looking ailanthus stumps — cut and treated multiple times with herbicides in a previous year — a sign of the work done to manage this invasive.

But the stumps are still monitored by volunteers.

“If you just hack at it, if you just cut it down, that just registers as an injury and it’s just a signal to grow back,” Greenleaf says.

Tree of heaven can return even if properly treated with herbicides, though not as aggressively as it otherwise would.

Sometimes dozens of sprouts can appear around a felled, untreated tree of heaven — a hydra-like survival strategy known as root suckering.

Those suckers, supported by a developed root system, can grow upwards of 10 feet in a year.

Greenleaf says the best practice is to cut a downward-sloping incision into the trunk and spray it with herbicides, leaving the tree standing — but when the trees overhang roads and walking paths, that creates a safety issue, so the task force often cuts them down.

At James River Park, most of this work is done by volunteers guided by a 2015 survey of invasives. The system does receive some grant money from state and federal programs, as well as materials from private donors and help from professional arborists.

A native defender

But what if there was another way? The herbicides are effective, although labor-intensive and accompanied by a slew of best practices to be mindful of.

As it turns out, the answer may already be growing in Virginia forests — a fungus known as verticillium nonalfalfae.

Tim Shively, a Ph.D. student at Virginia Tech, says you just get lucky sometimes.

He’s studying the effects of verticillium, which causes a condition called vascular wilt in ailanthus.

“So this chokes off all the water and the nutrients from getting up into the canopy and so you actually see the trees start to wilt, the leaves will wilt, they’ll turn yellow, they’ll drop,” Shively says.

Tree of heaven rarely wins against the fungus. Shively says in field studies, verticillium has affected some native trees — but with a very low mortality rate, natives were eventually able to overtake ground where ailanthus previously grew.

A man is seen standing in front of a research plot where the tree of heaven is marked with orange tape to show it has been inoculated with a specific type of fungus.
Tim Shively; Virginia Tech
Virginia Tech Ph.D. student Tim Shively stands in a research plot. Shively inoculates ailanthus altissima with verticillium nonalfalfae, a fungus that kills the trees without negatively impacting native species.

And since verticillium is an organism, it doesn’t require multiple applications like herbicides because it spreads on its own.

Now, Shively’s trying to understand how the fungus functions under a wide range of circumstances. He says it’s a later stage of research to understand how it would work as a biological invasive control.

Even so, it could be years before verticillium gets market approval from the federal Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service, an agency of the USDA.

Shively says because verticillium would be used as an herbicide, it also needs Environmental Protection Agency approval. That makes the process even longer.

“Working with organisms is tricky,” Shively says — and some questions about the fungus do remain. “Do we have a reliable culture? How do we maintain its vigor and its virulence? And then what kind of formulation will be stable on the shelf and easily used by land managers in practice?”

What if you find ailanthus on your land?


Back at James River Park, Anne Wright, the lead invasive manager for a section of the Buttermilk Trail, is walking along Riverside Drive. Along the way, she identifies about a dozen young trees of heaven. They could be root suckers — or they might be from the 60-foot-tall ailanthus across the street.

“Those are huge ailanthus trees right there,” Wright says. “And that’s on private property.”

The first known introduction of ailanthus in the United States was near Philadelphia in 1784 as an ornamental plant, according to the U.S. Forest Service. It has a history of use as a shade tree in urban areas, due to its hardiness and quick-growing nature.

An unintentional consequence of that planting — like the use of english ivy as ground cover — is that the invasive has easy access to adjacent lands, including natural preserves.

Wright says if the park system’s task force employs an arborist, it can sometimes offer a discounted rate to adjacent landowners with invasives — but as long as those trees remain, they can always spread back into the park.

Landowners can also receive some help from state and local agencies.

The state Department of Forestry has instructions for a wide range of management techniques. The department has also worked with universities and woodworkers to investigate value-added uses for ailanthus lumber, in an effort to encourage more harvesting and offset control costs — it shows some promise as pulpwood, firewood, or charcoal, but ailanthus wood is often not suitable for construction and woodworking.

Local cooperative extensions, which offer resources from Virginia Tech and Virginia State University across the commonwealth, sometimes have info too. When asked for information, an employee of the Richmond extension said they couldn’t directly help, as the extension no longer has an agricultural agent — but referred VPM News to Chesterfield County’s extension, which does provide information.

Two women are seen standing in front of trees
Shaban Athuman
VPM News
Anne Wright, Buttermilk Trail site manager, talks about the invasive plants with Laura Greenleaf, an Invasive Plant Management Coordinator for James River Parks System, on Wednesday, May 8, 2024 in Richmond, Virginia.


Why should we care about tree of heaven?


These are fast-growing trees in a city that’s trying to expand tree canopy, not decrease it.

We have to look at the core problem of invasives, says Greenleaf. They don’t add much to or benefit the land, all while outcompeting helpful species that exist in a native, interdependent ecosystem.

“You don’t have abundant, diverse wildlife without native flora and healthy native plant communities,” Greenleaf says.

Ultimately, invasive plant species like ailanthus are so ubiquitous that eradicating them from invaded areas would require a universal effort across state and federal governments. It would take decades, cost huge amounts and might not even succeed.

“It’s really more management at the places you care about,” says Kevin Heffernan, stewardship biologist for the state Department of Conservation and Recreation.

That might include natural areas like James River Parks, which draw visitors by offering a connection to native plants and wildlife. Management can also be done to protect infrastructure.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to invasive management, but centralized planning can help.

The Virginia Invasive Species Management Plan outlines what powers state agencies have to control invasives today and strategies to further protect native ecosystems.

The state budget, recently agreed upon by General Assembly members and Gov. Glenn Youngkin, includes some new funding to implement that plan. In all, legislators approved $4.9 million over the next two fiscal years to increase staffing at several state agencies and support the development of Partnerships for Regional Invasive Species Management, or PRISMs. (Virginia’s fiscal year from July 1 through June 30.)

One of those partnerships exists already: The Blue Ridge PRISM sets a framework for public and private groups and individuals to manage invasives.

Other measures to slow the spread of invasives were vetoed by Youngkin, however. Del. Holly Seibold’s (D–Fairfax) bill to require plant sellers to label species on the state invasives list was cut down by the governor.

Del. Paul Krizek’s (D–Fairfax)bill to authorize local ordinances banning the sale of English ivy — a groundcover plant that rapidly spreads across the ground and into the tree canopy, blocking sun and weighing down branches — was also vetoed.

A screenshot of a Virginia Tech map that shows where the spotted lanternfly has been seen in Virginia. There are red counties that show where a current quarantine zone is, and orange counties that show where they've been spotted, but are not under quarantine.

Tree of heaven is a preferred host of another infamous invasive — the spotted lanternfly. The species are native in the same parts of Asia.

“In some kind of weird love story, they found each other on the other side of the globe,” Shively says.

The critters probably reached North America about a decade ago, making headlines for their threat to agriculture: Spotted lanternflies will swarm on crops, smothering them.

The agriculture-destroying critters have spread across 17 states since their likely arrival, taking advantage of host species’ ability to overtake disturbed, sunny soil — like you might find on the side of a roadway.

Next time you see a stand of ailanthus by the highway, that’s basically a lanternfly motel. Our highways are their highways.

The Virginia Department of Transportation told VPM News it collaborates with VDACS and other state agencies to control lanternflies and tree of heaven, but its No. 1 priority is protecting infrastructure and drivers.

And with more than 57,000 miles of roads to worry about, the problem’s scale is huge for a state agency. Actually managing the full extent would require much more funding and public interest.

VDACS has the authority to implement quarantines on certain species — and has one in place for spotted lanternfly. Richmond is not under a lanternfly quarantine, but there have been reported sightings within city limits.

Supporting native wildlife

As we approach the end of our walk on Riverside Drive, evidence of Wright’s good work comes into view.

A zebra swallowtail butterfly flutters around us: It uses the native pawpaw as a host. In areas that used to be covered by English ivy, ailanthus and other invasives, pawpaws now have room to grow.

“So there you’ve got the plant and the user,” Wright says.

Invasive management at the James River Parks System is ongoing.

Documenting and preserving Virginia’s largest, most revered trees

May 23, 2024 · 14 minute read
Documenting and preserving Virginia’s largest, most revered trees

Virginia is home to nearly 80 national champion big trees, consistently placing the commonwealth in the top five states with the most documented champion trees, or trees that have grown to be the largest specimens of their particular species.

The Virginia Big Tree Program, coordinated by the Department of Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation at Virginia Tech, maintains a register of the largest specimens of over 300 native, non-native and naturalized tree species in Virginia.

The trees are ranked based on a scoring system that takes into account their trunk circumference, overall height and average crown spread. Anyone can measure, or hunt, big trees and submit their findings for nomination by the Virginia Big Tree Program.

Trees that are national contenders can be nominated by the National Champion Tree Program, coordinated by the University of Tennessee Knoxville’s School of Natural Resources.

“A lot of people oftentimes think that in order to find a giant champion tree that you’d have to be out in the wilderness somewhere, but that’s not the case,” said Eric Wiseman, associate professor of urban forestry at Virginia Tech and program coordinator for the Virginia Big Tree Program.

“Really you just need a place where the growing conditions are suitable and the tree’s left alone for long enough that it can grow to extraordinary size,” Wiseman said.

The high number of national champion trees found in Virginia is due in part to its extensive forest lands. “About two-thirds of our state has forest cover,” said Wiseman. That includes an abundance of urban forests.

Every single tree in an urban area, whether found in a park, on a street or in someone’s yard, makes up the urban forest, said Molly O’Liddy, the Virginia Department of Forestry’s urban and community forestry partnership coordinator.

“A very healthy representation of our champion trees are in urban areas,” said Wiseman, and having large trees in cities is “really important for the environmental quality.”

Not only champion trees but every big, mature tree provides “so many benefits that young trees take decades to achieve,” O’Liddy said.


Cooling urban areas 


One of the biggest benefits of large trees is cooling our urban centers, said Ann Jurczyk, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s Virginia urban restoration manager.

Large trees generally have extensive canopies that provide shade over urban streets, sidewalks and parking lots that would otherwise be much hotter, posing significant health risks during summer months through what is known as the urban heat island effect.

study by Jeremy Hoffman, director of Climate Justice and Impact at Groundwork USA, found that Richmond’s neighborhoods most vulnerable to high temperatures overlap with historical maps of redlining, a discriminatory practice that took place in the wake of the Great Depression that denied home financing and housing services to communities based on their race or ethnicity.

The data suggest that communities that were redlined in the 1930s, including majority-Black and Hispanic neighborhoods, have fewer trees and more pavement, resulting in temperatures that can be several degrees hotter during the summer.

Extreme heat is known to be the number one weather related killer in the United States.

The cooling effect of trees not only protects communities from extreme temperatures but also encourages people to get outside and exercise in their neighborhoods more than they would with no shade and “blazing hot” temperatures, said Jurczyk.


Cleaning air and water


Runoff and stormwater management is “really a concern for a lot of Virginia communities,” especially those located within the Chesapeake Bay watershed, said O’Liddy.

The extensive canopies and root systems of big trees means “they play a really important role in our water cycle, so having clean water but also provision of abundant water is a really important role of forests in general but large trees specifically,” said Wiseman.

“From a water quality perspective, these trees do a great job of capturing rainfall and then slowly letting it evaporate from their leaves or needles,” said Jurczyk. This reduces the amount of stormwater runoff entering the Chesapeake Bay and the amount of harmful sediment and pollutants it carries with it.

Trees also capture pollution in the air, helping to “clear the air of ozone, carbon dioxide and other particulates,” Jurczyk said.

As trees grow larger, they accumulate significant amounts of carbon storage. “That is a really important ecosystem service of forests for humanity because it pulls carbon out of the atmosphere,” said Wiseman. “And we know that carbon dioxide is a contributor to global warming and climate change.”

The Biden administration set a goal of achieving a carbon pollution-free power sector by 2035 and a net zero emissions economy by no later than 2050, and trees are expected to play a crucial role.

On top of their carbon storage benefits, big trees can also lower energy usage in homes and buildings by providing shade during the summer months and protection from cold winter winds during the winter.

“We can absolutely point to trees having the potential to greatly reduce utility bills,” said Jurczyk, which is “one of the selling points” for homeowners and developers who are deciding whether or not to keep trees on their properties.

“I’m never quite sure which of the benefits gets the most traction with the public,” but the list goes on and on, said Jurczyk.


Providing habitat for wildlife


“In natural ecosystems, another important role of large trees is wildlife habitat,” said Wiseman. “As they grow very large and attain great height, we can see what’s known as niche stratification, or different microhabitats in the vertical structure of the forest.”

The vertical structure of mature forests contains what is called an understory, midstory and overstory. “Species of all sorts of wildlife occupy those various specialized niches, and very large trees help with that,” said Wiseman.

As trees grow older, they can develop defects such as cavities and large internal openings, which “become really important habitats for roosting, hibernating or nesting for an assortment of wildlife.”

“I wish everybody had the same love and certain knowledge about how all of these things are connected,” said Jurczyk, who referred to trees as “free infrastructure.”

“Hopefully by building the awareness for how special a single individual tree can be in terms of the benefits it provides to the environment,” Jurczyk said, more people will look at that tree in their backyard and go, ‘you know, maybe I’ll keep you.’”


Cultural and historical values


“For a large specimen tree, there’s kind of an element of intrinsic appreciation and value,” said Wiseman. “But also, oftentimes these trees have a historical connection with a place, a community or an event.”

Virginia’s oak species are particularly revered due to their tremendous value in timber and wood products, their ecological benefits and their cultural and historical significance, said Wiseman.

Oaks are among Virginia’s longest lived tree species, and they can be upwards of 300 to 500 years old.

“A lot of these trees were around right at the birth of our country, let alone our state, so just having something that you walk by everyday that has seen so much is pretty magical,” said O’Liddy.

One such tree, the Emancipation Oak on the campus of Hampton University, is where members of the Hampton community including formerly enslaved people and freedmen gathered in January 1863 to listen to one of the first official public readings of President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation in the South. Pioneering African American educator Mary Smith Kelsey Peake taught Black men, women and children to read and write beneath the oak’s sprawling branches during the Civil War.

 The Algernourne oak is a roughly 500 year-old live oak that was named for the original fort built by Captain John Smith and the Virginia Company in 1609 on what is now Fort Monroe in Hampton, Va.. (Courtesy of Carol King and the Virginia Big Tree Program) 

Nearby, an even older tree in Fort Monroe called the Algernourne Oak is estimated to be approximately 500 years old. It has witnessed the days of Indigenous life before colonists arrived as well as numerous important moments in American history, including the landing of the first ship to carry enslaved Africans to the English colonies in North America in present day Hampton.

“The amazing thing about both of those trees is that they are publicly accessible,” said O’Liddy. “For folks to actually stand next to a specimen that is hundreds of years old and to think about the history, especially in that area, of what that tree has witnessed is pretty powerful.”

Another especially revered tree, the national champion osage-orange tree, is located beside the site of Patrick Henry’s former home in Charlotte County, Virginia. Osage-orange trees are “not super common on the landscape, so seeing a very large mature one is something that is really special, and it’s pretty awesome that the national champion is on the property of someone so historically significant,” said O’Liddy.

 Located on the grounds of the Patrick Henry National Memorial, this national champion osage-orange tree is one of the most revered in the Virginia Big Tree Program register. (Courtesy of Alex Cassell and the Virginia Big Tree Program) 


Big does not always mean old


Perhaps surprisingly to some, “Size is never ever a good predictor of age,” said Carolyn Copenheaver, professor in the Department of Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation at Virginia Tech who studies forest ecology and dendrochronology, or the study of annual growth rings in trees.

Recently, Copenheaver was coring trees to study their age in a small forest on Virginia Tech’s campus. A pignut hickory that Copenheaver assumed was a sapling due to its small four inch diameter turned out to be 164 years old.

“To find out that something that small is 164 years old, to me that’s what makes a tree charismatic, when it surprises you,” said Copenheaver. “If you’re in a forest that’s been forested for a long, long time, those small trees in an understory can be incredibly old.”

Likewise, if you see a big tree in an open field, “people will assume it’s been there forever, and it usually hasn’t,” said Copenheaver. Its growth rate is just much faster because it isn’t competing with other trees around it.

When talking about trees, “old” is a completely relative term. In an ecosystem where you have frequent fire, an old tree may be just 50 years old, said Copenheaver.

“Whereas if we’re talking about a tree here in the mountains of Virginia, you better be at least 150 to 200 years old before you’re really considered old.”

The oldest trees in Virginia that Copenheaver has cored are usually on inaccessible sites, or places that are “pretty uncomfortable for humans to get to,” said Copenheaver, who has rock climbing friends who repel down steep terrain to find trees that are “incredibly old” growing off the sides of cliffs.

“If you want to be really, really old,” said Copenheaver, you have to have survived not only the clearing of land by colonists but also Indigenous tribes, who also cut down trees for agriculture and timber.

The oldest trees Copenheaver tends to regularly see are white oaks due in part to their ability to compartmentalize decay, allowing the rest of the tree to keep growing without being impacted by that injury.

Virginia’s longest lived species of tree is the bald cypress, which has been documented to live well over 1,000 years old.


Threats to big trees 


Threats to big trees are varied, and they are more or less significant depending on where you are, said Wiseman.

Big trees in urban and urbanizing areas face threats associated with land development.

When land parcels are subdivided and lots made smaller, “it is exceedingly difficult to retain large trees” due to the simple fact that there is not enough space to install a building foundation and underground utilities while still retaining sufficient room for the root structure of big trees, Wiseman said.

Virginia’s champion trees that are found in remote rural areas are, on the other hand, “more or less safe guarded from direct assaults from human beings,” said Wiseman. But they are still susceptible to pests, disease, invasive plants, extreme weather events and climate change.

The American elm was “probably the most widely planted tree in American cities” at one time during the 19th and 20th centuries, said Wiseman, “but we lost nearly all of those trees when Dutch elm disease was accidentally brought into the US in the 1930s.”

“Having a survivor elm, as you might call it, and it being the national champion is special for us,” Wiseman said.

The predicted consequences of climate change, “especially related to escalating temperatures and changes in rainfall,” are also going to impact the composition and regeneration of certain vegetation communities, Wiseman said.

“Climate change is certainly something that raises concern at the ecosystem level for a lot of our forests,” said Wiseman.

To what extent that’s going to imperil individual specimens of living trees, said Wiseman, “it’s difficult to speculate about that.”

Some of Virginia’s high elevation species, particularly the firs and spruces that are endemic to the highlands of Virginia, “are imperiled by climate change because there’s only so high they can go up the mountain ridge to stay within a suitable climate range,” Wiseman said.

Whether it’s sooner or later, said Wiseman, “the time may come when we no longer have the size of native spruces and firs that historically occupied our landscapes.”

Changes in the amount of overall tree canopy are being tracked throughout the entire Chesapeake Bay watershed by the Chesapeake Bay Program land use and land cover data project.

Updated data is expected to be released this year from high resolution satellite imagery that will show how land cover and land use has changed between 2018 through 2022.

Jurczyk said experts anticipate that the tree canopy loss between 2018 to 2022 is exponentially more than it was during the 2013 to 2018 timeframe of the first data analysis.

“But here’s what we don’t know: is that being lost to utility scale solar? Is it being lost to right of way for utilities? Is it being lost to road construction for the widening of I-64, 81, and 95?” said Jurczyk.

Land use and land cover change data will help to “inform policy in the future so that we can make wiser decisions about how we protect canopy and how we plant it,” Jurczyk said.


Legislation to protect individual trees 


The Virginia Big Tree Program is celebratory not regulatory, meaning that “having a tree registered does not in and of itself impart any special protection for the tree,” said Wiseman.

On one hand, the lack of protection is viewed as a good thing by some landowners.

“Understandably, people who own a champion tree have a little bit of hesitancy about nominating the tree and having this recognition because they feel like it may encumber their private property rights or require them to protect the tree in a way that might be burdensome for them,” said Wiseman.

On the other hand, with a few exceptions, homeowners can legally decide to cut down any tree on their property, including those specimens that have enormous environmental, cultural and historical significance.

 This American elm in Chesapeake stands over 100 feet tall and was declared national co-champion in 2020 with a tree in Maryland. (Courtesy of Eric Wiseman and the Virginia Big Tree Program) 

Trees that are protected by law are those found within designated preservation areas. That includes any tree within 100 feet of a stream or river in localities within the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act Area, which encompasses over 80 localities in eastern Virginia’s tidewater region.

Certain trees are also legally protected in some localities that have adopted individual specimen or heritage tree ordinances.

The Virginia General Assembly passed enabling legislation that allows localities to adopt a tree conservation ordinance to regulate the preservation and removal of heritage, specimen, memorial and street trees.

Only a handful of localities have chosen to adopt the ordinance; some of them can be found on Virginia Tech’s tree ordinance database.

Localities that choose to adopt the ordinance can decide how they would like to enforce or incentivise landowners to preserve trees that are designated for protection. The code allows for civil penalties of up to $2,500 for each violation.

In many cases, landowners must voluntarily nominate their trees for designation before any civil penalties for cutting down a tree would apply.

In other cases, such as in the City of Williamsburg, civil penalties have been removed from the ordinance language altogether. Instead of being regulatory or punitive, Williamsburg’s heritage tree program is intended to “heighten public consciousness by informing and educating the public of the benefits that not only Heritage Trees, but trees in general, provide to the community.”

 The state champion Compton oak is famously located in Market Square within the boundary of historic Colonial Williamsburg. (Evan Visconti for the Virginia Mercury) 

Williamsburg incentivises landowners to nominate trees to its heritage tree program by providing a plaque for the tree, posting a photo of the tree on the city website and offering to consult with landowners about proper pruning techniques and alternatives to removing or damaging a designated tree.

“These ordinances go hand in hand with public education about the benefits of trees,” said Kenny Fletcher, Chesapeake Bay Foundation director of communications and media relations.

“Not every locality is going to adopt an ordinance, which means there are plenty of people in Virginia who it’s up to them whether or not they’re going to preserve trees.”

Help stop the invasive spotted lanternfly

May 23, 2024 · 2 minute read
Help stop the invasive spotted lanternfly

It’s visually striking.

When fully grown, open wings display showy hind wings with bright red near the abdomen, black spots, and black-and-white bars.

But the spotted lanternfly, an invasive insect that came to the United States from its native habitat of Southeast Asia in 2014, is destructive. Despite its name, though, the spotted lanternfly is not a fly. It belongs to the order Hemiptera, which includes true bugs, aphids, and cicadas.

These insects colonize quickly, disrupt native ecosystems, and potentially cause problems to agriculture and forest health. The spotted lanternfly is also a significant threat to Virginia’s grape and wine industries.

The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Virginia Tech, the Institute of Agriculture at the University of Tennessee, and the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at the University of Georgia are working together to build public awareness about these most unwanted visitors through collaborative videos, social media posts, and stories.

In Virginia, the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services are partnering to empower residents of the commonwealth to act themselves on the spotted lanternfly.

“We need to prevent spotted lanternfly from going somewhere else and becoming a bigger problem,” said Eric Day, manager of the Insect ID Lab in the Department of Entomology. “Make sure it does not move on vehicles or plants and remove and squish any you find.”

In late spring and early summer, look for the immature stages and control them early on grapes or in backyards. Also look in your backyard for the spotted lanternfly’s favorite host tree – the tree of heaven. If possible, remove those trees as they function as a host that enables the insect to spread further and quicker.

As the summer heat ramps up, check car wheel wells, boat trailers, or box trucks to make sure the unwanted hitchhikers haven’t found a free ride. Everyone can play a part by stomping the spotted lanternfly.


“I’ve been impressed with the citizens of Virginia in their efforts to reduce the impact of the spotted lanternfly,” Day said. “Active citizens and businesses in quarantine areas have helped slow spread significantly. Now, to stop this insect from becoming a bigger problem, we must take action to make sure this hitchhiking insect doesn’t get any free rides through our state.”

In addition to the actions that everyone can take, Virginia Cooperative Extension has an abundant library of digital and online publications and resources geared toward providing our communities with specialized information tailored to local environments and challenges, such as resources to help with the spotted lanternfly.

Immerse Yourself In A Forest For Better Health

May 16, 2024 · 8 minute read
Immerse Yourself In A Forest For Better Health

Most of us sense that taking a walk in a forest is good for us. We take a break from the rush of our daily lives. We enjoy the beauty and peace of being in a natural setting. Now, research is showing that visiting a forest has real, quantifiable health benefits, both mental and physical. Even five minutes around trees or in green spaces may improve health. Think of it as a prescription with no negative side effects that’s also free.

Health Benefits From Forests

The reference list at the bottom of this page has links to specific studies on these benefits.

Exposure to forests and trees:

  • boosts the immune system
  • lowers blood pressure
  • reduces stress
  • improves mood
  • increases ability to focus, even in children with ADHD
  • accelerates recovery from surgery or illness
  • increases energy level
  • improves sleep

Forests Make Us Healthier

Numerous studies in the U.S. and around the world are exploring the health benefits of spending time outside in nature, green spaces, and, specifically, forests. Recognizing those benefits, in 1982, the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries even coined a term for it: shinrin-yoku. It means taking in the forest atmosphere or “forest bathing,” and the ministry encourages people to visit forests to relieve stress and improve health.

person hiking on a trail

Research is casting light on how spending time outdoors and in forests makes us healthier:

Exposure to forests boosts our immune system. While we breathe in the fresh air, we breathe in phytoncides, airborne chemicals that plants give off to protect themselves from insects. Phytoncides have antibacterial and antifungal qualities which help plants fight disease. When people breathe in these chemicals, our bodies respond by increasing the number and activity of a type of white blood cell called natural killer cells or NK. These cells kill tumor- and virus-infected cells in our bodies. In one study, increased NK activity from a 3-day, 2-night forest bathing trip lasted for more than 30 days. Japanese researchers are currently exploring whether exposure to forests can help prevent certain kinds of cancer.

Spending time around trees and looking at trees reduces stress, lowers blood pressure and improves mood. Numerous studies show that both exercising in forests and simply sitting looking at trees reduce blood pressure as well as the stress-related hormones cortisol and adrenaline. Looking at pictures of trees has a similar, but less dramatic, effect. Studies examining the same activities in urban, unplanted areas showed no reduction of stress-related effects. Using the Profile of Mood States test, researchers found that forest bathing trips significantly decreased the scores for anxiety, depression, anger, confusion and fatigue. And because stress inhibits the immune system, the stress-reduction benefits of forests are further magnified.

Green spaces in urban areas are just as important as rural forests. About 85% of the US population lives in suburban and urban areas and may not have access to traditional rural forests. That’s O.K. Gardens, parks and street trees make up what is called an urban and community forest. These pockets of greenspace are vitally important because they are the sources of our daily access to trees.

Spending time in nature helps you focus. Our lives are busier than ever with jobs, school, and family life. Trying to focus on many activities or even a single thing for long periods of time can mentally drain us, a phenomenon called Directed Attention Fatigue. Spending time in nature, looking at plants, water, birds and other aspects of nature gives the cognitive portion of our brain a break, allowing us to focus better and renew our ability to be patient.

In children, attention fatigue causes an inability to pay attention and control impulses. The part of the brain affected by attention fatigue (right prefrontal cortex) is also involved in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Studies show that children who spend time in natural outdoor environments have a reduction in attention fatigue and children diagnosed with ADHD show a reduction in related symptoms. Researchers are investigating the use of natural outdoor environments to supplement current approaches to managing ADHD. Such an approach has the advantages of being widely accessible, inexpensive and free of side effects.

Patients recover from surgery faster and better when they have a “green” view. Hospital patients may be stressed from a variety of factors, including pain, fear, and disruption of normal routine. Research found that patients with “green” views had shorter postoperative stays, took fewer painkillers, and had slightly fewer postsurgical complications compared to those who had no view or a view of a cement wall.

What Happens If We Lose Trees

The invasion of the emerald ash borer, or EAB, (Agrilus planipennis) since 2002 has provided an unfortunate opportunity to look at the effect of tree-loss on human health. EAB is a non-native, wood-boring beetle that kills all species of ash (Fraxinus) trees within three years after infestation. In some communities, entire streets lined with ash were left barren after the beetle arrived in their neighborhood. A study looked at human deaths related to heart and lung disease in areas affected by EAB infestations. It found that across 15 states, EAB was associated with an additional 6,113 deaths related to lung disease and 15,080 heart-disease-related deaths.

More Research Is Needed

While the research in Japan is groundbreaking, we need more research on trees growing in the Northeastern US. We share some of the same genera with Japan, like pine, birch and oak, which all give off different phytoncides, but we have different species. The more we know about our local trees, the more applicable the science will be.


Scientific Research and References

Please note: the following links leave the DEC website.

Urban Forests


Additional Resources

Northern Virginia, as part of regional approach, adopts goal of maintaining 50% tree canopy

May 9, 2024 · 6 minute read
Northern Virginia, as part of regional approach, adopts goal of maintaining 50% tree canopy

A Beech tree. (Courtesy of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service)

The Washington D.C. area has seen tree canopy decline from over 50% to just under that amount in less than a decade, according to the regional government authority.

Officials with the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, which includes Northern Virginia jurisdictions, voted last week to set a goal of maintaining at least that 50% amount.

“There’s a lot of things that are unpredictable,” said Michael Knapp, MWCOG regional tree canopy subcommittee chair and tree specialist with the Montgomery County Department of Permitting Services. “We feel that the 50% is attainable and realistic based on current conditions.”

The goal, which jurisdictional members may act on voluntarily, comes after the MWCOG in 2020 adopted its climate and energy action plan, which includes planning for urban tree canopy adoption to achieve the region’s climate and energy goals.

 A graph from the Metropolitan Washington Council of Government’s report on tree canopy showing trends if nothing or a couple options are taken. (Photo courtesy of MWCOG)The recent tree canopy goal is also the culmination of years of work to produce a report that found the region in 2014 had 51.3% of land covered by tree canopy. In 2023, that number decreased, spurred by  development and other reasons, to an estimated 49.6%, a trend that, if it continues, would result in about 44.4% of tree coverage by 2050.

“The idea is to use trees and forests as a means of improving the quality of life and environmental health in the region by optimizing the services and benefits they provide,” Knapp said in a phone interview. “In order to sustain the same level of environmental help, you would either have to put money into man-made technologies that provide those types of services and benefits, or experience a decline in environmental health and economic vitality”

Trees have been proven to contribute numerous benefits to the environment, from reducing stormwater pollution runoff and sediment erosion, to capturing carbon and mitigating heat islands.

The report used information from the Chesapeake Bay Program model years 2014 and 2018, which identifies tree canopy as a way to meet pollution reduction goals. More recent Bay Program data is being finalized for next year. MWCOG also used satellite imagery to determine the percentage of tree canopy within a locality.

 A chart from the Metropolitan Washington Council of Government’s report on tree canopy. (Courtesy of MWCOG)

In terms of acreage, the largest loss in Virginia happened in Loudoun County, with about 2,800 acres swallowed up primarily by home development, Knapp said. The region has also seen an increase in data center development, which Knapp said comes after the region had branded itself as a tech corridor and home to former internet provider powerhouse AOL.

But because of land being converted to housing, Loudoun County has an opportunity to make gains in canopy because of Virginia tree ordinances that require builders to replace trees lost during the home building process, Knapp said, as opposed to land being developed for commercial industry uses.

Arlington and Alexandria made gains on tree cover, adding 7.6 acres and 18.8 acres, respectively. Knapp said the increases are likely due to trees planted under those localities’ regulations coming to bear, Knapp said. Those levels are expected to remain stable given the amount of development that occurs on a yearly basis, he added.

The largest canopy increase was Frederick County, Maryland, with about 2,100 acres, which Knapp surmised benefited from a phenomenon known as “pioneer forests.”

Frederick County, similar to more rural Loudoun and Prince William counties in Virginia, has land that originally was set aside for agricultural purposes, but had been converted to developed land in recent years. If there were economic difficulties that delayed development, the land may have been untouched for years before being built on and trees sprouted during the wait, leading to the canopy now getting picked up by the satellite imagery.

This represents an opportunity to pick up some tree canopy as development occurs, similar to what happened in Northern Virginia, which was one of the top dairy producers in the state in the 1950s before it became developed into the bedroom community that it is, Knapp added. Fairfax County had tree conservation and stream valley preservation ordinances they could use.

“As those areas were developed, some of those pioneers were given the chance to develop and mature,” said Knapp.

The 104-page report from MWCOG outlines the costs offset by maintaining tree canopy and offers guidance for preserving trees that may be more susceptible to die from diseases or increased moisture from heavy rain.

“There’s just a lot of outreach and public education that local governments can do,” Knapp said. “They need to instill a sense of ownership in the community. Local governments cannot do this on their own.”

One counter argument to tree preservation requirements is the reduction of the number of houses that can be built on a lot, thereby reducing the housing stock size and increasing housing costs.

Andrew Clark, vice president of government relations with the Home Builders Association of Virginia, said in a previous interview: “Developers will find a way to make these ordinances work, but it may undercut localities’ objective to provide an array of housing. That’s just kind of a trade-off.”

But Knapp said a provision in Virginia statute allows for deviations to be made if allowed densities can’t be met, and stakeholders that worked on Virginia’s tree conservation law in 2007 had reached consensus by creating a cooperative process between the two perspectives. The trees, Knapp said, can be a marketing tool for prospective tenants who have come to desire them, which the home builders acknowledged.

“If you just planned for trees when you’re doing your development you won’t sacrifice your houses,” added Brian LeCouteur, MWCOG principal environmental planner and regional urban forester.

And whereas putting homes on farmland may cost less than cutting forestland, if developers plan to use forestland, which “just happens,” LeCouteur said, it can be less costly to preserve existing trees instead of needing to plant new pens.

“We’re not trying to pit agriculture against silviculture,” said LeCouteur. “The idea is to just put [trees] in the plan.”

Recently, Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin vetoed bills that would’ve made Northern Virginia’s tree conservation process during homebuilding an option statewide. Another bill would’ve made some localities’ existing requirement to replace trees lost through homebuilding available to towns, cities and counties across the commonwealth.

“The fact that the bills made it out of the House of Delegates and the Senate to the governor’s desk is quite the achievement,” LeCouteur said. “I have a strong [sense they] will eventually make it to a governor’s desk in the coming years. People are definitely aware of these now, and realize how important trees are to our environment.”

The Potomac River Conservancy, which backed those bills this session, supports MWCOG’s tree-boosting goal, as does the Chesapeake Bay Foundation.

“Increased tree canopy goals and affordable housing don’t have to be mutually exclusive,” said Anna Mudd, senior director of policy at the Potomac River Conservancy, in a statement. “We look forward to continuing to work with all stakeholders to develop creative and equitable solutions that ensure that everyone in the Potomac River region has the opportunity to live in communities with clean air, clean water, and access to green spaces.”

Fires have consumed nearly 20,000 acres in Va. this spring. That could be good for the environment.

May 9, 2024 · 8 minute read
Fires have consumed nearly 20,000 acres in Va. this spring. That could be good for the environment.

A fire at The Waterfall Mountain complex west of Luray Wednesday night. (Photo courtesy of Peter Forister Photography)

It’s human behavior that gives state, federal agencies a reason for concern

Almost 20,000 acres have been lit by flames that primarily torched the western and central parts of the state so far during Virginia’s 2024 spring fire season. With about a week left until the season ends, that is double the amount of acres affected annually in the state across its 10-year average.

There’s no question that the fires visibly caused an immediate loss of vegetation and wildlife habitat, but state and federal officials said in interviews with the Mercury last week the blazes provide some benefits and are a centuries-old resource management tool.

“It does play an important role in the ecosystem,” said Michael Downey, assistant director for wildfire mitigation and prevention at the Virginia Department of Forestry. “In the public’s eye it is a natural disaster, but we do try to keep it in a controlled, contained environment.”

Prescribed, or controlled, blazes are regularly implemented by state and federal agencies, which include the Department of Forestry, the Department of Wildlife Resources and the U.S. Forest Service. It’s the unruly nature of the wildfires that can cause concern, particularly given the proximity to neighborhoods and communities where people live.

“We don’t want people thinking, ‘Let’s go start a wildfire,’ but there are benefits,” said Michael Puckett, a small game project leader at DWR, adding that the fires are not solely a matter of loss of wildlife habitat, but a “matter of change.”

It’s the human communities abutting the wooded areas that are inhibiting wildlife’s ability to roam freely to and from impacted areas. Humans also contribute to some of the causes of the fires.

“Awildfires grow in severity/intensity, we will see species moving in new patterns and places in order to find new habitat,” both immediately after fires and in the longer term as species’ ranges shift, said Misty Boos, U.S. conservation policy manager at Wildlands Network.

“This underscores the importance of protecting large, connected landscapes and wildlife corridors so species can move and adapt, but it also demonstrates the importance of wildlife coexistence.”

Flora and Fauna

Starting at the ground level, the fires’ effects can matriculate down into the soil, depending on the severity, determined by fire intensity and duration.

The fires’ effect can increase dirt’s water repellency, or inability to hold water, leading to it eroding and potentially ending up in waterways.

Following the fires that hit the state in 2016, researchers at Virginia Tech found that some severely-burned areas were water repellent at rates of 68-74%. The unburned areas showed water repellency at a rate of 0-18%, the research found.

“A lot of fires in [Virginia] don’t get as large or hot as those out west, but in local areas we can see pretty severe burn severities,” said Ryan D. Stewart, an associate professor at Virginia Tech.

“Areas that have moderate to severe burn severities can have issues like the upper duff and organic layers being consumed, and development of a layer a few inches deep that does not easily rewet.”

 A forest in Highland County during a prescribed burn by the Virginia Department of Forestry in 2021. (Sarah Vogelsong/Virginia Mercury)

On the flora aspect, the clearing of taller trees can pave way for sunlight to reach the lower level vegetation, said Puckett. Creating a more diverse portfolio of vegetation within the forest can create a more diverse ecosystem, added Lane Gibbons, fire management specialist at Shenandoah National Park.

“If you kind of think of it in terms of investing, you don’t invest all of your money in one thing. That’s too much of a gamble,” said Gibbons. “You really want a diverse portfolio. It works very [similarly] in forests. If you have more of a diverse portinfo — tall versus short, young versus old —  if you have a greater variation [and] then you have a greater variation of types of organisms using those resources.”

Over time, forests in Virginia have become more resilient, with thicker oak trees popping up in places more susceptible to fires, Gibbons added, with less-deterrent maple pines growing in areas less likely to catch a blaze.

While oaks may be stronger, they also can attract invasive animal species, like the Spongy Moth, whose presence requires some maintenance and can be found throughout the state.

The caterpillar-like creatures provide benefits to forested areas by thinning out trees, allowing other plants to grow. But the bugs feed primarily on the oaks attracting them, which, in addition to their fire resilience, provide numerous benefits to the climate, including capturing carbon in the atmosphere.

“We’re looking at ways to bring back oak and fire is one of those ways to do a timber stand improvement,” Downey said, describing the process of removing undesirable species and then setting fires to bring back nutrients into the soil. “That’s sometimes what oak needs for it to regenerate.”

On the fauna aspect, the Wildlife Center of Virginia took in a bear cub found to suffer from smoke inhalation. Smaller amphibious animals like the box turtle suffer from the havoc wreaked by the blazes, because they live in small brush or leaf litter and can’t move out fast enough.

But larger wildlife that call the western parts of the state home, like turkey or small game like squirrels, may be displaced immediately, but sometimes they can be seen returning to the area before the smoke clears, Puckett said.

“We have enough moisture in the system here,” said Puckett, adding that wildlife can return within a year. “It’s not like cases out west that may burn down into the soil with the dry climate and lack of rainfall. Things don’t tend to recover as quickly as they do here.”

Human influence

It’s often humans, who infringe on animal habitats, that create cause for concern related to wildfires.

According to information released in January by the Weldon Cooper Center for Population Estimates, some rural areas of Virginia saw losses in population while others saw gains. Page County’s population grew by 2 to 4% from 2020 to 2023. Some central and eastern areas of the state, including Louisa County, grew by over 4%.

 Population change from 2020 to 2023. (Courtesy of Weldon Cooper Center Population Estimates)

Those increasing populations spur the development of communities abutting wooded areas that frequently prevent wildlife from being able to roam freely away from fires. Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin signed House Bill 309 and Senate Bill 461, which directs the Virginia Department of Forestry to create a plan that includes protection of wildlife corridors, and large contiguous blocks of forests.

“As we’ve seen, events like wildfire (as well as floods, hurricanes, extreme snow storms, etc.) can temporarily bring wildlife into closer proximity to people, which can cause conflicts,” said Boos, with Wildlands Network.

More development means more utility infrastructure, such as electric power lines, getting built. The strong winds this past season that led to  power lines being knocked down and sparking blazes, instead of natural causes like lightning strikes that happen in Alaska.

“80 to 90% of fires are caused by humans,” Downey said.

When asked about downed power lines causing some of the fires this past spring, spokesperson for Shenandoah Valley Electric Cooperative said the utility, “will continue to cooperate with all affected localities to assess damage as we rebuild damaged power grid infrastructure.”

“This widespread event, combined with extremely low humidity, made conditions favorable for wildfires,” said Preston Knight, SVEC spokesperson. “Many communities throughout our service territory have experienced wildfires and our hearts go out to those who have suffered anguish and loss.”

Residents can clear debris from around their homes to prevent the fires from spreading, a task the Department of Forestry can help with despite their limited capacity, Downey said.

“We can only do what we can with our resources,” Downey said.

Impact going forward

Leading up to the fall and spring fire season, there were periods of drought identified by the Department of Environmental Quality. A report from the U.S. The Department of Agriculture found that “increased fuel load and more frequent droughts may increase wildfire frequency and intensity within the Southeast.”

That same USDA report said ways to make forests more resilient included, “taking steps necessary to appropriately manage stand density, hydrologic characteristics, and natural habitats,” and that these steps “can also have a positive impact on the ecological functioning and overall health of the forest.”

Adding fuel to the fire, literally: A study out of the University of California Riverside found plants are more easily burning as a result of absorbing more carbon that’s in the air, carbon created by pollution.

Creating markets for pulpwood and biomass that come from the over 16 million acres of forests in Virginia, about 80% of which are privately owned, can help reduce fuels by removing “less desirable species and residuals from the understory and floor of the forest,” said Corey Connors, executive director of the Virginia Forestry Association.

One of the authors of the University of California study’s said in a statement that, “we do need to implement better fire control and have more prescribed burns to use up plant fuel. We need to get rid of the old stuff.

“But the best way to decrease wildfires is to mitigate our carbon dioxide emissions,” Gomez said. “We need more emission control now.”

In Virginia the largest sources of emissions are transportation, followed by the commercial industry sector and electricity generation, according to DEQ.

While international research points to human-created emissions causing climate change, the impacts of climate change on the fires affecting the adaptability of the ecosystem in forests is still being determined, Gibbons said.

“It’s a topic that we’re trying to figure out,” he said. “We’ll implement strategies as we learn more.”

State forestry program purges hundreds of Virginia Callery pear trees

May 1, 2024 · 3 minute read
State forestry program purges hundreds of Virginia Callery pear trees

Native trees given to residents from the Department of Forestry in exchange for chopping down a Callery pear tree. (Meghan McIntyre/Virginia Mercury)

The reckoning has begun for the smelly invader

Both residents and Virginia Department of Forestry officials agree: Callery pear trees, including the much-loathed Bradford pear variety, aren’t just offensive to the nose — they’re detrimental to the state’s environment.

A new state program is what led approximately 300 residents to the department’s headquarters in Charlottesville this past weekend, each having chopped down at least one pungent, invasive Callery pear in exchange for a native tree species.

Inspired by similar programs in other states like North Carolina, the department’s forest health program manager Lori Chamberlin said Virginia’s exchange aims to not only decrease the number of Callery pears across the state, but also inform residents about the importance of native trees.

“We have so many native tree species that could also provide spring flowers or shade that would just be better for our ecological environment,” Chamberlin said.

While the Callery pear might look aesthetically pleasing with its delicate white flowers, Chamberlin said that beauty comes with destruction. The tree’s dense leaf canopy can inhibit the growth of plants beneath it and its weak branches can break and damage property.

During a 2021 ice storm, department forester Laura Hudson said Callery pears were the trees most frequently damaged.

“What happens is when all that ice and snow sat on the tops of the trees, they just literally couldn’t handle the weight and started to break,” Hudson said.

Additionally, the tree alters soil by releasing a chemical that suppresses other plant species, its thorns can pop tires and it doesn’t attract caterpillars, which are an important food source for young birds.

Callery pears were first imported from Asia to the United States in the early 20th century for use in breeding programs to increase disease resistance in common pears. With its sturdy tolerance for environmental stressors, the tree became very popular for landscaping and street planting.

 A Callery pear tree that has been chopped down. (Janelle Catlett)

Many varieties have been developed over the years, although the “Bradford” pear tree is the best known. While the tree itself is sterile, Chamberlin said it can still be pollinated by other varieties of Callery pear trees.

“We have so many types of Callerys in our landscape now because people have, for a while, thought this was the perfect landscape tree and just kept planting it and planting it,” Chamberlin said.

Now that there are so many varieties, Chamberlin said the tree is able to cross pollinate and produce viable fruit, which birds  eat and spread its seeds to other areas. Currently, the tree can be found almost everywhere throughout the commonwealth.

Albemarle resident Janelle Catlett said her yard used to house several Callery pears before she and her husband chopped down all but one large tree. The program, she said, was a great excuse to finally get rid of it.

“Every year he says ‘I’m going to do it, I’m going to do it,’ but then he doesn’t do it,” Catlett said. “If we do this this year and take pictures of it we will get a new tree and so, bingo, we got it down.”

Chamberlin said she was blown away that registration for the event filled in two days, despite it being the department’s first time. Now, hundreds of native trees are being planted across the state.

“We definitely hope to expand in the future hopefully to other locations, not just Charlottesville, so this can be a true statewide program,” Chamberlin said.

Scientists discover forests that may resist climate change

May 1, 2024 · 3 minute read
Scientists discover forests that may resist climate change

Cold-air pooling is a phenomenon where cold air drops from mountaintops into valleys below. Credit: Melissa Pastore, U.S. Forest Service

While it’s common knowledge that mountaintops are colder than the valleys below, a new University of Vermont (UVM) study is flipping the script on what we know about forests and climate.

The study, published in Ecology and Evolution, explores forests that experience “ pooling,” a phenomenon where cold air at higher elevations drains down into lower-lying valleys, reversing the expected temperatures—warm at the bottom, cold at the top—that typically occurs in . That is, the  drops with descent from mountain to valley.

“With temperature inversions, we also see vegetation inversions,” says lead study author and former UVM postdoctoral researcher Melissa Pastore. “Instead of finding more cold-preferring species like spruce and fir at high elevations, we found them in lower elevations—just the opposite of what we expect.”

And the effect on these ecosystems is substantial: “This cold-air pooling is fundamentally structuring the ,” says study co-author and UVM professor Carol Adair.

This insight “can help forest managers prioritize and protect areas with frequent and strong cold-air pooling to preserve cold-loving species as the climate warms,” says Adair.

The researchers looked at three forested sites in New England, ranging from the shallow, crater-like Nulhegan Basin of Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom, to the higher peaks and deeper valleys of the Green Mountains, over two years. They collected data on the types of trees present across elevation transects and monitored temperature hourly.

The researchers found that, far from being the occasional nighttime, seasonal phenomenon it’s historically been thought to be, cold-air pooling happens frequently, year-round, well into daylight hours, Adair says. The phenomenon occurred at every site they studied, but was strongest at the site with the shallowest elevation change.

Refuge in a changing climate

Locations experiencing this phenomenon might prove essential to conservation efforts aimed at preserving cold-adapted species, even as the larger climate warms, Pastore notes. “These cold-air-pooling areas could be valuable targets for small areas that provide a refuge from climate change; they’re areas that might be buffered from, or even decoupled from, climate change, and they’re harboring cold-adapted species that we know are vulnerable.”

She adds that conserving such locations may provide enough time for species to adapt to climate change by either migrating, or by mixing genes with neighbors to assume traits needed for survival in a hotter world.

In this way, Pastore says, “These pockets of cold habitat can act as steppingstones for some species—can buy them that time.”

Conserving such locations may have practical applications, as well, says Adair, “including  and small-scale recreational opportunities,” adding that cold-loving coniferous tree communities tend to store more carbon than deciduous trees, and forest soils may also hold onto moisture longer—important during periods of extreme rain.

Cold-air pooling has been historically and anecdotally observed elsewhere, Adair says, but this study is the first to quantify it to this degree across many sites beneath the , and more research is planned to explore its temporal and geographic extent.

Cold-air pooling is not a panacea, Pastore warns. These forests are “still going to warm—I definitely don’t want to say these are complete safe havens, because  will happen there, too—but it might be slower, and maybe species that might otherwise disappear in a  will remain longer in these locations.”

The research is highly relevant in a changing climate, as ecologists seek to model what may happen to species that require cold conditions. “If you don’t have this process in your model,” Adair says, “you’re going to miss that there are these areas where cold-loving species can persist and are persisting.”

The work has been a hopeful change of pace, Adair says. “I’m excited about the fact that this is good news, in a way. These areas can help cold-adapted  persist.” She adds, “A lot of my research is telling people why bad things are happening, so this is nice. It’s not all good news, but it’s some good news. These places exist. We can use them. They’re important. They’re clearly structuring forests.”

More information: Melissa A. Pastore et al, Frequent and strong cold‐air pooling drives temperate forest composition, Ecology and Evolution (2024). DOI: 10.1002/ece3.11126

Journal information: Ecology and Evolution

Provided by University of Vermont


Virginia Tech study considers ways to increase accessibility for all wildlife enthusiasts

April 12, 2024 · 3 minute read
Virginia Tech study considers ways to increase accessibility for all wildlife enthusiasts
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in four Americans has a disability and that number is expected to rise with an aging population. Evidence further shows that people with disabilities are also historically underserved in wildlife-related recreation, including birding. Photo courtesy of Adobe Stock.

One in three birders experiences accessibility challenges to participation in birding, according to Virginia Tech researchers Emily Sinkular and Ashley Dayer.

“I like to think of our research as blending together two previously unconnected fields: disability studies and wildlife recreation,” said Sinkular, a Ph.D. student and lead author of the study published March 26 in the journal Human Dimensions of Wildlife. “There’s been quite a lot of research on disability and lots of research on birding, but very few researchers have combined these two topics together.”

The researchers used a nationwide survey of U.S. wildlife viewers to compare the challenges and needs for birders with and without disabilities. Along with co-authors Freya McGregor, research associate in the Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation, and Morgan Karns ’23, they analyzed open-ended responses using models of disabilities, or different frames of reference, to better understand how to talk about and think about disability so it resonates with disabled people.

“We suggest agencies and organizations reflect on how to make their programs more accessible and train staff or volunteers to do so as well,” said Dayer, associate professor in the Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation. “Acknowledging that the responsibility to support participation of disabled birders rests on society and institutions, not on disabled people themselves, is essential.”

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in four Americans has a disability and that number is expected to rise with an aging population. Evidence further shows that people with disabilities are also historically underserved in wildlife-related recreation, including birding.

While the researchers found that birders with disabilities experienced more constraints than their peers, including lack of accessible features, safety concerns, and crowds at birding sites, commonalities in their needs for support of their recreational activity were also shown. Birders with and without disabilities expressed interest in access to more high-quality birding locations and information about where and when to view wildlife. This suggests strategies to improve wildlife viewing opportunities can benefit both groups.

“This shows us that agencies or organizations making changes to better include birders with disabilities can actually benefit everyone,” said Sinkular, who is also a student in the Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation.

Ultimately, studying and planning for including people with disabilities in recreation will support broader social inclusion for this large population. The benefits of birding are multifaceted, including to mental well-being, social connections, and ultimately conservation actions. This research helps to bring these benefits to people with disabilities.

Emily Sinkular, shown on a wildlife excursion to the Great Smoky National Park in Tennessee, wants to use her Ph.D. research to help make natural spaces more accessible to all, knowing the benefits she receives from being in nature and connecting to wildlife. Photo courtesy of Emily Sinkular.
Ashley Dayer, a leader in conservation social science, is actively engaged in bird conservation, serving on Road to Recovery of North America’s Birds leadership team and elective member of the American Ornithological Society. Photo by Kris Timney for Virginia Tech.

Dayer’s Human Dimensions Lab has partnered with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Multistate Conservation Grant Program to increase research on wildlife viewers with disabilities and to support state fish and wildlife agencies in learning how to better support these populations. Her lab specializes in enhancing conservation success through applying social science to effectively engage people and works to ensure that all voices are represented in research and conservation.

Dayer, an affiliated faculty member of Fralin Life Sciences Institute’s Global Change Center, said she hopes the work broadcasts a message of both inclusion and hope.

“My message for neurodiverse or disabled people: you are not alone in experiencing a desire to access nature and also facing additional challenges to doing so,” Dayer said. “And your challenges are increasingly being seen and addressed.”


Seeing the forest for the trees: Tree diversity is directly correlated with productivity in eastern U.S. forests

April 12, 2024 · 4 minute read
Seeing the forest for the trees: Tree diversity is directly correlated with productivity in eastern U.S. forests

When scientists and policymakers make tough calls on which areas to prioritize for conservation, biodiversity is often their top consideration. Environments with more diversity support a greater number of species and provide more ecosystem services, making them the obvious choice.

There’s just one problem. There are several ways to measure diversity, and each reveals a slightly different, and sometimes conflicting, view of how life interacts in a forest or other ecosystem.

In a new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers analyzed 20-years’ worth of data, which shows that the simplest measure of diversity — namely, adding up all the species for a given area — is the best way to measure the productivity of a forest.

“There aren’t many studies that look at the differences between measurements of diversity,” said lead author Yunpeng Liu, a postdoctoral associate at the Florida Museum of Natural History. Those that have, Liu said, typically used data from small, geographically isolated forest plots.

Liu specializes in forest productivity, and when he learned the U.S. Forest Service maintains decades’ worth of tree data, he knew exactly what he wanted to do with it.

Liu and his colleagues compared how three measures of biodiversity are related to productivity, or the amount of growth, in forests across the eastern United States. They did so by analyzing nearly two million tree measurements from 23,145 forest plots. Data were collected between 2000 and 2020 from non-plantation forests, meaning the trees grew there naturally.

The team found that a greater number of tree species, called species richness, consistently resulted in a more productive forest. This isn’t all that surprising, given that the interaction between multiple species creates robust ecosystem services, such as carbon storage, wildlife habitat and resources like wood that can be harvested and regrown.

The researchers assumed that other measures of diversity would also show a strong, positive relationship with productivity. Instead, they found that the measure of relatedness (phylogenetic diversity) and of various structural and chemical differences (functional diversity) were both negatively correlated with productivity.

Phylogenetic diversity shows how closely related the species in a given environment are to each other. Healthy environments typically contain multiple species that have only a distant relationship with each other, which allows them to collectively withstand change. If a virus or fungus were to sweep through and wipe out birch trees, the overall health of the forest would benefit from having various oaks, ashes, pines, walnuts and sycamores that remained unaffected.

Similarly, functional diversity is a measure of how much variety exists in the sizes, shapes and biological processes of organisms. The more differences there are in features such as tree size, wood density and rooting depth indicates how well a forest creates and makes use of all possible resources.

“These aren’t mutually exclusive measurements,” said co-author Douglas Soltis, a distinguished professor with the Florida Museum of Natural History. “They’re all ways that we might be able to make better conservation decisions.”

Forests with higher phylogenetic and functional diversity are more resilient, but whether they’re more productive is unclear.

“We aren’t yet sure,” said co-author Robert Guralnick, curator of biodiversity informatics at the Florida Museum of Natural History.

It’s possible there isn’t enough information about traits to make an accurate assessment. This is particularly true of the shape and depth of roots, which are difficult to measure.

“It may also be that there are aspects of how trees of the same or different species structure their interactions with each other, especially as tree communities become more diverse, that we don’t yet understand,” Guralnick said.

A better understanding of diversity is indispensable for the proper management of forests and has far-reaching implications. It’s estimated that plant productivity has balanced out up to 30% of carbon emissions caused by human activity over the last several decades. Forests play a significant role in this process but are also among the most threatened ecosystems on Earth.

For now, the number of species in a forest is the best proxy for its health and productivity. It also provides an easy guide for people working to restore degraded ecosystems, allowing them to focus their efforts on planting more species.

“It’s reassuring for other investigators and policymakers to know that species richness is reliable,” Soltis said, emphasizing the comparative speed and ease with which researchers can collect and analyze this type of data compared to other measures of diversity. “This is especially important when making conservation decisions with short notice and limited data.”

Funding was provided in part by the Postdoctoral International Exchange Program of the Office of China Postdoc Council and the USDA Forest Service (grant no. 21-JV-11242305-097).

Aaron Hogan and Jeremy Lichstein of the University of Florida, Pamela Soltis of the Florida Museum of Natural History and Samual Scheiner of the National Science Foundation are also authors on the study.

Sources: Yunpeng Liu,;
Douglas Soltis,;
Robert Guralnick,
Media contact: Jerald Pinson,, 352-294-0452

Enviva Forest Conservation Fund Helps Protect Virginia Forestland

April 5, 2024 · 1 minute read
Enviva Forest Conservation Fund Helps Protect Virginia Forestland

In a landmark conservation effort, 2,808.16 acres of Pierce’s Low Grounds in Greensville County, Virginia, have been permanently protected, securing a vital ecological asset for future generations. The property, recognized by the Virginia Department of Forestry with a high-ranking in “Forest Conservation Value,” is now protected from development, thanks to collaborative efforts and strategic partnerships.

The conservation initiative was made possible in part through a grant provided by the Enviva Forest Conservation Fund (EFCF), underscoring the commitment to preserving critical habitats and fostering biodiversity. This project exemplifies the power of partnerships in advancing conservation goals.

Key Features of Pierce’s Low Grounds:

  1. Ecological Significance: The Property, identified as part of the Virginia Piedmont Forest Block complex (Important Bird Area), boasts significant ecological importance. It houses diverse habitats crucial for the sustenance of various species.
  2. River Frontage: Pierce’s Low Grounds contains approximately 3,900 feet of frontage along the Meherrin River, a tributary of the Chowan River. This strategic location contributes to the protection of water quality in the Meherrin and Chowan Rivers, ultimately benefiting the Albemarle-Pamlico Sound Estuary.
  3. Threatened Species Habitat: Within the property’s boundaries lies habitat critical for threatened species, including Rafinesque’s Eastern Big Eared Bat, Eastern Mudsnake, and Green Floater. Preserving this habitat is a significant step in the conservation of these species.
  4. Natural Heritage Screening: The Property falls within the Claresville Bottomlands Natural Heritage Screening Conservation Site, further emphasizing its ecological significance and the need for its protection.

Estie Thomas, Easement Manager at Virginia Outdoors Foundation, expressed the importance of the preservation of Pierce’s Low Grounds: “This project nearly doubles the amount of pristine forest and habitat VOF has conserved in partnership with Enviva over the past decade. We are grateful for their support, and for the support of the landowners whose commitment to conservation is inspiring.”

Brandi Colander, Chief Sustainability Officer at Enviva, stated, “We are incredibly pleased to have been able to assist in the permanent conservation of this property due to its significant importance for critical bottomland forests as well as for the preservation and protection of precious habitats for various species, including threatened ones.”

The Pierce’s Low Grounds conservation project aligns with the broader mission of environmental stewardship and sustainable land management, ensuring the perpetual preservation of this significant natural landscape.

The Southern Pine Beetle: The Tree Killer 

April 5, 2024 · 6 minute read
The Southern Pine Beetle: The Tree Killer 
The geographic range of damage from the southern pine beetle.

Map/United States Department of Agriculture and the United States Forest Service

Given that it’s smaller than a grain of rice, it might be hard to believe that the minuscule southern pine beetle (Dendroctonus frontalis) could cause massive damage to forests! These beetles have been a well-known foe of the southern United States for centuries, but they are a new enemy to the Northeast.

The southern pine beetle was first recorded in the southeastern United States in the late 1700s. Though they are originally native to the southeast, warming winter temperatures have allowed the beetle’s range to expand up the east coast in recent decades.

Southern pine beetle from Pilgrim Heights, Truro under a microscope.
Photo/Felicia Hubacz, Massachusetts Bureau of Forest Fire Control and Forestry

When European settlers arrived in North America, they cut down many of the original forests that were primarily composed of trees like oak and hickory, which are naturally resistant to the southern pine beetle. With the soil quality altered from agricultural use by the settlers, pine species that are susceptible to the beetle grew back in the place of the oak and hickory. Infestations in New Jersey and New York started around a decade ago, and in 2023, there were outbreaks on Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket. Early this year, an infested tree was identified at Pilgrim Heights in the town of Truro within the bounds of Cape Cod National Seashore.

Life cycle of the southern pine beetle.
Graphic/Ronald F. Billings, Texas A&M Forest Service

Unfortunately, it can be challenging to spot the beetles themselves, considering that they are smaller than half of a grain of rice in their adult form. The beetle looks different during each stage of its life:

  • The egg is white.
  • The larva is crescent-shaped with a dark red/brown head.
  • The pupa is white.
  • As an adult, they are light brown/black.
Popcorn-like pitch tubes on an affected tree.
Photo/Jiri Hulcr, University of Florida

Luckily, the physical appearance of the beetle isn’t the only way to identify their presence, as you can tell by the damage they cause. The presence of pitch tubes would be your first physical indicator. Pitch tubes look like popcorn sticking out of the bark; these are the tree’s natural defense against predators. If you peel back the bark of an infested tree, you might also find S-shaped designs drilled into the wood called “galleries.”

Southern pine beetle galleries drilled under the bark of the tree tend to look like complex mazes.
Photo/Jiri Hulcr, University of Florida

Female southern pine beetles will create these galleries to lay their eggs. The females also release pheromones to draw males to the trees. Once a tree becomes infested, it can die quickly. Often, the trees that the beetles choose are weakened ones, but that is not always the case. Southern pine beetles like to infest many trees in an area and have been known to kill acres of trees in very short periods of time. An outbreak can be very harmful for many reasons, but dangerous specifically for Cape Cod because of the Pitch Pine Barren habitat that many species rely on.

A southern pine beetle (left) and a black turpentine beetle (right) compared to a grain of rice (middle) in someone’s palm.
Photo/ Southern Forest Insect Work Conference Archives

Southern pine beetles are often mistaken for the black turpentine beetle, a familiar insect to the northeastern United States. Black turpentine beetles are larger than southern pine beetles, measuring up to the size of a grain of rice. Their damage to trees is visually similar, but there are a few key differences. The pitch tubes they create tend to be located from the foot of the tree to about fifteen feet up, whereas southern pine beetles tend not to cause damage around the tree’s base. Differences in the galleries made under the bark can also indicate which species is the culprit, with the galleries of black turpentine beetles tending to be less intricate. Black turpentine beetles also do not kill acres of trees at a time, but rather one to a few sickly trees in one area.

Lindegren funnel traps are an excellent way to monitor for the beetle, but must be checked regularly.
Photo/Mississippi Entomological Museum

Fortunately, we don’t need to wait for an outbreak to happen to confirm the presence of southern pine beetles. Setting and monitoring traps on trees or poles are effective ways of identifying a small population of beetles before things get out of control. Lindegren funnel traps are used to monitor for the southern pine beetle. These traps consist of a series of funnels that contain a preservative like ethanol at the bottom. The funnels are strung between two trees and attract the beetles, who mistake the trap for a tree.

Aerial view of an outbreak, where large patches of trees are dying.
Photo/Ronald F. Billings, Texas A&M Forest Service,

Aerial and ground surveys are another technique used to detect beetles in early and later stages. Sadly, many infestations of single or small groups of trees are caught too late, which leads to an outbreak, where larger swaths of forest are impacted.

Thinning of pine stands is a management technique used to combat the southern pine beetle throughout the United States. This sign indicating that the forest has been thinned to prevent southern pine beetles is located in Virginia.
Photo/ Katlin Dewitt, Virginia Department of Forestry

There are a few effective ways to treat a southern pine beetle outbreak. Prescribed burns, where planned fires are set and carefully managed, can combat an outbreak as well as strengthen the ecosystem in pitch pine forests.

Felling trees is another option, with a few different techniques available. The “cut and remove” technique consists of removing infected trees from the site to be processed, while “cut and leave” can be used when trees cannot be taken to a different location, so they are left where they are cut. Cutting down trees and thinning areas of forest creates more distance between trees, which makes it more difficult for the beetles to communicate via pheromones, find each other, and attack in large numbers.

The pitch pine habitat on Cape Cod will need to be protected from the destructive southern pine beetle to survive.
Photo/John N. Cullity, Sandwich Conservation Trust

The southern pine beetle will continue to be a threat to New England with the rise in average temperatures and warming weather. There are ways to combat and stop them from spreading further north, but people must be on the lookout for warning signs. Early detection is the best way to keep the beetles contained in a small area while determining a course of action for response and elimination. The southern pine beetle is a threat everyone should take seriously to protect Cape Cod’s Pitch Pine Barrens for generations to come.You can help keep our forests safe by following these guidelines:

  • Be on the lookout! If you see a tree displaying symptoms of southern pine beetle infestation, like pitch tubes, contact (508) 771-2144 or to report the tree.
  • Make sure you are not bringing in firewood to campsites and bonfires from elsewhere. Use local firewood instead!

Residents Urged to Report, Destroy Spotted Lanternfly Egg Masses

March 29, 2024 · 2 minute read
Residents Urged to Report, Destroy Spotted Lanternfly Egg Masses

Cleverly camouflaged as clumps of mud, spotted lanternfly egg masses easily go undetected. State organizations are asking residents to pay attention, and report and destroy egg masses before they hatch this spring. (photo by Virginia Farm Bureau)

The oval egg masses are about 1.5 inches long and a half-inch wide

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. — Cleverly camouflaged as clumps of mud, spotted lanternfly egg masses easily go undetected. State organizations are asking residents to pay attention, and report and destroy egg masses before they hatch this spring.

The Virginia Department of Forestry is hosting a Volunteer Spotted Lanternfly Egg Mass survey this March to monitor spread of the pest. Residents living outside of quarantine or known infestation areas who spot egg masses are encouraged to report them using the VDOF online survey form:

“Spotted lanternfly egg masses are laid in the fall but don’t hatch until the following spring,” explained Lori Chamberlin, VDOF forest health program manager. She said now is an ideal time to look for them, while trees are bare and branches are easily visible.

The oval egg masses are about 1.5 inches long and a half-inch wide. Shiny gray with a waxy protective covering, the masses eventually turn a dull grayish brown, strongly resembling patches of mud or lichen.

Spotted lanternflies lay eggs on the underside of branches, on tree trunks and on objects like vehicles, homes, lawn furniture, grills, dog houses and decorative yard items. They’ve also been found on fencing, tarps, decking, construction materials and firewood.

“Use binoculars—they can lay eggs in the very tops of trees,” Chamberlin said.

After reporting them, residents should destroy the egg masses by scraping them into a bag with rubbing alcohol or hand sanitizer.

“If that isn’t possible, smash them with a stick or hard object,” Chamberlin suggested.

The VDOF survey closes March 31, but residents living outside of infestation areas are encouraged to continue photographing and reporting egg masses and SLF sightings to DOF local area foresters or Virginia Cooperative Extension agents.

Subtle and tucked in hidden, protected areas, lanternfly eggs have proven pervasive and challenging to combat. To help the effort, a Virginia Tech program has been training dogs to sniff them out.

“Spotted lanternflies pose a significant threat to orchards and vineyards as well as homeowners’ lawns and gardens,” said Tony Banks, senior assistant director of agriculture, development and innovation for Virginia Farm Bureau Federation. “Everyone should be vigilant if they see new insects or egg masses on their property, vehicles or equipment.”

Spotted lanternflies feed on over 100 plant species but largely impact apples, hops, ornamental plants, stone fruits and wine grapes. The honeydew they secrete on plants causes sooty mold to grow—blocking photosynthesis in leaves, stressing the plant, and potentially leading to plant death.

Click here for more information on spotted lanternflies

Forestry and Wildlife Tours Connect VA Tech Campus to The Commonwealth

March 29, 2024 · 4 minute read
Forestry and Wildlife Tours Connect VA Tech Campus to The Commonwealth

For Jennifer Gagnon, the best part of leading Forestry and Wildlife Tours is the conversations that take place as she visits a forested property, tours a barrel cooperage, or drives a 12-passanger van to the next destination on the tour.

“The best part of these tours is the people sharing their stories,” said Gagnon, coordinator of the Virginia Forest Landowner Education Program. “The tours provide opportunities for people who own tracts of land to talk and learn from each other. They get the chance to make connections with other landowners and natural resource professionals.”

Connecting forest landowners with the research knowledge at Virginia Tech is a key aim of Virginia Cooperative Extension and the Virginia Forest Landowner Education Program.

“Private individuals and families own over two-thirds of all our forests in Virginia,” said Gagnon, a member of the College of Natural Resources and Environment’s Department of Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation. “We want the people who own those forests to have the information they need to take care of them, to make sure that they’re healthy and productive, so that we can all benefit from them, both environmentally and economically.”

Last fall’s forestry and wildlife tour series was the 47th iteration of the program, making it the longest-running Extension program of its kind in Virginia. Four tours were held in October, each with a schedule curated by district forestry Extension agents and reflected county-specific natural resource issues.

“The district foresters take the lead on planning our tours,” said Gagnon, who has coordinated the tours since 2006. “They put the hard work into reaching out to landowners or businesses and asking for permission to access land or tour a factory or a timber harvest. Then they’ll do a dry run of the route to check which sites can be accessed easily by a tour bus or van.”

This past year’s tours reflect the range of experiences and knowledge offered to participants. In Bland County, landowners visited a 500-acre Tree Farm, a family firewood business, and a timber harvesting operation before attending a presentation on the benefits of prescribed burning in the Appalachian forests. In Mecklenburg County, participants visited a Wildlife Management Area and then toured Virginia’s largest human-made lake to better understand the dynamics between human and ecosystem processes.

Access has always been a priority: The tours are planned to minimize strenuous walks, and scholarships are available for area K-12 teachers interested in learning about forestry and wildlife.

One way that Gagnon plans to make tours more accessible for 2024 involves the use of technology. “This year, we’re excited to introduce portable headsets for use on mill tours,” said Gagnon. “Typically, our participants are broken into groups with a leader, and it can sometimes be difficult to hear that’s being said inside a noisy facility. That should no longer be a problem.”

Gagnon said that the Fall Forestry and Wildlife Field Tours are a collaborative effort that rely significantly on the contributions of partners, including federal and state agencies, the forest industry, and private contractors.

“We couldn’t provide this service without the contributions of the Virginia Department of Forestry and the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources, as well as other partners,” she said. “We’re tasked with providing educational programming to the entire state, and we really rely on the folks that work with landowners every day to keep us updated on what information and services we can provide.”

Jennifer Gagnon, coordinator of the Virginia Forest Landowner Education Program, has been participating in fall tours since 2006. Photo by Ray Meese for Virginia Tech.

In addition to the fall tours, Gagnon and two of the district forestry Extension agents lead winter Woods and Wildlife Conferences, where residents and landowners participate in presentations on subjects as varied as growing wild ginseng, managing invasive species, considering solar energy options, and discussing silvopasture strategies that allow livestock, trees, and vegetation to share a landscape. The group also leads Generation NEXT workshops on legacy planning for forest properties, workshops on best practices for prescribed burningonline courses and weekend retreats on forest management, and even a SHARP Logger program that details how to harvest trees safely.

For Gagnon – who boasts that she can now drive a 12-passanger van better than her own car – the highlight of the tours is having the chance to provide connections between forest landowners and the resources that drive Virginia’s third-largest industry.

“Our forest landowners spend 25 years of their lives growing a pine tree, or maybe 75 years growing a hardwood, and it’s always exciting to see them come into a place that is using that resource so they know that their work is contributing to the economics of the state.”

The 2024 schedule for upcoming Fall Forestry and Wildlife Field Tours will be available this summer. Sign up for a tour and read about all of the services and programs offered.

Volunteers join Nansemond Indian Tribe to preserve nature

March 26, 2024 · 2 minute read
Volunteers join Nansemond Indian Tribe to preserve nature

Suffolk Va. –Friday afternoon, Suffolk volunteers and the Nansemond Indian Tribe unite to heal the land from non-indigenous plant species.

In partnership with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and the Virginia Department of Forestry, the tribe held their first Mattanock Town Tree Planting event on Friday, March 1, at 1001 Pembroke Ln. Part of a two-day series (also held Saturday, March 2), volunteers alongside both CBF and DOF officials worked with the tribe to plant various trees native to the area’s forest, such as black gum, witch hazel, hackberry, and more. Nansemond Indian Nation Chief Keith Anderson said it was an “amazing feeling” to see everyone come together to help restore the area’s forestry.

“We’re definitely blessed to have this, especially to do this along with community partners and citizens throughout Hampton Roads,” Anderson said.

CBF Restoration Coordinationor Kati Grigsby said it was a “major honor” to be invited to the planting and be part of the tribe’s journey of reconnecting their people with the local waterways. Grigsby talked about the results they hope to see from the planting.

“We’re hoping to have a canopy that actually will shade out the invasive species and then also root systems that will outcompete the invasive species root systems as well,” Grigsby said.

Grigsby also noted that rare sugar maple seedlings were found inside the footprint of the planting and that the Elizabeth River Project, Nansemond River Preservation Alliance and Virginia Tech Agricultural Research Extension Center are “babysitting” these seedlings until their planting later in the fall. CBF Virginia Executive Director Chris Moore also expressed how great the tribe’s work is in helping restore the area’s land.

“Even where we’re standing right now, you couldn’t walk through just a very short time ago because it was filled with invasive species. All these volunteers, all the folks from the tribe, all the partners are out here planting native species again, and so you’re going to see a huge difference in what this place looks like in a very short period of time,” Moore said.

Virginia Department of Forestry Urban and Community Delaney Long, who helped demonstrate the planting process for volunteers, says she felt “energized” seeing the turnout of volunteers helping with land restoration.

“So many people came out to help today,” Long said. “Seeing the site this morning when we got here to set up, it was hard to picture having a lot of people out here, putting trees in the ground, and maybe what this was going to turn into eventually, and now that everyone is here and excited and everyone’s got a tree in their hand, it is a little easier to just visualize the mature, healthy forest that this is going to be and what it can provide for this community.”

Finally, Anderson expressed his gratitude to everyone who came out for the tribe’s first planting.

“Just eternally grateful for the sincerity and support and just the desire that we’re doing this as a kinship,” Anderson said. “It’s not just about the tribe, but about building community relationships.”

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Women in the Forest Service

March 26, 2024 · 1 minute read
Women in the Forest Service

Celebrating women

Women have been at the forefront of the Forest Service since its inception in 1905, serving in roles as advocates, foresters, rangers’ wives, clerks, information and education specialists, scientific researchers and lookouts. In these roles, they pioneered and supported the development of the agency’s forest management infrastructure, information base, conservation education, scientific research, and fixed-point fire detection system. Although women were not allowed in forestry schools or hired in professional or field positions during the first half of the 20th century, they found rewarding careers in the agency through alternative paths, studying environmental sciences or providing insight from the lens of daily administration.

After passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, women applied for professional and field positions and moved into jobs as foresters, firefighters and even district rangers and forest supervisors, leading to the first female Chief of the Forest Service in 2007. Women have had a profound impact on the Forest Service, working as a vital core from day one to help shape the agency’s information base and administrative infrastructure. Scroll down to learn more about women within the Forest Service through six biographical features, an interactive timeline, links to more information and photographs.

Women’s voices have long been part of the call for forest preservation and an ecological and moral approach to land management, but they have been overshadowed by those made by Henry D. Thoreau, George Perkins Marsh and Aldo Leopold. Beginning a century before Leopold published his essay, women were initiating calls for including ethical and cultural aspects of environmental management—two cornerstones of forest management today.

Click here to read more and watch a video from the US Forest Service.


Seven times size of Manhattan: the African tree-planting project making a difference

March 15, 2024 · 5 minute read
Seven times size of Manhattan: the African tree-planting project making a difference

Thousands of farmers have been persuaded by TREES scheme to replace barren monocultures with biodiverse forest gardens

In a world of monoculture cash crops, an innovative African project is persuading farmers to plant biodiverse forest gardens that feed the family, protect the soil and expand tree cover.

Could Trees for the Future (TREES) be a rare example of a mass reforestation campaign that actually works? The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) certainly thinks so and last month awarded it the status of World Restoration Flagship.

Since it was founded in 2015, the programme has planted tens of millions of trees each year in nine countries ranging from Senegal and Mali to Tanzania and Kenya. In less than 10 years, it has reportedly restored a combined area of more than 41,000 hectares, which is about seven times the size of Manhattan.

This includes part of the African Union’s Great Green Wall initiative, a planned 8,000km-wide barrier of vegetation to hold back the deserts that are encroaching across the Sahel region. Organisers say this will be the largest natural structure on the planet, though it is still very much a work in progress.

A smiling woman with vegetable plots behind.
A community nursery in Tanzania. Photograph:

Trees for the Future has ambitious plans to use reforestation to combat poverty. By 2030, it aims to create 230,000 jobs and plant a billion trees.

A commitment to restoration is essential, according to Inger Andersen, executive director of UNEP, who noted it was no longer enough to merely protect what was left of Africa’s fertile land. This continent will be home to a quarter of the world’s population in little more than a generation and many areas have already degraded into semi-barren drylands.

“Initiatives like TREES are playing an important role in reversing decades of ecosystem degradation, especially across the Sahel, pushing back desertification, increasing climate resilience and improving the wellbeing of farmers and their communities,” Andersen said in announcing the World Restoration Flagship.

While there is no doubt about the need for reforestation, there are historical reasons to be sceptical about the effectiveness of such programmes. Expectations are often too high. A 2019 study suggesting the climate crisis could be significantly eased by planting a trillion trees across the world was later debunked as unrealistic because there was not enough suitable land.

Many governments have launched mass tree-planting campaigns, but after the initial day or two of publicity, there is rarely sufficient irrigation, protection and other follow-up to ensure seeds and saplings grow into trunks and branches. Often such national initiatives are little more than greenwashing distractions from far greater forest destruction elsewhere.

Kenya, for example, has launched numerous tree-planting initiatives in recent decades, including the Million Operation Gavisha in 1977, the Trees Campaign in 2006, the Greening Kenya Initiative in 2010 and the Accelerated National Tree Growing Campaign 2022, yet overall, it has lost 11% of its tree cover since 2000.

The situation has stabilised somewhat in the past two years under the current president, William Ruto, who has declared an annual tree-planting holiday and set a national target to plant 15bn trees and raise tree cover to 30% by 2032. But the gains could be short-lived because Ruto recently lifted the six-year logging ban to boost economic growth. This puts more pressure on Mau forest, which is already being cleared for tea and wheat fields; Migori forest, which is encroached upon by sugar producers; and Nyanza forest, which is an expanding area for tobacco farmers.

The protection of primary forests is a priority for the global climate, local biodiversity and regional water cycles. Those functions, built up over centuries, cannot be fully replaced by new plantations and restoration projects. But TREES and similar programmes can help to alleviate ecological and economic problems in already degraded areas.

A woman looking up into a tree.
Trees for the Future 2030 aim to create 230,000 jobs and plant a billion trees by 2030. Photograph: Adobe PDF library 15.00/

At Kesouma, on the edge of Lake Victoria in western Kenya, organisers say they have supported 17,000 smallholder farmers with training, seeds, tools and grants to plant “forest gardens” instead of the monocultures that left their plots exposed and sucked dry of moisture, carbon and nutrients.

The area is subdivided into groups of 20 smallholders, represented by a lead farmer, who is paid a stipend of 3,000 Kenyan shillings every month. All members regularly meet for reporting, training and access to the tools and seed banks to nurture a forest garden. Individual plots, which cover 1 hectare on average, are said to have about 5,800 trees of multiple varieties.

On the outer perimeter there is a “protective wall” made up of three ranks of Acacia polyacantha (white thorn). Behind this is a cluster of tightly-spaced agroforestry trees that grow quickly and can be used for firewood and fodder. In the centre is a mix of vegetable gardens and orchards of mangoes, avocados, oranges, apples and other fruits. The aim is to provide sufficient nutrition to feed a family with a small surplus crop to sell at the market.

In one pilot area in the Lake Victoria basin, incomes are to be further bolstered by cash from carbon credits provided by the US firm Catona Climate based on gains in soil organic carbon, which is measured by experts from the University of Nairobi and Wangari Maathai Institute of Peace and Environmental Studies.

Monitoring is a key element in any reforestation programme, as is maintenance, particularly in remote areas. Major projects in China and Africa – including the Great Green Wall – have tried to address this by dropping seeds by plane in uninhabited areas. With species often unsuited to the terrain and irrigation impossible, this has often resulted in wasted efforts. In that regard, forest gardens seem more promising, though the scope is limited. Farmers usually live in or near their fields and have a financial incentive to ensure the quality of the soil and the healthy growth of a variety of trees.

Vincent Mainga, the Kenya director of TREES, said the project would expand rapidly now it has the endorsement of UNEP. “This is a massive restoration movement using regenerative agriculture,” he said. “This model is very easy to adopt. We work with the farmers for four years. After that, they can understand all the components and they can use what they learn from our technicians to produce thriving farmlands, usually with a surplus. It is self-sustaining.”

Stumpy’s last bloom: A beloved Tidal Basin cherry tree faces the ax

March 15, 2024 · 3 minute read
Stumpy’s last bloom: A beloved Tidal Basin cherry tree faces the ax

Stumpy, a beloved hollow cherry tree located on the south bank of the Tidal Basin in Washington, will be removed later this year alongside hundreds of other trees that will be cut down for a sea-wall-rebuilding effort led by the National Park Service.

The name was given to the stump-shaped cherry tree in 2020 by a Reddit user who joked that the tree was as dead as his love life. Since then, the tree’s popularity has only grown, and its resilience celebrated. The tree has survived years of flooding tides from the Potomac River and beavers browsing for bark.

“Stumpy is such a unique and well-loved tree because it’s small and deals with Tidal Basin flooding daily,” said Dave Lyons, a D.C.-area photographer. “Yet it’s full of beautiful cherry blossoms. Everyone cheers for the little guy.”

(Matt McClain/The Washington Post)
The National Cherry Blossom Festival in D.C. draws more than a million visitors from all over the world. Here’s our 2024 cherry blossom forecast for peak bloom.

Still, the tree’s days are numbered as a $113 million multiyear repair of Tidal Basin and West Potomac Park sea walls nears. About 300 trees overall, including more than 150 of the iconic cherry trees, will be removed.

Human-caused climate change, which is driving a rise in sea levels in tidal waters, is partially to blame for Stumpy’s fate.

“Portions of the seawalls have settled as much as five feet since their initial construction from the late 1800s to the early 1900s,” the Park Service said. “As a result of the settling and sea level rise, water flows over portions of the seawalls twice a day during normal tidal conditions.”

Mike Litterst, communications chief for the National Mall and Memorial Parks, said the announcement of the sea wall repair and tree removal was purposely made before the cherry blossom bloom this year so people could travel to the Tidal Basin and visit Stumpy one last time during peak bloom. He expects huge crowds at peak bloom next week.

Mike Litterst, communications chief for the National Mall and Memorial Parks, at the Tidal Basin on Thursday. (Kevin Ambrose)

The Credit Union Cherry Blossom 10-mile and 5K will commemorate the beloved tree next month with its image on race T-shirts and race medals, and a full-size Stumpy mascot.

“This news [from the NPS] makes 2024 the perfect year for us to celebrate Stumpy,” Phil Stewart, director of the cherry blossom races, said in a news release.

Litterst said that the sea wall project will begin in May and that Stumpy and the rest of the trees will likely be cut down in June. Replanting mature trees is too costly and challenging, he said, particularly given the number of trees. Thus, removal is necessary.

Clippings from Stumpy will be sent to the National Arboretum to create genetic matches. The hope is to plant little Stumpy clones on the National Mall or nearby parks. The rest of Stumpy and the other trees will be ground into mulch and spread around the remaining cherry tree bases to protect their roots and provide nutrients to the soil. It’s the “circle of life,” Litterst said.

As of Thursday, Stumpy was at bloom stage 4 of 6, “peduncle elongation.” (Kevin Ambrose)
Stumpy, seen here in August 2022, is often flooded during high tide. (Kevin Ambrose)

On a sunny Thursday morning on the Tidal Basin, three news crews filmed the tree, and many tourists stopped to take photos. Litterst laughed as he noted that while the National Mall has so much to offer — with its impressive memorials, monuments, trees and history — people continually ask where they can find Stumpy, one of the Tidal Basin’s smallest and most distressed trees.

If you’re looking for Stumpy yourself, you can find it about a one-minute walk just to the west of the Jefferson Memorial. But you can also look for the crowd.

Stumpy with fall foliage in October 2022. (Kevin Ambrose)
Stumpy in the snow this past January. (Kevin Ambrose)

At Northwestern, students watch climate change through maple trees

March 8, 2024 · 3 minute read
At Northwestern, students watch climate change through maple trees
(Joshua A. Bickel / Associated Press)
Big Mama has seen a lot of students passing by in her 120 years. So have Little Mama, Big Bertha, Persephone, Doug and Grant — just some of the many sugar maple trees on Northwestern University’s campus that have provided not only sap, but also data to students doing a course on maple syrup and climate change.

It’s a class that the students, who come from majors ranging from environmental policy and journalism to civil engineering, say provides hands-on experience in data collection and a front-row seat to witness climate change. It’s also a highly sought-after course and one that students say more programs should emulate with its incorporation of Indigenous knowledge. Many current and former students are passionate about the environment and are keen on learning more about environmental justice and Native perspectives.

But less than one percent of Northwestern’s benefits-eligible staff in the 2020 and 2021 academic years identified as American Indian or Alaska Native — a statistic that follows a nationwide trend, which, as of fall of 2021, indicated that the same group made up less than one-half of one percent of college faculty in the U.S., according to the National Center for Education Statistics. Northwestern says it’s actively working to enhance its Native and Indigenous presence on campus, including through faculty recruitment, and is proud of the quality of its Indigenous faculty.

The maple course instructor, Eli Suzukovich III, is of the Little Shell Tribe of Chippewa/Cree and first came to the idea of tapping urban trees in 2012, when he was working for the American Indian Center in Chicago. He says he and his colleagues realized it was a good outdoor activity for winter and early spring, and built a curriculum around the practice. “It was largely for Native kids, as a way to think about climate change and environment from a Native perspective, but also thinking about Native traditions,” he said.

Now, he’s adapted that curriculum, in partnership with associate professor of chemistry Shelby Hatch, for Northwestern students, who have been taking the class for about seven years. “In seven years I’ve had seven different winters,” Suzukovich III said. “The only thing I can know that’s consistent is that the trees will produce sap at some point.”

This year, through hail and freezing rain, students calculated the trees’ heights. Next, they tapped through layers of bark to get to the sap that flows through their trunks, and tested the sugar content of that sap using a special tool called a refractometer. Eventually, they’ll boil into maple syrup what they catch in plastic containers duct taped to the side of each tree.

“I’ve loved this class and just the opportunity to learn through doing,” said Zella Milfred, a junior who grew up organizing around climate issues in Madison, Wisconsin. One of her fellow class project group members, sophomore Bela Filstrup, also grew up engaged in climate activism and says it was important to her to have a strong science background as well as to study connections between climate and environmental justice. “Getting to know your environment a lot more and having just so much more respect of the land, I think is really important,” she said.

Forrest Bruce, a former student of the class who is now a fifth-year Ph.D. candidate interested in climate change education for Native youth, also said he appreciated the course for allowing him to connect with the land and for its focus on adaptation.

“I think, like a lot of our young people are bombarded with this narrative that…you are the generation that is going to have to live through climate collapse,” Bruce said. “It’s important not to downplay the severity of the situation that we’re in, but also I think that cultivating climate anxiety like that can be paralyzing.”

He said that he doesn’t think the class should be exceptional and that more should be done to connect Indigenous education with climate curricula on campus.

“Our ancestors, they always found ways to adapt and to change with the times. And so we’re continuing that tradition,” he said.


Associated Press journalist Joshua A. Bickel contributed to this report.

World’s oldest fossilised trees discovered along Devon and Somerset coast

March 8, 2024 · 3 minute read
World’s oldest fossilised trees discovered along Devon and Somerset coast
The fossilised stump of a Calamophyton tree, discovered in the high sandstone cliffs along the Devon and Somerset coast. Part of the oldest known fossil forest on Earth, it is roughly four million years older than the previous record holder, which was found in New York state. Photograph: Neil Davies

The fossilised Calamophyton remains show how early trees helped shape landscapes and stabilise riverbanks millions of years ago

The world’s oldest fossilised trees, dating back 390m years, have been found in the high sandstone cliffs along the Devon and Somerset coast.

The fossilised trees are the oldest ever found, roughly 4m years older than the previous record holder, which was found in New York state.

The fossilised trees, known as Calamophyton, would resemble palm trees if seen from a distance, but were a “prototype” of the kinds of tree we are familiar with today. Rather than solid wood, their trunks were thin and hollow in the centre and they stood between 2 and 4 metres tall. They also lacked leaves; their branches were covered in hundreds of twig-like structures.

The fossils were found near Minehead, on the south bank of the Bristol Channel, near what is now a Butlin’s holiday camp.

“This was a pretty weird forest – not like any forest you would see today,” said Prof Neil Davies, a geologist at the University of Cambridge and the study’s first author. “There wasn’t any undergrowth to speak of and grass hadn’t yet appeared, but there were lots of twigs dropped by these densely packed trees, which had a big effect on the landscape.”

Scientists had previously assumed that this stretch of the English coast did not contain significant plant fossils, but this find shows how early trees helped shape landscapes and stabilise riverbanks and coastlines hundreds of millions of years ago. The results are reported in the Journal of the Geological Society.

Forest of Calamophyton trees
A forest of Calamophyton trees. The trees were a ‘prototype’ of the kinds we are familiar with today. Photograph: Peter Giesen/Chris Berry

The forest dates back to the Devonian period, between 358m and 419m years ago, when life started its first big expansion on to land. By the end of the period, the first seed-bearing plants had appeared and the earliest land animals, mostly arthropods, were well established.

“The Devonian period fundamentally changed life on Earth,” said Davies. “It also changed how water and land interacted with each other, since trees and other plants helped stabilise sediment through their root systems, but little is known about the very earliest forests.”

The fossil forest identified by the researchers was found in the Hangman sandstone formation, along the north Devon and west Somerset coasts. During the Devonian period, this region was not attached to the rest of England, but instead lay farther south, connected to parts of Germany and Belgium, where similar Devonian fossils have been found.

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“When I first saw pictures of the tree trunks, I immediately knew what they were, based on 30 years of studying this type of tree worldwide,” said Dr Christopher Berry, a palaeobotanist at Cardiff University and the study’s co-author. “It was amazing to see them so near to home. But the most revealing insight comes from seeing, for the first time, these trees in the positions where they grew.

“It is our first opportunity to look directly at the ecology of this earliest type of forest, to interpret the environment in which Calamophyton trees were growing, and to evaluate their impact on the sedimentary system.”

The fieldwork was undertaken along the highest sea cliffs in England, some of which are accessible only by boat, and revealed that this sandstone formation is in fact rich with plant fossil material from the Devonian period.

During that era, the site was a semi-arid plain, crisscrossed by small river channels spilling out from mountains to the north-west. The emergence of the first tightly packed clusters of trees would have affected the way that rivers flowed across the landscape, the researchers said. “People sometimes think that British rocks have been looked at enough, but this shows that revisiting them can yield important new discoveries,” said Davies.

‘Living fossil’ tree frozen in time for 66 million years being planted in secret locations

March 1, 2024 · 3 minute read
‘Living fossil’ tree frozen in time for 66 million years being planted in secret locations
Wollemi pines — thought to have gone extinct 2 million years ago — were rediscovered in 1994. Scientists are now hoping to reintroduce the species in the wild in a conservation effort that could take centuries.

Scientists are planting “living fossil” trees in secret locations in a bid to bring back the lost species from the brink of extinction — an effort that could take centuries.

Wollemi pines (Wollemia nobilis) were believed to have disappeared some 2 million years ago. Fossils of the species dating the Cretaceous period (145 million to 66 million years ago) show they have barely changed in appearance since this time.

But in 1994, hikers in Australia’s Blue Mountains stumbled upon a relict stand of these ancient conifers. Now, only around 60 of them remain in Wollemi National Park. They are threatened by Phytophthora cinnamomi, a pathogenic water mold that causes dieback, and by rampant wildfires that intermittently rage through this region of New South Wales.

Since its rediscovery, wollemi pines have been grown in botanical gardens and private spaces around the world. And the Wollemi Pine Recovery Team, a partnership between Australian government scientists and conservationists, has begun the process of reintroducing seedlings to three sites in Wollemi National Park.

“The sites comprise high-elevation sandstone gorges that are sufficiently deep, narrow and steep-sided to provide refugia from frequent, intense wildfires and drought,” representatives said in a statement emailed to Live Science. “There was no evidence of infection with pathogenic Phytophthora species at either site when surveyed immediately prior to the translocations, and there is a low (but non-zero) likelihood of unauthorized visitation due to their remoteness.”

Following a pilot transplantation effort in 2012, the recovery team initiated a more intensive project in 2019. Over 400 saplings were transplanted at two sites and — due to drought conditions — the team later hauled several thousand gallons of water to the plants in order to help them survive. Later that year, a substantial number of the trees were destroyed by bushfires. Only 58 saplings made it to 2023.

The trees were found in 1994 by hikers in the Blue Mountains in New South Wales.  (Image credit: AndriiSlonchak via Getty Images)

In 2021, 502 more Wollemi pines were planted at the sites to replace those lost in the fires. “Survival has greatly exceeded expectations, due in part to several years of favorable La Niña conditions following the 2021 population augmentations,” the researchers said. La Niña is a periodic climate pattern that features colder-than-average waters in the central and east-central equatorial Pacific. Increased rainfalls due to the climatic phenomenon benefited the new transplants—but that seems to be coming to an end. Landslides caused by heavy rains in 2022 led to further fatalities but more than 80% survived. More will be planted in 2024.

The team has taken extensive steps to prevent introduction of Phytophthora to the sites. Their locations are concealed from the public and even the reintroduction team limits their time near the plants. They repeatedly disinfect their shoes to reduce the likelihood they will track in traces of the water mold. Even a few spores might spell death for this nascent population.

They have also intentionally located some of the young trees in areas that might be subject to bushfires “to help address knowledge gaps regarding their response and ability to tolerate fire,” the team said.

While the new populations are being intensively monitored, the fate of the species in the wild is far from assured. The young trees grow less than 0.4 inches (1 centimeter) a year, so it will take decades for them to reach maturity and produce seeds. Some may produce offshoots in the meantime, though when they may begin propagating themselves in this fashion remains unknown.

Fires and other climate-related issues such as reduced rainfall are likely to interfere with the restoration effort in the coming years. The scientists view their effort as a multi-generational one: a new cohort of stewards will need to take their place in the ensuing decades.

“To be successful, the translocated populations must become self-sustaining, and the benchmark is the appearance of second-generation seedlings,” the researchers said. “Given the slow growth and maturation of Wollemi pines in the wild, this is likely to take many decades, if not centuries. Given predicted increases in the frequency and severity of fire and drought due to climate change — arguably the two greatest threats to these populations — their long-term security is far from guaranteed.”

Ancient Pollen Trapped in Greenland Ice Uncovers Changes in Canadian Forests Over 800 Years

March 1, 2024 · 6 minute read
Ancient Pollen Trapped in Greenland Ice Uncovers Changes in Canadian Forests Over 800 Years

The new study helps illuminate how changes in forest composition followed European settlement and natural changes in climate.

Reno, Nev. (February 8, 2024) – The Greenland ice sheet lies thousands of miles from North America yet holds clues to the distant continent’s environmental history. Nearly two miles thick in places, the ice sheet grows as snow drifts from the sky and builds up over time. But snow isn’t the only thing carried in by air currents that swirl around the atmosphere, with microscopic pollen grains and pieces of ash mixing with snowfall and preserving records of the past in the ice. A new study examined these pollen grains and identified how eastern Canada’s forests grew, retreated, and changed through time.

Published January in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, the research was led by Sandra Brugger, Ph.D., during her postdoctoral work with Joe McConnell, Ph.D., in DRI’s Ice Core Lab. Although the lab has conducted many studies using cores of ice extracted from Arctic landscapes around the world—using the chemical signals trapped in the ice and air bubbles to track changes in environmental and human history—this is the first time that pollen was the center of focus. Through painstaking analysis of each pollen grain under the microscope, they found a record of forest changes spanning 850 years, covering both the onset of the Little Ice Age around 1400 and the arrival of European settlers and subsequent intensive logging practices around 1650. The information not only provides glimpses of the past, but can help establish baselines for evaluating changes in forest cover as the global climate warms.

Dr. Brugger examining a sample of pollen under the microscope.
Dr. Sandra Brugger examining a sample of concentrated ancient pollen extracted from an ice core that preserved atmospheric particles over 850 years. Photo credit: Jessi LeMay/DRI.

“Our results are exciting because pollen that traveled thousands of miles can illuminate changes that happened on a large scale in those forests,” said Brugger, who is now at the University of Basel.

Because pollen is relatively large compared to other atmospheric particles, few pollen grains travel across oceans and get preserved in Arctic ice sheets. In order to obtain enough pollen to piece together the story of historic forest changes, Brugger developed new methods that made the analysis possible, involving carefully evaporating water from the ice core to collect the miniscule grains of pollen. This study marks one of the first times that pollen has been extracted from polar ice cores to examine environmental change over time. Pollen in lake sediment has been used for the same purpose but is reflective of a local ecosystem immediately surrounding the lake, and does not capture changes in vegetation occurring on a region-wide scale.

“We also get a more precise chronology from the ice cores than from most lake sediments, because we can date them almost to the year,” Brugger said. “This helps tie the information to, for example, European settlers coming to eastern North America, because we know from historic sources when they arrived and what they did to the landscape.”

Dr. Brugger holding a slide with pollen grains visible.
Dr. Brugger holding a microscope slide with pollen grains collected from the ice core. Photo credit: Jessi LeMay/DRI.

“Since Greenland is only sparsely vegetated at the margins of the ice sheet and so far from forested regions, we don’t usually think about trying to measure pollen in Greenland ice cores,” said Nathan Chellman, Ph.D, assistant research professor at DRI and co-author of the study. “It is pretty incredible to think that the history of North American conifer forests can be told by measuring the few pollen grains that manage to make it through the atmosphere to the ice sheet.”

Joining DRI’s Ice Core Lab to conduct the work allowed Brugger to utilize McConnell’s decades of expertise developing and honing techniques for making precise chemical measurements of ice cores to pinpoint specific events in time, including plagues, volcanic eruptions, and the evolution of industrial society.

The ice core was collected from southern Greenland and held pollen primarily from conifer forests on the North Atlantic coast, with smaller amounts from northern tundra vegetation and European forests. Between approximately 1160 and 1400, a period known as the Medieval Warm Period, about 60% of the pollen records came from northern forest species such as pine, spruce, and fir. After the onset of the Little Ice Age circa 1400, the same species compose nearly 80% of the pollen record, demonstrating an expansion of these forests as the climate cooled. Because there is no evidence that the northernmost tree line shifted over this timeframe, the forest spread likely came from changes in forest density, pollen productivity, and a southward expansion into more temperate regions, the authors write.

Pollen from the same conifer species changed again between 1650 and 1760, declining to about 40% of the ice record, which is likely due to extensive logging of the region by European settlers during this time. The study authors ruled out increased forest fires as the cause of the decline by measuring fire indicators like charcoal and black carbon in the ice core. They also cross-referenced their findings with historical records showing that white pine forests were considered valuable timber, leading to many of the forests along the Miramichi, Saint John, and Ottawa rivers to be harvested by 1850.

Image of a pine pollen grain as viewed under a microscope.
A pine pollen grain (Pinus sp.) collected from the ice core and examined under the microscope. Photo credit: Jessi LeMay/DRI.

Around 1760, chemical signatures of fossil fuel pollution began appearing in the ice record, marking the start of industrialization in eastern North America. This is around the time when the pollen record reflects changes in human activities more prominently than climatic influences, suggesting the start of a human-driven ecosystem in the region. Conifer forests then declined further at the beginning of the 20th century, with continued logging and clearing of forests for farmland throughout eastern Canada. At the same time, pollen records show an increase in ragweed, a shrub known to proliferate in disturbed landscapes. The pollen record indicates that pine forest recovery started around 1950, when a decline in logging coincided with rural farm abandonment and a shift in climate.

“This clarity of the signal showing pine forest expansion at the beginning of the Little Ice Age, and then this retraction once the Little Ice Age is over, and then human impact coming in — you see this on a large scale,” Brugger said. “I did not expect the story to be so clear in the ice.”

This study follows previous work by Brugger on another ice core from central Greenland, where the pollen record was markedly different from this southern Greenland ice core. This is because the two locations receive different atmospheric particles, Brugger says. The central Greenland ice core recorded more changes in Arctic vegetation than more distant locales.

The team also worked with colleagues in Vienna to create computer models that could simulate the movement of pollen through the atmosphere. This allowed them to better understand and verify where each Greenland site is positioned within global atmospheric circulation patterns.

“This southern ice core really tracked the boreal forest,” Brugger said. “You get a completely different signal than with the previous study I did in central Greenland, where we tracked changes in the Arctic. These two ice core sites track very, very different things and it’s all confirmed by atmospheric models, which is beautiful.”

Studies like this offer a deeper understanding of environmental history that can also be applied to future changes in climate. Brugger plans to continue using ancient pollen to glimpse into the past, and is working on publishing the results of another study with a much deeper ice core that represents 8,000 years of history.

More Information: The full study, Pollen in Polar Ice Implies Eastern Canadian Forest Dynamics Diverged From Climate After European Settlement, is available from Geophysical Research Letters at

Study authors includeSandra Brugger (DRI/U. of Basel), Nathan Chellman (DRI), Andreas Plach (U. of Vienna), Paul Henne (USGS), Andreas Stohl (U. of Vienna), Joseph McConnell (DRI)

Country diary: Caught in a web of late winter branches

February 22, 2024 · 2 minute read
Country diary: Caught in a web of late winter branches

‘Before the riot of unfurling, and of green, there is a clear, and no less striking, shape to the darkness.’ The palm house at Kew Gardens in winter. Photograph: Ellen Rooney/Alamy

Kew Gardens, London: Before these wonderful trees are graced once more with spring leaves, we must appreciate their shadow portraits.

Before the deciduous trees come into leaf, walking underneath them is dizzying. It is like moving through a large, deconstructed nest – one that expands from tree to tree. Without leaves, the nest is airy and flooded with light, made from whole branches and lined with the sky.

The trees lose some of their familiarity when leaves do not reveal their names, and it is their silhouettes that speak. A crown of fine twigs reveals a beech. The horse chestnut’s branches, upturned at the ends, hang like chandeliers. There is something intimate about moving through these shadow portraits, seeing a level of exposure that is not, for most of the year, available. There is an invitation to drift under all this uplift, to trace new pathways through wooden cobwebs.

A large English oak draws me to a standstill. For a moment, I am caught in the web as I follow the outstretched branches. High up, a larch’s twigs brush against its own; lower down, sun soaks the bark in bronze. The width of the trunk denotes an old age, and with many oaks of this kind not producing acorns until they are more than 40 years old, there is a message of slow and steady growth fitting to the season preceding the sudden spurts of spring.

Although there are other silhouettes to trace, it is here that I stay as the sky streams through the branches. I stay as the blue, without leaves to hide it, is at its brightest. A green woodpecker chatters from the larch and a jay flashes turquoise feathers as it passes. I stay until the cold forces me to move.

At ground level, there are scatterings of snowdrops and winter aconite. A little higher, camellias pour in colour from the fringes. Higher still, red catkins dangle from the hazel. The message of coming brightness is clear. Yet, just before the showiness begins, before the riot of unfurling and of green, there is a clear, and no less striking, shape to the darkness, looking skywards through webs of bare branches.

Very cool: trees stalling effects of global heating in eastern US, study finds

February 22, 2024 · 3 minute read
Very cool: trees stalling effects of global heating in eastern US, study finds

Vast reforestation a major reason for ‘warming hole’ across parts of US where temperatures have flatlined or cooled

Trees provide innumerable benefits to the world, from food to shelter to oxygen, but researchers have now found their dramatic rebound in the eastern US has delivered a further, stunning feat – the curtailing of the soaring temperatures caused by the climate crisis.

While the US, like the rest of the world, has heated up since industrial times due to the burning of fossil fuels, scientists have long been puzzled by a so-called “warming hole” over parts of the US south-east where temperatures have flatlined, or even cooled, despite the unmistakable broader warming trend.

A major reason for this anomaly, the new study finds, is the vast reforestation of much of the eastern US following the initial loss of large numbers of trees in the wake of European settlement in America. Such large expanses have been reforested in the past century – with enough trees sprouting back to cover an area larger than England – that it has helped stall the affect of global heating.

“The reforestation has been remarkable and we have shown this has translated into the surrounding air temperature,” said Mallory Barnes, an environmental scientist at Indiana University who led the research. “The ‘warming hole’ has been a real mystery and while this doesn’t explain all of it, this research shows there is a really important link to the trees coming back.”

There was a surge in deforestation from the start of the US’s early colonial history, as woodland was razed for agriculture and housing, but this began to reverse from around the 1920s as more people began to move into cities, leaving marginal land to become populated again with trees. The US government, meanwhile, embarked upon an aggressive tree-planting program, with these factors leading to about 15m hectares of reforested area in the past century in the eastern US.

people work in a forest
People work to reforest Allegheny National Forest in Pennsylvania circa 1934. Photograph: Universal History Archive/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

The recovery of the US’s eastern forests has blunted global heating mainly through the trees’ transpiration, in which water is drawn up through the roots to the leaves and then released into the air as vapor, slightly cooling the surrounding area.

By poring over data from satellites and weather stations located across the eastern US from 1900 to 2000, Barnes and her colleagues found reforested areas have provided this cooling impact on a grand scale, with most of this effect occurring within 400 meters of the trees.

In all, the replenished forests today cool the eastern US by 1C to 2C (1.8F to 3.6F) each year. The cooling effect is strongest on the hottest days in summer, when trees lower temperatures by 2C to 5C (3.6F to 9F), the researchers found.

The researchers cautioned that bringing back trees hasn’t been the sole cause of the stalled warming, with factors such as airborne pollutants, which block incoming sunlight, and agricultural irrigation also potential causes. But Barnes said that the findings should further bolster efforts to provide thoughtful reforestation, particularly near urban communities that suffer particularly scorching temperatures due to a lack of shady trees.

“Trees have a really beneficial impact upon surface temperatures through transpiration, which is similar to human sweating, and they have really cooled things off a lot,” said Barnes.

People plant trees
Civilian Conservation Corps workers plant 15,000,000 trees across the wastelands of southern Mississippi on 11 April 1940. They are part of the United Forest Service which will re-establish forests destroyed by logging and lumbering operations decades ago. Photograph: AP

“Moving forward, we need to think about tree planting not just as a way to absorb carbon dioxide but also the cooling effects in adapting for climate change, to help cities be resilient against these very hot temperatures.”

Patrick Gonzalez, a University of California, Berkeley, climate change scientist and forest ecologist who wasn’t involved in the new study, said the work provides “strong support” to the theory of cooling trees.

“Cutting carbon pollution from cars, power plants and other human sources that burn coal, oil and methane remains the essential solution to halt climate change,” he said. “Natural regeneration of trees and reforestation, where ecologically appropriate, can contribute substantially.”

Barnes, too, stressed that reforestation was no substitute for the need to drastically cut planet-heating emissions, which hit a new global high last year.

“Nature-based climate solutions like tree planting won’t get us out of this climate change problem,” she said. “If anyone thinks we can just plant a few trees and be OK, they are wrong – we need a massive reduction in fossil fuel emissions to hit our targets. Reforestation is something that needs to happen in addition to, not instead of, cutting emissions.”

Is the Amazon forest approaching a tipping point?

February 16, 2024 · 2 minute read
Is the Amazon forest approaching a tipping point?

Global warming may be interacting with regional rainfall and deforestation to accelerate forest loss in the Amazon, pushing it towards partial or total collapse

Research published today in Nature, has identified the potential thresholds of these stressors, showing where their combined effects could produce a ‘tipping point’ – in which the forest is so fragile that just a small disturbance could cause an abrupt shift in the state of the ecosystem.

The study was led by the Federal University of Santa Catarina in Brazil, and includes experts from the University of Birmingham. Its authors hope that by understanding the most important stressors on the rainforest environment, they can develop a pathway for keeping the Amazon forest resilient.

Lead author Bernardo Flores, from the University of Santa Catarina, said: “Compounding disturbances are increasingly common within the core of the Amazon. If these disturbances act in synergy, we may observe unexpected ecosystem transitions in areas previously considered as resilient, such as the moist forests of the western and central Amazon.”

We have evidence showing that rising temperatures, extreme droughts and fires are can affect how the forest functions.

Dr Adriane Esquivel-Muelbert, Birmingham Institute of Forest Research

These ecosystem transitions could include a forest that may be able to recover but is still trapped in a degraded state and dominated by opportunistic plants such as bamboos and vines, or a forest that is unable to recover and remains trapped in an open-canopy, flammable state.

The research findings are important because of the vital role the Amazon plays in the global climate system. For example, Amazonian trees store massive amounts of carbon which, if released, could accelerate global warming. showed that the Amazon temporarily to act as a carbon sink during the 2015 drought.

Co-author, Dr Adriane Esquivel-Muelbert from the Birmingham Institute of Forest Research, said: “We have evidence showing that rising temperatures, extreme droughts and fires are can affect how the forest functions and change which tree species can integrate the forest system. With the acceleration of global change there’s an increasing likelihood that we will see positive feedback loops in which, rather than being able to repair itself, the forest loss becomes self-reinforced.”

The study also examined the roles of biodiversity and local communities in shaping Amazonian forest resilience. They argue that successful approaches will depend on a combination of local and global efforts. This will include cooperation between Amazonian countries to end deforestation and expand restoration, while global efforts to stop greenhouse gas emissions mitigate the effects of climate change.

During the recent COP28 Climate Conference, the team published a set of policy briefs setting out steps that local, regional and global organisations need to take to prevent the Amazon from reaching a tipping point.

  • For media enquiries please contact Beck Lockwood, Press Office, University of Birmingham, tel: +44 (0)781 3343348.
  • Flores et al. (2024) “Critical transitions in the Amazon forest system”, Nature, DOI:10.1038/S41586-023-06970-0.
  • Other research references:
    Bennett et al. (2018) “Sensitivity of South American tropical forests to an extreme climate anomaly”, Nature Climate Change,
    Esquivel-Muelbert et al. (2018) “Compositional response of Amazon forests to climate change”, Global Change Biology,
  • The University of Birmingham is ranked amongst the world’s top 100 institutions. Its work brings people from across the world to Birmingham, including researchers, teachers and more than 8,000 international students from over 150 countries.

Ill-judged tree planting in Africa threatens ecosystems, scientists warn

February 16, 2024 · 2 minute read
Ill-judged tree planting in Africa threatens ecosystems, scientists warn

Research reveals area size of France is under threat by restoration projects taking place in unsuitable landscapes.

Acacia trees in northern Turkana, Kenya. The research found that 52% of tree-planting projects in Africa are occurring in savannahs, with almost 60% using non-native species. Photograph: Muntaka Chasant/Rex/Shutterstock

Misguided tree-planting projects are threatening crucial ecosystems across Africa, scientists have warned.

Research has revealed that an area the size of France is threatened by forest restoration initiatives that are taking place in inappropriate landscapes.

One project in particular, the African Forest Landscape Restoration Initiative, aims to plant trees across 100m hectares (247m acres) of land by 2030. Scientists have warned that the scheme plans to plant trees in non-forest ecosystems such as savannahs and grasslands, potentially disrupting or destroying intact ecosystems.

The research found that 52% of tree-planting projects in Africa are occurring in savannahs, with almost 60% using non-native tree species, which also brings the risk of introducing invasive species.

The researchers say the misclassification of grassy ecosystems including savannahs as “forests” could lead to misplaced reforestation and destruction of these ancient grasslands.

The definition currently used by the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization defines forests as areas of land spanning more than 0.5 hectares with trees higher than 5 metres, with tree canopy cover of at least 10%.

Under this definition, open-spaced ecosystems with trees, such as savannahs, would be classified as forests and would meet the required standards for reforestation – even if they were not appropriate.

The addition of more trees to these areas creates more canopy cover and decreases the amount of light that can reach the ground below, which can change the grassy environment of the savannah. This could be a risk to wildlife such as rhinos and wildebeest, as well as people who depend on these ecosystems.

“We must act to avoid a situation where we cannot see the savannah for the trees, and these precious grassy systems are lost irrevocably,” wrote the authors.

Kate Parr, a professor of tropical ecology at the University of Liverpool and an author of the study, published in the journal Science, said: “Restoration of ecosystems is needed and important, but it must be done in a way that is appropriate to each system. Non-forest systems such as savannahs are misclassified as forest and therefore considered in need of restoration with trees.

“There is an urgent need to revise definitions so that savannahs are not confused with forest because increasing trees is a threat to the integrity and persistence of savannahs and grasslands.”

Dr Nicola Stevens, a researcher in African environments at the University of Oxford and co-author of the paper, said: “The urgency of implementing large-scale tree planting is prompting funding of inadequately assessed projects that will most likely have negligible sequestration benefits and cause potential social and ecological harm.”

Complex tree canopies help forests recover from moderate disturbances

February 9, 2024 · 4 minute read
Complex tree canopies help forests recover from moderate disturbances

An example of a complex forest canopy at the Mountain Lake Biological Station in Virginia. The station is part of the National Science Foundation’s National Ecological Observatory Network. (Photo provided by Jeffrey Atkins, USDA Forest Service)

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — Extreme events wipe out entire forests, dramatically eliminating complex ecosystems as well as local communities.

Researchers have become quite familiar with such attention-grabbing events over the years. They know less, however, about the more common moderate-severity disturbances, such as relatively small fires, ice storms, and outbreaks of pests or pathogens.

“Since they’re more common, they’re probably playing a larger role in the ecosystem than we might have appreciated before,” said Brady Hardiman, associate professor of forestry and natural resources and environmental and ecological engineering in Purdue University’s College of Agriculture. “At any given time, a huge fraction of the forested landscape is undergoing or regrowing from a moderate-severity disturbance, which took out some of the trees but not all of them. The forest is not regrowing from scratch.”

A paper published in the Journal of Ecology by Purdue University researchers and their co-authors has identified how moderate-severity disturbances leave different patterns of change in the forest canopy structure. Hardiman and his colleagues based their findings on lidar (light detection and ranging) data collected at five sites of the National Science Foundation’s National Ecological Observatory Network in New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Virginia and Tennessee.

“The most interesting finding from this study is that the multitemporal lidar data can detect subtle signals of the disturbances,” said the paper’s lead author, Dennis Heejoon Choi, a Purdue postdoctoral scientist.

NEON began collecting data about 10 years ago. Repeat observations at specific forest sites of the type that NEON collects are still relatively rare, especially on a continental scale.

“NEON is a big sampling initiative,” said co-author Elizabeth LaRue, assistant professor of biological sciences at the University of Texas at El Paso. “It’s a big deal that now we have data to do something like this over time.”

Forest canopy structural dimensions include height, openness, density and complexity. Previous research by Hardiman and others has documented that structurally complex canopies absorb more light and that their complexity is linked to important ecosystem functions. These include nutrient cycling, providing shelter and nutrients to organisms, and biodiversity.

Comparing an old-growth forest to a Christmas tree farm offers a simple contrast in complexity, noted LaRue, a Purdue PhD alumna. Trees on a farm, planted in rows at about the same time, are all approximately the same age and height. An old-growth forest, meanwhile, shows far more variation with trees of different sizes, ages, species and shapes.

“You can measure things that might be equivalent to a block of cheese,” she said. “A block of Swiss cheese would be more complex than, say, a block of cheddar. Some of the metrics we use essentially measure how many holes you have in your block of forest.”

The researchers analyzed the differences between press and pulse disturbances, discrete events compared to those that occur over a longer period. The co-authors looked for patterns in changes to canopy structure following disturbances. They found that forests with canopy structures of more complexity seemed better able to withstand and recover from the disturbances.

“Canopy structure is something we can modify through management activities,” Hardiman said. “Managing forests to promote structural complexity could make them more resilient to a variety of disturbances in ways that allow our forests to continue growing following those disturbances.”

Wrangling the NEON data was a computationally intensive process that required the resources of Purdue’s Rosen Center for Advanced Computing. The process included accounting for the changes in lidar technology and differing sensor configurations used over the years. Newer lidar systems with stronger beams generate denser point clouds, the 3D data sets that represent the shape of the forest canopies.

“We tried to homogenize the point density equally year by year to make comparative metrics,” Choi said. The challenge was to balance the enhanced measurement capabilities of newer sensors with the need for consistency and comparability across time, he noted.

The work is part of the Institute for Digital Forestry’s effort to develop new tools and methods that will allow researchers to measure individual trees more often, in more detail, and to expand their measurements globally.

The institute brings together forest ecologists and foresters with computer scientists and engineers. Their combined expertise and perspectives provide a foundation for innovation by thinking about old questions in new ways and developing tools that allow them to ask new questions.

This work was funded by the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service. Also contributing to the Journal of Ecology paper were Purdue’s Songlin Fei and Bina Thapa; Jeff Atkins, USDA Forest Service; Jane Foster, University of Vermont; Jaclyn Hatala Matthes, Harvard Forest; and Robert Fahey, University of Connecticut.

About Purdue University

Purdue University is a public research institution demonstrating excellence at scale. Ranked among top 10 public universities and with two colleges in the top four in the United States, Purdue discovers and disseminates knowledge with a quality and at a scale second to none. More than 105,000 students study at Purdue across modalities and locations, including nearly 50,000 in person on the West Lafayette campus. Committed to affordability and accessibility, Purdue’s main campus has frozen tuition 13 years in a row. See how Purdue never stops in the persistent pursuit of the next giant leap — including its first comprehensive urban campus in Indianapolis, the new Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. School of Business, and Purdue Computes — at

Writer: Steve Koppes

Media contact: Maureen Manier,

Sources: Brady Hardiman,; Dennis Heejoon Choi,; Elizabeth LaRue,

In Uganda, refugees’ need for wood ravaged the forest. Now, they work to restore it

February 9, 2024 · 5 minute read
In Uganda, refugees’ need for wood ravaged the forest. Now, they work to restore it
A sapling is held before it is planted inside Nakivale Refugee Settlement in Mbarara, Uganda, on Dec. 5, 2023. (AP Photo/Hajarah Nalwadda)

NAKIVALE, Uganda (AP) — Enock Twagirayesu was seeking sanctuary when he and his family fled violence in Burundi, and they found it in Uganda, the small East African nation that has absorbed thousands of refugees from unsettled neighbors.

Twagirayesu’s family has grown from two children when they arrived more than a decade ago to eight now, a boon for the family but also a marker of the immense pressure the Nakivale Refugee Settlement has put on the landscape near the Tanzania border.

What was wide forest cover two decades ago is now mostly gone, cut down for cooking fuel. When Twagirayesu saw women digging up roots to burn a few years ago, he knew it was time to act.

People, part of the Nakivale Green Environment Association, plant trees inside Nakivale Refugee Settlement in Mbarara, Uganda, on Dec. 5, 2023. Refugees are helping to plant thousands of seedlings in hopes of reforesting the area. (AP Photo/Hajarah Nalwadda)
People, part of the Nakivale Green Environment Association, plant trees inside Nakivale Refugee Settlement in Mbarara, Uganda, on Dec. 5, 2023. Refugees are helping to plant thousands of seedlings in hopes of reforesting the area. (AP Photo/Hajarah Nalwadda)
People, part of the Nakivale Green Environment Association, prepare to plant trees inside Nakivale Refugee Settlement in Mbarara, Uganda, on Dec. 5, 2023. (AP Photo/Hajarah Nalwadda)
People, part of the Nakivale Green Environment Association, prepare to plant trees inside Nakivale Refugee Settlement in Mbarara, Uganda, on Dec. 5, 2023. (AP Photo/Hajarah Nalwadda)

“We saw that in the days to come, when the trees are finished, we will also be finished,” he said. “Because if there are no trees to be used for cooking even the people cannot survive.”

He and two other refugees began planting trees in 2016, and Twagirayesu, who had sewn for a living back home, turned out to have a gift for mobilizing people. That early group quickly grew, and he now leads the Nakivale Green Environment Association to carry out what Twagirayesu calls the urgent business of reforesting.

“A tree is not like beans or maize, which you plant and tomorrow you will get something to eat. Planting trees is challenging,” he said.

The lands surrounding Nakivale, a refugee settlement in Uganda, have been heavily deforested due to both human activity and climate change. But a group of refugees is busy taking environmental matters into their own hands. (AP video shot by Patrick Onen, production by Joshua A. Bickel) (Jan. 13)

Deforestation is a national issue in Uganda, where most people use firewood for cooking, trees are often cut to make charcoal for export and some forests fall to illegal logging. The country has lost 13% of its tree cover since 2000, according to Global Forest Watch.

Nakivale, sparsely populated by locals, is one of the few territories in Uganda that could accommodate many refugees. More than 180,000 live there now, with regular new arrivals.

They come from neighboring countries such as Congo, where sporadic violence means an influx of arrivals heading toward Nakivale. There are Rwandan refugees still living in Nakivale who first arrived there shortly after the 1994 genocide. After the refugees are registered, they are allocated small plots of land upon which they can build homes and plant gardens.

Enock Twagirayesu, team leader of Nakivale Green Environment Association, and Cleous Bwambale, of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, tours trees planted by Twagirayesu and others at Nakivale Refugee Settlement in Mbarara, Uganda, on Dec. 5 2023. Twagirayesu is among refugees helping to plant thousands of seedlings in hopes of reforesting the area. (AP Photo/Hajarah Nalwadda)
Enock Twagirayesu, team leader of Nakivale Green Environment Association, and Cleous Bwambale, of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, tours trees planted by Twagirayesu and others at Nakivale Refugee Settlement in Mbarara, Uganda, on Dec. 5 2023. Twagirayesu is among refugees helping to plant thousands of seedlings in hopes of reforesting the area. (AP Photo/Hajarah Nalwadda)

Enock Twagirayesu, right, team leader of Nakivale Green Environment Association checks sapling during his visit at Kakoma Central Nursery in Nakivale Refugee Settlement in Mbarara, Uganda, on Dec. 5 2023. Twagirayesu is among refugees helping to plant thousands of seedlings in hopes of reforesting the area. (AP Photo/Hajarah Nalwadda)
Enock Twagirayesu, right, team leader of Nakivale Green Environment Association checks sapling during his visit at Kakoma Central Nursery in Nakivale Refugee Settlement in Mbarara, Uganda, on Dec. 5 2023. (AP Photo/Hajarah Nalwadda)
Enock Twagirayesu, team leader of Nakivale Green Environment Association, checks a sapling during his visit at Kakoma Central Nursery in Nakivale Refugee Settlement in Mbarara, Uganda, on Dec. 5, 2023. Twagirayesu is among refugees helping to plant thousands of seedlings in hopes of reforesting the area. (AP Photo/Hajarah Nalwadda)
Enock Twagirayesu, team leader of Nakivale Green Environment Association, checks a sapling during his visit at Kakoma Central Nursery in Nakivale Refugee Settlement in Mbarara, Uganda, on Dec. 5, 2023. (AP Photo/Hajarah Nalwadda)

Nsamizi Training Institute for Social Development, a local organization, is supporting the tree-planting activities of Twagirayesu and others. The institute’s yearly goal is to plant 300,000 trees, with about 3 million planted in recent years, said Cleous Bwambale, who is in charge of monitoring and evaluation for the institute.

On one recent afternoon, a group of refugees were busy planting thousands of pine seedlings on the rocky, steep side of a hill facing the Kabahinda Primary School. In scorching heat, they attacked solid ground with pickaxes and hoes before carefully tucking the seedlings into the earth. Nearly all of the workers have children enrolled at the government-owned but donor-supported school.

Deputy Headteacher Racheal Kekirunga said heavy rains in the valley bring the school to a standstill as stormwater races down the hill and runs through the yard, forcing teachers and students to stay inside.

“We hope that when we plant these trees it will help us to reduce on the running water that could affect our school, and our school gardens,” Kekirunga said. “Especially our learning and teaching. When the rain is too heavy, you must wait until it reduces and then you go to class.”

Cleous Bwambale, right, of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) talks to members of the Nakivale Green Environment Association during a field visit at Nakivale Refugee Settlement in Mbarara, Uganda, on Dec. 5 2023. Refugees are helping to plant thousands of seedlings in hopes of reforesting the area. (AP Photo/Hajarah Nalwadda)
Cleous Bwambale, right, of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) talks to members of the Nakivale Green Environment Association during a field visit at Nakivale Refugee Settlement in Mbarara, Uganda, on Dec. 5 2023. Refugees are helping to plant thousands of seedlings in hopes of reforesting the area. (AP Photo/Hajarah Nalwadda)

A refugee prepares to plant a tree inside Nakivale Refugee Settlement in Mbarara, Uganda, on Dec. 5, 2023. Refugees are helping to plant thousands of seedlings in hopes of reforesting the area. (AP Photo/Hajarah Nalwadda)
A refugee prepares to plant a tree inside Nakivale Refugee Settlement in Mbarara, Uganda, on Dec. 5, 2023. Refugees are helping to plant thousands of seedlings in hopes of reforesting the area. (AP Photo/Hajarah Nalwadda)

The Nsamizi institute, serving as an implementing partner in Nakivale for the U.N. refugee agency, collaborates with mobilizers like Twagirayesu in four parts of the 185-square-kilometer (71-square-mile) settlement, according to the U.N. refugee agency. The institute encourages refugees with small cash payments for specific work done, maps out plans to reforest specific blocks of land and provides seedlings.

Twagirayesu said his group has planted at least 460,000 trees in Nakivale, creating woodlots of varying sizes and age. They include pine, acacia and even bamboo. That success has come despite fears among some in the settlement that the authorities, wanting to protect mature woodlots, one day might force the refugees to go back home.

Enock Twagirayesu, team leader of Nakivale Green Environment Association, checks a sapling during his visit at Kakoma Central Nursery in Nakivale Refugee Settlement in Mbarara, Uganda, on Dec. 5, 2023. Twagirayesu is among refugees helping to plant thousands of seedlings in hopes of reforesting the area. (AP Photo/Hajarah Nalwadda)
Enock Twagirayesu, team leader of Nakivale Green Environment Association, checks a sapling during his visit at Kakoma Central Nursery in Nakivale Refugee Settlement in Mbarara, Uganda, on Dec. 5, 2023. (AP Photo/Hajarah Nalwadda)

“We got a problem because some people were saying that when they plant trees, they will be chased away,” he said. “Teaching people to plant trees also became a war. But right now, after they saw us continue to plant trees, saw us getting firewood, they began to appreciate our work.”

Twagirayesu said that while he isn’t done yet as a tree planter, “when we are walking in the places where we planted trees we feel much happiness.”

Enock Twagirayesu, team leader of Nakivale Green Environment Association, and Cleous Bwambale of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, tours trees planted by Enoch and others at Nakivale Refugee Settlement in Mbarara, Uganda, on Dec. 5, 2023. Twagirayesu is among refugees helping to plant thousands of seedlings in hopes of reforesting the area. (AP Photo/Hajarah Nalwadda)
Enock Twagirayesu, team leader of Nakivale Green Environment Association, and Cleous Bwambale of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, tours trees planted by Enoch and others at Nakivale Refugee Settlement in Mbarara, Uganda, on Dec. 5, 2023. (AP Photo/Hajarah Nalwadda)

This ancient material is displacing plastics and creating a billion-dollar industry

February 5, 2024 · 7 minute read
This ancient material is displacing plastics and creating a billion-dollar industry
Alona Kozma piles cork at a farm in Coruche, Portugal. (Jose Sarmento Matos for The Washington Post)

CORUCHE, Portugal — The rhythmic noise of axes whacking trees echoes in the depths of the cork oak forest.

But in Coruche, a rural area south of the Tagus River known as Portugal’s “cork capital,” the bang of trees falling to the ground doesn’t follow the sound of the ax strokes. Instead, experienced workers carefully peel away the bark from the tree trunks.

This annual rite of extracting cork in the summer months has been around for thousands of years in the western Mediterranean. Egyptians, Persians, Greeks and Romans used the material to make fishing gear, sandals and to seal jugs, jars and barrels. As glass bottles gained popularity in the 18th century, cork became the preferred sealant because it is durable, waterproof, light and pliable.

Now cork is experiencing a revival as more industries look for sustainable alternatives to plastic and other materials derived from fossil fuels. The bark is now used for flooring and furniture, to make shoes and clothes and as insulation in homes and electric cars. Portugal’s exports reached an all-time high of 670 million euro ($728 million) in the first half of 2023.

But cork is more than a trendy green material. In addition to jobs, the forests where it grows provide food and shelter for animals, all while sequestering carbon dioxide. And unlike most trees grown commercially, cork oaks are never cut down, meaning their carbon storage capacity continues through the 200 years or more they live.

Clothes made of cork are displayed at the Cork Oak Observatory in Coruche. (Jose Sarmento Matos for The Washington Post)
How cork is harvested

With a firm swing, Fernando Tacha strikes the trunk of a cork oak, then twists his ax and uses the handle to delicately prise the plank.

“I started cutting cork when I was only 19. Now I’m 69. But I will do this as long as I can,” he says as he wipes the sweat from his forehead. “It’s a hard job, but a beautiful one.”

A low, slow-growing evergreen tree, the cork oak is endemic to the Mediterranean. The most extensive forests can be found on the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula. In Portugal, the world’s largest cork producer, the oaks are so cherished they were chosen as the country’s national tree and are protected by law, so it’s forbidden to cut them. Spain is the second-largest producer, followed by Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Italy and France.

An ax is used to cut the cork at a farm in Coruche. (Jose Sarmento Matos for The Washington Post)
Cork is harvested at the farm. (Jose Sarmento Matos for The Washington Post)

The process of harvesting cork takes precision and years of practice. The stroke of the ax must be strong, but also delicate to avoid hitting the inner bark and damaging the tree. Because it is so specialized, it’s one of the best paying agricultural jobs in Portugal.

The bark can only be harvested between late May and August, when the tree is in its active phase of growth, which makes it easier to strip the outer layer without damaging the tree trunk.

The cork oak is unique in its ability to regenerate its bark. Once it is removed, workers write the last number of that year with white paint on the exposed golden brown trunk — a three means it was harvested in 2023. The bark will slowly grow back and be ready for another harvest after nine years.

Paula Salgueira, who has been working in the cork harvest in Coruche for 35 years, extends her hand to touch an oak that was just stripped. “It’s cold,” she says as she caresses the smooth denuded trunk. While axmen work in pairs removing the cork, Salgueira and a few other women gather the planks in piles for transportation.

The planks will then be stacked outdoors in storage areas exposed to air and sunlight. After six months of aging to remove moisture, they will be sorted according to their thickness and quality, then boiled to clean impurities and make the material softer and easier to handle.

From bottle stopper to green material

While most cork is still used for bottle stoppers, over the last decade different industries have been finding new uses for it.

“We are seeing a growing interest in cork as a sustainable material,” says Rui Novais, a materials expert at the University of Aveiro in Portugal. “Compared with materials like polyurethane foam [used for thermal insulation], products made with cork require less energy and produce less CO2 emissions.”

The cork oak’s thick bark adapted to defend the tree from fire, making it a powerful insulating material that’s been used to shield fuel tanks on NASA spacecraft and electric car batteries. It’s also resistant to water and oil, and can withstand compression while retaining springiness.

“It’s an extraordinary, renewable and biodegradable material,” says Novais. “It’s also very durable. It has been demonstrated that cork products remain virtually unchanged for more than 50 years.”

Champagne cork stoppers are produced at the Amorim factory in Coruche. (Jose Sarmento Matos for The Washington Post)
Smoke rises from cork being boiled at the factory. (Jose Sarmento Matos for The Washington Post)

Part of the carbon absorbed by cork oak trees is transferred to cork products, which can be used for long periods, repurposed and recycled. Several studies found that cork is carbon negative, meaning it can store more carbon than what is required to produce it.

When cork planks are trimmed and punched to form natural cork stoppers, the leftovers are ground into granules and pressed together to form cork sheets or blocks. “Even cork dust is used to produce energy,” says João Rui Ferreira, secretary general of the Portuguese Cork Association. “It feeds the industry’s boilers and powers some of the production.”

Recycled cork can also be crushed and composited to make other products. In Portugal, Green Cork, a recycling program started by the environmental organization Quercus, has collected and recycled more than 100 million cork stoppers since 2009. A similar initiative, ReCORK, exists in the United States.

A natural factory

Most of the cork produced in Portugal grows in the gently undulating hills and plains in the south of the country, in an ancient agroforestry system known as montadoThis savannah-like ecosystem combines cork, holm oaks and olive trees with pastures, grazing livestock, crops and fallows.

“The soil in southern Portugal is very poor, there is very little rain and temperatures are very high in the summer,” says Teresa Pinto-Correia, a professor at the University of Évora in Portugal specializing in rural landscapes and agricultural systems. “But this kind of system is productive even when resources are scarce and conditions are difficult.”

For centuries, locals have preserved the montado because cork provided landowners with a source of income. This mosaic of habitats supports hundreds of species, including the Iberian lynx, the world’s most endangered wildcat, and the threatened Imperial eagle. One of the world’s oldest known cork oak trees, planted in 1783 in Águas de Moura, is known as “the whistler” because so many birds visit its large sprawling branches.

Iberian pigs feed on acorns and goats graze the interwoven pastures. Interspersing cork oak trees with animals and crops can boost production and biodiversity, but also build soil, control erosion, retain water, combat desertification and sequester carbon, says Pinto-Correia.

Cork is stacked at a farm. (Jose Sarmento Matos for The Washington Post)
Cork oak trees at a farm. (Jose Sarmento Matos for The Washington Post)

While the cork forests can help mitigate the effects of climate change, they are also increasingly at risk from it as drought and wildfires become more intense and more frequent in the region.

“The tree is adapted to the Mediterranean climate. The bark protects it from fire,” says forest engineer Conceição Santos Silva. “But for the first two years after cork is extracted, the trees are much more vulnerable to wildfires because they don’t have this protection.”

Yet fires in cork groves, she says, remain rare because of careful human management. “The tree always regenerates,” says Santos Silva.

As a slow-growing tree, the cork oak takes decades to provide shade and produce good quality cork. But in Coruche, people still go by an old Portuguese saying: “Those who care about their grandchildren plant cork oak trees.”

Rare ancient tree discovery has scientists ‘gobsmacked’

February 5, 2024 · 5 minute read
Rare ancient tree discovery has scientists ‘gobsmacked’

Trees are believed to have originated hundreds of millions of years agoEver since, evidence of these ancient plant sentinels has been in short supply.

Now, a new discovery of uniquely 3D tree fossils has opened a window into what the world was like when the planet’s early forests were beginning to evolve, expanding our understanding of the architecture of trees throughout Earth’s history.

Five tree fossils buried alive by an earthquake 350 million years ago were found in a quarry in the Canadian province of New Brunswick, according to a study published Friday in the journal Current Biology. The authors said these new and unusual fossil trees not only bear a surprising shape reminiscent of a Dr. Seuss illustration, they reveal clues about a period of life on Earth of which we know little.

“They are time capsules,” said Robert Gastaldo, a paleontologist and sedimentologist who led the study, “literally little windows into deep-time landscapes and ecosystems.”

Coauthors Olivia King and Matthew Stimson unearthed the first of the ancient trees in 2017 while doing fieldwork in a rock quarry in New Brunswick. One of the specimens they discovered is among a handful of cases in the entire plant fossil record — spanning more than 400 million years — in which a tree’s branches and crown leaves are still attached to its trunk.

Few tree fossils that date back to Earth’s earliest forests have ever been found, according to Gastaldo. Their discovery helps fill in some missing pieces of an incomplete fossil record.

“There are only five or six trees that we can document, at least in the Paleozoic, that were preserved with its crown intact,” said Gastaldo, a professor of geology at Colby College in Waterville, Maine.

Most ancient tree specimens are relatively small, he noted, and often discovered in the form of a fossilized trunk with a stump or root system attached. For his colleagues to find a preserved tree that could have been 15 feet tall in its maturity with an 18-foot diameter crown left the paleontologist “gobsmacked.”

This model rendering of the newly discovered Sanfordiacaulis tree includes simplified branching structure for easier visualization.

Ancient earthquake burial

The researchers excavated the first fossil tree about seven years ago, but it took another few years before four more specimens of the same plant were found in close proximity to one another. Dubbed “Sanfordiacaulis,” the newly identified species was named in honor of Laurie Sanford, the owner of the quarry where the trees were unearthed.

The forms taken by these previously unknown 350 million-year-old plants look somewhat like a modern-day fern or palm, per the study, despite the fact that those tree species didn’t appear until 300 million years later. But while the tops of ferns or palms as we know them boast few leaves, the most complete specimen of the newly discovered fossils has more than 250 leaves preserved around its trunk, with each partially preserved leaf extending around 5.7 feet (1.7 meters).

That fossil is encased in a sandstone boulder and roughly the size of a small car, according to Stimson, an assistant curator of geology and paleontology at the New Brunswick Museum.

The unique fossilization of the cluster of trees is likely due to a “catastrophic” earthquake-induced landslide that took place in an ancient rift lake, he said.

“These trees were alive when the earthquake happened. They were buried very quickly, very rapidly after that, at the bottom of the lake, and then the lake (went) back to normal,” Stimson said.

Finding complete fossil trees is rare and much less common than finding a complete dinosaur, according to Peter Wilf, a professor of geosciences and paleobotanist at Pennsylvania State University who was not involved with the study. Wilf noted via email that the “unusual” new fossil tree was a relic of a time period from which there are almost no tree fossils.

“The new fossils are a milestone in our understanding of how early forest structure evolved, eventually leading to the complex rainforest architectures that support most of Earth’s living biodiversity,” Wilf added.

‘Very Dr. Seuss’

To King, a research associate at the New Brunswick Museum who found the group of fossils, the Sanfordiacaulis would have looked like something plucked straight out of Dr. Seuss’ most popular works.

“You know in ‘The Lorax,’ the trees have these big pom-poms at the top and narrow trunks? These probably have a similar structure. You have this massive crown at the top, and then it does narrow and paper into this very small trunk,” King said. “It’s a very Dr. Seuss-looking tree. It’s a weird and wonderful idea of what this thing could look like.”

But the reign of the Sanfordiacaulis was short-lived, the researchers said. “We do not see this architecture of plant again,” Stimson told CNN. He noted that it grew in the early Carboniferous, a time period at the end of the Paleozoic Era when plants and animals were diversifying as they started to make their way from water to land.

Much of evolution is experimental, with success often measured by a species’ versatility, or ability to adapt to many different places and conditions. The peculiar set of tree fossils presents proof of a “failed experiment of science and evolution,” Stimson added. “We’re really starting to paint that picture as to what life was like 350 million years ago.”

Researchers excavated the first Sanfordiacaulis fossil tree about seven years ago, but four more specimens were found in close proximity to one another few years later.

Looking forward

Fossils such as the Sanfordiacaulis are not just useful in helping humans understand how life changed in the past, they can help scientists figure out where life on our planet might be headed next.

The existence of this particular species suggests that trees of the period were starting to occupy different ecological niches beyond what was previously understood, according to the researchers behind its discovery.

Gastaldo sees this as an indication that plants — much like early invertebrates — were experimenting with how they adapted to the environment. The earthquake that likely led to the trees’ fossilization also offers new geological evidence of what may have been occurring in Earth’s systems at the same moment in time.

“This is really the first evidence we have of (a tree) that would be between what grows on the ground and what would tower way above the ground,” Gastaldo said. “What else was there?”

Research finds evergreens with smaller leaves offer better air pollution mitigation

January 19, 2024 · 2 minute read
Research finds evergreens with smaller leaves offer better air pollution mitigation
Graphical abstract. Credit: Science of The Total Environment (2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.169713

If you’re trying to take pollution out of the air, choose evergreen trees with smaller leaves. That’s according to a new study from the University of Surrey.

Researchers from Surrey’s Global Center for Clean Air Research (GCARE) tested 10 trees beside a busy main road. They studied which caught the most particles of  and which best allowed the rain to wash those particles safely to the ground.

The paper, which helps promote the UN Sustainability Goals 3, 11, 13 and 15, is published in the journal Science of the Total Environment.

It had been thought that leaves with rougher surfaces and minute hairs would catch more pollutants. Yet that wasn’t borne out by the evidence.

Yendle Barwise, former forester and University of Surrey researcher, said, “When tackling air pollution, the ideal leaves cling on to particles when it’s windy—but let go of them in the rain. That means the wind blows less pollution back into the air—but rain can wash it safely to the ground.

“Being rough and hairy isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. To remove more particle pollutants over time, leaves need to be washed by rainfall, and it seems that the size and shape of the  is much more important from this perspective.”

Many planting projects use , which lose their leaves in winter—even though that’s when air pollution is worst in towns and cities. For that reason, scientists chose ten evergreen specimens and placed them in plant pots beside the A3 in Guildford. Some 80,000 vehicles drive past every day.

Of those studied, Yew (taxus baccata) was the plant which removed most air pollution. The most effective leaf types were awl-shaped. They were found on Japanese cedar (camellia japonica) and Lawson’s Cypress (chamaecyparis lawsoniana).

The study also suggested that stomata—the ‘pores’ of the leaf—could help plants ‘catch’ particles. For Yew, more particles of pollution gathered on the porous underside of the leaf. That’s despite the other side of the leaf being 47% rougher, and despite previous research suggesting roughness mattered more.

Professor Prashant Kumar, founder of the University of Surrey’s Global Center for Clean Air Research, said, “We know that planting trees by roadsides can make a big difference to air quality. Our study shows that by choosing your trees carefully, that difference can be even bigger.”

“We’ve shown that smarter choice of plants can take even more pollution out of the air. We just studied the shapes and textures of the leaves themselves. Other factors, like the tree’s height, leaf chemistry, or how many trees you plant, could also make a big difference. Those are well worth investigating in the future.”

More information: Yendle Barwise et al, A trait-based investigation into evergreen woody plants for traffic-related air pollution mitigation over time, Science of The Total Environment (2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.169713

Journal information: Science of the Total Environment

Provided by University of Surrey

Novel methodology projects growth of native trees, enhancing return on investment in forest restoration

January 19, 2024 · 5 minute read
Novel methodology projects growth of native trees, enhancing return on investment in forest restoration
The researchers developed a model that projects the time taken for trees native to the Atlantic Rainforest to reach the ideal size to be harvested for the timber industry. Credit: Pedro Brancalion/LASTROP-USPM

Interest in forest restoration has increased in recent years, both on the part of companies and financial markets and in academia and government. This is particularly the case in Brazil, whose government has pledged since the 2015 Paris Agreement to restore 12 million hectares of native forest. However, tree planting is costly, while data on species growth and other aspects of reforestation is scant.

A study published in the journal Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation helps fill the gap by showing how the production of timber from  can make restoration financially viable. The article proposes native species growth models, defines harvest times, and outlines an optimized scenario for timber production in biodiverse restoration plantations, reducing pressure on natural biomes like the Amazon.

The authors conclude that to achieve ; the forest restoration value chain must be driven by management and harvesting plans based on species-specific criteria relating to models of tree growth, combinations of native species, silvicultural treatments, and research and innovation.

Led by forest engineer Pedro Medrado Krainovic, the researchers developed a model that projects growth time for species native to the Atlantic Rainforest until they reach the ideal harvesting age.

Commercially viable growth rates are usually based on the time taken for trees to reach 35 cm in diameter at breast height (DBH). The novel methodology developed by the researchers reduced mean time to harvest by 25%, bringing the ideal harvest age forward by about 13 years, and increased mean basal area (stand density) by 38%.

“We calculated patterns of productivity versus time to obtain timber for the market, using parameters for management of each native species. This can assure the feasibility of large-scale forest restoration, making it attractive to landowners while also helping to meet the targets set by global climate agreements.”

“Based on our data, we projected a scenario for the improvement of silviculture to develop a restoration strategy that is worthwhile to the multiple stakeholders involved,” Krainovic explained. He participated in the study while he was a postdoctoral fellow in the Tropical Silviculture Laboratory at the University of São Paulo’s Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture (ESALQ-USP) in Piracicaba, São Paulo state, Brazil.

Although the Trinational Atlantic Forest Pact—a coalition involving Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay—has been considered a World Restoration Flagship and one of the “top ten pioneering initiatives that are restoring the natural world” by the United Nations, the Atlantic Rainforest has lost more forest area than any other Brazilian biome. Its vegetation originally covered in Brazil an area of 140 million hectares, of which only 24% are left. The SOS Mata Atlântica Foundation estimates that about half of this area still corresponds to well-conserved forest.

Efforts to stop deforestation and degradation have achieved positive results, with a 42% reduction year over year in January-May 2023 (from 12,166 ha to 7,088 ha deforested), and restoration projects are moving ahead robustly.

The United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, which runs from 2021 to 2030, is a global movement coordinated by both the UN’s Environment Program and the Food and Agriculture Organization to prevent and reverse the degradation of natural spaces across the planet for the benefit of people and nature.

“Restoration needs more data to point to favorable land-use horizons. Public policy requires more information to support decision-making. This article serves these purposes in several ways, including a list of species that can be profitable for landowners. It opens the door to the economic enrichment of forest restoration by making initiatives in this area more attractive and capable of achieving multiple purposes, such as the reinstatement of ecosystem services in specific areas,” Krainovic said.

The results of the study will be used by Refloresta-SP, a program coordinated by the São Paulo State Department of Environment, Infrastructure, and Logistics to restore degraded ecosystems and areas, develop multifunctional forests and implement agroforestry systems.

Krainovic lived in the Amazon for 12 years, working on forest restoration projects in degraded areas that use tree species with economic potential and on non-timber forest products for the cosmetics industry, such as seeds, essential oils, and butter. “I’m not your typical academic. I’ve been around. I know what business wants and how to interface with traditional communities in these value chains. I also know the science,” he said.

Methods and results

In the study, the researchers analyzed 13  restoration sites in different parts of São Paulo state, with varying mixtures of native tree species (30 to 100 species) and different ages (six to 96 years since planting). They formed a chronosequence that represented the potential growth performance of ten targeted timber species and the ecosystem services typically found in spontaneous forests. A chronosequence is a set of sites that are similar in soil types and environmental conditions but differ in age. The sites are replicated in space to replace replication in time.

The ten species were selected for having different wood densities and for having been historically overharvested for timber production. They were Balfourodendron riedelianum, Cariniana legalis, Cedrela fissilis, Centrolobium tomentosum, Esenbeckia leiocarpa, Hymenaea courbaril, Peltophorum dubium, Handroanthus impetiginosus, Astronium graveolens, and Myroxylon peruiferum. Most are protected by law and can no longer be legally sold, as they are endemic to the Atlantic Rainforest and Cerrado (savanna-like biome) and are officially classified as endangered. However, some (e.g., Hymenea courbaril and Handroanthus impetiginosus) are still harvested in the Amazon.

For each species, the researchers developed growth models based on data collected from the sites and used the method known as growth-oriented logging (GOL) to determine targeted management criteria, including an optimized timber production scenario based on growth and bole quality assessment.

After initial tests, they modeled DBH growth and basal area for selected species and constructed productivity scenarios using the 30% highest DBH values found for each species per site and age. The use of silviculture management techniques to boost productivity was assumed in the optimized scenario.

The species were classified on the basis of the time required to reach the ideal size for harvesting (DBH of 35 cm) as fast (under 50 years), intermediate (50-70 years), and slow (over 70 years). When the GOL approach was used, they were grouped into four growth classes: fast (under 25 years), intermediate (25-50), slow (50-75), and super-slow (75-100).

In the optimized scenario, the mean time to harvest decreased by 25%, and the mean basal area increased by 38%, for a reduction of 13 years in the ideal harvest age and a 48% increase in basal area (295 cm² per tree).

C. legalis and H. courbaril were exceptions: the ideal time to harvest was longer, but the basal area increased by over 50%. In the case of C. fossils, however, the basal area fell by 36% (646.6 cm² per tree), but the time to harvest decreased by 47 years (51% faster than the GOL measure).

Nine of the ten  reached a DBH of 35 cm in under 60 years. The exception was E. leiocarpia, albeit with high wood density.

More information: Pedro Medrado Krainovic et al, Potential native timber production in tropical forest restoration plantations, Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation (2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.pecon.2023.10.002

Provided by FAPESP

Declining primate numbers are threatening Brazil’s Atlantic forest

January 12, 2024 · 3 minute read
Declining primate numbers are threatening Brazil’s Atlantic forest
Credit: CC0 Public Domain

We tend to think of debt as purely financial, but we can also reap what we sow in the natural world through what is known as extinction debt. This concept refers to changes in the past that affect a species’ survival in the future.

Ecosystems often undergo profound and dramatic changes, but their effects are not always obvious to the naked eye. These changes are increasingly caused or triggered by humans.

In many cases, affected  may not actually disappear for several decades or even centuries: individuals survive, but under ecological conditions that do not allow them to maintain genetically viable populations. This often occurs with plant and  that have long life cycles, such as certain .

Some redwood or yew populations may therefore survive with the bare ecological minimum for long periods of time, but this does not mean that their existence is assured in the long-term future. This delayed result is the “debt” of extinction.

Such situations can occur in any ecosystem in the world, including tropical and subtropical forests. In fact, several studies have shown that biodiversity loss is accelerating on different continents, with the risk of mass extinction of species.

The primates of the Atlantic Forest

When we picture Brazil, it calls to mind the thriving Amazon rainforest, the mighty rivers of its vast basin and countless miles teeming with all manner of flora and fauna.

However, Brazil also hosts other landscapes which are just as unique as the Amazon. The CerradoCaatinga and the Mata Atlântica are just a few examples.

The Atlantic forests of South America—known as the Mata Atlântica in Brazil—are some of the richest and most diverse bioclimatic areas in the world, and are home to a large number of primate species. Many of these species are native to these forests and are in serious danger of extinction. This is the case, for example, for the southern muriqui (Brachyteles arachnoides) and the northern muriqui (Brachyteles hypoxanthus), two of the largest tree-dwelling species of New World monkey.

Smaller endemic primate species such as tamarins (Leontopithecus rosalia, L. chrysopygus, L. chrysomelas and L. caissara) are also in danger of extinction. Others, such as guaribas, also known as brown howler monkeys (Alouatta guariba), which were relatively abundant until a few years ago, have been decimated by the recent outbreaks of yellow fever that have affected eastern and southern Brazil. All the primate species of the Atlantic Forest have in common the fact that they survive in isolated forest fragments of varied dimensions, surrounded by crops and pastures.

Consequences for trees

Many of the interactions that occur between animals that feed on fruits and the plants that produce them are considered “mutualistic interactions”, a type of ecological relationship that benefits individuals belonging to two or more species. In these cases, the plants produce the fleshy, nutritious pulp of the fruits that is consumed by the animals. In return, many of their seeds are distributed in places where new plants can germinate and grow.

Human impacts often affect the interactions between animals—such as tree-dwelling primates—and plants. Recently, it has been found that these impacts often result in extinction debts affecting numerous tree species.

Trees that produce seeds that are large or protected by a very tough shell rely heavily on such animals to disperse their seeds effectively through the forest. Therefore, when large primates and other herbivorous vertebrates become locally, regionally or globally extinct, the plants whose seeds they disperse are also affected.

recent study attests to this. The research shows how deforestation,  and disease have affected the primates of the Atlantic Forest in southeastern and southern Brazil, and how the ecological interactions in which they participate or used to participate have changed.

This study warns that the progressive deterioration of the interlinking mutualistic interactions between animals and the plants on which they feed is jeopardizing the very survival of these forests.

This threat comes on top of climate change which will, in the short term, cause forest fires to become more frequent. In the middle and long term, it will turn vast areas of forest into open savannahs little suited to the needs of tree-dwelling primates. Forest fragmentation—whereby  areas are isolated from each other and surrounded by intensive sugar cane or soybean cultivation—will only exacerbate these effects.

Provided by The Conversation

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.The Conversation

Scientists name the most common tropical tree species for the first time

January 12, 2024 · 4 minute read
Scientists name the most common tropical tree species for the first time
Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain

A major international collaboration of 356 scientists led by UCL researchers has found almost identical patterns of tree diversity across the world’s tropical forests.

The study of over one million trees across 1,568 locations, published in Nature, found that just 2.2% of tree  make up 50% of the total number of trees in  across Africa, the Amazon, and Southeast Asia. Each continent consists of the same proportion of a few  and many rare species.

While tropical forests are famous for their diversity, this is the first time that scientists have studied the commonest trees in the world’s tropical forests.

The scientists estimate that just 1,053 species account for half of the planet’s 800 billion tropical forest trees. The other half is comprised of 46,000 tree species. The number of rare species is extreme, with the rarest 39,500 species accounting for just 10% of trees.

Lead author Dr. Declan Cooper (UCL Geography and UCL Center for Biodiversity and Environment Research) said, “Our findings have profound implications for understanding tropical forests. If we focus on understanding the commonest tree species, we can probably predict how the whole forest will respond to today’s rapid environmental changes. This is especially important because tropical forests contain a tremendous amount of stored carbon, and are a globally important carbon sink.”

He continued, “Identifying the prevalence of the most common species gives scientists a new way of looking at tropical forests. Tracking these common species may provide a new way to characterize these forests and in the future possibly gauge a forest’s health more easily.”

The researchers found strikingly similar patterns in the proportion of tree species that are common, at close to 2.2%, despite the tropical forests of the Amazon, Africa and Southeast Asia each having a unique history and differing contemporary environments.

The Amazon consists of a large region of connected forest, while Southeast Asia is a region of mostly disconnected islands. People only arrived in the Amazon around 20,000 years ago, but people have been living in African and Southeast Asian forests for more than twice that length of time. In terms of the contemporary environment, African forests experience a drier and cooler climate than the other two tropical forest regions.

Given these striking differences, the near-identical patterns of tree diversity suggest that a fundamental mechanism may govern the assembly of tree communities across all the world’s tropical forests. The researchers are not yet able to say what that mechanism might be and it will focus future work on identifying it.

The estimates of common species derive from statistical analyses, which do not provide the names of the common trees. To overcome this, the scientists used a technique known as resampling to estimate which are the most likely names of the common species.

Their list of 1,119 tree species names, the first list of common species of the world’s tropical forests, will allow researchers to focus their efforts on understanding the ecology of these species, which in turn can give scientists a shortcut to understanding the whole forest.

Scientists name the commonest tropical tree species for the first time
Most common tropical forest tree species. Credit: University College London

Senior author, Professor Simon Lewis (UCL Geography and University of Leeds) said, “We wanted to look at tropical forests in a new way. Focusing on a few hundred common tree species on each continent, rather than the many thousands of species that we know almost nothing about, can open new ways to understand these precious forests.”

“This focus on the commonest species should not take away from the importance of . Rare species need special attention to protect them, but quick and important gains in knowledge will come from a scientific focus on the commonest tree species.”

The researchers assembled forest inventory data from intact tropical forests that hadn’t been affected by logging or fire. In each of the 1,568 locations, teams identified and recorded every tree with a trunk greater than 10 centimeters in diameter, in a patch of forest, usually one hectare, which is a square of forest measuring 100 meters on each side.

Professor Lewis has been collecting and collating this data for 20 years. The effort is a collaboration of the largest plot networks across the Amazon (Amazon Tree Diversity Network; RAINFOR), Africa (African Tropical Rainforest Observatory Network, AfriTRON; Central African Plot Network), and Southeast Asia (Slik Diversity Network; T-FORCES), brought together for the first time for the published analysis.

This collaboration across hundreds of researchers, field assistants, and local communities resulted in a total of 1,003,805 trees sampled, which included 8,493 , across 2,048 hectares, equivalent to almost eight square miles of . The teams inventoried 1,097 plots in the Amazon totaling 1,434 hectares, 368 plots in Africa totaling 450 hectares, and 103 plots in Southeast Asia totaling 164 hectares.

More information: Declan Cooper, Consistent patterns of common species across tropical tree communities, Nature (2024). DOI: 10.1038/

Journal information: Nature

As tree species face decline, ‘assisted migration’ gains popularity in Pacific Northwest

January 5, 2024 · 6 minute read
As tree species face decline, ‘assisted migration’ gains popularity in Pacific Northwest

As native trees in the Pacific Northwest die off due to climate changes, the U.S. Forest Service, Portland, Oregon and citizen groups around Puget Sound are turning to a deceptively simple climate adaptation strategy called “assisted migration.”

As the world’s climate warms, tree growing ranges in the Northern Hemisphere are predicted to move farther north and higher in elevation.

Trees, of course, can’t get up and walk to their new climatic homes. This is where assisted migration is supposed to lend a hand.

A section of a Douglas fir tree with the bark removed by scientists to examine insect damage that led to the tree's death following heat stress in the Willamette National Forest, Ore., Friday, Oct. 27, 2023. As native trees in the Pacific Northwest die off due to climate change, the U.S. Forest Service and others are turning to a strategy called "assisted migration." (AP Photo/Amanda Loman)
A section of a Douglas fir tree with the bark removed by scientists to examine insect damage that led to the tree’s death following heat stress in the Willamette National Forest, Ore., Friday, Oct. 27, 2023. As native trees in the Pacific Northwest die off due to climate change, the U.S. Forest Service and others are turning to a strategy called “assisted migration.” (AP Photo/Amanda Loman)

The idea is that humans can help trees keep up with climate change by moving them to more favorable ecosystems faster than the trees could migrate on their own.

Yet not everyone agrees on what type of assisted migration the region needs — or that it’s always a good thing.

In the Pacific Northwest, a divide has emerged between groups advocating for assisted migration that would help struggling native trees, and one that could instead see native species replaced on the landscape by trees from the south, including coast redwoods and giant sequoias.

“There is a huge difference between assisted population migration and assisted species migration,” said Michael Case, forest ecologist at the Virginia-based Nature Conservancy.

Case currently runs an assisted population migration experiment at the Conservancy’s Ellsworth Creek Preserve in western Washington.

Assisted population migration involves moving a native species’ seeds, and by extension its genes, within its current growing range.

By contrast, assisted species migration involves moving a species well outside its existing range, such as introducing redwoods and sequoias to Washington.

A third form of assisted migration, called “range expansion,” amounts to moving a species just beyond its current growing range.

Case’s project involves testing whether breeds of native Douglas fir and western hemlock from drier parts of the Pacific Northwest can be used to help western Washington forests adapt to climate change. He says the Nature Conservancy is focusing on population migration because it has fewer ecological risks.

“Whenever you plant something in an area where it is not locally found you increase the risk of failure,” Case said. “You increase the risk of disturbing potential ecosystem functions and processes.”


Douglas fir trees that died as a result of insect damage following heat stress are visible in the Willamette National Forest, Ore., Friday, Oct. 27, 2023. As native trees in the Pacific Northwest die off due to climate change, the U.S. Forest Service and others are turning to a strategy called "assisted migration." (AP Photo/Amanda Loman)
Douglas fir trees that died as a result of insect damage following heat stress are visible in the Willamette National Forest, Ore., Friday, Oct. 27, 2023. As native trees in the Pacific Northwest die off due to climate change, the U.S. Forest Service and others are turning to a strategy called “assisted migration.” (AP Photo/Amanda Loman)

Christine Buhl, forest health specialist for the Oregon Department of Forestry, holds a tree core from a dead Western Red Cedar, showing healthier rings toward the right of the sample and more drought-affected rings to the left, at Magness Memorial Tree Farm in Sherwood, Ore., Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2023. As native trees in the Pacific Northwest die off due to climate change, the U.S. Forest Service and others are turning to a strategy called "assisted migration." (AP Photo/Amanda Loman)
Christine Buhl, forest health specialist for the Oregon Department of Forestry, holds a tree core from a dead Western Red Cedar, showing healthier rings toward the right of the sample and more drought-affected rings to the left, at Magness Memorial Tree Farm in Sherwood, Ore., Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2023. As native trees in the Pacific Northwest die off due to climate change, the U.S. Forest Service and others are turning to a strategy called “assisted migration.” (AP Photo/Amanda Loman)
A dead branch is visible on a Western Red Cedar tree in the Willamette National Forest, Ore., Oct. 27, 2023. As native trees in the Pacific Northwest die off due to climate change, the U.S. Forest Service and others are turning to a strategy called "assisted migration." (AP Photo/Amanda Loman)
A dead branch is visible on a Western Red Cedar tree in the Willamette National Forest, Ore., Oct. 27, 2023. As native trees in the Pacific Northwest die off due to climate change, the U.S. Forest Service and others are turning to a strategy called “assisted migration.” (AP Photo/Amanda Loman)

EDITOR’S NOTE: This story is part of a collaboration between The Associated Press and Columbia Insight, exploring the impact of climate on trees in the Pacific Northwest.


Population migration is the only form of assisted migration currently practiced nationwide by the Forest Service, according to Dr. David Lytle, the agency’s deputy chief for research and development.

“We are very, very cautious and do not engage in the long-distance movement and establishment of plant material outside and disjunct from the historic range of a species,” said Lytle.

The Forest Service is pursing assisted population migration because it’s likely to have few if any “negative consequences” to ecosystems, he said.

Douglas Tallamy, professor of entomology and wildlife ecology at the University of Delaware, said one potential negative consequence of species migration is the possibility that native caterpillars might not eat the leaves of migrated nonnative tree species. Because caterpillars feed birds and other animals, this could lead to disruptions to the food web.

This could happen if the City of Portland migrates oak species from places to the south, Tallamy noted. “Oaks are the most important plant for supporting wildlife that we have in North America,” he said, “but when you move them out of range, the things that are adapted to eating them no longer have access to them.”

FILE - City of Bellevue Forest Management Program Supervisor Rick Bailey holds a juvenile giant sequoia in his hands on Oct. 11, 2022, in Bellevue, Wash. As native trees in the Pacific Northwest die off due to climate change, the U.S. Forest Service and others are turning to a strategy called "assisted migration." (AP Photo/Manuel Valdes, File)
FILE – City of Bellevue Forest Management Program Supervisor Rick Bailey holds a juvenile giant sequoia in his hands on Oct. 11, 2022, in Bellevue, Wash. As native trees in the Pacific Northwest die off due to climate change, the U.S. Forest Service and others are turning to a strategy called “assisted migration.” (AP Photo/Manuel Valdes, File)

The City of Portland’s Urban Forestry program is currently experimenting with the assisted migration of 11 tree species, including three oak species to the south: California black oak, canyon live oak and interior live oak.

Asked via email about potential ecological disruptions Portland’s City Forester & Urban Forestry Manager Jenn Cairo responded: “We use research from universities, state and federal sources, and local and regional field practitioner experience.”

Another advocate for species migration is the Puget Sound-based, citizen-led PropagationNation. The organization has planted trees in several parks in the Seattle area and has the ambitious goal of “bringing a million coast redwoods and giant sequoias to the Northwest,” according to its website.

The PropagationNation website also recommends planting redwoods in areas where native western red cedar, western hemlock, Sitka spruce and big leaf maple already grow.

Western red cedar, western hemlock and big leaf maple have all seen die-offs and growth declines in recent years tied to climate.

Philip Stielstra, PropagationNation’s founder and president, and a retired Boeing employee, declined to comment for this story.

David Milarch, founder of the Michigan-based Archangel Ancient Tree Archive, which has supplied PropagationNation with redwoods and sequoias, says his trees aren’t intended to replace Pacific Northwest native species.

“All we are doing is extending the range (of redwoods and sequoias) north in the hopes that they will still be here in 100 to 200 years and not join the list of trees that are going extinct,” said Milarch.

Robert Slesak, research forester at the Pacific Northwest Research Station, runs the Forest Service’s Experimental Network for Assisted Migration and Establishment Silviculture, or ENAMES project, which oversees population migration sites in Washington, Oregon and California.

Slesak called moving redwoods north a “risky proposition.” He said he has serious concerns about both assisted species migration and assisted migration efforts that lack experimental rigor.

“Widespread assisted species migration without a lot of experimental results to guide it is risky,” said Slesak. “Everyone knows we need to do some kind of action related to climate, but there’s a real risk of making it worse.”

Nevertheless, with the effects of climate change increasing, it’s a risk increasingly being assumed by public and private groups around the Pacific Northwest.

Moss grows on the branches of a dead western red cedar at Magness Memorial Tree Farm in Sherwood, Ore., Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2023. As native trees in the Pacific Northwest die off due to climate change, the U.S. Forest Service and others are turning to a strategy called "assisted migration." (AP Photo/Amanda Loman)
Moss grows on the branches of a dead western red cedar at Magness Memorial Tree Farm in Sherwood, Ore., Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2023. As native trees in the Pacific Northwest die off due to climate change, the U.S. Forest Service and others are turning to a strategy called “assisted migration.” (AP Photo/Amanda Loman)

FILE - City of Bellevue Forest Management Program Supervisor Rick Bailey stands among dozens of juvenile giant sequoias Oct. 11, 2022, in Bellevue, Wash. As native trees in the Pacific Northwest die off due to climate change, the U.S. Forest Service and others are turning to a strategy called "assisted migration." (AP Photo/Manuel Valdes, File)
FILE – City of Bellevue Forest Management Program Supervisor Rick Bailey stands among dozens of juvenile giant sequoias Oct. 11, 2022, in Bellevue, Wash. As native trees in the Pacific Northwest die off due to climate change, the U.S. Forest Service and others are turning to a strategy called “assisted migration.” (AP Photo/Manuel Valdes, File)


Nathan Gilles is a science writer and journalist based in Vancouver, Washington.


Columbia Insight is an Oregon-based nonprofit news website covering environmental issues affecting the Pacific Northwest.

Country diary: Time has turned this tree trunk soft as trifle sponge

January 5, 2024 · 2 minute read
Country diary: Time has turned this tree trunk soft as trifle sponge
The stump of the ash tree in midwinter. Photograph: Sara Hudston

Horner Woods, Somerset: During the holidays I went in search of an old acquaintance by the side of a tumbling river

Three years ago, in May, when the wood rang with birdsong, I photographed an old ash tree growing at the side of Horner Water. It was a stump with two broken forks, but its moss-furred trunk was firm and thickly rooted, drawing the earth to it. New branches, the width of a child’s arm, sprouted from the bole and waved green fingers.

I sought it out again during the Christmas holidays, when the wood was greyed by midwinter and the only sound was the regular muffled bump of a boulder rocking deep in the tumbling stream.

May ash: The ash tree stump on May 2021.
The ash tree stump in May 2021. Photograph: Sara Hudston

At first, I couldn’t find it. There was the ivied oak, the low scramble of blackberry, the understory of hawthorn and hazel stripped bare of the spring gauze I remembered. Surely the ash couldn’t be that modest dead tree at the side of the clearing? It seemed so diminished, ebbing out of itself into the soil.

A good third of the trunk had collapsed on the ground where it lay, soft-soaked as trifle sponge. Minute orange blobs of pin-head fungi glowed against the blackened bark like a sprinkling of sherbet pips. The tree was riven where the years had passed through.

Inside ash: The hollow inside of the split ash tree, rippled like hair or water.
The hollow inside of the split ash tree, rippled like hair or water. Photograph: Sara Hudston

The fall had exposed its hollow trunk, which was rippled inside like hair, or like the water that grunted and chuckled a couple of metres away. The newer branches were dead too, their vigour choked by decay below.

I walked away, kicking up coracles of wet leaves. Something bright caught my eye: a fat bead the colour of apricot jam welded to a leaf. It was an oak marble gall, formed by larvae of the Andricus kollari wasp, a Mediterranean species. These insects were introduced to the UK in the 19th century because their galls have a particularly high tannin content, helpful in the process of tanning leather.

The gall was a reminder that these woods, now so tranquil, were once an industrial workplace. They produced bark for leather-making and charcoal for smelting the iron ore that was mined in the pits nearby. The noise of the hammer mill would have echoed down the combe along with the voices of dozens of people who lived here.


Fourth Annual Restore the Wild Artwork Competition and Exhibition Open

December 27, 2023 · 2 minute read
Fourth Annual Restore the Wild Artwork Competition and Exhibition Open

The spotted skunk’s unique stance. Photo by Agnieszka Bacal/Shutterstock

By Molly Kirk/DWR

Calling all artists! After a resounding success last year, the Restore the Wild Artwork Competition is returning to the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR) and calling for artists to submit artwork supporting Restore the Wild’s mission of creating and maintaining habitat to help Virginia’s wildlife thrive. Entries in the contest will be displayed in an exhibition, and winning Restore the Wild Artwork Competition is used to help promote Restore the Wild’s mission.

Last year, more than 100 artists took on the unusual challenge of depicting the Eastern hellbender, an aquatic salamander nicknamed the “snot otter.” This year, we’re trading slime for fur and asking artists to submit art featuring the Eastern spotted skunk (Spilogale putorius). Not to be confused with the common striped skunk ubiquitous to back yards throughout the state, the spotted skunk is a Species of Greatest Conservation Need in Virginia and found in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains and further west. This species is known for its unique handstand warning posture before it sprays.

Pieces selected for the 2024 Restore the Wild Artwork exhibition will be displayed in the Pine Camp Cultural Arts and Community Center in Richmond from Friday, March 8 until Friday, March 29. On Friday, March 8, there will be a public opening reception, 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Thereafter, the exhibition will be open to the public daily, Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Artists are invited to submit in the categories of Natural History Illustration, Artistic Expression, Youth 10 & Under, and Youth 11-16. See more details about submissions in the Restore the Wild Artwork Competition Rules and Guidelines. Please note that photography submissions are not allowed.

Virginia has more than 900 species of wildlife whose numbers are in decline mostly because of impacts to their habitat—natural areas that provide necessary food, water, and shelter. DWR is the lead agency in Virginia for the conservation of wildlife and wildlife habitat. DWR’s Restore the Wild initiative allows DWR to expand the work the agency does to preserve, establish, and maintain vital wildlife habitat areas and keep Virginia’s wild places wild. Memberships and donations to Restore the Wild provide funds directly for DWR habitat projects.

Restore the Wild’s Artwork Competition calls for submissions from the public (excluding photography) that reflect Restore the Wild’s mission to restore and create natural habitats vital to the survival of Virginia’s wildlife. Contest judges will evaluate the works not only on their artistic merit, but also on their precision in illustrating the species’ physical characteristics and habitat. Make sure to visit the Artwork Competition Rules and Guidelines for complete details.

I discovered … a tiny 700-year-old forest within sight of North America’s busiest highway

December 27, 2023 · 4 minute read
I discovered … a tiny 700-year-old forest within sight of North America’s busiest highway
‘Trees taught me growth is not necessarily good’: Doug Larson near his home in Guelph, Ontario. Photograph: Cole Burston/The Guardian

I realized other ancient trees could have survived, right under our noses. In France, they discovered one tree that had started growing before the Romans left.

I’ll be 75 in March, and we old people often reflect on why certain things happened in our lives. This is very personal, but I was tall and skinny as a kid – I was always the one who was beaten up at school. The only refuge I had was in plants and bugs, and animals in general.

Nothing in nature ever tried to “get me” – even predators. They weren’t after me. I always felt a sympathy with critters that were under attack or vulnerable. Your personality guides your research, and this got me interested in the idea of “harshness” in environments.

This would eventually lead me to become a professor of biology at the University of Guelph, and to discover the most ancient and least-disturbed forests in eastern North America – perhaps even the oldest in North America.

Doug Larson sits on a sofa in a comfortable room at home in Guelph, Ontario.
Doug Larson at home in Guelph, Ontario. Photograph: Cole Burston/The Guardian

I didn’t begin by looking at trees. The organisms I first worked on were the most marginalised and misunderstood plants in the world: lichens. Many live in Arctic tundra where the wind, snow and cold attack vegetation all the time, making things tiny and stunted. And yet, they are surviving in their own little paradise because no one else bothers them.

When I got my PhD, I decided to work in a habitat that would be as brutal as the Arctic tundra, and that’s when the idea to work on the Niagara Escarpment kicked in. There were these stunted, groggy-looking organisms up there and no one had ever considered them worth studying. People called them “rock scum”. But from the point of view of someone who is sympathetic to critters getting beaten up, this was a beautiful habitat; I wanted to study it.

The people in my lab assumed Europeans had clear-cut all of southern Ontario, so we didn’t expect to find ancient trees anywhere. But then we found these tiny, ancient trees clinging on to a thin sliver of harsh habitat.

When we found our first tree that was more than 1,000 years old I thought, “you have got to be kidding”. I had goosebumps. It was like a lightning bolt hitting – it put this forest into a completely different category.

So many people had walked past this and just assumed there was nothing there. It’s within sight of the busiest highway in North America, the 401, and one of the largest cities, Toronto. It was a shock to find them in such an industrialised urban setting.

View from above of Doug Larson on a cliff holding a tree with a long drop behind him with a switchback road seen snaking round the mountain.
Doug with an ancient tree in Canada, 1997. He has also found old growth trees in France, the US, New Zealand, Germany and England. Photograph: Courtesy of Doug Larson

We began research to find out the limits of antiquity of the trees in this forest. One was more than 1,800 years old, although it had died a long time ago.

The next question was: is the presence of this ancient forest on these cliffs unique to Ontario? There are lots of beautiful limestone outcrops in the south of France so I contacted researchers in Montpellier and said we’d like to come and study them. Again, they told me there was “nothing there”. Yet they ended up finding one tree that had started to grow before the Romans left France. That made headlines in Le Figaro. This tree had watched the Romans leave! They are the oldest living plants in France.

We found there were ancient forests on all the cliffs in the south of France, and then we ended up making similar discoveries in the US, New Zealand, Germany and England. It turned out these tiny ancient forests are everywhere. Cliffs have now been recognised as one of the hotspots of biodiversity globally.

It was 1988 when the media first took an interest in the ancient forests. It’s now 2023, and it has never stopped. It links to the whole question of human life – when you work on something that’s 1,000 years old, suddenly you feel smaller and realise your role in the universe is not as grand as you’d thought.

Man on climbing ropes going up a cliff face with trees growing out of it.
Ancient forests growing on cliffs. Partly due to Doug Larson’s work, cliffs have now been recognised as biodiversity hotspots. Photograph: Courtesy of Doug Larson

We humans place great value on productivity. What I’ve learned philosophically about life from the ancient trees is peace and joy can be found in the slow, the cautious and the careful, as much as it can be in the rich and famous.

I have found the ancient forest to be my greatest teacher. The trees have taught me that growth is not necessarily essential or good. If we humans want to be sustained by this planet for ever, we cannot suck it dry. This ancient forest is one place that we haven’t got to – it has survived us by us ignoring it. There’s a way to make the planet infinitely sustainable for us, if we simply ask less of it.

  • As told to Phoebe Weston. Doug Larson is professor emeritus of biology at the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada. He is an expert on deforestation and regularly contributes to media discussions on the topic of old growth forests. His latest book, written with his son Nick, is called The Dogma Ate My Homework

‘We’ve got to save that tree!’ Iconic pine on the Fairfax County Parkway gets new home

December 22, 2023 · 1 minute read
‘We’ve got to save that tree!’ Iconic pine on the Fairfax County Parkway gets new home

The tree that was once in the center median on Popes Head Road in Fairfax County has found a new home. (WTOP/Kyle Cooper)

A beloved tree in Fairfax County, Virginia, known to lift spirits around the holidays, has disappeared from its longtime location — but it’s found a new home.

The tree sat in the center median at the intersection of Popes Head Road of the Fairfax County Parkway — a full but misshapen pine with a Charlie Brown Christmas tree vibe. Every year at Christmastime random people would stop to decorate it.

Jimmy Sims would often drive by the tree when taking his 8- and 10-year-old daughters to school. They stopped and decorated it recently with silver and red tinsel. Sims said they were all surprised to see traffic cones around the tree this week.

“The kids were pretty sad. They thought it was going to get chopped down,” said Sims.

It turned out the tree had to be removed due to a major Virginia Department of Transportation project to improve that intersection.

Ellen Kamilakis, a spokesperson for VDOT, went to her boss and said, “We’ve got to save that tree.”

The tree was carefully removed, balled and put in burlap, and moved to VDOT’s property on Alliance Drive and West Ox Road.

“We can’t save every tree, but this one we could, so we did,” said Kamilakis.

In a video posted on X about moving the tree, Kamilakis, who donated some of her own money for supplies to replant the tree, said people can still stop by to visit the tree and even decorate it if they want to.

“I love that tree. It brings me joy every year when I see it decorated,” said Kamilakis.

As for the tree’s future, Kamilakis said if there is a good spot for the famous tree back at the intersection after the road project is complete, it might get moved back.

Trees are in trouble

December 21, 2023 · 3 minute read
Trees are in trouble
Photo Credit
Joan Dudney
The trees in this lush, temperate forest in the Cascade Range of Washington are likely less resistant to drought than their counterparts in drier regions to the south.

Scientists flip the script, revealing trees in wetter regions are more sensitive to drought

This holiday season brings surprising news about your Christmas tree. Scientists just discovered that globally, trees growing in wetter regions are more sensitive to drought. That means if your tree hails from a more humid clime, it’s likely been spoiled for generations.

Scientists have long debated whether arid conditions make trees more or less resilient to drought. It seems intuitive that trees living at their biological limits will be most vulnerable to climate change, since even just a little extra stress could tip them past the brink. On the other hand, these populations have adapted to a harsher setting, so they might be more capable of withstanding a drought.

According to a new study in the journal Science by researchers at UC Santa Barbara and UC Davis, greater water availability could “spoil” trees by reducing their adaptations to drought. “And that’s really critical to understand when we’re thinking about the global vulnerability of forest carbon stocks and forest health,” said ecologist Joan Dudney, an assistant professor at UCSB’s Bren School of Environmental Science & Management and in the Environmental Studies Program. “You don’t want to be a ‘spoiled’ tree when facing a major drought.”

Dudney and her co-authors expected trees growing in the most arid regions to be more sensitive to drought, since they’re already living at the edge of their limits. What’s more, climate change models predict that these regions will experience more rapid drying than wetter regions. This shift in climate could expose trees to conditions beyond their adaptive capacity.

To measure drought sensitivity, the authors analyzed 6.6 million tree ring samples from 122 species worldwide. For each year, they measured whether the tree grew faster or slower than average based on its ring width. They linked these trends with historic climate data, including precipitation and temperature.

The team then compared drought responses across different regions. “As you move to the drier edge of a species’ range, trees become less and less sensitive to drought,” said lead author Robert Heilmayr, an environmental economist also in the Environmental Studies Program and at the Bren School. “Those trees are actually quite resilient.”

Dudney, Heilmayr and their co-author Frances Moore were inspired, in part, by the work of UCSB professor Tamma Carleton on the effects climate change has on human populations. “This paper highlights the value of cross-disciplinary scientific work,” added Moore, an associate professor at UC Davis. “We were able to adapt methods from economics originally developed to study how people and businesses adjust to a changing climate and apply them to the ecological context to study forest sensitivity to drought.”

“A heatwave is likely to kill more people in a cool place like Seattle than in hotter cities like Phoenix,” Heilmayr said. The Southwest is already quite hot, so heatwaves there are scorching. But the region’s cities are adapted to an extreme climate, he points out. Now we know that forests display similar trends.

Unfortunately, warmer regions are slated to get disproportionately drier in the coming decades. “There is a pretty large portion of species’ ranges that are going to face a completely novel climate, something that those species don’t see anywhere in their range today,” Heilmayr explained. The authors found that 11% of an average species’ range in 2100 will be drier than the driest parts of their historic range. This increases to over 50% for some species.

“Broadly, our research highlights that very few forests will be unaffected by climate change,” Dudney said. “Even wetter forests are more threatened than we thought.”

Mixed living and dead trees with mountains in the background.
Photo Credit
Joan Dudney
This mixed conifer forest in Sequoia National Park experienced high mortality following an extreme drought between 2012 and 2016.

But there is a flip side of the coin. Species have a reservoir of drought-hearty stock in the drier parts of their range that could bolster forests in wetter areas. Previous research out of UCSB revealed that many species do have the capacity to adapt to environmental change. However, those researchers also found that trees migrate slowly from one generation to the next. That means human intervention — such as assisted migration — may be necessary in order to take advantage of this genetic diversity.

Whether your Christmas trees grow in a dry or wet region, they’ll likely experience growth declines in the future. But understanding how trees will respond to climate change can help ensure the future of the Tannenbaum and its wild counterparts.


An aerial eye on the forest

December 7, 2023 · 4 minute read
An aerial eye on the forest

Gathering a deep understanding of a forest, from the roots to the treetops, was once only possible after months of walking the landscape.  But soon U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service employees could be using their thumbs and a mechanical friend to help get the job done in days.

Meet the Vision Aerial Switchblade. With a top speed of 62 mph and weighing in at just over 7 pounds, this uncrewed aerial system or UAS can fly over a landscape while gathering data on the terrain. It sees the big picture and the little picture — from the broad health of the forest, down to specifics on an individual tree — which informs land management decisions.

The Vision Aerial Switchblade can be fitted with a mirrorless camera. This camera takes a series of overlapping photos which can later be processed as a 3D image. (USDA Forest Service photo by Andrew Avitt

“We can use uncrewed aerial systems in many ways,” said Chris Brenzel, a UAS specialist with the Forest Service. “In this instance, we’re using it to map the vegetation to generate 3D models of the forest, which gives us specific data on the width and height of the trees, the health of the trees, canopy cover, and the size of the crowns. From that, we can determine which trees are dead, which trees are struggling, and which trees are healthy to better plan how to treat these areas.”

Brenzel is one of many UAS pilots assigned to survey a proposed project area of 58,000 acres on the Inyo National Forest surrounding Mammoth Lakes, California. It’s one of several projects that coincide with the Forest Service’s national strategy to confront the wildfire crisis, protect communities, and improve resilience in America’s forests. (Leer en español).

The Vision Aerial Switchblade can be fitted with a mirrorless camera. This camera takes a series of overlapping photos which can later be processed as a 3D image. (USDA Forest Service photo by Andrew Avitt

The Power of Data to Reduce Wildfire Risk and Support Forests

The Eastern Sierra Communities and Climate Resilience Project has two main objectives — to reduce wildfire risk to residents and to increase forest health and resilience.

Nathan Sill, an ecosystem services staff officer for the Inyo National Forest, coordinates the information gathering and planning for the project.

“We want to reduce wildfire risk to the town of Mammoth Lakes and associated infrastructure, as well as restore healthy forests and provide for long-term resilience. So, we are planning to reduce the density of fuels immediately around the town. Then, as we move away from that community, those treatments become more in line with forest resilience,” said Sill.

The Switchblade’s big brother the FVR-90, a fixed-wing drone has the capability of flying around the entire perimeter of a wildfire, updating maps and providing real time intelligence to firefighters. (USDA Forest Service photo by Andrew Avitt) 

The UAS data will enable ecosystem staff officers like Sill to identify overstocked areas of forests, where too many trees have made stands susceptible to drought, disease and wildfire.

That data helps determine which land management treatments are needed to remove vegetation, such as mechanical thinning or prescribed fire.

An aerial view of the wildland urban interface near Mammoth lakes, California. (USDA Forest Service photo by Harry Oh

“This technology has the potential to provide much higher resolution data for us to use, and it also allows us to share that data visually with the public,” said Sill. “As this technology becomes more reliable, and we become more efficient with collecting the data and using it, this will be a game changer for forest management.”

An Efficient, Safer Perspective

The efficiency and the safety benefits of this emerging technology can’t be overstated.

“It would take months and many, many people going out to survey the same areas that these drones have flown in a few weeks,” said Brenzel. “In the future, we could fly 150 to 200 acres a week and get that mapped and modelled. That’s a force multiplier and frees people up to do other projects and actually implement them.”

From a safety perspective, UAS enables employees to observe, from a distance, dangerous areas such as steep terrain or locations with standing dead trees, known as snag patches.

 Chris Brenzel, UAS specialist, keeps a watchful eye on his aircraft as it carries out an automated flight plan collecting data on the surrounding forest. Right: A thumb controls an uncrewed aerial system over the Inyo National Forest near Mammoth Lakes, California. (USDA Forest Service photos by Andrew Avitt) 

“There are a lot of snag patches around here from beetle kill and drought,” said Brenzel. “In the past, we’ve had firefighters and other employees killed and injured by trees. [With UAS] we’re not putting our employees in danger just to survey these areas.”

The Forest Service continues to explore even more uses for UAS. Their data is assisting with forest health projects, prescribed fire, wildlife surveys and wildfire suppression.

Brenzel has worked in federal land management for nearly 30 years, from the Bureau of Land Management and the National Park Service to the Forest Service. He’s seen the adoption of UAS expand exponentially.

“We’re really finding a lot of cases where we can mitigate the risk to our employees and pilots and still meet the mission,” said Brenzel. “We’ve seen 300% growth in the three years basically since the program was stood up, but it takes time. We have to train employees; we have to get equipment. But it’s increasing. Because if we can get that data, we can keep our people safe and we can do our jobs better.”

Two forest service employees stand next to a drone on an orange landing pad
Firefighters use a UAS to support the Antelope Prescribed Burn on the Mammoth Ranger District, Inyo National Forest June 2023. (USDA Forest Service photo by Lisa Cox

More pictures and video of the Forest Service using aerial systems at Uncrewed Aerial Systems of the Forest | Flickr 

Real or artificial? A forestry scientist explains how to choose the most sustainable Christmas tree, no matter what it’s made of

December 7, 2023 · 5 minute read
Real or artificial? A forestry scientist explains how to choose the most sustainable Christmas tree, no matter what it’s made of

Every year, Americans buy somewhere between 35 million and 50 million Christmas trees, and many more pull an artificial tree out of storage for the season. In all, about three-quarters of U.S. households typically have some kind of Christmas tree, surveys show.

People often ask which is more sustainable – a real tree or an artificial one? It’s a big debate, and the answer depends on who you ask and which factors you consider.

A more useful question is: How do I find the most sustainable tree of the kind I want to get?

I’m a forestry professor who works on issues of sustainability. There are advantages and disadvantages to both cut trees and artificial trees. Here are some tips to consider for each.

Cut Christmas trees require water and maintenance – and careful thought about disposal. Photo by Any Lane

If you’re buying a live Christmas tree

When Christmas trees are alive and growing, they pull carbon dioxide from the air and use it as the building blocks of their wood. That keeps the greenhouse gas out of the atmosphere, where too much carbon dioxide contributes to global warming.

This process stops once the tree is harvested. And at some point, the cut tree begins to decompose and releases that carbon again.

Christmas tree farms like this one in Greencastle, Ind., can be found in almost every state. USDA

On the positive side, the tree’s root systems will continue to store carbon for some time, and new trees are typically planted to continue the cycle.

So, how do you find the most sustainable live tree?

Think about the tree’s origin

If you live in Mississippi, like I do, buying a noble fir (Abies procera) means your tree probably came from the Pacific Northwest. That’s a long drive, and transportation is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions. However, in a truck with several hundred trees, each individual tree’s transportation emissions are pretty minor.

A map of Douglas-fir locations, primarily in the Pacific Northwest and intermountain West
Douglas-firs grow primarily in the Western U.S. USDA

The most common Christmas tree varies by region: Douglas-fir is also common throughout the Mountain West. Scotch pine and balsam fir are regularly grown in the Great Lakes states. Fraser fir is also popular there but dominant in North Carolina. Leyland cypress and Virginia pine are common in the Southeast.

Maps showing balsam fir growing areas.
Balsam firs, also popular for Christmas trees, grow in the Great Lakes region, New England and Canada. USDA

There are many other wonderful species grown locally. Of course, the lowest-impact cut tree is the one you cut from your own yard.

Also, look for local nurseries that protect their soils from erosion and minimize harm to surface and groundwater from runoff that can include fertilizers or pesticides.

Disposing of your live tree

What you do with your tree after the holidays also matters.

Recycling is far better than leaving the wood to decompose in a landfill. Because of the nature of most landfills, anaerobic conditions will ultimately exist, and decomposition will result in the release of methane gas, which is many times more potent than carbon dioxide at warming the atmosphere.

Look for a community or retailer that offers to chip the tree or shred it to create mulch or for use in animal stalls. This keeps it out of landfills and serves a purpose.

Composting is another option. Trees can be used as an erosion barrier for sand or soil or as fish habitat in lakes. They can even be donated whole to zoos, where the trees provide entertainment for animals while eventually decaying outside of a landfill, or they can be tossed into a bio-burner to provide heating for buildings. Some people even feed trees to goats.

Alternatively, consider cutting the tree into smaller pieces and letting it rot in the open, placing it in an out-of-the-way place in your yard. It will provide a temporary home for many insects, birds and wildlife.

Artificial trees have different pros and cons

Artificial trees also have advantages – they can last for years and require almost no maintenance. However, they are mostly a petroleum-based product, and when you throw one out, it can take hundreds of years to decompose.

If you plan to buy an artificial Christmas tree – maybe you have allergies like I do, or you’re concerned about cost – here are some suggestions to reduce your carbon footprint.

Reuse, reuse, reuse

The No. 1 way to reduce emissions with an artificial tree is to reuse it for years. Reuse avoids the carbon impact of producing, packaging and shipping a new one. The break-even point – when your artificial tree’s emissions match the emissions of buying a live tree each year – varies from as little as four years to as many as 20 years, depending on the factors considered.

Many artificial trees are built to last 30 years or more. My family has had one for 25 years. To lengthen its life span, take care when putting it up and storing it. If the tree gets damaged, see if you can find replacement parts rather than replacing the entire tree.

Old artificial trees can be repurposed into garlands and other holiday crafts. Curtis VanderSchaafCC BY-ND

Pay attention to the source

About 80% of artificial Christmas trees are manufactured in China. Shipping is pretty efficient, but the tree still needs to get to and from the ports. You can also look for one manufactured nearby instead.

Some manufacturers are making trees out of recycled materials, at least in part, which helps reduce the tree’s carbon footprint. Shorter artificial trees, or designs with less foliage, also use less plastic.

The type of plastic used also affects the amount of petroleum used. Some research has suggested that plastic foliage made from polyethylene plastic molds may have a lower impact than traditional foliage made out of polyvinyl chloride, or PVC.

Give the fake tree a second life

If you no longer like your artificial tree – maybe it’s too big for a new home – try reselling the tree or donating it to a charity, thrift store or nursing home so that others can continue to use it.

You can also get creative and repurpose the old tree limbs into decorative wreaths, garlands or toy trees for a hobby train set.

Lighting also matters

With any holiday tree, be judicious about turning off lights when no one is around and at night. Consider using fewer lights. LED lights are more energy efficient than incandescent lights.

An elf ornament and Christmas light.
LED lights reduce energy demand. Barta IV via FlickrCC BY

In the grand scheme of the holidays, with people traveling and buying and returning gifts through the mail, the carbon footprint of your Christmas tree is a lesser concern. A round-trip flight from Los Angeles to Boston can produce more than 30 times the lifetime emissions of a typical artificial Christmas tree. Still, it’s fairly easy to make more sustainable choices and reduce your carbon footprint when you can.

3 Benefits of Genetically-Improved Christmas Trees

December 1, 2023 · 4 minute read
3 Benefits of Genetically-Improved Christmas Trees

Christmas trees are the centerpiece of the holiday season. But the fear of needles falling can deter shoppers from buying real trees from local growers.

That’s one of the reasons why the NC State Christmas Tree Genetics Program has spent more than four decades working to develop “elite” Fraser fir trees.

Fraser firs are native to North Carolina’s Appalachian mountains and represent more than 98% of all the Christmas tree species grown and sold in the state.

In the late 1990s, the Christmas Tree Genetics Program evaluated and tested tens of thousands of Fraser firs in an effort to identify those with the best genetic characteristics.

Researchers ultimately identified the best 25 from nearly 30,000 trees and then propagated and planted them on a six-acre seed orchard at the Upper Mountain Research Station in 2018.

The seed orchard contains more than 1,000 trees, some of which are already producing seed-bearing cones. A single cone can contain up to 100 seeds.

Researchers are collecting the cones for studies and will eventually submit them to a newly constructed seed processing facility in order to distribute the seeds to growers some time between 2026 and 2028.

“Our trees will make the lives of both growers and consumers easier,” said Justin Whitehill, director of the Christmas Tree Genetics Program.

The trees will not only have a superior growth rate and appearance, but they will also retain their needles longer after harvest. Check out the list below to learn more.

Growth Rate 

Fraser firs use cones to spread their seeds. As the cones dry out, they explode and the seeds are released. These seeds eventually sprout into the next generation of trees.

Every Fraser fir tree grows at a different rate, with some sprouting faster than others. But generally, they require at least 7-8 years in the field to reach the commercial height of 6-7 feet.

Many of the trees available on today’s market originated from older seed orchards, forests or abandoned tree farms, and don’t have improved genetics.

When comparing the growth of these trees to their genetically-improved counterparts over the course of seven years, Whitehill found that the genetically-improved trees reached an average height of around a foot taller.

“Our genetically-improved trees grew an extra 1-2 inches a year,” Whitehill said. “So instead of having to wait 7-8 years for a tree to reach the typical commercial height, growers might only have to wait 6-7 years.”

If growers plant the genetically-improved Fraser firs from the Upper Mountain Research Station by 2030, that means the trees could be available to consumers by 2036.


Fraser Fir is one of the most popular Christmas tree species in the United States, in part because of its symmetrical, conical shape.

The structure of a Fraser fir consists of a straight central stem with branches that turn slightly upward to form a symmetrical, conical shape with a narrow, pointed crown.

“If a grower can produce a tree like that, it’s great because that’s what customers want,” Whitehill said. “But there is a lot of work that goes into shaping trees.”

Between July and August, many growers shear Fraser firs to slow the growth rate of the trees. This ensures that the trees develop into the preferred shape.

The shape of Fraser fir is controlled at least in part by genetics, though researchers don’t know specifically which genes are responsible for it.

When the Christmas Tree Genetics Program identified the best 25 trees to propagate and plant at the Upper Mountain Research Station seed orchard, they considered the appearance of the trees as part of their selection criteria.

“Each of the trees selected for the orchard had a conical shape with dense branches, so we expect their offspring to grow that way as well,” Whitehill said.

He added, “If we can grow trees that already look like that and reduce or eliminate the need for manual labor, it’s going to save money for growers. It’s also going to make customers happy.”

Needle Retention 

Fraser firs have soft, dark green needles with silvery undersides.

Conifer trees tend to lose their needles at some point after they’ve been harvested due to the significant stress of being separated from their root system, according to Whitehill.

Experimentally, Whitehill said that most conifers experience the highest level of needle loss 40 days following harvest. Fraser firs, however, can hold onto their needles for several months — one of the key reasons why they’re so popular.

A Fraser fir’s ability to retain its needles after harvest is almost entirely controlled by its genetics, but it can also be affected by environmental conditions. When exposed to freezing temperatures, for example, a Fraser fir tree will retain upwards of 95% of its needles.

“In the mountains, if the weather is cooler and you get freezing temperatures, it shuts down the tree’s biological activities and slows down needle loss,” Whitehill said.

But with Christmas tree growers facing pressure to produce greenery earlier every year, they need trees that will retain their needles under warmer-than-average temperatures.

The Fraser firs developed by the Christmas Tree Genetics Program are expected to lose less than 1-2% of their needles, according to Whitehill, even in the absence of cooler temperatures.

“You might not even need to vacuum with the genetics developed by our program ,” Whitehill said.

Think You Found a Bear Den? Please Leave it Alone!

December 1, 2023 · 3 minute read
Think You Found a Bear Den? Please Leave it Alone!

A bear in her den.

By DWR Bear Team

As temperatures fall and food sources become less abundant, many bears in Virginia will enter a winter den. Other bears will greatly reduce their movements during but may remain active throughout the season. Movements and denning behavior vary greatly across regions of the state depending on weather and available food resources. With the abundant hard mast crop (acorns) across much of the state, many bears will likely delay den entry this year until few acorns can be found.

An image of a black bear making a winter den out of pine needles in a blackberry thicket

This bear chose a nice blackberry thicket and made a nest of pine needles for her winter den.

Black bears in Virginia will den in a variety of places including: brush piles, trees (cavities within tree), rock outcroppings, ground nests, debris piles, and occasionally under porches or unsecured crawl spaces. Not all black bears den for the full winter season. Often, black bears that enter a winter den are females who will birth their cubs in the den or females with yearlings. Male black bears may den, but generally do not stay in a den for the entire winter due to the lack of extreme cold weather and snow across much of Virginia.

An image of a hole in the ground covered by storm debris which contains a black bear den

While this pile of trees, limbs, and other debris leftover from a storm may not look too “homey,” it does the trick for a black bear and her cubs.

While many of us also slow down for the winter, there are still ample opportunities that take us afield in bear country. Whether enjoying a hike, cutting firewood, clearing brush, hunting, or doing other activities you may inadvertently stumble upon a black bear den. A female black bear, particularly one who has had cubs, will likely remain at the den unless they feel pressured to leave. Here are a few tips to avoid disturbing a bear den and what to do should a female leave her den.

Tips to avoid a den

  • Avoid hiking in dense brushy thickets or young cutover timber stands. If you must work in these areas be mindful of brush piles, gullies with debris piles, or storm damage areas with thickets of limbs/root balls.
  • Always maintain your dog on a leash to avoid a dog-bear encounter at a den site.
  • When burning a brush or debris pile on your property, look around the entire pile for signs of digging (fresh dirt, holes) or entry routes into the pile.
  • If you notice large excavated holes or fresh trails into debris or brush piles listen closely for the sound of cubs from a distance of at least 30ft away. They often emit a high pitched cry or “squall”.
  • To prevent a bear from denning under an occupied dwelling ensure that crawl spaces, mobile home underpinnings, and porches are closed and secured prior to December 1st each year.

Tips if you find a den

  • If you find a den on your property or while recreating do not disturb it or approach the area. Leave the area and if on public property alert an employee of the location.
  • If you inadvertently flush a female bear from a den, DO NOT approach the den. Take a GPS point of the location (or mark a nearby area with flagging) and leave the area immediately. If you have a dog with you, leash it and keep it maintained on a leash as you leave the area. Contact the Wildlife Helpline (1-855-571-9003) to report the den location.
  • Most often when left alone the female will return to the den, although they may not return until night. Do not go back to the den area as additional disturbance may cause the bear to leave again and not return.
An image of a black bear den within an unsecured crawl space

While not the ideal spot (according to the homeowner), bears can even make their winter den under porches or unsecured crawl spaces!

An image of a hollow tree; occasionally black bears will hibernate within them

Bears also sometimes choose a nice hollow spot in a tree to snooze through the winter.

The flat Fens of eastern England once held vast woodlands, study finds

November 25, 2023 · 5 minute read
The flat Fens of eastern England once held vast woodlands, study finds

Scientists from the University of Cambridge studied hundreds of tree trunks, dug up by Fenland farmers while plowing their fields. The team found that most of the ancient wood came from yew trees that populated the area between 4,000 and 5,000 years ago. Credit: Tatiana Bebchuk

The Fens of eastern England, a low-lying, extremely flat landscape dominated by agricultural fields, was once a vast woodland filled with huge yew trees, according to new research.

Scientists from the University of Cambridge studied hundreds of , dug up by Fenland farmers while plowing their fields. The team found that most of the ancient wood came from yew trees that populated the area between 4,000 and 5,000 years ago.

These trees, which are a nuisance when they jam farming equipment during plowing, contain a treasure trove of perfectly preserved information about what the Fens looked like thousands of years ago.

The Fen yew woodlands suddenly died about 4,200 years ago, when the trees fell into peat and were preserved. The researchers hypothesize that a rapid sea level rise in the North Sea flooded the area with salt water, causing the vast woodlands to disappear.

The climate and environmental information these trees contain could be a valuable clue in determining whether this climate event could be related to other events that happened elsewhere in the world at the same time, including a megadrought in the Middle East that may have been a factor in the collapse of ancient Egypt’s Old Kingdom. The researchers have published their findings in Quaternary Science Reviews.

The Fens of eastern England once held vast woodlands, study finds
Credit: Tatiana Bebchuk

Yew trees (Taxus baccata) are one of the longest-lived species in Europe, and can reach up to 20 meters in height. While these trees are fairly common in Cambridge College gardens and churchyards across southern England, they are absent in the Fens, the low-lying marshy region of eastern England. Much of the Fens was a wetland until it was drained between the 17th and 19th centuries using artificial drainage and flood protection. Today, the area is some of the most productive farmland in the U.K., thanks to its rich peat soil.

While the area is great for farming and does have its own charms, few people would describe the Fens as spectacular: for the most part, the area is extremely flat and dominated by fields of potatoes, sugar beet, wheat and other crops. But 5,000 years ago, the area was a huge forest.

“A common annoyance for Fenland farmers is getting their equipment caught on big pieces of wood buried in the soil, which can often happen when planting potatoes, since they are planted a little deeper than other crops,” said lead author Tatiana Bebchuk, a Ph.D. student from Cambridge’s Department of Geography. “This wood is often pulled up and piled at the edge of fields: it’s a pretty common sight to see these huge piles of logs when driving through the area.”

For farmers, these logs are a nuisance. But for Bebchuk and her colleagues, they are buried treasure. The Cambridge team approached several Fenland farmers and took samples of hundreds of logs that had been dug up and discarded, to find out what secrets they might hold.

The Fens of eastern England once held vast woodlands, study finds
Inner part of the pile of subfossil yew trunks. Note fresh chain-saw cuts after sampling cross-sectional disks. Credit: Tatiana Bebchuk

“I remember when I first saw this enormous pile of abandoned trees, it was incredible just how many there were,” said Bebchuk. “But when we got them back to lab, we were even more surprised: these trees were so well-preserved, it looked as if they were cut down just yesterday.”

To put current anthropogenic climate change in a long-term context of natural variability, scientists need accurate evidence from the past, and trees are some of the best recorders of past conditions: their annual growth rings contain information about temperature and hydroclimate for every growing season they witnessed. “But the further back in time we go, the less reliable evidence we have, since very old trees and well-preserved wood materials are extremely rare,” said Professor Ulf Büntgen, the senior author of the study.

However, analysis by the Cambridge Tree-Ring Unit (TRU) showed that the yew trees dug up from Fenland fields were very old indeed: some of these ancient trees were 400 years old when they died. The new find provides unique climate information for over a millennium from around 5,200 years ago until about 4,200 years ago, when much of the Fens was a woodland of yew and oak: completely different than it looks today.

“Finding these very  in the Fens is completely unexpected—it would be like turning a corner in rural Cambridgeshire and seeing an Egyptian pyramid—you just wouldn’t expect it,” said Bebchuk. “It’s the same with nature—wood rots and decomposes easily, so you just don’t expect a tree that died 5,000 or 4,000 years ago to last so long.”

The Fens of eastern England once held vast woodlands, study finds
Cross-section of a subfossil yew trunk after surface preparation. The disk contains 380 tree-rings, which means the tree was at least 380 years old when it died. Credit: Tatiana Bebchuk

Given that most of the Fens are barely above sea level, about 4,200 years ago, a sudden rise in sea level most likely killed the Fen woodlands. The period that the Fen woodlands died coincided with major climatic changes elsewhere in the world: at roughly the same time, a megadrought in China and the Middle East was a possible trigger of the collapse of several civilizations, including Egypt’s Old Kingdom and the Akkadian Empire in Mesopotamia.

“We want to know if there is any link between these climatic events,” said Bebchuk. “Are the megadroughts in Asia and the Middle East possibly related to the rapid sea level rise in northern Europe? Was this a global climate event, or was it a series of unrelated regional changes? We don’t yet know what could have caused these climate events, but these trees could be an important part of solving this detective story.”

“This is such a unique climate and environmental archive that will provide lots of opportunities for future studies, and it’s right from Cambridge’s own backyard,” said Büntgen. “We often travel all over the world to collect ice cores or ancient trees, but it’s really special to find such a unique archive so close to the office.”

More information: Sudden disappearance of yew (Taxus baccata) woodlands from eastern England coincides with a possible climate event around 4.2 ka ago, Quaternary Science Reviews (2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2023.108414

Journal information: Quaternary Science Reviews

How to help beneficial insects survive winter

November 25, 2023 · 4 minute read
How to help beneficial insects survive winter

Ladybugs are aphid eating all-stars. Understanding their winter behavior can help Texans protect them so they’ll be ready to fight off plant invaders in the spring. Credit: Texas A&M AgriLife photo by Laura McKenzie

While a decrease in insects as the weather cools is a plus to many people, Texans should keep in mind that beneficial insects in gardens and yards could use a little help.

“Although many  die off in the colder months, some hibernate while others are still active as needed,” said Sonja Swiger, Ph.D., Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service entomologist and professor in the Department of Entomology in the Texas A&M College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Stephenville.

Some insects have it harder than others depending on where they are in Texas. Some also migrate south to locations where the climate is typically milder. Whether you do a little or a lot, protecting beneficial insects benefits all Texans, Swiger said.

Five things to do right now

Swiger shared five things that Texans can do right now to help beneficial insects stay safe and survive the winter months.

Keep some weeds

While preparing for late autumn and winter, you may be tempted to eliminate weeds and prune back as many plants as you can. Don’t give in to temptation.

“Weeds, perennials and grasses all provide shelter for beneficial bugs in the winter,” Swiger said.

If you’ve already started to prune, pile up cuttings in a corner of the yard or garden and allow it to compost over the winter while providing insects a home.

Some beneficial insects including bees and wasps need the hollow stalks and stems of plants to lay their eggs.

Keeping some weeds around as well as planting perennials can essentially create an insect nursery. And when overwintering eggs, nymphs or larvae, and pupae hatch in the spring, you have a built-in flourishing insect population.

Plant for pollinators

Winter can be a marathon for some pollinators. Swiger said by planting cold-weather plants and trees that bloom later in the season, you can provide a  to keep bees and other pollinator insects going through the chillier months.

Regions where winters are on the milder side may see bees outside the hive more frequently. By having an all-season pollinator garden, you can provide them with the energy they need to get through the winter. They will then be ready to race to pollinate once temperatures warm.

Give ’em shelter

While some bees and wasps live in hives or nests, keep in mind that more often than not they are ground nesters. These pollinators will need some  and leaf litter to get through the winter.

“For those hive-dwelling pollinators, keep an eye out for their homes so you can put a plan in place to protect and shelter them,” Swiger said. “Walk around your property and look in eaves and sheds.”

You don’t want to enclose where they are, you just want to provide some protection from the elements. You can utilize wire mesh or add wood protrusions to provide some protection.

Either purchase or make “insect hotels.” These can be anything from what would serve the function of a traditional hive to those designed for the pollinators who prefer no roommates.

Ladybugs will look for crevices and somewhere with moisture when they need to hibernate for the . They cannot survive freezing temperatures, which means that under , a dark garden crevice or your home can all be attractive options for them.

Ladybugs can hibernate in large clusters and though they may look dead for months, most will awake in the spring and start snacking on pesky bugs. Ladybugs and lacewings are beneficial predators that form an insect army to devour aphids and other invaders.

Leave the leaves, please

Leaves make a great compost ground cover for beneficial insects and their different life stages. Composting leaves from trees such as oak will not only prepare your beds for spring but leaves also provide sustenance and protection for helpful insects now.

“Leaving 1 or 2 inches of  on the ground can make a big difference for insects,” Swiger said. “This can be concentrated to one area of the yard or a flower bed to keep an area looking tidy and to not impact the grass underneath.”

The caterpillars we see during the fall also need a pile of fallen leaves to overwinter to become the butterflies we’ll get to see in the spring. This is a great reason not to rake, or at least to leave a few piles around your yard.

Avoid pesticides when possible and read the label

Winter is also a time to avoid treating for pests around the house and inadvertently killing beneficial insects. Pest populations are generally lower during the colder months of the year and can be handled without insecticides. If insecticides are needed, they should be used intermittently or as a spot treatment.

“Keep in mind that there are more beneficial insects than ‘bad bugs’ in most gardens and yards,” Swiger said. “Many beneficial insects also feed on those less desirable ones.”

All pesticides are not created equal. It is important to read the label to ensure that you don’t inadvertently kill beneficial insects or the  that they live on or feed from. When in doubt, hold out.

“Protecting  through the colder months will not only help your own garden, but it also helps support agriculture in your area and that benefits everyone,” Swiger said.

Provided by Texas A&M University

Urban Forestry Program advances Virginia Tech’s Climate Action Commitment

November 15, 2023 · 4 minute read
Urban Forestry Program advances Virginia Tech’s Climate Action Commitment

Virginia Tech takes an integrated and adaptive approach to urban forest management, making use of continuous monitoring and assessments, providing opportunities for community engagement and expert collaboration, and managing the protection, planting, and maintenance of the over 11,500 trees that cover the Blacksburg campus. Responsible for this care is the Division of Campus Planning, Infrastructure, and Facilities’ urban forestry team – four individuals with expertise in arboriculture and urban forestry who strive to cultivate a low-risk, sustainable, resilient, and attractive urban forest that current and future generations of Hokies can utilize and enjoy.

On Nov. 6, Jamie King, urban forest manager and university arborist, provided an overview of the program to the Virginia Tech Board of Visitors, detailing the ways the team helps contribute to the Climate Action Commitment’s goal of carbon neutral agricultural, forestry, and land use operations by 2030.

“As urban foresters, we manage the entire population of trees at Virginia Tech,” said King. “The development of future plans and coordination with university and community partners allows us to properly care for the university’s trees while striving to meet the goals outlined in the Climate Action Commitment.”

Participants in the Arbor Day tree planting work with Jamie King, urban forest manager and university arborist, to plant trees in the old growth forest adjacent to Lane Stadium. Photo by Meghan Marsh for Virginia Tech.

Participants in the Arbor Day tree planting work with Jamie King, urban forest manager and university arborist, to plant trees in the old growth forest adjacent to Lane Stadium. Photo by Meghan Marsh for Virginia Tech.

In 2023, more than 500 trees were planted on the Blacksburg campus with plans for more during the upcoming planting season. Several of these plantings provided opportunities for student and community engagement, including a tree planting demonstration on Arbor Day and restoration efforts at Stroubles Creek.

The urban forestry team’s opportunities for community engagement expand beyond tree plantings. In October, King partnered with the College of Natural Resources and Environment to host a Homecoming Hike, touring alumni and visitors around the Blacksburg campus’ notable trees.

Partnerships such as that fuel the division’s urban forestry program’s success. A co-curriculum developed with the college creates experiential learning opportunities that help students refine their interests, skills, and professional character.

Alumni and visitors learn about campus trees during the Homecoming Hokie Hike. Photo by Luke Hayes for Virginia Tech.

Alumni and visitors learn about campus trees during the Homecoming Hokie Hike. Photo by Luke Hayes for Virginia Tech.

Other recent examples of community engagement include outreach and demonstrations with Radford High School and an urban forest tour for the Virginia Master Gardener College hosted by Virginia Cooperative Extension. During this tour, participants learned the history of notable trees at Virginia Tech in order to gain a greater understanding of the future of campus trees.

These academic and community partnerships also have led to recent achievements such as the Gold Leaf Award, a 2022 Virginia Trees for Clean Water Grant, and a 2022 Urban and Community Assistance Grant. These accomplishments have not only validated the team’s success, but also have allowed for the realization of plans for tree planting and the writing of a management plan that will assess the current tree inventory and the needs of campus trees.

Looking into the future, King notes three clear methods for achieving the university’s urban forestry goals:

  • Implement the urban forest master plan
  • Increase the urban tree canopy
  • Become the first accredited university urban forestry team
Jamie King, urban forest manager and university arborist, speaks to a group of alumni and visitors during the Homecoming Hokie Hike. Photo by Luke Hayes for Virginia Tech.

Jamie King, urban forest manager and university arborist, speaks to a group of alumni and visitors during the Homecoming Hokie Hike. Photo by Luke Hayes for Virginia Tech.

Adoption of the urban forest master plan is underway. This dynamic document – created with input from stakeholders including academic partners; students; every team in the Division of Campus Planning, Infrastructure, and Facilities; the Town of Blacksburg; and the larger Virginia Tech community – will serve as a guide to assess the university’s urban forest, report its benefits, and recommend paths forward.

“Urban forestry management is not just about planting trees. It’s about sowing the seeds of a healthier, happier, and more sustainable future for our campus,” said Wendy Halsey, assistant vice president for facilities operations. “By nurturing and preserving our assets, we’re investing in the well-being of our community, the quality of our environment, and the prosperity of generations to come.”

Efforts made by King and the urban forestry team are seen across campus as Virginia Tech continues to expand its campus tree canopy. As recommended in the Climate Action Commitment, the goal to reach 25 percent tree cover by 2050 will provide energy savings, offset campus carbon emissions, and provide numerous ecological services while also growing a lush, green campus environment.

Fall leaves on campus. Photo by Lee Friesland for Virginia Tech.

Fall leaves on campus. Photo by Lee Friesland for Virginia Tech.

Through the adoption of the urban forest master plan and the increase in the urban tree canopy, the urban forestry team is prepared to apply to the Sustainable Forestry Initiative’s Urban and Community Forestry accreditation program. Doing so would make Virginia Tech the first accredited collegiate program.

Over the past four years, the urban forestry team has worked diligently to resolve an extensive backlog of tree maintenance. While there is still work to be done, this investment has already contributed to a more resilient tree population. Looking ahead, the team will continue to care for existing trees on campus, grow the urban tree canopy, educate students, and engage in community outreach opportunities to create a more livable campus and a sustainable future.

Acorn by acorn, volunteers gather seeds to help save forests

November 15, 2023 · 5 minute read
Acorn by acorn, volunteers gather seeds to help save forests

On a sunny fall day at the edge of Shenandoah National Park, Jake Good, a nursery technician with the Virginia Department of Forestry, was getting acorns and chestnuts into the ground. More than three tons of them.

Here at the state’s nursery, about 140 miles southwest of Washington, this planting was an industrial operation. Poured from sacks into a machine, these seeds — future Chinese chestnut and white oak trees, many collected from donors around the state — were filtered into tubes that cast them on a row of earth about seven feet wide. Workers walked behind the machine,stepping on the acorns and chestnuts that were not covered by sufficient soil to grow.

Jim Ulmer, a Virginia Department of Forestry tree technician, steps on Chinese chestnuts just dropped onto the agency’s tree field to push them into the soil, while Jake Good loads nuts into the spreader tubes on the tractor. (Michael S. Williamson/The Washington Post)

Jim Ulmer, a Virginia Department of Forestry tree technician, steps on Chinese chestnuts just dropped onto the agency’s tree field to push them into the soil, while Jake Good loads nuts into the spreader tubes on the tractor. (Michael S. Williamson/The Washington Post)

The process wasn’t gentle but in about 18 months would result in a crop of seedlings that could be sold to landowners and the timber industry. In this way, Virginia’s arboreal future would be secure — thanks in part to acorn enthusiasts who donated more than a million specimens this year as part of a state program.

Good was already excited for early 2025, when the seedlings would be ready for harvesting and distribution: “You see them come up … that’s all my hard work.”

The operations at the Crimora nursery use contributions from an acorn donation program that Virginia’s forestry department has run for about a decade. Last year, the harvest was a formidable eight tons of acorns and nuts — enough to produce 1.5 million seedlings. This year, donors sent 12 tons.

Brittany Blackwell, a tree technician for the forestry department, holds bur oak tree seeds that were sent to the farm by a Virginia resident. (Michael S. Williamson/The Washington Post)

Brittany Blackwell, a tree technician for the forestry department, holds bur oak tree seeds that were sent to the farm by a Virginia resident. (Michael S. Williamson/The Washington Post)

No matter how many seedlings the program produces, however, there is room for more. Virginia has about 16 million acres of forestland and more than 108,000 residents employed in forestry and related industries. This is big business: The commonwealth’s forestry industry is worth $21 billion annually, according to forestry department spokesman Cory Swift-Turner.

This dollar amount is more than simply the value of the logging industry’s timber. Trees filter the water and air, reduce temperatures to decrease demand for electricity during hot months and bring in autumn’s “leaf-peeping” tourists who spend money across the commonwealth. Eventually, mature trees are felled to provide raw materials for builders, furniture makers and others.

A close-up of young Chinese chestnut trees at the Virginia Department of Forestry tree fields. (Michael S. Williamson/The Washington Post)

A close-up of young Chinese chestnut trees at the Virginia Department of Forestry tree fields. (Michael S. Williamson/The Washington Post)

With its collection program, Virginia facilitates this cycle, stabilizing the forest canopy as trees come and go. Money from the sale of seedlings also is invested back into the nursery, according to Swift-Turner.

One of the state’s more diligent acorn collectors is 69-year-old Mike Ortmeier, who started gathering them as a retirement project after leaving the Department of Energy in 2009. As a young boy, he and his twin brother had dreamed of planting forests, he said. Now, by contributing trees-to-be to the Crimora nursery, he was helping Virginia do just that — and fighting global warming in the process.

“I can’t go out and suck out every carbon molecule from the atmosphere,” Ortmeier said. “I see myself as a cog in the wheel.”

A self-described “super-collector,” Ortmeier said he gathers as much as 1,000 pounds of acorns and other tree seeds per year from public streets and other people’s property. Undertaking this mission, he faces an unexpected enemy: landscapers. Among the detritus cleared from gutters and lawns are the future of the state’s forests. If these countless acorns, nuts and seeds can be conveyed to facilities such as Crimora, new forests eventually will be born.

“All you have to do is get people to scoop this stuff off of their driveway,” he said. “It’s a contribution to the universe.”

Nursery technician Jake Good holds northern red oak tree seeds that were sent to the farm by a Virginia resident. (Michael S. Williamson/The Washington Post)

Nursery technician Jake Good holds northern red oak tree seeds that were sent to the farm by a Virginia resident. (Michael S. Williamson/The Washington Post)

Alexis Dickerson, the Potomac Conservancy’s senior director for community conservation, said the nonprofit helps facilitate acorn-collection programs throughout the D.C. region with its “Tomorrow’s Trees” program.

With expanding construction and development, Dickerson said, areas of the river’s watershed are paved over or converted into manicured lawns. When acorns fall, they cannot take root in asphalt or concrete or are dismissed as yard waste by landscapers. Any that become saplings may be devoured by deer displaced byloss of forests and habitat. As a result, the developed area becomes a “desert” that cannot produce the next generation of oaks and other species, according to Dickerson.

But people can help trees reproduce if they take the time to pick up acorns instead of treating them as refuse.

“It’s something they walk past every day that they might step over,” Dickerson said. “You can simply collect those things and get them to the right person that can create the next generation.”

Blackwell transfers bags of Chinese chestnuts into buckets before taking them to be planted. (Michael S. Williamson/The Washington Post)

Blackwell transfers bags of Chinese chestnuts into buckets before taking them to be planted. (Michael S. Williamson/The Washington Post)

Brittany Blackwell, one of the workers pushing seeds into the ground at the Crimora nursery, said she and her children went to a farm her family previously owned to gather Chinese chestnuts as part of this year’s collection effort. When the farm’s current owner thanked her for doing yard work, her response was: “What yard work?”

This wasn’t a chore. This was keeping an important species alive.

“We’re starting the future population,” she said.

As a tractor drops nuts on the ground, Blackwell uses her feet press them into the soil so that they can germinate. (Michael S. Williamson/The Washington Post)

As a tractor drops nuts on the ground, Blackwell uses her feet press them into the soil so that they can germinate. (Michael S. Williamson/The Washington Post)

Outdoor classroom creates a new generation of forest stewards

November 8, 2023 · 4 minute read
Outdoor classroom creates a new generation of forest stewards

Eight seniors in Jared Hughes’ forestry class measured the diameters of Douglas firs and discussed career options on a beautiful fall morning in the woods behind their school.

“Timber and forestry is relevant to our community and their backgrounds,” Hughes said.

Colton Brooks doesn’t mind being out of the classroom. Fishing, hunting, riding dirt bikes — recreating and working in the area’s forests is simply a way of life here. Brooks attends Priest River Lamanna High School and is enrolled in Hughes’ botany/forestry course that explores ecology and management.

“It’s way better out here,” Brooks said, with a slight grin.

Priest River is one of the rural epicenters of Superintendent Debbie Critchfield’s effort to push millions of dollars into career technical education to build-up programs that will train graduates to meet the needs of local industries.

Jared Hughes

Jared Hughes

In the panhandle region, that means timber production. And there’s plenty of opportunity. According to the American Forest and Paper Association, the U.S. forest products industry manufactures almost $300 billion in products a year and employs about 1 million workers. And Idaho is one of the top lumber producing states.

The state’s $45 million CTE grant program is called Idaho Career Ready Students. Last month, over $16 million was awarded to 11 initial programs. The second round of requests are due Nov. 1. Priest River is asking for $1 million.

“It really excites me that we … are focusing on rural, underserved districts for different career ready pathways,” Hughes said.

Training students in GIS mapping, ecology conservation and chainsaw operation could impact the town’s economic future. After the 2008 housing crash, the number of mills and the need for labor to produce wood products decreased. Although the demand for lumber slowed, the trees remain and young people continue looking for career opportunities, especially those that keep them in Priest River.

Several of the seniors in Hughes’ class want a job that has an opportunity to stay close to home. Although 17-year-olds Kemper Dabrowski, Kayden Reynolds and Brooks are part of multi-generational logging families, they are thinking about training as an electrical lineman, a diesel mechanic and an electrician.

Hughes has a plan — build a program that trains and inspires seniors to embark on natural resource careers.

On the 20-acre plot of forest behind the high school owned by the school district, Reynolds used an increment borer to drill half way into the Douglas fir. A core sample shows the 100-foot-tall tree is about 76 years old.

“What’s the DBH?” Hughes asked.

“19.8 inches,” Brooks responded. DBH stands for diameter at breast height, a measurement taken at 4.5 feet above the tree’s base.

Discussion turned to tree identification, and Hughes reminded students that hemlocks have a purple inner bark. The focus of Thursday’s class was timber cruising, a way to count volume. Reynolds said the total number of trees can be determined by counting up how many are in 1/10 of the area, and multiplying that by 10.

“That gives you the amount of trees in the whole acre,” he said.

According to Hughes, the goal is to provide industry partners with students who can step in “ready to go.” If the grant is approved, he plans to transform the acreage into a working forest — harvesting, planting and producing wood products.

What Priest River is requesting

Priest River is a rural, outdoor community that likes to hunt, fish and recreate. “Let’s create a workforce that manages our forest,” Hughes said, who has been teaching forestry for 15 years.

The high school has four certified CTE teachers. Hughes, who is certified in natural sciences, plans to obtain CTE certification to lead a new forestry program, which falls under the natural resource and plant soil science pathway. Although he taught forestry, there has never been an official forestry-related CTE pathway.

Colton Brooks is looking toward a career as an electrician. He comes from a multi-generational timber and logging family in Bonner County. Like his classmates, he hopes to find a career that keeps him close to home and out of the big cities.

Colton Brooks is looking toward a career as an electrician. He comes from a multi-generational timber and logging family in Bonner County. Like his classmates, he hopes to find a career that keeps him close to home and out of the big cities.

There was a time when Hughes taught 30 students but today it’s down to an average of 10-15 the last couple of years.

According to historical data, enrollment peaked around 513 students 20 years ago; today that number is around 316. In that same period, the number of students in the district shrunk by 27%, from 1,580 to 1,149.

The grant would fund four areas:

  • Curriculum: forestry science and management; forest products; wildlife ecology and management; GPS/GIS/mapping.
  • Equipment: lumber production equipment; equipment for cruise, soil and disease assessments; scaling, tree planting, forest ecology, wildlife science.
  • Building: a new building/complex, plus passenger vans.
  • Classroom equipment: safety equipment and classroom technology, like printers and plotters to handle large maps, GPS and drones for collecting forest data.

“It’s been a long time coming because Idaho has one of the largest percentages of national forests and endowment grant lands. This is surprising that we haven’t done it before. But the funding hasn’t been there,” Hughes said.

The communities of Orofino, Bonners Ferry, Potlatch, Troy, Deary and St. Maries have similar resources and the same potential as Priest River, he said.

The oldest river in North America flows through West Virginia

November 8, 2023 · 1 minute read
The oldest river in North America flows through West Virginia

When people from outside of West Virginia think of the Mountain State, they are constantly drawn to the scenery and diverse nature offered down every country road.

However, what some may not realize, is that they may come across one of the oldest country rivers in the world.

The New River, which flows through both West Virginia and Virginia, is not as new as its name portrays.

According to the National Parks Conservation Association, the New River is estimated to be anywhere from 260 to 375 million years old. This makes the New River the oldest river in North America. When looking abroad at other rivers around the world, the New River still remains in the top-5 oldest rivers at the number four spot.

This means the river was formed before the Triassic Period nearly 252 million years ago.

Many point to the New River Gorge Bridge when a thought of the New River pops up. However, the New River Gorge National Park and Preserve houses only 53 miles of the river that originates south of the Mountain State.

New River Basin Documents state how the river begins in northwestern North Carolina before flowing through southwest Virginia and along side country roads in West Virginia before joining the Gauley River to help spawn the Kanawha River.

The New River has grown alongside the land and people that inhabit the surrounding regions. Many spend time whitewater rafting or even just floating in the same river that their loved ones did many generations before. The New River was there long before West Virginia and will be there long after we are all gone.

One thing is for sure, while country roads will always take you home, country rivers will take you back in time.

Virginia Cooperative Extension fact sheet addresses new plant disease

November 2, 2023 · 2 minute read
Virginia Cooperative Extension fact sheet addresses new plant disease

Nurseries in Virginia and surrounding states have observed an uptick in vascular streak dieback on redbud (pictured), maple, and dogwood. Early symptoms of the disease include yellowing and discoloration of leaves and stunting and wilting. Photo courtesy of the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.

Throughout the past two years, nurseries in Virginia and surrounding states have observed an uptick in wilt and severe dieback on redbud, maple, and dogwood — Virginia’s state tree. In some cases, almost 100 percent of the stock was unsellable because of the damage.

To address this widespread issue, Virginia Cooperative Extension and Virginia Tech’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, in partnership with the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, have released a fact sheet that raises the awareness of vascular streak dieback and provides growers a number of tips on how to avoid and manage it.

Vascular streak dieback, as described in the new fact sheet, “Vascular Streak Dieback: An Emerging Problem on Woody Ornamentals in the U.S.” is a non-curable plant disease caused by a fungus. Early symptoms of the disease include yellowing and discoloration of leaves and stunting and wilting.

Vascular streak dieback has been difficult to diagnose, characterize, and manage because of a number of problems, including the fact that it is not culturable, said fact sheet co-author Elizabeth Bush, a senior research associate in the School of Plant and Environmental Sciences and diagnostician in the Plant Disease Clinic at Virginia Tech.

“Many microorganisms cannot be visualized on plant tissue, so culturing them out of plant tissue on culture media is necessary for diagnosis,” Bush said. “Plant diagnostic labs, such as the Plant Disease Clinic, use a variety of culture media to recover various fungal and bacterial pathogens.”

Vascular discoloration in redbud (A and B) and red maple (C and D). Photo courtesy of the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.

Vascular plant diseases, in general, are hard to treat as they attack the water-conducting tissue of the plant. A tree responds by blocking its vascular system to contain the disease. In doing so, the water supply to the plant is cut off, leading to wilt and dieback.

“So it’s not as easy as just pruning out the problem, like with a disease that causes a canker,” Bush said.

In the fact sheet, Bush and Devin Bily, a plant pathologist with the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, suggest several best practices to avoid the disease and preventative fungicides for use by nurseries. Unfortunately, there are no current recommended pesticide or cultural treatments for plants already exhibiting the symptoms of the disease. But, Bush said, it is good that nurseries are aware of this disease, are on the look-out, and know how to recognize the problem.

In addition to the fact sheet, the Plant Disease Clinic at Virginia Tech is collaborating with faculty in the School of Plant and Environmental Sciences to perform metagenomic analysis on plant samples diagnosed with vascular streak dieback. Metagenomic sequencing consists of obtaining nucleotide sequences of a pathogen directly from a plant sample without the need for culturing. It will help to further characterize the disease, which presents unique challenges since the pathogen is not culturable.

This work is being funded by the Virginia Agricultural Council.

The Importance of Bats

November 2, 2023 · 1 minute read
The Importance of Bats

Recently, the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources sent an email about bats in Virginia. We wanted to pass on this great information on these essential members of our Virginia ecosystem!

Protections Under the ESA Have Helped Virginia’s Bats Weather White-Nose Syndrome

While there’s not much that can currently be done to battle white-nose syndrome in Virginia’s bat populations, protections under the ESA have helped the bats persevere through the white-nose crisis. READ ON


DWR’s Bat Guide

Get to know the bats of Virginia in DWR’s Guide to the Bats of Virginia, a comprehensive look at the resident bat species of the commonwealth. LEARN MORE


Bats: The Myths and Truths

Do all bats have rabies? Will bats fly into your hair? You’ve got bat questions. We’ve got bat answers. READ ON


Learn More About Bats!

Few of nature’s animals are as misunderstood as bats. This article from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service sets the record straight and highlights the importance of bats. Though often feared and loathed as sinister creatures of the night, bats are vital to the health of our environment and our economy. Here you’ll learn more about why bats are so essential, the threats they’re facing, how we’re conserving bats, and how you can help create a bat-friendly environment. LEARN MORE

Invasive and ubiquitous, English ivy can hurt trees and plants. Removing it isn’t easy

October 27, 2023 · 3 minute read
Invasive and ubiquitous, English ivy can hurt trees and plants. Removing it isn’t easy

English ivy (Hedera helix), a heavy, woody vine with handsome, dark-green, waxy leaves, is believed to have been brought to the New World by European colonists in the 1700s. They likely appreciated its shade tolerance, versatility as both a ground cover and climbing vine, and rapid growth.

But today, it’s classified as an invasive species in many parts of the United States, where it grows quickly and can suffocate, starve and weaken trees.

If you live in one of those regions, you’ve likely seen it climbing tree trunks. And you might be painfully aware of how difficult it is to eradicate.


The vine snakes its way up the tree and under its bark, firmly attaching its roots and tendrils as it grows. Simply yanking the ivy would also remove the bark, which serves as the tree’s vital protection from insects, diseases and the elements. In addition, the ivy’s densely packed leaves can block sunlight from reaching the tree, inhibiting photosynthesis, which diminishes the nutrients it can produce.

The weight of the vine weakens branches and, during severe weather, can topple the tree, placing people and property at risk. It’s also a host plant for insect pests that could attack the tree, and mosquitoes that could attack you.

Because its trunk and vines cling sturdily to surfaces via three different methods — aerial roots, tendrils and a sticky substance called glycosides – removing English ivy should be done carefully to avoid damaging trees.


Always wear gloves when handling English ivy, as the glycosides will stick to and irritate your skin. Some people also report breathing difficulties when working around the plant; a mask will offer protection. And if you are allergic, it would be best to solicit someone else to tackle the job.

Sever the ivy all around the tree, 3 feet off the ground, using loppers or a hand saw. Then, one by one, carefully separate the detached upper part of each branch from its lower portion, which will still be growing from the ground.

Next, working your way around the tree’s base, dig up all the ivy’s roots and remove the plant from the soil. Keep an eye out for new growth from any roots you might have missed, and pull up new sprouts as you see them.

Allow the severed upper portion of the ivy to remain on the tree. Over the course of about a year, it will die and release its stronghold from under the bark. The withered foliage will eventually blow away.


English ivy growing up the side of a brick house risks damage to the structure. As the plant climbs walls, its tendrils become anchored into cracks or gaps in the mortar, which will weaken if the ivy is left in place. Simply pulling the vines down would likely damage that mortar, as well.

Avoid the temptation to apply chemical herbicides, as they may stain the bricks. The leaves’ waxy coating protects it from most weed killers, anyway.

Instead, start by treating the vine as you would if it were growing on a tree: Sever it at the point where its trunks meet the wall and remove the lower portions from the soil.

Next, clip each vine as closely to the wall as possible, but allow the small roots to remain embedded in the mortar for a few weeks. As soon as those roots darken and die, use a stiff brush and detergent to safely scrub them away.

Be sure to assess any damage caused by the plant and make repairs as soon as possible.


Jessica Damiano writes the award-winning Weekly Dirt Newsletter and regular gardening columns for The AP. Sign up here to get weekly gardening tips and advice delivered to your inbox.

The trees arrived with Polynesian voyagers. After Maui wildfire, there’s a chance to restore them

October 27, 2023 · 6 minute read
The trees arrived with Polynesian voyagers. After Maui wildfire, there’s a chance to restore them

LAHAINA, Hawaii (AP) — For people around the world, the green leaves that sprouted from a scorched, 150-year-old banyan tree in the heart of devastated Lahaina symbolized hope following Maui’s deadly wildfire this summer. Teams rushed to flood its roots with water, hoping to save a magnificent tree that had provided shade for community events, a picturesque wedding venue and a popular backdrop for posing tourists.

But the fire also nearly wiped out another set of trees, one with a much longer history in Lahaina and a greater significance in Hawaiian culture: breadfruit, or ulu, which had given sustenance since Polynesian voyagers introduced it to the islands many centuries ago. Before colonialism, commercial agriculture and tourism, thousands of breadfruit trees dotted Lahaina; the fire charred all but two of the dozen or so that remained.

Now, as Maui recovers from the deadliest U.S. wildfire in more than a century, one that left at least 98 people dead, a band of arborists, farmers and landscapers has set about trying to save Lahaina’s ulu, kukui nut and other culturally important trees, in some cases digging down to the roots of badly burned specimens to find live tissue that could be used to propagate new shoots.

They see the destruction as a chance to restore the trees to Lahaina, to teach about their care and use, and to reclaim a bit of the town’s historic identity amid a larger discussion about whether the community’s reconstruction will price out locals and Hawaiian culture in favor of deep-pocketed outsiders seeking a slice of tropical paradise.

“Even in this tragedy and the destruction, there is a lot of hope in our communities that there is opportunity here to bring awareness and appreciation and incorporation of some of our values and history and identity,” said Noa Kekuewa Lincoln, an associate researcher of indigenous crops at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.

The banyan tree at the center of Lahaina was a sapling when it was planted in 1873 — a quarter century before the Hawaiian Islands became a U.S. territory and seven decades after King Kamehameha declared Lahaina the capital of his kingdom. It was a gift shipped from India to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the first Protestant mission in Lahaina.

A breadfruit tree at Noho'ana Farm on Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2023, in Waikapu, Hawaii. (AP Photo/Mengshin Lin)
A breadfruit tree at Noho’ana Farm on Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2023, in Waikapu, Hawaii. The wildfire fire nearly wiped out a set of trees, one with a long history in Lahaina and a great significance in Hawaiian culture: breadfruit, or ulu, which had given sustenance since Polynesian voyagers introduced it to the islands many centuries ago. (AP Photo/Mengshin Lin)

The sprawling tree is beloved, towering more than 60 feet (18 meters) and spanning nearly an acre with aerial roots descending from its boughs. It has provided shade for locals and tourists alike in a town whose name means “relentless sun.” But for some it also continues to represent the colonization that eventually transformed Lahaina into a travel destination.

By contrast, researchers believe breadfruit and kukui nut — now the state tree of Hawaii — were among the many edible plants Polynesian voyagers brought around 1,000 years ago. Such imports could have been carried across the ocean, wrapped in rotted coconut husk and dried leaves and protected in a woven coconut basket.

Hokuao Pellegrino poses for portrait in front of his first breadfruit at Noho'ana Farm on Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2023, in Waikapu, Hawaii. (AP Photo/Mengshin Lin)
Hokuao Pellegrino poses for portrait in front of his first breadfruit at Noho’ana Farm on Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2023, in Waikapu, Hawaii. Researchers believe breadfruit and kukui nut — now the state tree of Hawaii — were among the many edible plants Polynesian voyagers brought around 1,000 years ago. (AP Photo/Mengshin Lin)

Kukui nut oil was used for torches — kukui is known as the “tree of light.” Other uses included wood for canoes, dyes for tattoos and bark infusions for preserving fish nets.

Ulu can grow to 60 feet (18 meters) tall, with large dark green leaves, and each can bear hundreds of pounds of breadfruit. A staple in some tropical countries, the fruit looks like an oversized, scaly lime. It is typically eaten cooked and is starchy, like potatoes or bread. It has a short shelf life, rotting within 48 hours of ripening.

Kaipo Kekona, a ninth-generation Lahaina native, has led efforts to restore its ancient food forests for several years. He said ulu can be made into dishes resembling mashed potatoes, French fries, mousse, hummus, cakes, pies and chips, and that it can help ensure food security when other industries fail, such as tourism during the pandemic or after the wildfire.

“When we look at reforestation efforts in our town, reclamation of ulu and its historical value, it can be complemented by the evolving palates of our community,” Kekona said.

The footprint of the burn zone largely overlaps what is known in Hawaiian history as Malu ulu o Lele: “the shaded breadfruit grove of Lele,” Lele being an earlier name for Lahaina. By the late 19th century many of those trees had been burned to make way for sugar plantations. Fresh water sources at streams and canals were diverted. Development transformed the landscape into a tourism destination with far fewer trees.

Breadfruit trees at Noho'ana Farm on Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2023, in Waikapu, Hawaii.  (AP Photo/Mengshin Lin)
Breadfruit trees at Noho’ana Farm on Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2023, in Waikapu, Hawaii. “You probably don’t want to put breadfruit in a really high traffic area,” said Hokuao Pellegrino, an ethnobotanist who has helped in the volunteer effort and who has 22 breadfruit trees on his own farm in Waikapu, on the other side of the West Maui Mountains from Lahaina. (AP Photo/Mengshin Lin)

Efforts to revive the banyan and other important surviving trees have included trucking in water, applying compost extract and testing soil. The volunteers working to save Lahaina’s breadfruit have dug down to extract viable root matter. In one case, they peeled back asphalt that butted against a charred breadfruit trunk. Underground, they found life.

The samples they collected are now in a University of Hawaii lab in Hilo, on the Big Island. Lincoln projects hundreds of trees could be propagated, with seeds or saplings given to homeowners seeking to replant their properties.

But replanting breadfruit in urban areas comes with challenges, said Steve Nimz, an arborist on Oahu who has been helping restore Lahaina’s trees.

When ripe breadfruit falls, it splats and rots in an unsightly, gooey, fragrant mess. Trees planted near a sidewalk or public area could pose a threat to passersby, as some varieties have fruits weighing up to 12 pounds (5.5 kg). Falling breadfruit can cause serious injury.

“You probably don’t want to put breadfruit in a really high traffic area,” said Hokuao Pellegrino, an ethnobotanist who has helped in the volunteer effort and who has 22 breadfruit trees on his own farm in Waikapu, on the other side of the West Maui Mountains from Lahaina. “But restoring some of the breadfruit groves as part of the individual homeowner’s landscape, now that is a worthy cause, because those can be managed a little bit better.”

Pellegrino said the efforts to replant breadfruit in Lahaina should also come with efforts to teach people about its care and its uses: “We want people to use the breadfruit. We don’t want it just to be in the landscape.”

FILE - A man reacts as he sits on the Lahaina historic banyan tree damaged by a wildfire on Friday, Aug. 11, 2023, in Lahaina, Hawaii.  (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer, File)
FILE – A man reacts as he sits on the Lahaina historic banyan tree damaged by a wildfire on Friday, Aug. 11, 2023, in Lahaina, Hawaii. After the deadly wildfire that destroyed the historic town of Lahaina this summer, people across the world focused their attention on the green leaves sprouting from the scorched, 150-year-old banyan tree as a symbol of hope. Arborists are also trying to save another set of trees, ones with greater significance in Hawaiian culture, such as breadfruit and kukui nut trees introduced to the island by Polynesian voyagers long ago. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer, File)

But for now, many are more focused on housing and cleaning up after the disaster than on what trees to eventually plant. Pellegrino, who calls himself an outsider because he’s not from Lahaina, says reintegrating breadfruit and restoring wetlands, canals and streams could bring a new future for the town.

“It’s about reclaiming the identity of that place,” Pellegrino said.


Komenda reported from Tacoma, Washington.

VCU, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service partner to restore migratory fish in Virginia rivers

October 12, 2023 · 2 minute read
VCU, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service partner to restore migratory fish in Virginia rivers

The partnership will support the conservation of American shad and other species.

The VCU Rice Rivers Center will receive a $300,000 federal award in support of a new partnership to advance conservation of the iconic and culturally significant migratory American shad and river herring fish species in Virginia rivers.

The Virginia Shad and River Herring Research Initiative is a collaboration between the Rice Rivers Center and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

“The new partnership between [the Fish and Wildlife Service] and VCU is the most significant step in a decade toward restoration of the iconic American shad and other migratory shads and herrings to Virginia waters,” said Greg Garman, Ph.D., director of the Rice Rivers Center. “It is difficult to overstate the environmental, cultural and economic importance of these species historically. The Rice Rivers Center is excited to be a part of ‘turning the tide’ for these native fishes after over a century of declines from overfishing, pollution and habitat loss.”

Garman added that VCU is grateful for the support of the initiative by Sens. Tim Kaine and Mark Warner and Rep. Rob Wittman.

Migratory American shad, hickory shad, alewife and blueback herring once supported vital commercial and subsistence fisheries in Virginia. Beginning in the 20th century, however, a combination of overfishing, pollution, habitat loss, dams and the introduction of non-native predators diminished these once-significant fisheries.

Migratory American shad in the James River. (Photo by Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources).

Migratory American shad in the James River. (Photo by Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources).

The Fish and Wildlife Service and the Rice Rivers Center will engage with a broad consortium of state agencies, tribal governments, academia and nongovernmental organizations to further explore the declines in these native fishes. Biologists also will propose conservation measures to reverse population trends and help recover these valuable and iconic native species to Virginia’s coastal rivers.

“Impact-focused collaborations like this are driving VCU’s growing reputation for research,” said Fotis Sotiropoulos, Ph.D., provost and senior vice president for academic affairs. “VCU’s ranking as one of the nation’s top 50 public research universities was earned by focusing on real-world challenges like the survival of these historically- and environmentally-significant migratory fish species. We are honored to work with so many partners on this priority project of sustainability.”

The Rice Rivers Center, part of VCU Life Sciences, is located in Charles City along the James River. It supports applied research, scholarship and student training across diverse disciplines, including water resources, climate science, wildlife conservation, wetlands restoration and environmental technology.

Doubling efforts to save ash trees

October 12, 2023 · 3 minute read
Doubling efforts to save ash trees

A metallic-green invasive insect, the emerald ash borer, has been wiping out ash trees as it has spread through Virginia over the past 15 years. The destructive wood-boring beetle has attacked forests from the mountains to the coast – including stands within Virginia State Parks.

With assistance and training from the Virginia Department of Forestry, state parks staff are fighting back, armed with insecticides as well as a tiny, parasitoid wasp.

An ash tree native to Virginia has no natural defenses against the emerald ash borer. The larvae bore into and feed on its inner bark and water system, leaving squiggly S-shaped tunnels, or galleries, in their wake. The galleries encircle the inner vascular tissue of the tree, choking it off from water and nutrients and ultimately killing it.

Last year, ecologists in the Virginia Natural Heritage Program at DCR reported that green ash trees at Machicomoco State Park in Gloucester County were infected with emerald ash borer. These trees had been some of the state’s last remaining healthy populations of ash.

In July, a DCR team began treating dozens of green ash in two areas at Machicomoco by injecting an insecticide into the tree’s vascular systems, where it will kill the borer larvae.

Staff also treated infected green ash at four different areas of Chippokes State Park in Surry County.

Katlin DeWitt, a forest health specialist at DOF, has helped to administer the treatments at state parks and assisted DCR staff.  “We’re very invested in protecting these trees.” DeWitt said. “We like to work with other state agencies and help save trees on state lands.”

DeWitt said the chemical treatment being used is highly effective for controlling emerald ash borer. “The trees we treated are a lot healthier,” she said. “And we can see the decline on other trees that have not been treated.”

In some cases, the insecticide treatment can be complemented with biological control, or biocontrol, to target the following generation of borers before they can hatch.

One natural enemy of the emerald ash borer is a parasitoid wasp called Oobius agrili. These wasps, approved for release and provided by the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, lay their eggs inside the eggs of the emerald ash borer. When the wasp larvae emerge, “Her developing young will kill the emerald ash borer,” DeWitt said.

“We can’t go out and chemically treat every tree in the forest. The little wasps will help fill the gap and provide another level of protection out there for trees we weren’t able to treat.”

ash tree treatment2

White and blue ash trees have been treated for protection against the emerald ash borer for several years now at Southwest Virginia Museum, Natural Tunnel and Grayson Highland state parks.

Jordon Blevins, district resource specialist for the Southwest Region of Virginia State Parks, said that the white ash trees at Southwest Virginia Museum still appeared to be healthy after a few years of treatments.

Saving larger trees in the mountains will help protect the scenic views in addition to preventing damage to the ecosystems, he said.

Nationwide, the emerald ash borer has taken a major toll on forestry and lumber industries, threatening to permanently alter our forest ecosystems.

Of the six species of native ash to Virginia, all are considered endangered, according to DeWitt. “Losing any species that’s native has a whole cascade of effects from an ecosystem perspective,” she said.

Losing ash is even more critical when the species makes up a significant part of a natural community that is rare. A natural community is an assemblage of native plants and animals that occurs repeatedly on the landscape under similar ecological conditions. At Machicomoco and Chippokes, the ash stands are located in the globally rare natural community type called Coastal Plain Calcareous Seepage Swamp Forest.

Erik Molleen, district resource specialist for the Tidewater Region of Virginia State Parks, said that when large ash trees in this natural community die, more sunlight will be let in, promoting the spread of non-native, invasive plant species. “That will open up the canopy and change the herbaceous vegetation. It’s very important that we protect the green ash,” he said. “By protecting that one tree, we’re also protecting the other species in that globally rare ecosystem.”

It Starts In Your Yard

October 4, 2023 · 2 minute read
It Starts In Your Yard

This week’s article is by our guest writer Ingrid Girardi.

The forests, beaches, mountain ranges, and meadowlands have always been places of incredible beauty. What is it about these wild landscapes that I and so many others love? Possibly it’s the diversity of life they all share. There’s always something new to discover. This love led me to an Instagram account, @homegrownnationalpark where I discovered people creating such natural spaces right in their own backyards!

As it turns out, there is so much more than beauty and curiosity that make these wild areas amazing. They are the places that sustain all life! This was evident after hearing the author, professor of entomology, and creator of the aforementioned Instagram account, Doug Tallamy, speak last week. It was a very hopeful presentation explaining the positive impact everyone can have on the future of the planet just by changing our perspective on how we approach our own spaces in just a few ways.

An overall theme of Doug’s research is how to work with and not against the natural world. Native plants are the main focus of this idea. Collectively, the yards we all have, from a container to a huge plot of land, have a massive impact on the diversity of life on this planet. Doug writes extensively about this in his book Nature’s Best Hope: A New Approach To Conservation That Starts In Your Yard.

Planting natives, especially keystone species, wherever you are able will have a positive ripple effect on the web of life. Many species of insects rely on specific plants from which they have evolved. When these host plants are removed and replaced with exotics, the insects die and the creatures who rely on those insects die. Doug speaks extensively about the tiniest critters appearing to be the most important.

A great way to ensure the survival of vital food sources for birds and other creatures is to leave the debris that falls from your plants throughout the seasons in place. The leaves on the ground in fall provide the perfect habitat for so many small animals and keeps the soil permeable. This is where a slight change in perspective is needed. Rather than seeing a mess of leaves, you will now see all the biodiversity you helped steward!

One more simple way to increase the biodiversity in your space is to avoid herbicides, pesticides, and other chemical inputs. Nature has her own exquisite way of balancing herself out. This is overwhelmingly evident in the beautiful natural places we all admire and long to linger.

For more information, check out native plant resources in Richmond by visiting the Virginia Native Plant Society, More resources can be found on Doug Tallamy’s website

‘Lost’ Brazilian holly tree species found again after nearly 200 years

October 4, 2023 · 3 minute read
‘Lost’ Brazilian holly tree species found again after nearly 200 years

An expedition team has found a rare Brazilian tree that botanists thought might be extinct after nearly two centuries without a confirmed sighting.

The Pernambuco holly tree (Ilex sapiiformis), which can grow to a height of 12 meters (nearly 40 feet), was found again in March in northeast Brazil by a team led by ecologist Gustavo Martinelli. They located four trees, two male and two female, in a fragment of forest next to a sugarcane plantation in the municipality of Igarassu, part of the greater metropolitan area of the city of Recife in Pernambuco state.

The Pernambuco holly (Ilex Sapiiformis), found again in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest. Image courtesy of by Fred Jordão.

The Pernambuco holly (Ilex Sapiiformis), found again in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest. Image courtesy of by Fred Jordão.

“The moment when we found Ilex sapiiformis, it seemed that the world had stopped turning its gears,” local researcher Juliana Alencar said in a statement. “Finding a species that hasn’t been heard of in nearly two centuries doesn’t happen every day. It was an incredible moment, and the emotion of it was felt throughout the entire team. When I looked at Professor Milton Groppo, I saw that he had tears in his eyes.”

“It was like finding a long-lost and long-awaited relative that you only know by old portraits,” said Groppo, a researcher at the University of São Paulo.

The Pernambuco holly was described by science in 1861, from a specimen collected in 1838. That original specimen was the only confirmed record until now. The team spent months searching herbarium records globally before an unidentified 1962 sample provided a lead that helped Alencar pinpoint survey areas.

Juliana Alencar stands next to the holly trees, found in a patch of forest by the river. Image courtesy of Gustavo Martinelli.

Juliana Alencar stands next to the holly trees, found in a patch of forest by the river. Image courtesy of Gustavo Martinelli.

The team searched four areas in the Recife metropolitan region. Identifying the inconspicuous greenish flowers among similar holly species was challenging, Martinelli said, but the researchers spotted the four plants on their second day in the field.

“It was exciting when we found the first individual of Ilex sapiiformis, thanks to the keen eyes of [field assistant] Mr. Lenilson [Barbosa dos Santos], who was able to find some white flowers in a tree alongside the dirt road,” Groppo said.

The trees live in an area once dominated by tropical Atlantic Forest but that’s now primarily urban sprawl with sugarcane plantations dispersed throughout. Less than 7% of the original forest biome remains, most in fragments of less than 50 hectares, or about 120 acres.

The area around Igarassu, Brazil, where the trees were found. Only a few patches of Brazil’s Atlantic forest remain.

The area around Igarassu, Brazil, where the trees were found. Only a few patches of Brazil’s Atlantic forest remain.

Since the expedition, one of the trees has already died, Martinelli told Mongabay. The trees grow close to a river, and he said he suspected that flooding had inundated the roots and killed the tree.

“The Pernambuco holly is in an emergency situation now,” Martinelli said.

Researchers want to search for more trees, work with the landowner to better protect the site, and collect seeds to germinate more trees. However, this is all expensive, Martinelli said, and they’re still determining how to fund these efforts.

Re:wild, a U.S.-based NGO, said it’s working with Martinelli to get the area where the Pernambuco holly was found listed as an Alliance for Zero Extinction site since it’s the only known area where the plants live. If the area becomes an AZE site, that could open up more resources to help the Pernambuco holly.

Only 3 individual Pernambuco Holly (Ilex Sapiiformis) trees are known to exist. Photo courtesy of Fred Jordão.

Only 3 individual Pernambuco Holly (Ilex Sapiiformis) trees are known to exist. Photo courtesy of Fred Jordão.

The holly is one of the 25 “most wanted” lost plant and animal species targeted for rediscovery by the Search for Lost Species project. It’s the ninth that’s been “rediscovered” since the initiative began in 2017. Others include the Somali sengi (Elephantulus revoilii), the silver-backed chevrotain (Tragulus versicolor), the velvet pitcher plant (Nepenthes mollis), and Jackson’s climbing salamander (Bolitoglossa jacksoni)

Martinelli said he’s found more than 20 species lost to science during his career. “I love the challenge of finding lost plants,” he said.

“It’s incredible that the Pernambuco holly was rediscovered in a metropolitan area that is home to nearly six million people,” said Christina Biggs, lost species program officer at Re:wild. “Even if a plant hasn’t had a confirmed sighting in 186 years, it could still be hanging on in the last vestiges of the wild somewhere, and this tree is a perfect example of why it’s important to keep looking.”

As critical pollinator populations decline, cities and campuses find ways to encourage bees, butterflies and bats

October 4, 2023 · 11 minute read
As critical pollinator populations decline, cities and campuses find ways to encourage bees, butterflies and bats

Cities and college campuses across the region have been certified as “bee-friendly.” Their efforts include reducing the use of pesticides, allowing native species to thrive, and educating residents and students about how best to help pollinators.

As morning clouds begin to dissipate and the sun begins to shine, raising the temperature to a warm 85 degrees, Lucy Hudson stands next to the pollinator habitat that covers a corner of Miller Center, the headquarters of Lynchburg’s Department of Parks and Recreation.

Hudson, a park services specialist for the department, gazes at the wide array of flowers and herbs like a proud mother. The area around her is buzzing with activity, as sweat bees and bumblebees float from blossom to blossom and plant to plant. The colors range from pink and purple to red and yellow. She points out the African blue basil and the coneflowers as both enjoyed by bees and a great source of food.

African blue basil at the Miller Center. Photo by Zack Denton.

African blue basil at the Miller Center. Photo by Zack Denton.

After taking a class on bees, Hudson decided that it was important in her work to ensure that Lynchburg would become more bee- and pollinator-friendly. It has been a labor of love as she has spent the last several years planting and digging in the various pollinator habitats around the city, including many located at community centers and parks such as Riverside Park.

The habitats are eye-catching additions to their surroundings. But they were created for a specific purpose: to address the fact that the plight of bees and other pollinators has gone downhill and their future is uncertain.

Over the last few years the United States, as well as the rest of the world, has seen a decline in the number of pollinators. The most commonly known pollinators are bees and butterflies, but birds, bats and other foraging animals are also pollinators.

According to a recent U.S. Geological Survey-led study, the once common western bumblebee has declined by 57%. Much of the general decline can be attributed to an increase in temperatures, the use of pesticides and overall human activity.

Humans depend heavily on the activity of pollinators for survival yet are a large contributor to their decline. An ever-expanding population in the U.S. is constantly widening the spaces where humans live, removing native grasses and flowers that pollinators depend on.

Federal agencies including USGS, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the U.S. Department of Agriculture have been warning for years of the danger that further decline of pollinators poses to both the economy and the survival of humans and wildlife as a whole.

In Virginia, a number of colleges, universities and municipalities have taken steps to try and help pollinators continue to play their part in the ecosystem. Randolph College in Lynchburg was the first university in the state to be certified “bee-friendly” in 2016 by Bee City USA, an initiative of the Xerces Society, an organization focused on the preservation of invertebrates and their habitats.

To date, there are 191 cities across the United States that can boast of being a Bee City; 13 of those are in Virginia. In addition, there are 173 college and university campuses that can lay claim to being a Bee Campus, with six of them in Virginia.

Randolph College

Randolph College maintains several, rain, organic and pollinator habitats around campus and the community, says Lindsey Van Zile, the school’s sustainability and campus projects. The school also has areas where grasses aren’t mowed so that they attract pollinators, touching only those areas necessary to harvest seeds for future growth. The school also maintains a greenhouse for seeding flowers and plants that are then planted in the pollinator habitats.

An important key to the effort’s success is the education of the public. Van Zile says that the college provides information to both the public and students about the role that pollinators play in the ecosystem. Students have shown great interest in getting involved, she says, and tend both the habitats and the greenhouse.

Since she started her position at Randolph College at the end of October 2022, Van Zile has seen an increase in the instances of pollinators around campus and in Lynchburg. She says that she has seen the greatest increase in the unmowed areas where the blooms in those grasses have attracted more bee visits.

A sign at the Miller Center in Lynchburg explains the city’s pollinator-friendly initiatives. Photo by Zack Denton.

A sign at the Miller Center in Lynchburg explains the city’s pollinator-friendly initiatives. Photo by Zack Denton.


Lynchburg became a Bee City in 2019. The city was already taking steps to become more pollinator-friendly when it was approached by the Xerces Society, Hudson says.

Many of Lynchburg’s efforts have been in tandem with those of Randolph College. All across the city, pollinator habitats have been planted with native flowers and herbs that provide shelter and food. Hudson says that the Department of Parks and Recreation also has encouraged the city to be cognizant of the types of pesticides that it uses, and how much or how often it sprays them in the gardens.

Also, like Randolph, Lynchburg has designated certain areas within Riverside Park as no-mow zones. This both allows for the attraction of pollinators and reduces some of the gasoline fumes being released into the air.

A no-mow area at Riverside Park in Lynchburg. Photo by Zack Denton.

A no-mow area at Riverside Park in Lynchburg. Photo by Zack Denton.

Education also has been a key element in Lynchburg’s sustainability efforts. Hudson says that the city placed signs within the un-mowed areas, explaining that they’re being allowed to grow so that they can attract bees and other pollinators. The city also has engaged in efforts to educate the public on how to plant beneficial plants, flowers and trees and how to maintain their own gardens at home.

Hudson says she has been working for years on her own garden to make it more pollinator-friendly. She says that bees native to Virginia are solitary, meaning they don’t have a hive structure, and the young depend on their mother to find and provide food. If she is unable to do so, both mother and the babies will die. This point emphasizes the importance of maintaining pollinator habitats and un-mowed grasses so that our pollinators can feed themselves and thrive, thus also benefiting humans in the long run.


In the fall of 2020, the city of Martinsville became a Bee City. Cindy Edgerton, chairperson of the city’s Bee City Committee — and also a member of several local garden clubs — says that she approached the city council to propose that the city become a Bee City. Given her involvement with garden clubs, she had been thinking for some time about how to protect pollinators.

To her delight, the city council agreed to apply, but with one caveat: The city did not want to spend any money.

While this presented a challenge, the community dove in head first. Edgerton says that the committee relies heavily on education, from setting up booths at public events — she says that a bee costume is in the works to add a bit of flair — to providing practical advice to residents as to how they can help protect pollinators. She says that she tells people that they can mow their lawns, but the grass should not be cut below 4 inches. She also recommends that herbicides be used instead of pesticides in personal gardens and on lawns.

The city also has several baseball fields that have fallen into disuse. A plethora of clover has overgrown the fields, and the city has decided to allow that to grow so that it can be a source of food for pollinators, Edgerton says.

Edgerton adds that the community is truly excited to be involved. Schools, museums and even the chamber of commerce have been heavily invested in the educational aspect of the efforts.

Virginia Tech

Virginia Tech was designated a Bee Campus last year.

The university has planted and maintains habitat gardens around the campus, says Margaret Couvillon, an assistant professor in the Department of Entomology who focuses on pollinator biology and ecology. While Tech began by planting flowers such as lavender, it has since diversified its array of pollinator-attracting perennial flowers, plants and trees.

Couvillon and her team have also worked with the campus grounds crew to reduce the pesticides used in and around their gardens. While spraying may kill the insects that damage flowers and plants, it also can kill bees and other pollinators.

These efforts are a long-term project, she says. Tech is developing a method to measure the increase in pollinators as a result of the school’s efforts. Though it has only been a year since Virginia Tech was certified as a Bee Campus, there have been intangible results, Couvillon says.

“This has brought together Hokies around a common cause,” she says.


In May 2022, the Roanoke City Council adopted a resolution declaring Roanoke a Bee City. The Roanoke Valley Garden Club and others had been advocating for the city to become a pollinator-friendly community for many years, and in May 2023, the city officially launched its project.

The city has planted pollinator habitats in various locations around Roanoke and has posted signage alerting the public to its status as a Bee City. Photo by Megan Schnabel.

The city has planted pollinator habitats in various locations around Roanoke and has posted signage alerting the public to its status as a Bee City. Photo by Megan Schnabel.

“It’s important to protect and sustain pollinator habitats,” says Leigh Anne Weitzenfeld, the city’s sustainability coordinator.

The city is in the process of forming its Bee City committee, which will include city employees and members of area garden clubs.

One of the committee’s main goals will be to educate the public on the role that pollinators play in sustainability. The city also has put out a brochure explaining which native plants, flowers and trees should be planted in home gardens to attract pollinators.

In partnership with local garden clubs, the city has planted pollinator habitats in various locations across Roanoke. One garden club recently received a grant that will help pay for signage in those gardens and other areas where sustainability efforts are underway.

Weitzenfeld also says that Roanoke is creating an integrated pesticide management plan — also a requirement of the Xerces Society to be certified as a Bee City — to rein in the use of chemicals that are detrimental to the pollinator population.

In Washington Park, the city has created a riparian buffer that will provide beneficial vegetation and access to a water source for pollinators. In Vic Thomas Park, the city has created a natural meadow. A team led by Laura Riley, the city’s landscape management coordinator, has removed invasive species there and is in the process of planting native flowers that they hope will attract more pollinators.

Virginia Western Community College in Roanoke was named a Bee Campus in July. The school hosts an arboretum that highlights native plants. Photo by Megan Schnabel.

Virginia Western Community College in Roanoke was named a Bee Campus in July. The school hosts an arboretum that highlights native plants. Photo by Megan Schnabel.

Virginia Western Community College

Virginia Western Community College in Roanoke is one of the latest colleges to become a Bee Campus. Heather Butler, an assistant professor of biology, says that the school applied with the Xerces Society in June and on July 14 was certified as a Bee Campus.

This was a logical next step, as Virginia Western had already been doing many of the things required to become certified. The Bee Campus Committee is composed of faculty, staff (including the campus police) and students, demonstrating a campus-wide commitment to the cause. Butler says that it really is a community effort and everyone is enthusiastic and looking for ways to get involved. The school also maintains a website in an ongoing effort to educate the public on the importance of protecting pollinator habitats.

Across the campus, many native trees, flowers and plants dot the landscape. This is no more evident than in the school-maintained arboretum, just off Colonial Avenue. While the arboretum features a variety of species, it has a plot specially dedicated to native plants. Butler says that the school hopes  to expand and add more plots of native plants, important to pollinators.

Butler also says that Virginia Western has remained committed to taking care of the plants and trees around campus in a responsible way. The school has used only organic pesticides to fight off destructive insects that threaten the native plants and trees.

A butterfly in the Community Arboretum at Virginia Western. Photo by Megan Schnabel.

A butterfly in the Community Arboretum at Virginia Western. Photo by Megan Schnabel.

Although honey bees are not native to North America, Virginia Western’s horticulture department has established beehives behind the tennis courts, in conjunction with Chet Bhatta, an entomologist at Radford University. Both faculty and students contribute to the upkeep of the hives, Butler says, And the college wants to add native plants around the hives to aid the bees occupying them.

“We’re really excited to get this off the ground,” she says.


The city of Salem earlier this year received a grant of $1,000 from Keep Virginia Beautiful that it plans to use to convert some of the turf grass in Longwood Park into a native working prairie, according to Jeff Ceaser, the city’s horticulturist.

“Becoming a Bee City is certainly a possibility, but the problem is that this is a long-term project,” says Ceaser.

However, Salem had been working on projects both to beautify and preserve the natural surroundings, long before receiving the grant.

Ceaser says that his crews recently removed rotted trees to incorporate trees that bear fruit such as pears. These are beneficial to pollinators because they provide a source of food. The city has also experimented with test plots to see if native grasses will grow in certain places.

In other areas, the city is letting the grass grow. Ceaser says that the city has received calls about why certain areas aren’t being mowed; like Lynchburg, Salem has placed signs in those areas to educate the public about why the grass is being allowed to grow.

As in other cities, pesticide use has been a concern for Salem. Ceaser says that the city has focused not only on what it is spraying, but also how much is being sprayed.

To learn more about making a garden more pollinator-friendly and sustainable, visit

As climate change warms rivers, they are running out of breath

September 21, 2023 · 3 minute read
As climate change warms rivers, they are running out of breath

– and so could the plants and animals they harbor

As climate change warms rivers, they are losing dissolved oxygen from their water. This process, which is called deoxygenation, was already known to be occurring in large bodies of water, like oceans and lakes. A study that colleagues and I just published in Nature Climate Change shows that it is happening in rivers as well.

We documented this change using a type of artificial intelligence called a deep learning model – specifically, a long short-term memory model – to predict water temperature and oxygen levels. The data that we fed the model included past records of water temperature and oxygen concentrations in rivers, along with past weather data and the features of adjoining land – for example, whether it held cities, farms or forests.

The original water temperatures and oxygen data, however, were measured sparsely and often in different periods and with different frequency. This made it challenging before our study to compare across rivers and in different periods.

Using all of this information from 580 rivers in the U.S. and 216 rivers in central Europe, our AI program reconstructed day-to-day temperatures and oxygen levels in those rivers from 1981 to 2019. We also used future climate projections to predict future water temperature and oxygen levels. This enabled us to consistently compare past and future river water temperatures and oxygen levels across hundreds of rivers, which would not have been possible without using AI.

On average, we found, rivers were warming by 0.29 degrees Fahrenheit (0.16 degrees Celsius) per decade in the U.S. and 0.49 F (0.27 C) per decade in central Europe. Deoxygenation rates reached as high as 1% to 1.5% loss per decade. These rates are faster than deoxygenation rates occurring in oceans, and slower than those in lakes and coastal regions.

Urban rivers are warming up most rapidly, while rivers in agricultural areas are losing oxygen most rapidly. This could be partly due to nutrient pollution, which combines with warmer waters to fuel large blooms of algae. When the algae die and decompose, this process depletes dissolved oxygen in the water.

Why it matters

Oxygen is crucial for plants, animals, fish and aquatic insects that live in rivers. These organisms breathe dissolved oxygen from river water. If oxygen levels drop too low, river species will suffocate.

While scientists know that oceans and lakes have been losing oxygen in a warming climate, we have mainly thought that rivers were safe from this problem. Rivers are shallow, and fast-moving water can absorb oxygen directly from the air more rapidly than standing water. Rivers also harbor plants that make oxygen.

The health of rivers affects everything in and around them, from aquatic life to humans who rely on the rivers for water, food, transportation and recreation. Warming rivers with low oxygen could suffer fish die-offs and degraded water quality. Fisheries, tourism and even property values along rivers could decline, affecting livelihoods and economies.

As the air warms in a changing climate, rivers will also become warmer. As a liquid’s temperature increases, its capacity to hold gases declines. This means that climate change will further reduce dissolved oxygen in river water.

At extreme levels, this process can create dead zones where fish and other species cannot survive. Dead zones already form in coastal areas, such as the Gulf of Mexico and Lake Erie. We found that some rivers, especially in warmer areas like Florida, may face more low-oxygen days in the future.

Low oxygen in rivers also can promote chemical and biological reactions that lead to the release of toxic metals from river sediments and increased emissions of greenhouse gases, such as nitrous oxide and methane.

River pollution was one factor that spurred the emergence of the modern environmental movement in the 1960s and 1970s. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections

River pollution was one factor that spurred the emergence of the modern environmental movement in the 1960s and 1970s. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections

What’s next

Most of our data on dissolved oxygen was collected during the day, when plants in rivers are actively making oxygen through photosynthesis, powered by sunlight. This means that our findings may underestimate the low-oxygen problem. At night, when plants aren’t producing oxygen, dissolved oxygen levels could be lower.

I see this research as a wake-up call for more study of how climate change is affecting river water quality worldwide. Better monitoring and more analysis can make the full scope of river deoxygenation clearer. Ultimately, I hope more research will lead to policy changes that promote responsible land use and water management and better stewardship of rivers, our planet’s veins.

Virginia forests might be a last hope for Hellbender salamanders

September 21, 2023 · 1 minute read
Virginia forests might be a last hope for Hellbender salamanders

Hellbender salamanders could be disappearing, and forests in southwest Virginia may be their best hope for survival.

“This is an animal that’s been around for millions and millions of years. And suddenly, it’s disappearing, and perhaps on the verge of extinction,” said Bill Hopkins, a professor of wildlife conservation at Virginia Tech who’s been studying these salamanders for nearly two decades. Hellbenders are unique for several reasons. They’re giant, up to two feet long. They also help care for their babies, and the dads guard the eggs.

“And then for the little hatchlings that come out of the eggs, for a total of eight months, which is pretty remarkable,” Hopkins said.

Hellbenders do best in swift-flowing, cooler water. When trees and shrubs beside the water are cut down, the temperature and chemistry of the water changes. Cutting foliage also causes more sediment and clay to build up, blocking cavities beneath boulders and small rocks, which young salamanders prefer.

Hellbender underwater in a stream in Virginia

Hellbender underwater in a stream in Virginia

Hellbenders have been in decline for decades. In Virginia, their numbers are actually pretty steady. But what worries Hopkins is that even here, young hellbenders are disappearing. His team recently published a 10-year study, where they observed something pretty startling: in areas where forests had been cut away, the fathers stopped caring for their young. In some cases, the dads actually ate the eggs.

Hopkins said this shift in their behavior may be a warning.

“If hellbenders are trying to tell us something, we need to listen and try to figure it out,” Hopkins said. “I personally think that we’re looking at an animal that’s sort of analogous to a canary in a coal mine. It’s telling us something about the environment. Something we’re doing to the environment.”

Hopkins said some of the best opportunities for hellbenders to thrive are in national forests, since the cool mountain streams are ideal for the salamanders to lay their eggs, and care for their young.

Study finds old pear trees make for surprisingly rich reef habitats

September 13, 2023 · 6 minute read
Study finds old pear trees make for surprisingly rich reef habitats

Riding his bike to work in the Netherlands’ Zeeland province, Tjeerd Bouma passed fields of pear and apple trees. His mind wandered. As a coastal ecologist at the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ), Bouma had been searching for a material with which to create artificial reefs in the Wadden Sea, a system of intertidal sand and mud flats that’s been heavily modified by humans over thousands of years. He realized that pear trees could be used for this very purpose.

“They have these nice branching structures and complexity, and they’re biodegradable,” Bouma told Mongabay. Moreover, Bouma knew that fruit trees in orchards had a limited life span. Once pear trees reach 25 to 35 years of age, they no longer produce enough fruit to be profitable, so farmers cull them, turning them into firewood or wood pellets or simply sending the trees to landfills. But maybe, Bouma thought, they could be repurposed to create reefs.

Bouma shared his idea with colleagues, including Jon Dickson, a researcher at NIOZ whose current work focuses on artificial reefs and marine environmental restoration. Dickson believed the idea had merit, since pear trees have the structural complexity needed for an artificial reef and because planting “tree reefs” would mimic a natural process.

“If we look at history … wood came down rivers all the time and got spit out at sea,” Dickson said. “Lots of it washed up, but lots of it sank, too. We have fossil records dating back to the Jurassic [period] about marine wood deposits and the animals that live on it, so we know that wood has been going out to sea for hundreds of millions of years.”

Researchers examine a raised tree reef in the Wadden Sea. Image by Erik Hoekendijk / NIOZ.

Researchers examine a raised tree reef in the Wadden Sea. Image by Erik Hoekendijk / NIOZ.

In many parts of the world, this natural flow of wood into the oceans has largely ceased since humans began modifying coastlines. In the Wadden Sea, for instance, wood and other naturally hard substrates were covered in sand or purposefully removed. This process was also hampered by upstream logging, the damming of estuaries, and even bottom trawling and dredging.

In a new paper published in Frontiers in Marine Science, for which Dickson was the lead author, researchers investigated the usefulness of pear trees as artificial reefs and their ability to attract marine biodiversity. They constructed 32 pyramid-shaped “tree reefs” of six interconnected short-stemmed pear trees. Then they transported the tree reefs to the open waters between two Dutch barrier islands, Texel and Vlieland, and settled them on the sandy bottom — about 3-4 meters (10-13 feet) deep — with concrete feet. After that, they waited.

Four months later, the researchers raised the tree reefs onto a ship to see what sessile organisms (those that can’t move on their own) were living on them. They found 15 species, including barnacles, bryozoans, anemones, tunicates and algae.

The researchers lowered the tree reefs back into the water, along with fish traps. When they raised the fish traps 24 hours later, they found crabs, shrimps, prawns, and several fish species, including fivebeard rockling (Ciliata mustela), shorthorn sculpin (Myoxocephalus scorpius) and pout whiting (Trisopterus luscus).

“We were surprised at the speed that it happened,” Dickson told Mongabay. “The amount of life we saw living on the trees after four months, we were expecting that after something like five years. It was incredible how fast the trees were just a profusion of life.”

The researchers found 15 species living on the tree reefs, including barnacles, bryozoans, anemones, tunicates and algae. Image by Erik Hoekendijk / NIOZ.

The researchers found 15 species living on the tree reefs, including barnacles, bryozoans, anemones, tunicates and algae. Image by Erik Hoekendijk / NIOZ.

The researchers also documented the presence of species at control sites and found that fish were consistently more abundant at the tree reef sites. However, the authors say the data don’t indicate “whether the tree-reefs are simply aggregating them or if they [are] also increasing the overall abundance of these fish in the area.”

Since the study’s publication, the researchers have pulled the tree reefs out of the water again, 16 months after their original planting, and found an even greater assortment of marine life.

“This year, we have cuttlefish laying eggs on the reef, which is really exciting to see,” Dickson said. “We found close to 2,000 eggs on a reef this year, and that’s just one reef. With that many cuttlefish in an area, perhaps the predation of crabs goes up. If there are less crabs in an area, maybe mussels can grow, and more things are going to continue changing.”

Dickson said he believes these pear tree reefs could last 15 to 20 years in the Wadden Sea — or, based on a more optimistic outlook, 50-75 years.

“Trees are relatively cheap, and hopefully we can kick-start the formation of natural reefs where there used to be some,” Dickson said. “And that can make a change because once the reef is there, it can keep growing on itself.”

He also said the idea of using felled trees to make reefs could be replicated in other parts of the world, especially temperate regions. Tree reefs could also work in the tropics, but Dickson said marine boring worms (family Teredinidae) would likely chew through the trees faster in these areas.

“The woodworm is very hungry and very angry in the tropics,” he said.

“Trees are relatively cheap, and hopefully we can kick-start the formation of natural reefs where there used to be some,” Dickson said. Image by Erik Hoekendijk / NIOZ.

“Trees are relatively cheap, and hopefully we can kick-start the formation of natural reefs where there used to be some,” Dickson said. Image by Erik Hoekendijk / NIOZ.

Currently, felled trees aren’t widely used as artificial reefs. However, there have been some small-scale initiatives in places like El Salvador, where local fishers sank dead mangrove wood, bicycle parts and concrete to attract marine biodiversity. It’s also typical for concrete blocks or retired ships to be used as artificial reefs. In the U.S., anglers use old Christmas trees to attract fish and increase their catches in lakes and reservoirs.

Timothy Baxter, a scientist at the University of Oxford who studies marine biodiversity in harbors and breakwaters but was not involved in the new study, said he was surprised by how quickly the pear trees were colonized by marine wildlife.

“The study presents an innovative technique for increasing biodiversity in marine environments where hard substrates have been depleted due to human activity,” Baxter told Mongabay in an email. “As the felled pear trees are used as an alternative to naturally occurring woody debris that has been depleted due to damming upstream, they represent a viable way of enhancing marine wildlife. Given that wood is a natural material that will degrade over time, the felled pear trees have the potential to be significantly more eco-friendly than other ‘ecological enhancement’ techniques that use concrete and other engineering materials. The low cost is also a benefit.”

Baxter said he thinks the next research stage should be to attempt a “scaled-up version of the study, both in terms of time and space.”

“It would be interesting to see the effects of felled pear trees over longer time scales and a greater spatial area,” he said. “In particular, it would be interesting to see whether, when scaled up, felled pear trees have any negative impact on biodiversity. This includes, for example, facilitating the spread of non-native or invasive types of marine organisms as has been shown for some wooden shipwrecks and other artificial structures in marine environments.”

In another recent study led by Baxter, researchers found that historic masonry, concrete and rocky cliff habitats in harbors also supported diverse communities of marine organisms.

“[I]n soft sediment environments, both [harbors and tree reefs] are likely to increase biodiversity compared to the surrounding environment,” Baxter said. “A combination of methods will be required to ensure marine ecosystems remain resilient to threats posed by increasing coastal development and climate change.”

Data and funds made available in Va. to improve tree cover in the Chesapeake Bay watershed

September 13, 2023 · 6 minute read
Data and funds made available in Va. to improve tree cover in the Chesapeake Bay watershed

A collaboration between researchers from the U.S. Geological Survey, University of Vermont and Chesapeake Conservancy has determined the Chesapeake Bay watershed is rapidly losing tree cover to expanding urban and suburban development.

By analyzing high-resolution satellite imagery between 2013 and 2018, the Chesapeake Bay Program Land Use and Land Cover Data Project publicly tracked for the first time how the entire 64,000 square mile watershed is changing. The project was designed as a tool to improve local decision-making by communities across the watershed working to meet goals set in the 2014 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement, a landmark pledge by the federal government, six states including Virginia, and Washington, D.C. to clean up the nation’s largest estuary. Its data has an anticipated accuracy of over 90%.

The watershed is losing trees to impervious surfaces, or those hard areas like parking lots that can’t absorb water, at “a surprising rate,” said Peter Claggett, a research geographer at the U.S. Geological Survey and a leader for the project.

“As areas get more urbanized, you’re going to see more land conversion there,” said Caitlin Verdu, the Virginia Department of Forestry’s watershed program manager.

In Virginia, the project revealed significant changes in the state’s Bay-side landscape.

“The main things that are happening in Virginia that make it unique is that it does have a lot of development compared to some other jurisdictions, and it has the most timber harvest,” said Claggett.

When trees are cut down and replaced by impervious surfaces due to development, the land conversion is considered permanent. According to the data, impervious surface cover throughout the watershed increased by about 50,000 acres, or just over 79 square miles, during the four-year period of the study.

 Impervious surface cover in Virginia’s Bay side is increasing, especially in rapidly developing urban areas. (Chesapeake Bay Program map)

Impervious surface cover in Virginia’s Bay side is increasing, especially in rapidly developing urban areas. (Chesapeake Bay Program map)

Impervious surfaces, such as roofs and parking lots, do not absorb water, and “that can cause problems downstream,” said Claggett.  “Not only does it bear those pollutants and toxins that it picks up from roads and parking lots, but this runoff also moves quicker over the landscape if it just runs off the surface and doesn’t soak in.”

Fast-moving runoff can erode stream channels and alter the water flow patterns that aquatic species have adjusted to over millions of years, said Claggett. Tree stands planted along streams, a feature called a riparian buffer, can help manage excess runoff. The buffers also “stabilize the banks, provide shade and cool the stream, and leaves fall off the trees that help provide for the whole ecosystem of the stream itself,” said Claggett.

The majority of change in tree canopy throughout the watershed and especially in Virginia was associated with timber harvesting, but these rotational harvests are not a permanent loss in tree canopy, according to foresters. Instead, they are seen as a transformation in the forest from late succession — an older period of growth — to early succession, said Claggett.

Although it can take seven years after a forest is harvested for “those trees to even be visible on the analysis,” said Lara Johnson, the Virginia Department of Forestry’s urban and community forestry program manager, “I think when they do the next analysis, it will show that these forests are growing and that these harvested operations are being replanted, and those trees are coming back.”

State and federal funding to improve urban tree cover

The Virginia Department of Forestry is making use of state and federal funds to plant more trees in communities throughout the commonwealth.

“Whether it’s on public or private land, we’re seeing these same radical opportunities to make a difference,” said Verdu. “We’re here to advocate for all the wonderful benefits of trees and to help folks who want trees to make them a part of their community.”

 Community tree plantings in acreage for each jurisdiction across the Chesapeake Bay watershed. (Chesapeake Bay Program)

Community tree plantings in acreage for each jurisdiction across the Chesapeake Bay watershed. (Chesapeake Bay Program)

The Virginia Trees for Clean Water Grant Program is offering $500,000 in grant funding to plant trees in community areas through the remainder of 2023. The program was established in 2013 and is supported primarily by the Virginia Water Quality Improvement Fund, a special state fund created in 1997 to assist local governments, soil and water conservation districts, state agencies and others with reducing and controlling water pollution.

Recent budget surpluses have led to hundreds of millions of dollars being deposited in the fund, with over $644 million earmarked for deposit in a budget deal the General Assembly passed last week.

An estimated 150,000 trees have been planted as part of the program to date, and nearly 50,000 of those plantings happened last year, said Johnson.

In addition to state funds, the Virginia Department of Forestry received $6.6 million in federal funding this year from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service as part of the Inflation Reduction Act. The funds are intended to increase tree canopy and access to nature in disadvantaged communities.

Research has found links between historic racial inequities and tree cover, with formerly redlined communities tending to have fewer trees and more impervious surface. In Virginia, that trend has been seen in Richmond, Norfolk, Roanoke and Lynchburg.

“I think this historic funding will really help us to do more projects and support more work on the ground from an urban community forestry perspective,” said Johnson.

A tool for planting and planning

The Chesapeake Bay Program’s land use and land cover data can be used to help counties, cities and communities across the watershed identify areas that should be priorities for conservation, said Claggett.

A community can inventory the landscape around all of its streams or urban areas, for example, to figure out where trees are missing and then set goals. “There’s a laundry list of benefits provided by trees in urban areas, and the lack of them, particularly in underserved communities, is an issue that our data can highlight,” said Claggett.

Despite over 8,000 acres of trees that were planted across the watershed during the course of the study, communities lost over 25,000 acres of tree canopy, according to the Chesapeake Bay Program data and local government reports on tree planting. Virginia saw a loss of over 9,500 acres of canopy.

 Net change in tree canopy acreage for each state in the watershed over the course of the study. (Chesapeake Bay Program)

Net change in tree canopy acreage for each state in the watershed over the course of the study. (Chesapeake Bay Program)

Tree cover fact sheets crafted by the program provide “an idea of what the trends in tree cover are for every county and city, and also what are some of the ecosystem benefits that you gain in terms of flood control, reduced runoff and things like that,” said Claggett.

Researchers are working to update the data by next year to include new high-resolution imagery from 2021 and 2022 as well as lower-resolution imagery from USGS archives dating back to the 1980s. That will allow them to “look back through the record and look at all the images taken about once every two weeks and see how the landscape has changed through time,” said Claggett.

KC Filippino, a senior water resources planner for the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission said that information can then be shared with the public “so they can start seeing how their landscapes around them have actually been changing over the years in a more quantitative way.”

Once the data is updated to include 2021 and 2022 satellite imagery, researchers expect to see utility-scale solar fields emerging as a significant factor affecting land use and tree cover in Virginia.

Until then, Filippino said the focus is on getting “eyes on that data and making sure it’s accurate in the eyes of the people that actually live there.”

Extreme El Niño weather saw South America’s forest carbon sink switch off

September 5, 2023 · 4 minute read
Extreme El Niño weather saw South America’s forest carbon sink switch off

Tropical forests in South America lose their ability to absorb carbon from the atmosphere when conditions become exceptionally hot and dry, according to new research.

For a long time, tropical forests have acted as a carbon sink, taking more carbon out of the air than they release into it, a process that has moderated the .

But research led by Dr. Amy Bennett, a Research Fellow at the University of Leeds, found that in 2015–2016, when an El Niño climate event resulted in drought and the hottest temperatures ever recorded, South American forests were unable to function as a carbon sink.

El Niño occurs when in the Pacific Ocean increase sharply, triggering a major shift in the world’s climate system. In 2015–2016, the result was exceptionally hot weather for South America. A similar event is underway now.

Dr. Bennett, from the School of Geography at Leeds, said, “Tropical forests in the Amazon have played a key role in slowing the build-up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

“Scientists have known that the trees in the Amazon are sensitive to changes in temperature and , but we do not know how individual forests could be changed by future climate change.

A researcher measuring a tree. Credit: Luis Gamez

A researcher measuring a tree. Credit: Luis Gamez

“Investigating what happened in the Amazon during this huge El Niño event gave us a window into the future by showing how unprecedented hot and impacts forests.”

The researchers reported their findings in the journal Nature Climate Change. The study united the RAINFOR and PPBio research networks, with more than 100 scientists measuring forests for decades across 123 experimental plots.

The plots span Amazon and Atlantic forests as well as drier forests in tropical South America.

These direct, tree-by-tree records showed that most forests had acted as a carbon sink for most of the last 30 years, with tree growth exceeding mortality. When the 2015–2016 El Niño hit, the sink shut down. This was because tree death increased with the heat and drought.

Professor Beatriz Marimon, of Brazil’s Mato Grosso State University, said, “Here in the southeastern Amazon on the edge of the rainforest, the trees may have now switched from storing carbon to emitting it. While tree growth rates resisted the higher temperatures, tree mortality jumped when this climate extreme hit.”

Tree canopy in the Western Plains, Venezuela. Credit: Credit: Emilo Vilan

Tree canopy in the Western Plains, Venezuela. Credit: Credit: Emilo Vilan

Study’s findings

Of the 123 plots studied, 119 of them experienced an average monthly temperature increase of 0.5° Celsius and 99 of the plots suffered water deficits. Where it was hotter, it was also drier.

Prior to El Niño, the researchers calculated that the plots were storing and sequestering around one third of a metric ton of carbon per hectare per year. This declined to zero with the hotter and drier El Niño conditions.

The change was due to biomass being lost through the death of trees.

Writing in the paper, the researchers noted that the greatest relative impact of the El Niño event were in forests where the long-term climate was already relatively dry.

The expectation was that wetter forests would be most vulnerable to the extreme drier weather, as they would be least adapted to such conditions. However, the opposite was the case. Instead, those forests more used to a drier climate at the dry periphery of the tropical forest biome turned out to be most vulnerable to drought.

Using boats to access some of the forest plots. Credit: Emilo Vilan

Using boats to access some of the forest plots. Credit: Emilo Vilan

This suggested some trees were already operating at the limits of tolerable conditions.

For Professor Oliver Phillips, an ecologist at the University of Leeds who supervised the research and leads the global ForestPlots initiative, the findings offered hope about the resilience of the South American tropical nature.

He added, “The full 30-year perspective that our diverse team provides shows that this El Niño had no worse effect on intact forests than earlier droughts. Yet this was the hottest drought ever.

“Where tree mortality increased was in the drier areas on the Amazon periphery where forests were already fragmented. Knowing these risks, conservationists and resource managers can take steps to protect them.

“Through the complex dynamics that happen in forest environments, land clearance makes the environment drier and hotter, further stressing the remaining trees.

“So, the big challenge is to keep forests standing in the first place. If we can do that, then our on-the-ground evidence shows they can continue to help lock up and slow climate change.”

Two reports are published in Nature Climate Change related to this research. The scientific paper, “Sensitivity of South American tropical forests to an extreme climate anomaly,” and a research brief titled “Impact of the 2015–2016 El Niño on South American .”

Some plants are more flammable than others. How gardeners can reduce the risks

September 5, 2023 · 2 minute read
Some plants are more flammable than others. How gardeners can reduce the risks

The deadly wildfires in Hawaii this month were fueled in part by plants, in particular invasive grasses that have taken over land once occupied by sugar and pineapple plantations.

Some plants are more flammable than others, says Michele Steinberg, wildfire division director at the National Fire Protection Association. But “there is no such thing as a fireproof plant,” she says—all plants can ignite under the right conditions.

Those conditions include improper pruning, insufficient watering, and poor sanitation practices that allow dry, dead plant parts to remain on the in high-risk areas.

If you live in a -risk zone (or an area where is increasing the fire risk) and are selecting plants for your garden, knowing which ones offer some fire resistance and which are more flammable will serve you well.

Quicker to catch fire

Plants that contain aromatic oils, resins, waxes or gummy sap are among the quickest to ignite, even if they’ve been well-watered and cared for. Those include acacia, bamboo, eucalyptus, Japanese honeysuckle, rosemary, Scotch broom and gas plant, which gets its name from the flammable vapor its flowers and leaves exude.

Trees with peeling, papery bark, like river birch, are generally more flammable than those without. And fine-needled evergreen shrubs and trees, like cedar, cypress, fir, juniper, pine and spruce, contain volatile saps and resins. Their dropped needles, left to dry on the ground—or the roof—further increase the fire risk. Redwoods, a notable exception, are considered fire-resistant due to the tannic acid in their bark.

Many grasses, such as the buffel, molasses and guinea types that fueled the Hawaii fires—as well as fountain and feather grasses—are considered highly flammable. Their ignitability increases when they are left to stand dry over winter or during periods of drought; excessive dry heat evaporates moisture from the soil and from them and many other kinds of plants, essentially turning them into kindling.

Native vs. non-native

As a group, ” aren’t necessarily less flammable” than introduced species, Steinberg said.

But nonnative, invasive plants often pose higher fire risks because they spread readily, typically are left undisturbed by wildlife, outcompete , and often tolerate heat, drought and heavy rains well. They can quickly cover fields, acres and even miles of land, where a spark, such as from lightning, can set them ablaze.

For the best fire resistance, select , like ash, crabapple, dogwood, locust, maple and oak, over fine-needled evergreens. Succulents with water-filled leaves, like ice and sedums, are slow burners, as are some groundcovers, like ajuga and creeping phlox.

What to look for in plants

The Washington State University Extension Service has published valuable guidelines identifying these general plant characteristics as fire-resistant:

  • High moisture content in leaves (these ignite and burn more slowly).
  • Little or no seasonal accumulation of dead vegetation.
  • Open branching habits (they provide for fires).
  • Fewer total branches and leaves (again, less fuel for fires).
  • Slow-growing, so less pruning is required (to keep open structure as noted above).
  • Non-resinous material on the plant (i.e., stems, leaves, or needles that are not resinous, oily or waxy).

Tiny Forests With Big Benefits

August 31, 2023 · 5 minute read
Tiny Forests With Big Benefits

Native plants crowded onto postage-stamp-size plots have been delivering environmental benefits around the world — and, increasingly, in the U.S.

The tiny forest lives atop an old landfill in the city of Cambridge, Mass. Though it is still a baby, it’s already acting quite a bit older than its actual age, which is just shy of 2.

Its aspens are growing at twice the speed normally expected, with fragrant sumac and tulip trees racing to catch up. It has absorbed storm water without washing out, suppressed many weeds and stayed lush throughout last year’s drought. The little forest managed all this because of its enriched soil and density, and despite its diminutive size: 1,400 native shrubs and saplings, thriving in an area roughly the size of a basketball court.

It is part of a sweeping movement that is transforming dusty highway shoulders, parking lots, schoolyards and junkyards worldwide. Tiny forests have been planted across Europe, in Africa, throughout Asia and in South America, Russia and the Middle East. India has hundreds, and Japan, where it all began, has thousands.

Now tiny forests are slowly but steadily appearing in the United States. In recent years, they’ve been planted alongside a corrections facility on the Yakama reservation in Washington, in Los Angeles’s Griffith Park and in Cambridge, where the forest is one of the first of its kind in the Northeast.

“It’s just phenomenal,” said Andrew Putnam, superintendent of urban forestry and landscapes for the city of Cambridge, on a recent visit to the forest, which was planted in the fall of 2021 in Danehy Park, a green space built atop the former city landfill. As dragonflies and white butterflies floated about, Mr. Putnam noted that within a few years, many of the now 14-foot saplings would be as tall as telephone poles and the forest would be self-sufficient.

Healthy woodlands absorb carbon dioxide, clean the air and provide for wildlife. But these tiny forests promise even more.

They can grow as quickly as ten times the speed of conventional tree plantations, enabling them to support more birds, animals and insects, and to sequester more carbon, while requiring no weeding or watering after the first three years, their creators said.

Andrew Putnam, superintendent of urban forestry for the city of Cambridge, Mass.Credit...Cassandra Klos for The New York Times

Andrew Putnam, superintendent of urban forestry for the city of Cambridge, Mass.Credit…Cassandra Klos for The New York Times

Flowers in the Miyawaki forest in Danehy Park, which includes 1,400 native shrubs and saplings, all thriving in an area roughly the size of a basketball court.Credit...Cassandra Klos for The New York Times

Flowers in the Miyawaki forest in Danehy Park, which includes 1,400 native shrubs and saplings, all thriving in an area roughly the size of a basketball court.Credit…Cassandra Klos for The New York Times

Perhaps more important for urban areas, tiny forests can help lower temperatures in places where pavement, buildings and concrete surfaces absorb and retain heat from the sun.

“This isn’t just a simple tree-planting method,” said Katherine Pakradouni, a native plant horticulturist who oversaw the forest planting in Los Angeles’s Griffith Park. “This is about a whole system of ecology that supports all manner of life, both above and below ground.”

The Griffith Park forest occupies 1,000 square feet, and has drawn all manner of insects, lizards, birds and ground squirrels, along with western toads that journeyed from the Los Angeles River, Ms. Pakradouni said. To get to the forest, the toads had to clamber up a concrete embankment, traverse a bike trail, venture down another dirt embankment and cross a horse trail.

“It has all the food they need to survive and reproduce, and the shelter they need as a refuge,” Ms. Pakradouni said. “We need habitat refuges, and even a tiny one can, in a year, be life or death for an entire species.”

Known variously as tiny forests, mini forests, pocket forests and, in the United Kingdom, “wee” forests, they trace their lineage to the Japanese botanist and plant ecologist Akira Miyawaki, who in 2006 won the Blue Planet Prize, considered the environmental equivalent of a Nobel award, for his method of creating fast-growing native forests.

Dr. Miyawaki, who died in 2021 at the age of 93, developed his technique in the 1970s, after observing that thickets of indigenous trees around Japan’s temples and shrines were healthier and more resilient than those in single-crop plantations or forests grown in the aftermath of logging. He wanted to protect old-growth forests and encourage the planting of native species, arguing that they provided vital resilience amid climate change, while also reconnecting people with nature.

“The forest is the root of all life; it is the womb that revives our biological instincts, that deepens our intelligence and increases our sensitivity as human beings,” he wrote.

Dr. Miyawaki’s prescription involves intense soil restoration and planting many native flora close together. Multiple layers are sown — from shrub to canopy — in a dense arrangement of about three to five plantings per square meter. The plants compete for resources as they race toward the sun, while underground bacteria and fungal communities thrive. Where a natural forest could take at least a century to mature, Miyawaki forests take just a few decades, proponents say.

A Miyawaki forest in New Delhi.Credit...Arvind Yadav/Hindustan Times, via Getty Images

A Miyawaki forest in New Delhi.Credit…Arvind Yadav/Hindustan Times, via Getty Images

Butterflies in the Miyawaki forest of Kalina Biodiversity Park at Mumbai University, which opened last year.Credit...Vijay Bate/Hindustan Times, via Getty Images

Butterflies in the Miyawaki forest of Kalina Biodiversity Park at Mumbai University, which opened last year.Credit…Vijay Bate/Hindustan Times, via Getty Images

Crucially, the method requires that local residents do the planting, in order to forge connections with young woodlands. In Cambridge, where a second tiny forest, less than half the size of the first one, was planted in late 2022, Mr. Putnam said residents had embraced the small forest with fervor. A third forest is in the works, he said, and all three were planned and organized in conjunction with the non-profit Biodiversity for a Livable Climate.

“This has by far and away gotten the most positive feedback from the public and residents than we’ve had for any project, and we do a lot,” Mr. Putnam said.

To read the full article, continue to the article site here.

Urban forestry project helps Hickman, boosts students’ tree awareness

August 31, 2023 · 3 minute read
Urban forestry project helps Hickman, boosts students’ tree awareness

Urban trees provide numerous benefits to a community. Among those pluses: pollution absorption, stormwater mitigation, atmospheric cooling, habitat enrichment and reduced energy use.

But for a community to get the most out of its trees, careful planning is imperative.

This spring, University of Nebraska–Lincoln students in the Regional and Community Forestry program helped the city of Hickman strengthen its efforts to get the most out of its trees.

Over the course of the semester, students in NRES 457, taught by Lord Ameyaw, assistant professor in the School of Natural Resources, developed an urban forestry management report for Hickman. The community can use that report as a guide to remove, replace and plant new trees going forward.

The collaboration with Hickman was the latest in a series of community-oriented urban forestry projects initiated by the university, beginning with a similar report done for Lincoln in 2020.

The report developed for Hickman has sections on pruning; planting; tree diversity; tree care training; city ordinance review; tree assessment protocol; emerald ash borer planning; and tree equity, a central principle for urban foresters. Community planners should be mindful that trees be distributed across a community’s neighborhoods rather than concentrated in only some of them.

“In the same way we have the same grade of infrastructure of roads, sewers and electricity, we need to be thinking about trees and their benefits as public green infrastructure,” said Graham Herbst, an Omaha-based community forester with the Nebraska Forest Service.

Through analysis of geographic imagery, students found that Hickman is home to 483 trees representing 39 species. Hickman’s southern, long-settled area has considerably more trees than the northern area.

 Students who developed an urban forestry plan for the city of Hickman through a School of Natural Resources course explained the analysis and recommendations in this presentation.

Students who developed an urban forestry plan for the city of Hickman through a School of Natural Resources course explained the analysis and recommendations in this presentation.

Tree diversity is another guiding principle in urban forestry. In addition to having a range of tree species, diversity goals include factors such as age, genetic composition and tree structure. Diversity in species and genetic makeup strengthen protection against disease and pest infestation.

Students said they benefited from learning how a community’s “gray infrastructure” — sidewalks, buildings, streets — interacts with the local “green infrastructure.”

Hickman has been recognized for prioritizing trees through its participation in the national Tree City USA program, and the new university document is intended to supplement the community’s efforts.

“They can develop a better long-term plan to strengthen their urban forestry abilities, from strategizing to policy,” said Jace Armstrong, who graduated in May with a degree in landscape architecture.

The urban forestry course, like SNR’s forestry program overall, helps students understand that forestry involves a broad range of disciplines, Ameyaw said. Students draw on concepts from community planning, landscape architecture, urban forestry, natural resources studies, horticulture and environmental policy.

“By end of the major here, we’re well rounded in many different subjects, such as plant health, forestry management and wildlife law,” said Zach Zimmerman, a senior majoring in community forestry with an emphasis on urban forestry. “I’ve taken so many courses on each campus at UNL” and talked with specialists from a range of fields. “It’s added to what I can offer to future employers.”

In working directly with communities, students also develop their communications skills, which Zimmerman said was particularly important when it came time to translate scientific or technical details of their work.

The experience “opened my eyes to what actually is involved in being an urban forester in the urban landscape. There’s a lot of hoops to jump through,” Zimmerman said. The experience, he said, “caused me to take a deep dive in some of those policies. It’s also opened my eyes to different programs you can utilize in the future as an urban forester.”

Virginia Trees for Clean Water Grant Program

August 23, 2023 · 2 minute read
Virginia Trees for Clean Water Grant Program

Note from the editor: neighborhood projects qualify for funding! If you and your neighbors are chatting about a project, apply!

The Virginia Trees for Clean Water Grant Program is established to encourage the creation of long-term, sustained canopy cover to improve water quality across the Commonwealth. This grant is used to fund tree-planting efforts that raise public awareness of the benefits of trees and impacts on water quality.


  • The recommended funding range is $1,000 – $50,000.
  • Some project match is expected and can include in-kind and volunteer hours.
  • Grant funds are distributed on a reimbursement basis. Under limited circumstances, DOF can directly pay costs for a project. Please reach out to the program contact for more information.
  • Applications must be submitted 30 days prior to the estimated planting date and an award must be issued prior to beginning the project or incurring project expenses.

Project Categories

Projects may include but are not limited to the following:

  • Riparian Buffers
  • Community or Street Tree Plantings
  • Neighborhood-wide Projects
  • Turf-to-Trees
  • Tree Giveaways

We do fund:

  • Fees charged by private contractors and/or consultants.
  • Purchase of essential supplies and materials.
  • Purchase and planting of trees (2 inches in caliper or less) and shrubs.
  • Maintenance expenses, including watering, are eligible for reimbursement during the grant period.
    • DOF cannot reimburse until after all deliverables and activities have been completed.
    • Maintenance costs will be ineligible if submitted outside of the approved grant period.
  • Costs associated with site preparation and soil amendments.

We don’t fund:

  • Purchase of machinery or equipment.
  • Construction of any kind (e.g., sidewalks or roads).
  • Purchase of food, snacks, or beverages.
  • Purchase of land or land charges.
  • Purchase of plant material classified as invasive species.
  • Purchase and planting of ash species (Fraxinus sp.) due to the emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis).
  • Costs that are not incurred during the grant award period.
  • Costs not approved by the urban and community forestry program manager during the award phase or modification.
  • Purchase and planting of vines or non-woody plants.

Who is Eligible

Grants may be awarded to civic groups, communities, local government, non-profit organizations, neighborhood associations, public educational institutions, state agencies, tribal organizations, and volunteer groups.

To Apply

Applications are accepted via the Forestry Grants System Access Portal.

  • Use the help guide provided in the Resource Library below for registering for an account and submitting an application.
  • Local DOF staff must review the project prior to proposal submission. The local DOF forester should provide a letter of recommendation for the project directly to the U&CF program manager prior to proposal submission.
  • Projects must include community outreach and engagement components.

Old growth forests to visit in West Virginia

August 23, 2023 · 5 minute read
Old growth forests to visit in West Virginia

The New River Gorge National Park & Preserve celebrated the official induction of 12 acres into the old growth forest classification, but West Virginia actually has 11 other old growth forests.

Old-growth forests have never been cleared or harvested by people and are characterized by large, mature trees that are usually hundreds of years old. An executive order signed by President Joe Biden in 2022 called for the inventory of old growth forests in aims of protecting the ecosystems. The initial inventory on the Bureau of Land Management’s website said that there were zero acres of old growth forest in the eastern states.

According to NRGNPP, West Virginia was once covered with old growth forests, but most of it was destroyed by large scale commercial logging in the 1900s. Now, less than 1% of West Virginia’s forest is considered old growth. Although there is no giant forest of old growth like in California or Alaska, West Virginia has a handful of small pockets where old growth forests have survived, according to the Old-Growth Forest Network.

Some places have also become secondary old growth forests, meaning the forests were cut down at some point but have grown back with many of the characteristics of an old growth.

Cathedral State Park

Considered the largest old growth forest in West Virginia, Cathedral State Park is a view into what West Virginia would have looked like without logging. The hemlock forest has trees as large as 90 feet tall and 21 feet in circumference and covered 133 acres in Preston County.

Gaudineer Scenic Area - Monongahela National Forest

Gaudineer Scenic Area

Located in the Monongahela National Forest and the highlands of West Virginia, the 50-acre plot of forest has both old-growth and second growth red spruce, which is only found in higher elevations, as well as yellow birch, beech, red maple and sugar maple. Some of the trees are 40 inches in diameter and are estimated to be 300 years old. To see the area, use the Allegheny Trail #701 and the Gaudineer Interpretive Trail.

Twin Falls Resort State Park

Within a 777-acre area in Wyoming County, there is a major juxtaposition from the state park forest and the privately owned, timbered land around it that show a great example of the difference between old-growth and second growth forests. Three park trails, the Hemlock Trail, the Cliffside Trail and the Fall Trail, will give visitors access to the old growth.

Stone Cliff Old Growth - New River Gorge National Park and Preserve

New River Gorge National Park & Preserve

Burnwood Trail – These 12 acres in the Burnwood Day Use Area were added on Aug. 4, 2023. New River Gorge NP&P said in a release that numerous trees date back to before 1800 with some samples dating back to 1670.

Stone Cliff Old Growth – This 11-acre area got missed when most of the now preserve was logged in the past. At the end of the Stone Cliff Trail, you can find chinquapin oaks, northern red oaks, bitternut hickories, and buckeyes, some of which are two and three feet in diameter and estimated to be 100-200 years old.

Bethany College Parkinson Forest

Located in Brooke County, 60 acres of the 261-acre Parkinson Forest is considered old growth, with sugar maple, American beech, red oak, tulip trees, and white oak that are estimated to be almost 250 years old. The forest is accessible using the Bethany Trail System.

Pierson Hollow at Carnifex Ferry Battlefield State Park

On the rim of the Gauley River Canyon, there are 30 acres of old growth in Nicholas County. Near the bottom of the Pierson Hollow Trail, visitors can see hemlock, tulip poplar and northern red oak, which are between 250 and 400 years old.

Giant Tree Trail/Hollow at North Bend State Park

Approximately 15 acres along the trail have all the characteristics of an old growth forest, according to the Old Growth Forest Network. Four different tree species in that area hold height records for West Virginia, including

Wilderness Trail in Holly River State Park

Although the 8,101-acre area at Holly River State Park in Webster County is still being surveyed, there are several areas of old growth, including along the Wilderness Trail and Potato Knob Trail. Some northern red oaks and chestnut oaks are believed to be more than 200 years old, and there are also old tulip trees and black cherry trees.

Wilderness Area in Watoga State Park

The exact size of this old-growth area, which is along the Ann Bailey and Burnside Ridge trails in Pocahontas County, is still undetermined. According to the Old-Growth Forest Network, ancient species of many species have been found, including white oak, red oak, chestnut oak, black oak, yellow poplar, black gum, pitch pine, white pine, mockernut hickory, black birch, and cucumber tree. Some white oaks are estimated to be between 300 and 350 years old.

Eastern Watershed Tracts of Kanawha State Forest

Although most of the forest is considered secondary old growth, there are some old growth trees, including white oaks, chestnut oaks, northern red oaks, and yellow poplar that are more than 250 years old and white oaks that are likely more than 300 years old. This specific tract of the Kanawha Forest is also home to many types of animals and rare plants.

The 1812 Lost Trail Hollow Forest - Beech Fork State Park

The 1812 Lost Trail Hollow Forest at Beech Fork State Park

Because it has no roads or cattle trails and very few invasive species, officials assume the 40 acres of forest have avoided major human disturbance since the War of 1812. Although it is considered secondary old growth instead of true old growth, it still has trees that are as old as 150-250 years. To see this forest, use the Lost Trail and Mary Davis Trail, but as a warning, they are both considered pretty difficult.

Although not listed at old-growth forest, according to the West Virginia Encyclopedia (2012), the oldest table mountain pine which is more than 280 years old is on Pike Knob in Pendleton County, and white oaks that are small for their age but more than 400 years old can be found in the Murphy Tract in Ritchie County. The Virgin Hemlock Trail in Preston County near Coopers Rock State Forest also has a grove of hemlocks that are more than 300 years old.

Longleaf pine restoration efforts to expand

August 17, 2023 · 1 minute read
Longleaf pine restoration efforts to expand

Before the European colonists arrived, longleaf pine trees formed the backbone of the ancient landscape spanning many acres throughout southeast Virginia.

Today, at Dendron Swamp Natural Area Preserve in Sussex County, the only pine stands that remain in the uplands are loblolly pine trees planted by timber companies for harvesting.

Under a National Fish and Wildlife Foundation grant awarded recently to Old Dominion University and other partners, DCR plans to expand its longleaf pine restoration efforts and reintroduce the native species to the 635-acre preserve.

A longleaf pine tree at “bottlebrush” stage against the backdrop of an active prescribed fire at Chub Sandhill Natural Area Preserve, where young longleaf pine communities have been restored.

A longleaf pine tree at “bottlebrush” stage against the backdrop of an active prescribed fire at Chub Sandhill Natural Area Preserve, where young longleaf pine communities have been restored.

The preserve, along the southern side of the Blackwater River’s western reach, was protected primarily for the bald cypress-tupelo swamps and other natural heritage resources in the bottomland forests.

But Rebecca Wilson, longleaf pine restoration specialist for the Virginia Natural Heritage Program at DCR, said, “The deep sandy soils of the uplands are well suited to longleaf pine restoration efforts. We’re excited for this opportunity to expand an ecosystem that once spanned over a million acres in southeast Virginia.”

Since 2008, thousands of acres at other natural area preserves including Chub Sandhill, also in Sussex County, have been restored to young longleaf pine communities.

At Dendron Swamp, restoration efforts will include establishing longleaf pine seedlings and conducting frequent, low-intensity prescribed burns. The seedlings will be propagated from cones collected from native old-growth longleaf trees, found at South Quay Sandhills Natural Area Preserve. These old-growth longleaf trees are part of the last remaining longleaf pine ecosystem found in Virginia.

Wilson said, “Bringing fire back to this landscape will not only benefit natural resources but will create a more resilient forest for the future. We don’t know what things will look like in the future, but we do know that longleaf was a significant player in the past. The restoration work we do today will resonate well into the future.”

Lahaina’s 150-year-old banyan tree offers hope as it remains standing

August 17, 2023 · 3 minute read
Lahaina’s 150-year-old banyan tree offers hope as it remains standing

In the middle of Lahaina’s ash and rubble is a sign of hope for people in Maui: a famed, 150-year-old banyan tree that’s heavily charred — but still standing.

The tree is a sight to behold, still sprawling over downtown Lahaina’s courthouse square after a devastating blaze raged through the town just days ago, destroying thousands of structures and forcing residents to flee.

Hawaii Gov. Josh Green told CBS News the tree is “still breathing” and is absorbing water and producing sap, just not as much as it usually does.

“It’s like a burn victim itself,” Green said. “Traumatized, much like the town.”

The Lahaina banyan tree was planted on April 24, 1873, when it was just 8 feet tall, as a gift from missionaries from India. Since then, it’s grown to be “extraordinary, almost surreal,” standing over 60 feet tall with a quarter-mile circumference, according to the Lahaina Restoration Foundation. It also has 46 “major trunks” aside from the original it was planted with, and is known for being “the largest banyan tree in the entire United States,” according to the organization.

The Lahaina banyan tree in 1908. Lahaina Restoration Foundation

The Lahaina banyan tree in 1908. Lahaina Restoration Foundation

On Saturday, Hawaiian Democratic Sen. Mazie Hirono visited the tree, saying an arborists on the scene was doing “everything he can” to help save the famous banyan. With dozens of people dead from the fire that tore through the area, Hirono said she believes the tree is offering some optimism among despair.

“The iconic banyan tree on Front Street is deeply damaged, but still standing,” she posted on X, the social media site formerly known as Twitter. “After speaking with the arborist working on the tree, I’m optimistic that it will bloom again — serving as a symbol of hope amid so much devastation.”

It already has served as a sign of hope.

Local business owner Javier Barberi went back to Lahaina – the former capital of the Hawaiian Kingdom – the day after the fire ripped through the area. The only way he was able to find his business in the city’s remains was by looking for the tree.

“I drove to Front Street. I was only able to find our restaurant based off of the banyan tree. I had to use the banyan tree as a reference because everything was decimated as far as the eye could see,” he said.

“The banyan tree is one of the most iconic things in Lahaina. It’s a landmark,” he said. “To me, it shows strength of the town, you know this incredible, resilient tree. And I hope to God we see green come out of it one day.

On Sunday, a local arborist told Gov. Green that the tree will attempt to “generate new growth and buds on branches.” That, he said, can happen even if there are dead branches on the tree.

It remains unclear what sparked the first flame that grew into the disastrous fire. But a series of environmental factors, exacerbated by climate change, played a large role. A hurricane that was passing the islands hundreds of miles away sent “unusually strong trade winds” to Mau, helping fuel the fire, as much of the island experienced drought.

As global temperatures increase, the likelihood of more intense hurricanes and drought also increases, creating an even bigger risk for more events like what Maui just experienced in the future.

“These kinds of climate change-related disasters are really beyond the scope of things that we’re used to dealing with,” Kelsey Copes-Gerbitz, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of British Columbia’s faculty of forestry, said. “It’s these kind of multiple, interactive challenges that really lead to a disaster.”

“The most destructive fires usually occur during drought. If an area falls into drought quickly, that means there is a longer window of time for fires to occur,” said Jason Otkin, an atmospheric scientist at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. “The risk for destructive fires could increase in the future if flash droughts become more common, as some studies have indicated.”

Study Reveals How a Tall Spruce Develops Defense Against Hungry Weevils

August 9, 2023 · 3 minute read
Study Reveals How a Tall Spruce Develops Defense Against Hungry Weevils

A study led by a North Carolina State University researcher identified genes involved in development of stone cells – rigid cells that can block a nibbling insect from eating budding branches of the Sitka spruce evergreen tree. The insect’s attack has stunted the growth of these forest giants.

The new findings could help researchers breed genetically improved Sitka spruce trees resistant to the spruce weevil (Pissodes strobi).

“We wanted to learn about the genetic basis for natural pest resistance that certain Sitka spruce trees have evolved to prevent insects from feeding on the plant,” said Justin Whitehill, assistant professor of Christmas tree genetics at NC State and first author of the study. Whitehill started the study as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of British Columbia, where the laboratory experiments were completed.

“The trait we studied in Sitka spruce is a physical defense known as stone cells, which are found in almost all plant species,” said Whitehill. “They are responsible for the gritty texture you feel when eating a pear. Stone cell development is very complex, involving thousands of genes. We identified some of the genetics involved in the key early steps for these cells’ development.”

The Sitka spruce is a large conifer tree that grows on the West Coast from California to Alaska. While the tree has been replaced with other species for timber products in North America because of susceptibility to the weevil, it is still a prominent timber species in Europe. Many trees grown on the West Coast for forestry products were derived from a fast-growing population that grew on an island and were never exposed to the weevil, which left them extremely susceptible, Whitehill said.

However, a group of resistant Sitka spruce trees was discovered in Canada that develop stone cells, a rigid cell type that only grow in less than an inch of the top of budding branches – the same area where the weevil feeds.

“The stone cells slow down the progression of the insect and give time for the resin found in the trees’ bark to coat the insect and make it too sticky to feed more,” Whitehill said. “Stone cells block these insects as they try to eat through the plant and slow them down enough to prevent them from causing significant damage to the tree.”

In their recent study, researchers found nearly 1,300 genes that were expressed at higher levels in stone cells. They also identified a key gene that functions as a “master switch” and is responsible for activating thousands of other genes known to control the development of thick-walled cells in other plants.

Findings from a new study could help researchers breed Sitka spruce trees resistant to a nibbling insect. Credit: Justin Whitehill, NC State University.

“This paper lays out a roadmap of the genes involved in stone-cell development,” Whitehill said. “We’re showing it’s strongly controlled by genetics involved in secondary cell walls.”

Key to the researchers’ study was a microdissection tool that uses a laser to cut extremely tiny slices of tissue into thin sections. Researchers were able to cut tiny sections from the buds of actively growing Sitka spruce branches to study genes expressed specifically in stone cells during their formation.

Whitehill said he has received funding to bring an updated version of this technology to NC State. Now, researchers here are using laser microdissection to study genes in the Fraser fir tree – a leading Christmas tree in the United States grown in western North Carolina. They are using this technology to investigate important features that could boost the viability, fragrance and pest resilience of the Fraser fir, a tree with a genome size five times bigger than humans.

“We’re using this approach now to look for genes involved in resistance to pathogens and pests, and to understand complex ecological interactions at the genetic level,” Whitehill said.

The paper, “Transcriptome features of stone cell development in weevil-resistant and susceptible Sitka spruce,” was published online in New Phytologist. Co-authors included Macaire M.S. Yuen, Angela Chiang (current NC State Christmas Tree Genetics program lab manager and research associate), Carol E. Ritland and Jörg Bohlmann. The work was supported by funds from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Discovery Grants Program, and from the Genome Canada, Genome British Columbia, and Genome Quebec SpruceUp Project (243FOR).

German drought prompts rethink for ancient palace park trees

August 9, 2023 · 3 minute read
German drought prompts rethink for ancient palace park trees

Climate change is taking a heavy toll on the ancient trees of Sanssouci, the sumptuous summer palace built in the 18th century as the Prussian answer to Versailles.

The sprawling grounds with their manicured gardens in Potsdam southwest of Berlin are surrounded by a park filled with soaring, centuries-old giants that are now feeling the bite of persistent droughts.

Forest manager Sven Hannemann, standing at the foot of an oak with a six-meter (20-foot) trunk circumference, gazed up at its canopy which once stretched over 500 square meters.

Now its sickly branches are only dotted with green. Hannemann gave the old giant another two years, “then it will be dead”.

In its 600 years, the tree had withstood storms, and two world wars, but the lack of rain in the last few years due to the climate crisis has sounded its death knell.

“In 2018 when it was very dry, it suffered a real shock like many here in the park,” Hannemann told AFP.

“And since then it’s actually been shrinking.”

Sanssouci Park stretching across 300 hectares (around 740 acres) has been part of Potsdam’s UNESCO World Heritage collection of stately homes and gardens since 1990.

Its palace draws more than 300,000 visitors each year.

The park, which counts some 26,000 trees, is now losing between 180 and 300 per year—at least three times the number that died annually before in 2017-18, a spokesman for the Palaces and Parks of Potsdam and Berlin foundation said.

Beyond the lack of moisture, voracious insects have been feasting on the trees.

Beyond the lack of moisture, voracious insects have been feasting on the trees.

Although 2023 has been less dry than previous years, rainfall has proved insufficient to counteract past drought damage and around half of the trees are showing signs of distress, he said.

Beyond the lack of moisture, voracious insects have been feasting on the trees.

‘Takes decades’

Hannemann knelt at the foot of the dying oak and let sawdust trickle through his hand—the work of capricorn and oak splendor beetles.

The insects have nibbled a veritable deluge of debris out of the growth layer between the sapwood and the bark, as evidenced by thumb-thick holes in the trunk.

“They eat the cambium and no tree can live without cambium,” referring to the cell layer under the bark that is responsible for secondary growth, Hannemann said.

The dying giant trees leave gaping holes in the forest, which harm other trees because their trunks and the forest floor are exposed to the sun’s radiation without protection.

Hannemann plucked a leaf from a beech shoot and demonstrated the protective reflex of deciduous trees.

“Then the beech leaf curls up—so far, so smart,” he said.

“What’s not so smart about it is that the sun gets through to the thick inner branches which weren’t used to it in the first place, and then the branches get a sunburn.”

Common fire bugs (Pyrrhocoris apterus) on an old tree in Sanssouci park.

Common fire bugs (Pyrrhocoris apterus) on an old tree in Sanssouci park.

It’s a vicious circle that Hannemann said impacts all .

Dead oaks or beech trees can then at best only serve as habitats for bats, insects or mushrooms.

But if the trunks and branches are too rotten and pose a safety risk to visitors, they must be felled.

Yet there is still hope for the gnarled inhabitants of historic parks such as Sanssouci, whose Rococo palace Prussian King Frederick the Great designed and built as a retreat during his reign from 1740 until 1786.

Gardeners at the historic sites are experimenting with heat-resistant tree species from the Mediterranean region with some promising results, Hannemann said.

His team in Potsdam is also relying on the power of evolution.

“We believe that native woody plants also adapt to some extent,” he said.

For example, acorns from trees that are obviously less affected by drought get planted in the .

However, the newer, more robust trees will need time to grow the thick protective canopies needed for the ecosystem.

“That takes decades,” Hannemann said.

2023 Tree of the Year at Blandy Experimental Farm

August 2, 2023 · 2 minute read
2023 Tree of the Year at Blandy Experimental Farm


Representatives from the State Arboretum of Virginia at Blandy Experimental Farm have named the Allegheny serviceberry (Amelanchier laevis) as the 2023 Tree of the Year. The Arboretum’s 2023 Tree of the Year was selected after deliberation by Curator T’ai Roulston and Blandy arborists. Since 2019, the State Arboretum of Virginia has designated one extraordinary species of tree as its Tree of
the Year.

Representatives from the State Arboretum of Virginia at Blandy Experimental Farm

In honor of Arbor Day, “the nation’s tree planting holiday,” Blandy arborists and representatives from the Department of Forestry planted an Allegheny Serviceberry tree at the Arboretum on Friday, April 28. The tree was added to a tree and shrub collection that dates to the 1930s. “A vital part of our mission is to practice and promote tree education, science, and conservation,” said Roulston. “Through research and public programming, we want to share with everyone – of all ages – how important trees are to the environment.

2023 Tree of the year at Blandy Experimental Farm

Four-season Interest

The Allegheny serviceberry, found native in Virginia, was chosen for its four-season interest, according to Roulston. A small understory tree, it’s ideal for landscapes and grows to only 15-25 feet tall. The Allegheny serviceberry is one of the first trees at the arboretum to flower each spring when the delicate masses of white, fragrant flowers appear in mid-April. Small, dark purple berry-like fruit arrives in the summer. Also commonly known as juneberries, the edible berries attract pollinators and are a food source for native bees and more than 40 species of birds. The fall foliage of the Allegheny serviceberry, when the leaves turn an orange-red color, is outstanding as well. The tree’s attractive gray bark lends structure to the winter garden.

“Juneberries” Serves as Food Source for Wildlife, Humans

Native Americans would dry juneberries, similar in size and taste to blueberries, and mix them with meat to create a high-energy snack called pemmican. Recipes for juneberry pies and jams are easy to find. If you want to eat the berries, though, you’d better be fast. Birds, squirrels, and other wildlife also enjoy the fruit.

How the Allegheny Serviceberry Gets Its Name

For settlers in the colder climates of North America, the blooming of the serviceberry was a sign that the ground was thawing. Graves could now be dug for loved ones who had died during the cold winter months and burial “services” could commence. In some areas, the serviceberry is called shadbush or shadblow. The tree got this name because it blooms around the same time that shad return to their spawning grounds in freshwater rivers and streams. Common names also include smooth shadbush, juneberry and shadberry.

Gloomy Scale

August 2, 2023 · 3 minute read
Gloomy Scale

Melanaspis tenebricosa (Comstock), Hemiptera: Diaspididae

Identification and Damage

Gloomy scale is primarily a pest of red maples but has been observed feeding on other tree species including sugar maple, elm, tulip poplar, hackberry, boxelder, buckthorn, sweet gum, gallberry, mulberry, native hollies, and soapberry. Gloomy scale is found throughout the southeastern United States as far north as Maryland, south to Florida, and west to Texas. They are more abundant on trees in cities than in natural areas. Adult female covers, called tests, are up to 2 millimeters wide with a central pale ring. The test is convex and can be grey to brown and blends in with the bark. Beneath the test the soft-bodied scale insect is pink, legless, and wingless. Males are smaller, have an oval shaped armored covering, and develop legs and wings as an adult. The nymphs, called crawlers, are less than 1mm and orange. The young female nymphs resemble adults but have significantly smaller bodies and armor.

Gloomy scales use their piercing-sucking mouthparts to penetrate the tree bark and feed on parenchyma cells, which synthesize and store organic products within the tree. This damages the tree by robbing it of nutrients and energy necessary to grow. Damage may also be caused by toxins in saliva that are injected while feeding. Heavily infested trees will exhibit twig and branch dieback, thinning canopy, and eventual death. The bark of heavily infested trees will darken and have a bumpy texture due to scale insect covers.

Gloomy scale adult female with test removed.  Adam Dale

Gloomy scale adult female with test removed.
Adam Dale


Cultural Control

Prevent gloomy scale infestations and long-term management by selecting correct planting sites for red maples. Trees planted near large amounts of impervious surfaces are more prone to gloomy scale infestation and subsequent damage. Impervious surfaces reduce water availability and increase soil and air temperatures. Gloomy scale becomes more abundant as tree canopy temperature and drought stress increase. When planting red maples, be conscious of the surrounding landscape and avoid planting in areas with greater than 60% impervious surface. Research has shown that reducing plant stress by proper planting and watering can reduce susceptibility to infestation and damage by gloomy scale. Equipment such as Tree Gator® slow-release watering bags can reduce drought stress. However, excessive nitrogen fertilizer may increase scale abundance by making the tree more nutritious to scales and reducing the trees natural defenses.

Biological Control

The most common parasitoid wasps known to attack gloomy scale are in the genera Signiphora, Encarsia, and Ablerus. Other natural enemies such as lacewings, lady beetles, and predacious midges may also provide supplemental control of gloomy scale populations. However, natural enemy control is minimal in urban landscapes either due to warmer temperatures, lack of alternative resources, or lack of vegetation refuges. To maximize potential biological control, provide habitat for natural enemies and reduce temperatures by increasing vegetation cover and complexity around trees.

Twice-stabbed lady beetle. Adam Dale

Twice-stabbed lady beetle.
Adam Dale

Mechanical Control

Although there have not been any reported trials with gloomy scale, light to medium infestations of scale insects may be effectively treated with pressure wash applications. High-pressure water sprays can wash scales and scale covers off bark and reduce populations without the need for chemical controls. Make applications when trees are dormant for the winter and make sure the water pressure is not damaging tree bark.

Chemical Control

Chemical control of gloomy scale can take several years to see results and is often expensive. When trees are very heavily infested, consider costs and benefits of treatment compared to tree replacement with another species.

Foliar insecticide applications should coincide with crawler emergence for best control. This is challenging for gloomy scale because crawlers gradually emerge over 6-8 weeks. Therefore, broad-spectrum contact insecticides such as pyrethroids may not be effective and can contribute to the problem by killing natural enemies.

Horticultural oils and dormant oils kill insects by smothering them and breaking down cell membranes. Horticultural oils can also penetrate waxing scale covers. They can be applied during crawler emergence or when trees are dormant to kill overwintering adults. These may be more practical when treating trees that are smaller in size. There is additional information on horticultural oils in Horticultural Oils for Ornmental Plants.

Trunk sprays or soil drenches of systemic insecticides such as dinotefuran and acephate may provide effective, season-long control of many armored scale insects. Acetamiprid is a systemic insecticide that can be applied to foliage. Insect growth regulators such as pyriproxyfen and buprofezin can also provide effective control and are applied to foliage. See current product availability for armored scale management in the North Carolina Agricultural Chemicals Manual.

Slow-release watering bags. Adam Dale

Slow-release watering bags.
Adam Dale


For the full article, please visit the original site here.

Tourists Are Trampling Over Fragile ‘Tree of Life’

July 27, 2023 · 0 minute read
Tourists Are Trampling Over Fragile ‘Tree of Life’

The Tree of Life in Washington’s Olympic National Park is revered for its ability to withstand erosion and exposed roots. Now, tourists could be the latest threat to the tree after they were spotted climbing over its roots and branches.

Watch the video on The Weather Channel here.

Bring Me a Shrubbery!

July 27, 2023 · 3 minute read
Bring Me a Shrubbery!

By Steve Living/DWR

Photos by Steve Living/DWR

Shrubs have been on my mind lately… perhaps the result of watching too much Monty Python in my youth. More so because the importance of this part of the habitat puzzle has been obvious over the last couple of weeks around my house.

I have some mature native trees, including oaks, pine, black cherry and American holly. These are important and provide food for many native insects (which are the main food for baby birds!). I’ve been removing invasive shrubs like privet, nandina, and white mulberry and planting native species like wax myrtle, silky dogwood and arrowwood viburnum. I’m also letting other native species like winged sumac and devils walking stick establish on their own.

There are also some exotic species that are not invasive that I’m keeping around because they add some color and are large enough to provide important habitat benefits for wildlife while I wait for my native shrubs to get big enough to add habitat structure.

Just how important are shrubs and small trees to nesting birds? Let’s take a look at who’s been nesting on my little half-acre. We often think about nest boxes to help breeding birds. Well-designed and placed boxes can be a great resource in your yard, but are only used by a relatively small number of species.

Eastern bluebird fledglings in a nest box

These eastern bluebirds fledged the day after this picture was taken.

An image of a cardinal nest in a rose bush

The hybrid roses along the fence don’t offer much nectar or pollen at all but provide great cover for nesting. This nest fledged four northern cardinals.

I have some camellia in the front and backyard. As Evergreens they provide good year-round cover. They are also a source of nectar and pollen for early/or late-season insects like this monarch butterfly that showed up last November!

As much as I love monarchs (I mean, who doesn’t?), even more exciting for me is that for at least two years in a row, I have had brown thrasher and gray catbirds nesting in these shrubs. These are species of greatest Conservation Need in Virginia and they’re breeding in my little slice of suburbia!

An image of a grey catbird nest hidden in a bush

Check out the beautiful deep blue eggs of the gray catbird. The nest is well hidden, and it is rare to actually see the adults flying into it.

A brown thasher incubating eggs.

A brown thrasher incubating eggs.

This American robin is nesting in a small saucer magnolia tree (a hybrid Asian variety) over the walkway.

This American robin is nesting in a small saucer magnolia tree (a hybrid Asian variety) over the walkway.

Considering these non-native shrubs and trees as a productive part of a wildlife habitat may seem counter-intuitive given how much we emphasize using native plants to help create wildlife habitat. This general priority still holds true—the more native plants you establish, the greater your habitat’s ability to support biodiversity. In fact, research shows that native plant cover of at least 70 percent may be needed to support some bird species. The success that these birds had in my space is in part due to a significant (and ever-increasing) amount of native plants.

A future native evergreen hedge of native wax myrtle.

A future native evergreen hedge of native wax myrtle.

You also need to work with what you have, and it may take some time for native plantings to catch up and provide the habitat values that mature shrubs and small trees provide. In the meantime, there is room for a few exotic (but NOT invasive) specimens to fill some roles in your habitat while you keep adding beautiful native species to your space.

Learn more in DWR’s Habitat at Home booklet.

Find what plants are native to your region of Virginia. And find where to purchase native plants.

Stephen Living, the DWR habitat education coordinator, is a biologist and naturalist with a lifelong love of wildlife and nature that began in the woods and streams of his childhood.

Gene variation makes apple trees ‘weep,’ improving orchards

July 21, 2023 · 2 minute read
Gene variation makes apple trees ‘weep,’ improving orchards
Kenong Xu, associate professor of horticulture, measures a weeping apple branch in an orchard at Cornell AgriTech. Credit: Erin Rodger/Provided

Plant geneticists have identified a mutation in a gene that causes the “weeping” architecture—branches growing downwards—in apple trees, a finding that could improve orchard fruit production.

For more than a century, growers have tied down apple branches when trees are young, in order to improve crop productivity. More research is needed to understand the mechanism for why branch bending improves yields, but studies have shown that the practice helps  allocate more resources such as carbon and other nutrients toward reproductive growth (flowering and fruiting) than toward vegetative growth (branches and leaves).

In rare cases, trees are known to naturally grow downwards.

The new study, published early release on July 3 in the journal Plant Physiology, identified a variation, or allele, of MdLAZY1A—a gene that largely controls weeping growth in apple.

“The findings presented in this paper could be used to make existing apple cultivars grow somewhat downwards and/or with more spreading branches, so they can be more productive, and it can save on labor costs of tying branches down,” said senior author Kenong Xu, associate professor in the School of Integrative Plant Science Horticulture Section at Cornell AgriTech in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.

The mutation is rare, occurring in less than 1% of trees.

Now that the mutation—a single nucleotide substitution to the MdLAZY1A gene—has been identified,  might use CRISPR/Cas-9 gene editing technology to develop cultivars with weeping-like growth, Xu said.

“We confirmed it through multiple transgenic studies,” Xu said. “We put that allele in a standard royal gala  cultivar and the tree grew downward.”

To identify the gene, the researchers used a “forward genetics” approach, where they looked at the observable traits in more than 1,000 offspring of weeping cultivars, and separated those that exhibited weeping vs. normal growth. They then used advanced genetic sequencing techniques to compare the two populations to locate the genetic determinant.

Laura Dougherty, Ph.D. ’19, a former postdoctoral researcher at Cornell and currently a research geneticist at the U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service, is the paper’s first author. Co-authors include Susan Brown, professor in the School of Integrative Plant Science (SIPS) Horticulture Section at Cornell AgriTech, and Miguel Piñeros, adjunct associate professor in SIPS’ Plant Biology Section.

More information: Laura Dougherty et al, A single amino acid substitution in MdLAZY1A dominantly impairs shoot gravitropism in Malus, Plant Physiology (2023). DOI: 10.1093/plphys/kiad373

Provided by Cornell University

Unraveling the tangled evolution of figs

July 20, 2023 · 2 minute read
Unraveling the tangled evolution of figs

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain

Containing more than 850 species, fig trees are one of the most diverse groups of plants in the world.

To unravel how this plant genus (Ficus in the Moraceae family) evolved to become such a diverse group, an international team of researchers, including a Northwestern University plant biologist, examined 1,858 genes from 520 species of figs. The study was published earlier this month in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Although previous researchers have hypothesized that fig diversity arose from widespread gene sharing across fig species, the new study instead suggests that gene sharing only modestly contributed to figs’ evolution. The new analysis paints a picture of stable evolution within lineages, punctuated by only occasional instances of cross-species gene sharing.

“When most people think of figs, a sweet, chewy treat comes to mind. But that tasty treat represents just one species,” said Nyree Zerega, a Northwestern botanist who co-authored the study. “Figs are one of the most diverse groups of plants and ecological keystones in a variety of habitats around the world. Their  and how they become so diverse has been difficult to unravel.”

Zerega is the director of the Program in Plant Biology and Conservation, a partnership between Northwestern and the Chicago Botanic Garden. The study was led by Elliot M. Gardner, who received his Ph.D. at Northwestern and is now an assistant professor at Case Western University.

When trying to explain fig trees’ diversity, previous researchers have looked to introgression—a process in which  pass from one species to a  through hybridization—as a major driver of fig diversity. This hypothesis emerged partly due to the way figs are pollinated. Each fig species is thought to have a unique fig wasp species that pollinates it, so pollinator switching could lead to hybridization driving diversity.

But the new study suggests fig trees’ evolution was steadier than that.

Fig evolution instead followed a stable, tree-like pattern with hybridization only occasionally leading to introgression across lineages, the researchers found. Few instances of introgressions among major fig lineages occurred.

The new analysis also examined fig trees’ relationship to the fig wasp pollinators of the Agaonidae family, which are specialized to pollinate . The researchers found that the ability to hybridize locally does not always lead to cross-lineage introgression in plants, especially when obligate plant–pollinator relationships exist.

“This study illuminates the complementary role of hybridization between fig  along with the role of co-diversification with their obligate fig wasp pollinators in the  and amazing diversification of this important group,” said Zerega, a conservation scientist at the Chicago Botanic Garden’s Negaunee Institute for Plant Conservation Science and Action. “But just as importantly, it provides a much-needed evolutionary road map that will be a game changer in informing future studies of this important group.”

More information: Elliot M. Gardner et al, Echoes of ancient introgression punctuate stable genomic lineages in the evolution of figs, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2023). DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2222035120

Virginia DOF Woodland Owner Retreats

July 12, 2023 · 0 minute read
Virginia DOF Woodland Owner Retreats

During the last woodland owner retreat in May, participants toured Mathews State Forest to learn about pine management from a DOF forester, gained hands-on experience with tree identification, and even inoculated their own shiitake mushroom logs to bring home. 🪵 🍄

Beginning Woodland Owner Retreats:

  • are hosted by the Virginia Department of Forestry and Virginia Cooperative Extension
  • are geared toward landowners who are new to forest management
  • provide information on both hardwood and pine forest management
  • offer chances for interaction with natural resource professionals from various agencies in Virginia, as well as with other landowners
  • provide information on estate planning, management planning, and certification
  • provide hands-on experience with tree identification, forestry equipment, and more…
The next retreat is Sept. 8 – 9 in New Kent. Register online ➡️

Which Settled First: the Oak or the Acorn?

July 12, 2023 · 6 minute read
Which Settled First: the Oak or the Acorn?

By Dean Cumbia, Director of Forest Management —

As the site of the first permanent English settlement and a hotbed of activity during the American Revolution and Civil War, Virginia has a rich history.  All throughout that history, trees have played a role.  Have you ever wondered whether some of the first trees settlers saw when they arrived are still standing? DOF recently tried to find out.

Last December, DOF staff visited Jamestown to meet with staff from Preservation Virginia, the organization that manages Historic Jamestowne in partnership with the National Park Service. The goal was to examine a mature willow oak tree on the historic site to estimate its age and determine if it may descend from oak trees there when English settlers arrived in 1607.

The first step was to determine the tree’s age. Willow oak is in the red oak group and native to eastern Virginia. The average willow oak lifespan is 100 years, but there are willow oaks in Virginia that have exceeded 200 and even 300 years of age.

Several methods can be used to age live trees, with the most common method being through the use of an increment borer. This tool bores a small hole into the center of the tree and a pencil-sized core sample is removed, allowing the counting of annual rings. This method is generally reliable, but if the tree is rotten or hollow (not uncommon with older trees), a complete sample cannot be gathered. The small hole created in the tree, while in most cases insignificant, could allow a path for decay or staining of the wood. Due to the significance of the oak, the decision was made to use another method to determine its age.

A tree’s size sometimes relates to age, however, there are many variables that affect size and growth rate including soil, moisture and sunlight. Trees that grow in open conditions typically grow faster, are larger in diameter and develop wider crowns.

Jamestown Willow Oak

DOF staff measured the Jamestown willow oak and determined it was 36.4 inches in diameter. Among other trees in a forest, willow oaks grow between 0.26 to 0.40 inches in diameter each year. At these rates of growth, a tree of this size could be between 90 and 140 years old.

However, given the oak’s persistent lower limbs and wide-spread, open branches, it’s likely that the tree grew in the open for most of its life. DOF sampling of open grown willow oaks showed a growth rate of 0.80 inches per year, double that of forest oaks. At this growth rate, a 36-inch willow oak could be as little as 45 years old. On the other hand, the Jamestown willow oak is showing some signs of decline, which has likely resulted in a slowed growth rate. These varying factors make it difficult to determine the age of the tree from size alone.


Yet another way of aging and learning more about the life of a tree is through examining historic and photographic evidence. Since the original settlement, Jamestown has more or less been in continuous use by various peoples. Trees were cleared from the island for agriculture, fuel and construction of the colonial fort and other structures. Jamestown was also the site of activity during the American Revolution, the War of 1812 and the Civil War. The willow oak of interest is within the perimeter of the earthen fortifications of the Civil War-era fort.

The search started with photographs of Jamestown. Preservation Virginia provided a number of historic photographs, including some aerial photographs from the 1920s that show most of Jamestown was open land, in pasture or some other agricultural use. However, a patch of trees is evident where Fort Pocahontas and the old church are. Rare photos from around 1901, when the seawall on the river was built, are about the oldest that were located. These pictures show small-to-medium trees in the area.

In order to look further back, our investigation turned to historical accounts, as to date, there are no known photographs or newspaper illustrations of Jamestown during the Civil War. In the book, Embattled Shrine: Jamestown During the Civil War, author David Riggs provides details of the Jamestown Island area during Civil War activity. The book includes an account from young Civil War Second Lieutenant Emmett M. Morrison, who was assigned to Fort Pocahontas to train enlistees.

Riggs and Morrison describe the Jamestown Island area: “its flat, barren appearance which is described by Morrison as ‘a perfect desert.’ The soil was sandy and the landscape was devoid of trees. Only as one looked southeastward did a third feature, the Ambler house, rise into view. The house was situated on about an acre of beautiful grass, the only greenery in the area.”

With the degree of construction, war activity, and the military need for unobstructed lines of sight, it’s very unlikely there were any trees within Fort Pocahontas while it was occupied. This means trees in the area are unlikely to pre-date the Civil War activity. But this look into historical accounts allows us to establish the upper maximum age. When the fort was abandoned in 1865, the trees were able to regenerate (as seen in the photos from the 1900s), making the oldest potential age of a present-day tree in the area of the fort 157 years old.

As to how the trees regenerated…chances are, they had some help from birds. Just as squirrels move and transplant acorns with their caching tendencies, birds will carry or eat seeds then later drop or excrete them. Blue jays in particular carry acorns long distances and often successfully establish oaks far from parent trees. This is the likely how present-day trees like the willow oak were able to make a comeback.

Origin of the Jamestown Willow Oak 

So far, our investigation has indicated that it is very unlikely the present-day willow oak was alive at the time of the original settlement in 1607. However, if it can be determined that willow oaks were historically present on Jamestown Island, we may learn whether the present-day tree hails from original trees in the area. That’s where the archeologists from Preservation Virginia come in.

In and around Fort Pocahontas are several old wells. The colonial settlement was plagued by lack of a good water supply. Wells were dug, served for a time, then became unusable. After they were abandoned, they became a place to discard refuse and trash. The wells filled naturally with mud, preserving their contents by removing any oxygen and preventing decomposition. This process turned the wells into “muddy time capsules” containing many artifacts from which archeologists have made some great discoveries.

Leah Stricker is an archeologist and curator with Preservation Virginia at Jamestown, specializing in archaeobotany, the study of ancient plant remains. Excavation of the wells yielded various plant parts and materials from approximately 1611-1616. This included walnut shells, hickory nuts, squash, pumpkin rinds, grape seeds and yes… acorns! This indicates that all of these plants occurred during this time period.

DOF staff joined Stricker in examining a number of oak acorns in the collection. These acorns were compared with those collected from the willow oak tree in 2022 and seemed to be a match. Additionally, a leaf from the well collection was positively identified as a willow oak. So, willow oaks were present on Jamestown Island in the early 1600s!

The conclusion

While we cannot definitively identify the present-day Jamestown willow oak in historic photographs, research suggests it may have grown shortly after Civil War activity in Jamestown concluded, meaning it could be up to 157 years old. Our investigation also concluded that since willow oaks were present at the time of settlement, this tree is very likely the descendant of a willow oak growing when settlers first landed in Jamestown in 1607.

This project would not have been possible without support from Preservation Virginia, Jamestowne Rediscovery at Historic Jamestowne, Voorhees Archaearium Museum and the Library of Virginia. DOF welcomes continued conversations around both historical and contemporary trees.

James River goes live:

July 5, 2023 · 3 minute read
James River goes live:

New streaming camera captures stunning waterside views of Richmond

River Rats… rejoice! A new camera is now live streaming straight from the middle of the James River in downtown Richmond, giving river lovers a spectacular live look at the water — from the epicenter of the action.

8News partnered with Friends of the James River Park, with assistance from Riverside Outfitters and Terrain360, to install the camera beneath the T. Tyler Potterfield Bridge — which connects Brown’s Island to the RVA Free Climbing Wall on the Southside Richmond shoreline — to relay a live feed straight back to the 8News “James River Watch Cam” web page.

Josh Stutz, executive director of Richmond-based nonprofit Friends of the James River Park, says the biggest motivation for installing the camera was to spread river safety awareness and elevate the concept that rivers can be unpredictable — and dangerous.

“It’s not the same river every day,” Stutz explained. “I think that’s really the key to it — is that it changes. The levels go up and down, the water temperature changes. And those all mean different things for different types of recreation.”

View from the James River Cam in Richmond, Virginia

View from the James River Cam in Richmond, Virginia

The camera’s installation comes just under a year after two women died on the James on Memorial Day when their group of 12 floating down the river found themselves swept over a historically dangerous feature just before the James E. Willey Memorial Bridge, the so-called “drowning machine” — Bosher’s Dam.

Whether you’re planning to float on tubes, kayak, canoe, paddleboard, raft, or just go hang out — Stutz hopes the new camera and the river information given alongside it will help people to be more informed, so they can better plan their trip to ensure they have fun while staying safe.

“The number of accidents on the dams is extremely high,” Stutz said. “I would say that part of that is folks just not knowing the hazards, or not fully understanding what they’re up against out there. This is for the average person who doesn’t know much but sees people out there and wants to join in on that good time, but who doesn’t have the experience to just look out there and tell [if it is safe].”

Alongside daily outdoor activities, with the camera’s positioning, Stutz says viewers will be able to see how the river dramatically changes across different water levels.

“Water could even get close to that camera at some point depending on how bad the river floods,” Stutz said. “From that camera, you’ll see all sorts of activity on Belle Isle, you’ll see folks crossing the bridge. And then, right where that sits, there are actually rafters and kayakers that come right under the bridge right there.”

Stutz said the camera is part of an effort to build a “broader culture of awareness” around safety on the James, and compared the river report now included on the 8News weather segment — to the morning surf report given in beachside communities. Included, are the river temperature and level, as well as any potential safety information for the day.

A basic guide for those interested in going out on the water is that for most activities, a river level below five feet is considered less hazardous. Stutz explained that when the water rises above five feet, the rapids pick up and the current begins to move faster. According to the Friends of James River Park safety rules, anyone on the water when it is above five feet must be wearing a life jacket.

James River Safety Checklist

  • Check the river level — River levels fluctuate. At five feet and below, it is safe to tube. Above five feet requires a life jacket or flotation device.
  • Check the weather — High winds and heavy rains can make boating and swimming dangerous. Be sure to know before you go.
  • Check the water temperature — The temperature of the river can play a large role in determining what gear you need, and more.
  • Know where your put-in and take-out points are — Check your map for dams and other hazards, and have a backup plan if you miss your take-out.

You can find more rules and safety tips, alongside a wealth of James River exploration and activity information, online at

DelDOT and DDA Tree Planting In Support Of Forest Initiative Fund

July 5, 2023 · 2 minute read
DelDOT and DDA Tree Planting In Support Of Forest Initiative Fund

The Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) is partnering with the Delaware Department of Agriculture’s Delaware Forest Service (DFS) to plant over 12,100 trees in support of the Forest Initiative Fund (FIF). FIF was created by the DFS to help address water quality, air quality, and overall life for all of Delawareans in the simplest way, through the planting of trees. This program is designed to enhance both rural and urban forests throughout Delaware, as well as ease to landowners and communities, while at the same time providing the key benefits we all need. Pictured here are just two examples of what programs the DFS provides.

The trees are being planted in the state right-of-way, along the POW-MIA Parkway, west of Charles Polk Road in Dover and along Route 1, south of Johnson Road in Lincoln. The trees will be a variety of sizes and native species, ranging from small seedlings to larger balled and burlapped trees. In addition, some flowering species to support pollinators for beautification will be included.

“These recent plantings are a great representation of state agencies working together to promote sustainable forestry efforts for future generations. The development of the Forest Initiative Fund (FIF) created an opportunity for DelDOT to partner with the Delaware Department of Agriculture’s Delaware Forest Service to create new forests and reduce maintenance costs for the Agency. It has been a pleasure working with DelDOT to find innovative ways to implement tree plantings alongside of our roadways which will help with stormwater filtration, air quality, and aesthetics for our local residents and visitors,” said Delaware State Forester Kyle Hoyd.

“In addition to the many environmental benefits trees provide, these afforestation projects will also reduce approximately 20 acres of mowing for [DelDOT] and we are continuing to look at other areas across the State, where we can do additional plantings,” added Secretary of Transportation Nicole Majeski.

This partnership helps promote sustainable forestry practices by two State agencies in order to ensure forests for future Delawareans. With DelDOT as a State agency owning a large portion of Delaware land, this partnership will provide multiple future opportunities to collaborate as we strive to meet the goal of appropriate usage of open space. Even though the Forest Initiative Fund is in its first year, and the latest program since the Delaware Forest Service’s implementation in 1927, the FIF has resulted in the planting of 77,000 trees with private and public landowners. More information on the DFS forest stewardship program: More information on the DFS landowner assistance program:

A giant sequoia tree is thriving in a surprising place: Northern Michigan

June 28, 2023 · 1 minute read
A giant sequoia tree is thriving in a surprising place: Northern Michigan

There’s a surprisingly large tree thriving Up North near the shore of Lake Michigan: A 75-year-old giant sequoia.

The tree, planted in 1948 in Manistee Township, is 116 feet tall and 5 feet in diameter, said Jim Cowan, president of the nonprofit Lake Bluff Farms, 2890 Lakeshore Road in Manistee Township. Its 75th birthday party will be held 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday-Tuesday, June 29-July 4, as part of the Manistee National Forest Festival.

The Michigan Champion giant sequoia is an anomaly.

Scientists are baffled as to how it has flourished so far from its home range – the western slopes of the Sierra Nevada mountains – in an area that’s much colder than what sequoias normally withstand, Cowan said.

And it’s not the only one. There are two other giant sequoias – each approaching 100 feet tall – that survived the 1948 planting by the Gray family. The Grays planted 80 species of trees in their arboretum on the property.

The family donated the property in 1983

Today, the arboretum includes the three thriving giant sequoias, a 30-foot-tall baby sequoia and a dawn redwood, Cowan said. Over the past two years, the nonprofit planted 15 giant sequoia clones donated by Archangel Ancient Tree Archive in Copemish.

One is a clone of the 116-foot Michigan tree. Another is a clone of the Amos Alonzo Stagg Tree, which is located in the Alder Creek Grove at Giant Sequoia National Monument in California; it is the fifth largest tree in the world. There are also several clones of the Waterfall tree, which had the biggest trunk of any sequoia; it was lost in a wildfire.

While Manistee’s giant sequoia is considered large, it’s smaller than its Californian counterparts, which have grown to an average 250 to 275 feet tall and 15 to 20 feet in diameter. They generally reach 100 to 150 feet tall by the time they’re 50 years old.

Still, it’s the largest giant sequoia east of the Rocky Mountains and it could be very important, Cowan said. Sequoias are known as big-time users of carbon dioxide, removing up to 10 times more from the atmosphere compared to other trees. Clones of the Manistee tree could allow sequoias to be planted around the world, he said.

You can see the phenomenon for yourself by visiting Lake Bluff Farms, 2890 Lakeshore Road in Manistee Township. It is open daily from dawn to dusk. There’s no admission fee, but the organization does ask for donations.

Forest Carbon Offset Project In Canada Damaged By Raging Wildfires

June 28, 2023 · 1 minute read
Forest Carbon Offset Project In Canada Damaged By Raging Wildfires

The Canadian BigCoast Forest Climate Initiative carbon project was affected by a blaze of raging wildfires that engulfed parts of the country at the beginning of June 2023. The project, run by Mosaic Forest Management Corporation, has yet to calculate the size of the impact on their base.

Focused on sustainable forest management, the BigCoast Forest Climate Initiative aims to preserve woodlands and generate positive social and economic benefits for the communities involved. It began work in 2022, when it committed to not harvesting trees on over 40,000 hectares of Mosaic’s private land throughout Coastal British Columbia for a minimum of 25 years.

The project also offers carbon credits to companies looking for emissions compensation. This is made possible through the initiative’s carbon storage and avoidance services, which rely on independent verification before issuing credits and making them available for purchase.

Relevant: Mast Reforestation Secures $15 Million From Carbon Streaming

The managing company stated that about 100 hectares of their 40.000 hectares of forest were affected by the fire, or in other words, 0.25% of the entire project. This leaves uncertainties about the extent of damage to their CO2 removal capacity as well as the amount of carbon released during the fire.

Scientists have expressed concern that using a temporary carbon storage solution such as trees, hides a lot of risks, as the emission compensation provided by this method can’t compete with the harmful effect of burning fossil fuels, which remain in the atmosphere for hundreds of years. Forest fires are another threat that will require significant assessment in the future.

After the fire was suppressed, Mosaic classified the volume of affected property as “negligible”. The company will take some time to calculate emissions and apply them to future carbon accounting while alertly facing the rest of the Canadian fire season along with other carbon offset providers.

‘It’s a carbon bomb’: Exploring Sweden’s foresting industry

June 21, 2023 · 3 minute read
‘It’s a carbon bomb’: Exploring Sweden’s foresting industry

Sweden is one of the world’s biggest exporters of wood-based materials. We meet the foresters trying to promote more sustainable practices for the industry.

Europe is blessed with magnificent forests. They are vital to us: they clean our air and even help combat climate change. But they are also highly in demand.

We cut down trees to make our homes, our furniture, our paper. We have destroyed, replanted, and exploited forests. In Europe, the number of forests is increasing, but their health is declining.

So how can we restore them sustainably?

In Sweden, forests cover two-thirds of Sweden and many people rely on them for their livelihood. It’s the most forested country in the European Union.

Although known for its pro-environment ethos, Sweden’s ancient forests have disappeared, and been replaced by monoculture tree crops.

Per Jiborn, a board member of the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation knows a thing or two about the subject. He agreed to show me the results of a technique often used in Sweden looks like. It’s called clearcutting.

What is clearcutting?

Clearcutting is a logging technique where trees are cut down uniformly one by one in quick succession. It is favoured by some foresters as it is the quickest way to make a profit off cut-down trees.

However, as Jiborn shows, the impact it can leave on a block of land is devastating.

“10 years ago, all this was a forest. Now you have sun all day. All this will dry out. The insects have a totally different world in this area,” Jibborn says.

Forested land in Sweden - Euronews

Forested land in Sweden – Euronews

On top of insects having no soil to feed off, the once-forested land can’t retain carbon. More forests mean more carbon absorption – which in turn means less carbon hurting our environment.

“When the organic material is decomposing, it leaks carbon in the atmosphere. But a forest also has activities of storing carbon. On a clearcut, there is pretty much only the decomposition going on. And this means that here in Sweden it takes around at least seven years until the forest is only a carbon source,” explains a chief forester of Plockhugget and forest defender to Jiborn.

“A clearcut is a climate bomb. If you exclude the clear cut from the forestry, you exclude that ‘bomb’ part!” Steer adds.

The Swedish timber industry disputes this. It says it replants more trees than it cuts down and it claims it has a positive impact on climate.

More sustainable practices

Steer works with landowners who want to manage their forests more sustainably – like Peter Johnson.

On Johnson’s land, there is no clearcutting. Instead, the trees to be cut are selected. Those that have a high environmental value are left standing. And there are lots of them, with different varieties such as Spruce, pine, birch, oak, aspen, and ash.

The diversity in tree type helps plants and insects in the forest keep nourished. Johnson’s forests are managed using the ‘continuous cover forestry’ technique. It means fewer costs for preparing the soil and planting.

“Now we have only the cost of taking down one tree that generates good profit. And we have the forest that is still here. Many costs we used to have for cutting small trees, they are gone,” Johnson says.

Forests then fully play their role as carbon sinks. This is one of the objectives of a major Nature Restoration Law currently negotiated at EU level.

What is the Nature Restoration Law?

The European Union wants to improve the condition of ecosystems well beyond natural parks, with the aim of restoring the ecosystems by 2050. But there is work to be done in the forests.

Almost half of them are in poor condition, according to Virginijus Sinkevičius, the European Commissioner for the Environment.

“Forests are multi-taskers. They clear our air, they give us shade and mitigate the temperatures, but they are also a great carbon sink. And if we lose this carbon sink, then we lose one of the most important values that forests bring us,” Sinkevičius tells Euronews.

Virginijus Sinkevičius (left) speaking with Euronews journalist Cyril Fourneris (right) - Euronews

Virginijus Sinkevičius (left) speaking with Euronews journalist Cyril Fourneris (right) – Euronews

The Nature Restoration law does not just tie itself to the forestry economy either. Instead the EU seeks to increase green spaces in urban spaces, restore marine ecosystems and reverse the decline in pollination insects.

Can a future European law on nature restoration change the landscape of Sweden?

“I think it’s a possibility (opportunity). Because we can use more forest for recreation, nature-based tourism, and we could make more money and generate more jobs,” Jiborn concludes.

Scary New Insights into Ghost Forests

June 21, 2023 · 3 minute read
Scary New Insights into Ghost Forests

Ghost Forests Don’t Have Ghosts

Let’s start with the good news. There are no ghosts in ghost forests, even though the large tracts of land with lots of dead trees do give off a kind of eerie feeling.

Now for the bad news. Ghost forests are the remains of once-thriving green woodlands that stored vast amounts of carbon. And as the forests transform, that carbon is being released back into the atmosphere, making the challenge of slowing climate change even worse.

Those are the findings of new research into ghost forests conducted by researchers at NC State, who analyzed wood buried in the soil of a forested wetland in eastern North Carolina.

“These freshwater forested wetlands have been storing carbon for millennia,” said John King, professor of forestry and environmental resources at NC State and one of the authors of the study. “But now the leaves, wood and roots that have been storing carbon for thousands of years are in an area that is rapidly changing.”

Ghost Forests Are Really Old

Carbon dating revealed the coast site in the study was a forest almost 1,800 years ago.

“The deepest piece of wood we found was from a root system of an upland forest about 1,800 years ago, according to radioactive carbon isotope dating,” said King, “And while we found pieces of wood distributed throughout the upper layer of soil, the carbon dating also showed the accumulation of new soil slowed the closer we got to modern times.”

And that’s the key. The old forest is dying, and the ecosystem that is replacing it isn’t keeping up with what is being lost.

In the study (published in the journal Land), NC State researchers reported that pond pine forests of the region are experiencing suppressed growth and high mortality, leading to the formation of ghost forests.

And the transition is happening faster than they imagined.

The Forest Is Transforming Faster than Expected

“We collected our data in 2014 and 2015 in what we considered a healthy forest, and if you go down there now, it has almost completely transitioned to a ghost forest,” added King.

“At the time of our measurements, about 60% of the trees in the ghost forest were dead or dying,” said Maricar Aguilos, postdoctoral research scholar at NC State and the lead author of the study. “As of February 2022, we’re seeing that level of mortality in what we considered a healthy forest in 2015. Flooding and saltwater are invading the freshwater inland, and the ghost forest formation is an indicator of the impact.”

Researchers sampled the soil to try to quantify how much carbon was stored in the soil and to see how it has changed over time. And while the data showed a forest covered the area long ago, they also found the rate of soil accumulation can’t keep up with the pace of sea-level rise. Essentially, the soil is being submerged.

“That means all of the carbon in the dead trees will decompose and return to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide,” said King. “In addition, some of the carbon in the organic soil will likely decompose and return to the atmosphere as methane. That’s where we talk about wetlands being big sources of carbon to the atmosphere.”

The researchers say their findings suggest sea levels are rising faster than the forest can build up new soil. The trees are dying, and the forest is changing into a shrub ecosystem. However, they believe even that will change once the soil becomes too wet for shrubs and the area eventually turns into a marsh.

It’s estimated wetlands contain about 21% of terrestrial carbon. As sea levels rise, what will happen to the carbon stored there?

Trees as old as time: Using tree resin to reconstruct million-year old ecosystems

June 14, 2023 · 3 minute read
Trees as old as time: Using tree resin to reconstruct million-year old ecosystems

Fossil tree resins open a window into the deep past as their organic compounds, termed biomarkers, can be used to identify the botanical provenance of these ancient trees, as well as the paleoenvironmental conditions in which they grew. Amber, one such resin, is a prized gemstone, but can also preserve plants and insects living on the tree at the time of resin exudation in immaculate detail.

Due to this exceptional preservation, resins have been given a special name to signify their paleontological and geological importance—Konservat Lagerstätten. Resins have a practical purpose for trees as they have antifungal and antibacterial properties, and they deter invasions of hostile organisms, such as insects, which ultimately are themselves preserved. They can additionally attract pollinators to aid in reproduction.

Sedimentary rocks yield fossil resins at the scale of several centimeters down to a few millimeters and are often transported to coastal and nearshore environments, but may even extend to the deep sea. It is these sediments that scientists sample to obtain resins for chemical analyses to understand environmental and ecological changes through time.

Each of the preserved biomarkers in these sediments have a distinct chemical pattern, which matures over time as the resin is buried under more sediment, forming a bioterpenoid. Researchers have used cutting-edge technology to study these bioterpenoids in order to identify tree families from millions of years ago.

These methods include gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, whereby small samples of the resin are crushed and react with chemicals while heating and evaporating, causing the to separate. The mass spectrometer equipment then displays a visual image of these compounds, known as a chromatogram, which can be analyzed. This allows the fossil resin to be categorized into one of five major classes that are known to be associated with particular tree families, therefore aiding in the reconstruction of past botanical communities.

At the largest scale, the resin can be identified as belonging to either a gymnosperm (plants that reproduce via exposed seeds and tend to be evergreen, such as pines, cedars and ginko) or angiosperm (flowering and fruiting plants and trees that usually lose their leaves in autumn, such as oaks and maples).

Summary research by scientists at AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland, newly published in Earth-Science Reviews identifies 25 key biomarkers in gymnosperms and 15 in angiosperms that can be associated with particular environmental conditions, collating a wealth of previous studies of ambers from different global locations and ages.

Interestingly, the reason that the resin was extruded impacts which biomarkers are present, as lead researcher Jan Pańezak explains. “The occurrence of some compounds can be indicative of paleoenvironment, but not all compounds can provide direct information, for example, due to the reasons of resin exudation, such as if this specific resin exudated because of herbivore or microbial attack.”

These biomarkers include monoterpenes, which occur in all resins initially, but transform over time and thus are generally only found in more geologically recent tree resins, such as those from the Late Pliocene and Early Pleistocene (3.6 to 0.77 million years ago) found within ambers from East Himalaya. Today, they form part of the essential oils in plants that attract pollinators.

Sesquiterpenes are another group of early biomarker that matures, possessing antimicrobial and defensive properties in modern plants and trees. Examples include bicadinanes, which are indicative of warm and humid climates, known from tropical zones of South-East Asia during the Cenozoic (66 million years ago to the present day), while rosane suggests an environment with high oxygen levels.

Conversely, more complex biomarkers that fall under the categories of diterpenes and triterpenes include sulfurized forms that indicate the presence of reducing bacteria that thrive in oxygen-deficient conditions. Through the process of identifying the conditions in which a particular biomarker forms, scientists have been able to locate specific regions in which the trees would have originated and determined which tree families were thriving under particular climatic conditions.

Furthermore, the paleoclimate at the time of resin expulsion can be determined by the isotopic composition of oxygen, carbon and hydrogen, as these remain fixed through time and can be important proxies for paleotemperature, therefore highlighting climate change events. Given that these still occur in extant plants and trees, looking to the past is an important key to understanding how modern plant communities may also fare during current and future climate change.

Forest Service to spray spongy moth control from aircraft over Southwest Virginia

June 14, 2023 · 1 minute read
Forest Service to spray spongy moth control from aircraft over Southwest Virginia

Federal and state wildlife officials will spray treatments over parts of Southwest Virginia to control the spread of spongy moths, formerly known as gypsy moths.

A release from the U.S. Forest Service states the service and the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Service plan to spray the “reproduction disrupting pheromone” in parts of the Mount Rogers National Recreation Area. The affected areas will “include 3,219 acres at Konnarock in Grayson County and 6,884 acres at Whitetop Mountain in Smyth County.”

According to the forest service, the spray affects the spongy moths only and poses a “very low risk” to people and other wildlife.

In order to disperse the treatment, aircraft will fly at low elevations during acceptable weather conditions. The forest service stated that if the weather remains favorable, all treatments could be completed during the week of June 12.

The areas are being sprayed as part of a national program entitled “Slow the Spread,” which aims to benefit the country’s oak-dominated forests. Spongy moths are considered a threat to forests due to their intense hunger as caterpillars.

Spongy moth caterpillars can quickly consume the foliage of a tree, substantially weakening or even killing it. Oak forests are especially susceptible to spongy moth threats since oak leaves are a favorite food of the caterpillars.

The George Washington and Jefferson National Forest, which houses the Mount Rogers National Recreation Area, is an oak-dominated forest.

Similar measures were taken in Johnson County, Tennessee in March by the Tennessee Department of Agriculture.

The oldest tree in the world (and the 7 runner-ups)

June 7, 2023 · 5 minute read
The oldest tree in the world (and the 7 runner-ups)

From Prometheus and Methuselah to trees in remote forests of China, these are the most ancient known trees on Earth.

The world’s oldest trees were growing when the Great Pyramid of Giza was being built and were already thousands of years old when Julius Caesar came to power.

To determine a tree’s age, scientists collect a core sample from the plant’s base and then count its rings. This dating of tree rings is called dendrochronology and it can be a valuable tool for measuring tree age and studying environmental changes over time.

However, due to rotting and the thickness of a tree’s trunk, it’s not always possible to get complete cores. Often tree ages are determined after it has died, but it is possible to get a core without killing it with a specialist tool that can extract a very narrow sample.

In addition, an infinitesimal percentage of old trees have been cored in the first place — according to a study published in Nature in 2015, Earth is home to over 3 trillion trees.

Here are the longest-lived trees ever to be discovered on Earth.

1.  Prometheus (at least 4,900 years old when it was cut down)

Donald Currey on a limb of Prometheus, which was estimated to be 4,900 years old when it was cut down. (Image credit: San Francisco Chronicle/Hearst Newspapers via Getty Images)

Donald Currey on a limb of Prometheus, which was estimated to be 4,900 years old when it was cut down. (Image credit: San Francisco Chronicle/Hearst Newspapers via Getty Images)

Prometheus, a Great Basin bristlecone pine (Pinus longaeva) in Wheeler Peak, Nevada, lived close to 5,000 years before it was cut down in 1964. It remains the longest-lived tree definitively documented.

Prometheus met its end when geographer Donald R. Currey, who was studying ice age glaciology and had been granted permission to take core samples from pines in the park, cut it down (also with permission). Currey counted 4,862 rings and estimated the tree was more than 4,900-years-old.The stump Currey used to count the rings was not taken from the very bottom of the tree, so the tree was certainly older than 4,862 years.

There are competing accounts as to why the tree was felled, according to the National Park Service. The most popular version is that Currey’s coring tool got stuck and he cut down the tree as a result. Others suggest he cut down the tree to get a better count of its rings. Today, a piece of the tree can be viewed at the Great Basin Visitor Center in Nevada at the Great Basin National Park.

2.  Methuselah (at least 4,600 years old)

The location of Methuselah in California's White Mountains is a secret. (Image credit: hlsnow/Getty Images)

The location of Methuselah in California’s White Mountains is a secret. (Image credit: hlsnow/Getty Images)

Since 1957, this bristlecone pine has held the title of the world’s oldest living tree. Methuselah was discovered by famed tree researcher Edmund Schulman, a scientist at the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research at the University of Arizona. He found Methuselah’s age after taking cores from many bristlecones in the area and counting the rings.

To protect Methuselah from tourists, who might damage the tree by touching it or walking near its roots, the U.S. Forest Service has long kept Methuselah’s exact location a secret and does not release photographs of it. The tree is somewhere along the 4.5-mile (7.2 kilometers) Methuselah Trail in the White Mountains of Inyo National Forest in California.

3.  Mystery tree (4,000 to 4,900 years old)

The mystery tree (not pictured) is thought to have been identified from a core sample was also a bristlecone pine. (Image credit: Piriya Photography/Getty Images)

The mystery tree (not pictured) is thought to have been identified from a core sample was also a bristlecone pine. (Image credit: Piriya Photography/Getty Images)

In the 2010s, rumors began to circulate that Schulman and his research team had unwittingly collected core samples from a tree older than Methuselah. Before his death in 2013, Tom Harlan, a scientist who worked with Schulman, said he found a core sample from another bristlecone pine tree that was at least 4,800 years old in the archives of the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research.

However, Matthew Salzer, a research scientist at the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, has not been able to find that core. Salzer and a colleague used old notes to find the tree they believed Harlan was talking about, but they did not get a good enough sample to verify its age, according to the Washington Post. However, based on their imperfect core, they said the tree could be older than Methuselah but probably not as old as Prometheus. This tree is also in the White Mountains of California, but its location beyond that is secret.

4. Alerce Milenario (2,400 to 5,400 years old)

Alerce Milenario in Chile is thought to be over 5,000 years old. (Image credit: Martin Bernetti/Getty Images)

Alerce Milenario in Chile is thought to be over 5,000 years old. (Image credit: Martin Bernetti/Getty Images)

The Alerce Milenario or Gran Abuelo (great-grandfather), in Chile’s Alerce Costero National Park, made headlines in 2022 when researchers used computer modeling to estimate its age at 5,484 years.

The trunk of the alerce (Fitzroya cupressoides), also called a Patagonian cypress, is over 13 feet (4.3 meters) — so big that researchers could get only a partial core. On that core, they counted 2,400 tree rings and estimated the additional age using modeling. According to Science magazine, the tree was estimated to be 5,484 years old.

This type of modeling is not yet fully accepted by the scientific community, but the core alone makes this tree indisputably one of Earth’s oldest. Alerce Milenario’s location is not a secret, and tourists regularly visit and walk around its root system. Jonathan Barichivich, an environmental scientist who led the recent research into the tree, hoped the publicity this research generated would lead to more efforts to protect the tree.

5. Giant sequoias (over 3,000 years old)

General Sherman in California's Sequoia National Park is thought to be over 3,000 years old. (Image credit: NPS)

General Sherman in California’s Sequoia National Park is thought to be over 3,000 years old. (Image credit: NPS)

Like alerces, California’s giant sequoias (Sequoiadendron giganteum) are so large that tree coring tools generally can’t adequately measure their age while the trees are alive. The most accurate estimates of old sequoia trees often come primarily from trees that have been cut down or fell due to natural causes, Peter Brown, founder of Rocky Mountain Tree-Ring Research, which maintains a list of the world’s oldest scientifically verified trees, told Live Science in an email.

Four giant sequoias over 3,000 years old have been discovered, though none are still standing. The President, in California’s Sequoia National Park, is estimated to be over 3,200 years old.

The world’s largest tree, General Sherman — also located in Sequoia National Park — is estimated to be about 2,200 years old.


For the full list, visit the full article here. Two more trees on this list exist in North America!

Study suggests long-lived tree species play greater role in generating genetic diversity

June 7, 2023 · 3 minute read
Study suggests long-lived tree species play greater role in generating genetic diversity

A study of the relationship between the growth rate of tropical trees and the frequency of genetic mutations they accumulate suggests that older, long-lived trees play a greater role in generating and maintaining genetic diversity than short-lived trees.

The study, published today as a Reviewed Preprint in eLife, provides what the editors describe as compelling evidence that acquire at a similar yearly rate, independent of cell division and regardless of their .

The findings may be used to inform ecosystem conservation strategies, particularly in the tropical forests of southeast Asia, which are under threat from climate change and deforestation.

“Biodiversity ultimately results from mutations that provide genetic variation for organisms to adapt to their environment,” explains co-lead author Akiko Satake, a Professor in the Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Kyushu University, Japan. “However, how and when these mutations occur in is poorly understood.”

Somatic mutations are spontaneous changes in an organism’s DNA that occur during its lifespan. They can arise due to external factors such as ultraviolet radiation, or internal factors such as DNA replication errors. It is not clear which of these factors causes mutations more frequently, particularly in tropical ecosystems and trees, which are not as well characterized as their more temperate counterparts.

To understand this better, Satake and colleagues examined the rates and patterns of somatic mutations in two species of tropical trees native to central Borneo, Indonesia: the slow-growing Shorea laevis (S. laevis), and the fast-growing S. leprosula. The species S. leprosula grows more than three times faster than S. laevis.

Comparing the somatic mutations of the two tree species allowed the team to gain insights into the impact of growth rate on the accumulation of these mutations, and its potential role in driving evolution and species diversity.

They collected seven DNA samples from the leaves at the highest level of the tree branches, as well as samples from the trunk of each tree, totaling 32 samples. The length and diameter of the trees at breast height was used to determine the average age of each species in the sampling area. S. laevis trees were on average 256 years old, whereas S. leprosula trees were on average 66 years old.

To identify the mutations present, the team constructed a reference genetic dataset for each tree species, using the DNA collected from the leaves. The was determined using a technique called long-read PacBio RS II and short-read Illumina sequencing. The team extracted DNA twice from each sample, allowing them to pinpoint single nucleotide variants (SNVs) within the same individual by identifying those that were identical between the two samples.

The majority of mutations were found to be present within a single tree branch. However, some mutations were found across multiple branches, implying that they had been transmitted between branches at some point during the tree’s growth.

In both species, the team noticed a linear increase in the number of mutations with physical distance between branches. The rate of mutations per meter was on average 3.7 times greater in the slow-growing S. leavis than in the fast-growing S. leprosula, suggesting that slow-growing trees accumulate more somatic mutations.

However, when accounting for the differences in growth rates, and calculating the rate of mutations per year, the two species had equal rates. This finding suggests that somatic mutations accumulate in a clock-like manner as a tree ages, independent of DNA replication and growth rate.

“We also found that somatic mutations are neutral within an individual—that is, they are neither beneficial nor detrimental to survival. However, those mutations transmitted to the next generation are subject to strong natural selection during and growth,” says co-lead author Ryosuke Imai, Post-doctoral Fellow in the Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Kyushu University.

“This suggests that somatic mutations accumulate with time, and older trees contribute more towards generating genetic variation and adaptation to their environment, thereby increasing the chances of their species’ survival.”

Imai and colleagues encourage further research into this area. In particular, they say that mathematical modeling would be required to consider the asymmetric division of cells during elongation and branching in order to further validate the findings.

“In trees, can be transmitted to seeds, resulting in rich genetic variations within subsequent generations,” states one of the author Masahiro Kasahara, Associate Professor in the department of computational biology and medical sciences, the University of Tokyo, Japan. “As the tropical rainforests of southeast Asia face the threats of and deforestation, our study suggests that long-lived trees may play a crucial role in maintaining and increasing the of these tropical systems.”